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The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.96
Your Price: $15.97
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Matrix Revolutions- Everything that has beginning has an end
Review: This was an excellent movie with very few flaws. It is a great ending for a series that otherwise would not have made sense. Matrix and Reloaded were excellent too, yet in different ways. Matrix opened up the philosophy of what the story was about while Reloaded focused mainly on visual appeal to the audience. Revolutions was a great finish to a great series. It's just too bad that Neo gets his butt kicked (unlike the first two parts).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie was awsome!!!!!!!
Review: Okay. Lets get the obvious out of the way. Reloaded and Revolutions are the same movie, just broken up into parts. So don't judge Revolutions on what it lacks because all that you are saying it is missing was in Reloaded. Did you want the Wachowski's to repeat themselves over and over again. This movie was awsome if it is looked at in the context that it is meant to be watched. The story was awesome! The action was upped another 10 notches and it through me for a loop when Agent Smith said that The Oracle was his mother!!!! I mean where did that come from!!!!!! It just pops up out of nowhere. That and the fact that the war is finally over are good closures to an excellent story and a wonderful Trilogy!! This is a must see for ALL MATRIX FANS and all action movie fans in general. Sure, if you haven't seen the first two movies then the third will open and leave you hanging but if you look at them in their rightful context, then its easy to see that they are great movies. And if you think about it, none of us have really seen any of them, because with the reviews that I have read, you are all living in a dream world if you think these movies are anything short of spectacullar!!!!!!.....................................................................................................................................................................................................SYSTEM..FAILURE.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Try to understand this.....
Review: Okay, alot of you people have taken this movie out of the context that it should be watched and "reviewed as you so call it" in. Reloaded and Revolutions are "one" movie. They are meant to be watched in succession. For this reason I think you people have forgotten what the movies are about. The Wachowski Brothers created this world and to understand it you must think inside of their rules. Now, grant it, they broke most of their own rules in the making of the second and third movies, but just hear me out. the entire philosophy of these movies is based on the idea that all humans are slaves and are connected to the Matrix so they can be used for a source of energy. This INCLUDES Neo. Agent Smith is the program form of Neo's opposite. Neo can use his powers in and out of the Matrix because he reallized the choice that he made. For that reason he can use his powers and for that reason only. I can't beleive that I'm fixing to say this but, you people are thinking too much. I know that the Wachowski's have made you do this but just "free your mind" and try to invision yourself in Neo's shoes. You can " dodge bullets", and fly and all can be done because you choose too. Not because its allowed or because you were born to do it. Because you choose too. Everything comes down to choice. Without choice, everyone would die. This and many other points of these movies are looked at out of context. If you just free your mind, its not all that hard to imagine. It was mentioned in the first movie but I guess nobody else heard it. Ver badem: " If you get caught using that. I know.... you DON'T EXIST!." These are all being applyed to our rules and our beliefs. Look at it as Neo looks at it. In code!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Loads of fun, marred by some weak points.
Review: After the cliffhanger ending of the "Matrix Reloaded", this third and final entry in the Wachowski Brothers' movie trilogy is a fantastic but controversial closer to this stunning movie series. The machines under control of the renegade program Agent Smith are fast approaching the underground city of Zion where the last remains of humanity takes its last stand against them, while Agent Smith is gaining more power by the minute. Neo is now the only one who can be able to defeat Smith for good. However, he is trapped somewhere outside the regular world and the Matrix on a mysterious train station and a very unpleasant individual called the Trainman who controls the train station can free him from there. After much hell, they manage to free Neo from the train station and now Neo must fight and defeat Agent Smith once and for all as he is the only one who can truly save humanity from total extinction. This might sound a little too close to being similar in plot to "The Terminator" but this isn't time-traveling like from those movies.

The special effects on this movie are amazing but at times can really go over the top. I especially love the scenery and the way the ship moves through the various tunnels. I've also felt that this movie is much darker than the last two Matrix movies and at times, it even reminds me of the creepiness of "Event Horizon" from a few years back. The massive battle scenes are just awesome and will keep you on the edge of your seat for the whole time they occur.

I know Neo is one of the center characters and Keanu Reeves does such an excellent job at bringing Neo to life but from my opinion, it's Hugo Weaving who really steals the spotlight. Weaving does such a fantastic job at playing the numerous replicates of Agent Smith that he easily tosses just about everyone else on the cast into orbit around the earth. I must say, outside of playing Elrond, I will forever remember Hugo Weaving here as he can really play some frightening bad guys and this movie proves just that. Weaving is scary as the dangerous program Agent Smith. The rest of the actors/ actresses except for Bellucci (Persephone) and the guy, who played Merovingian, do pretty well.

As awesome as this is, there are quite a few gripes I have with this movie. First, with such a wide variety of different realities and high number of questions that the previous two left us wondering, "Revolutions" only seemed to answer a few of them yet also created a whole new trainload of new questions that are never answered. The ending even if this is the final trilogy, doesn't seem to quite give a sense of the danger now gone for good but I guess these things were the purpose. On the other hand, I can see why they didn't have so everything is answered as it would be just about impossible to have answers handed over in real life. I can also understand why it is confusing as this movie was designed to make one figure out what was going on and how fate is almost impossible to escape. Very disappointed.

I felt gravely disappointed with Merovingian and Persephone. We saw Persephone help Morpheus Neo and Trinity and kill one of Merovingian's henchmen but here, she was just totally dumbed-down to just a deaf mute character on here and the couple only appear for about may a few minutes altogether. I expected a lot more out of these two, whether Persephone would battle her husband or betray Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus. I felt hugely disappointed with these two and felt that this movie could have done without them. I especially hated the way she looked on this movie. The repulsive outfit that she wore looked so tight that those busts looked like they would have their blood circulation cut off. Yergh! Bellucci was good in the "Reloaded" movie but here, she has brought along some of the emptiest acting that I've seen in many years.

The main flaw in this movie is that with such a HUGE dimensions that this movie tackles, just the two hour and fifteen minute length only covers the tip of the iceberg. I think that this movie would've been so much better had it been extended for at least another half hour or even up to over three hours long. Perhaps the movie studios are planning on releasing Platinum Extended Editions with new footage incorporated into the movies the way they did with "Lord of the Rings", I don't know but I felt that "Matrix Revolutions" length doesn't do it a lot of justice. For what it is, "Matrix Revolutions" is awesome, but it could really have been an outstanding epic finale. This is a definite must-own movie whenever it comes out on DVD but I feel that this had a lot of room for improvement and that they blew their chance at it. Then again maybe they are planning on releasing an extended edition of this movie in the foreseeable future to make up for the flaws on here. I can understand how many were disappointed with this movie but even then, this doesn't deserve the high number of negative reviews.

It's still a very good movie and the tons and tons of awesome action, battle scenes along with the tons of fun in this film make up for the missteps on here but the missteps are bigger than those in "Reloaded". They created a fantastic trilogy that well definitely be sci-fi classics in the years to come. Go and see this movie today. Just don't expect anything near perfection and if you can get by some of the major flaws, this is just an awesome movie. I can't wait to have all three of these movies once they are all on DVD.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Crap
Review: I thought the first film was great, the second was... acceptable, the third one is crap. I could go on and on about why, but every aspect of the movie is poor. I don't think I could find anything good to say about this. A major dissapointment!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: I just don't know...
Review: One thing that sticks out from "Reloaded" is the Oracle telling Neo "You have to make up your own mind". That's really how I feel about "Matrix Revolutions". I really was disappointed with Matrix Revolutions, but that doesn't make it bad. It's just one of those things where you can't count on professional reviews, nor can you rely on our reviews. It's the type of movie you'll either love or hate, and it's up to you, the person reading this, to decide for yourself.

Everybody who likes this movie has their own reasons for liking it, and everyone who hates it has their reasons too; most are good reasons. Speaking for myself, I bet that I will like this movie a lot more on DVD. That was the way it was for Reloaded. I was disappointed in the theater, but quite satisfied by it at home and had much more fun with it. Don't ask why.

As for Revolutions, for me, it provided no real answers to the questions that Reloaded created. Call me silly, but at the end of Reloaded I thought that they were actually in a matrix within a matrix. They weren't really "free", they were plugged into a 'special' matrix for people who begin to resist the 'real' matrix, so they think they are fighting this war, only it's just another matrix, and the machines are going to wipe out Zion, basically emptying their recycle bin and start over, and they've done it five times already. That was the impression that "The Architect" gave me in Reloaded, and after Smith hopped into a human body, and Neo is using the force to stop sentinels it wasn't a far stretch to assume they were all still "plugged in" even though they thought they weren't. Where Neo's power comes from is a total mystery to me now.

A lot of the people who are confused by this finally, have been slammed by Pro-Revolutions reviewers here for being closed-minded. For me, confused is more the word to use, and good movies aren't supposed to confuse people. I mean if you want to provoke thought, that's one thing. But the only thought Revolutions provoked in me was how long and confusing the whole thing was.

There are computer dorks here too who simply think anyone who didn't "get it" was stupid. But that's the internet for you, isn't it? Then there are those who remind us that Reloaded and Revolutions are both the final chapter, and we're supposed to factor that in, and put the two movies together in our minds, and THEN it will make more sense. I watched Reloaded at home, about a30 minutes before leaving to see Revolutions, and it was no help at all.

I would like to see Revolutions again, so maybe I'll get what all the 5-star reviewers here got that I didn't. I tried so hard to like it; except the movie is so slow (The big battle was so big and long that after a time even that got boring). I don't think I can sit through it in a theater again, so I'll wait for the DVD, and remain optimistic that this will be a better movie for me at home than in the theaters. I bet that may be the case for a lot of us.

This review is probably no help to anyone. I really, really love the matrix concept. I think the first matrix was as far as they should have gone. THAT was thought provoking. "Revolutions" was fun. The effects were the best I've seen, but it's mired down by this convoluted plot that I can't figure out. Once again this does not make Matrix Revolutions a bad movie or unworthy of your time. That is for you, and you alone to decide for yourself.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Existential philosophy...Nihilistic Smith...Poor colours
Review: I found this movie tried to set a good role model example for our generation. Philosophy in the opening train scene with the young child was very existential: "Every choice has a consequence" here here!

The last scene with Agent Smith connected with me on deep level. I tend to succumb to nihilism at times. When Hugo Weaving said love is not true and is only a human fabrication, my heart rejoiced in empathy.

Was it the cinema I watched in or did anyone notice the colours of this movie was drab and dull, lacking in vitality. I wish there was more scenes in the real word because the underworld colours are just plain boring and unattractive.

Overall better than Reloaded...but still not in the league of Star Wars or Terminator trilogies.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Episode II and Revolutions Have So Much in Common. . .
Review: You cannot expect too much after the disastrous Reloaded. Hell, I'd go further to say that the entire franchise has entered the irrecoverable zone. In truth, the Matrix series will not be remembered as one of those great trilogies. Ahem, recent attempts in Star Wars! It's a quite a shame too, since the first film was such a fiery triumph. I thought it served as a harbinger of what future movie-making was going to be - bold magic. However, after the release of Reloaded everything went tomblike and cold. Now the mere reason to see Revolutions is for the absolute closure towards Neo once and for all. And believe me that's the best thing that could ever happen.

First off the beginning is a big yawn-inducing way to takeoff. It's practically pointless, really. I'm perplexed and bewildered as how the Wachowski brothers could possibly come up with this. They managed to grip us in the first one and at least Reloaded threw in an interesting catalyst. Here, we have Neo stuck in a limbo between the Matrix and reality. It takes place in a deserted train station, governed by the rules of the TRAIN MAN! It becomes obvious that Neo is stuck within the TRAINMAN'S world when the bum smashes Neo into a wall. Morpheus, Trinity, and the Oracle's bodyguard spring into prompt action to persuade the FRENCHMAN! to free Neo. They quickly succeed and we thankfully never see the TRAIN MAIN AND FRENCHMAN again! Which brings up the question, why were we introduced to them in the first place? I can't comprehend why, but maybe its because I can't pen up anything as *snicker* good *snicker* as this?

Once a captivating plot turns into a mishmash of using the One concept to thwart the nasty baddies. Like when Neo and Trinity were cruising on their hovercraft and met a fleet of octopi sentinels. Since we already knew that Neo has the power to destroy them with a wave of a hand (Reloaded), a number of scenes become dryly predictable. I recall when the Wachowski brothers received an MTV award for the first Matrix film. They said if we liked the first one then we're going to love the second one. I'm smirking right now and I'll just leave it at that.

Dialogue and characters are a movie's backbone. Mishandle the two and your on a crash collision into a fiasco. Revolutions falls face-first and hard. The dialogue lacks appeal and substance. I was sorely reminded of Episode II and realized both movies have so much in common. I'm thinking Lucas and the Wachowskis must've gotten together during the development. It has to be the reason, it just has to be! Since the dialogue feels so wooly and pokerfaced whereas the first film had a charismatic Oracle. Not to mention Agent Smith's chilly viewpoint in how the human race is a virus and the machines are the cure.

We don't even sense that the humans are fighting against total extinction. Why? Because we don't give a damn what happens to the cast. All I notice is the dire need to generate excessive amounts of battles that aren't even worth bragging about. It's a bad thing when the audience, like myself, begin to want to see the destruction of Zion and have the bad guys triumph. There are a number of characters onscreen and like the TRAIN MAN, I question their appearances. I thought of a sarcastic whoopee when Niobe showcased her talent to maneuver the ship in "impossible" ways. Then I laughed at the dialogue of a captain verbalizing how astounded he was. This has to be a spoof of how Sci-Fi movies aren't supposed to done. It just has to be! Which leads me to the question when is the REAL Matrix follow-ups coming? Face it, if you compared Reloaded and Revolutions to the first one, you'll practically substantiate their apparent discrepancies.

Last thing I'll discuss are the major fight scenes. Are we, the audience, really in need to see visual splendor? Because that's all I'm sensing from the Matrix and Star Wars. Style unseating substance. End this nonsensical trend. Graphically driving the movie does not spell out memorable scenes. The standoff against sentinels and human mechs definitely looks more wacky than anything. Suspense was at a low point during the otherwise climatic fight. It feels out of place and dull. Its hard to believe that millions of dollars were blown on the very mediocre battles. And where did the martial arts run off to? The excess of clanking robots blasting endless streams of firepower on the sentinels felt like a distraught imagination. Since the machines drilled a hole to Zion why didn't they lob their explosives like they did in Reloaded? As for the one-on-one clash with Neo and Smith, it superfluously mirrors something out of the cartoon Dragon Ball Z. I scoff at this and scoff it some more!

Sci-Fi has never felt ridiculously fictitious or futile. Thanks a lot Revolutions. I'm a fantasy junkie and you now make me seem like one of those fanboys who root for the impassive Neo and the cliché of style over substance. Yet, hope enkindles! There will be an emotional intimacy that will be in the next Lord of The Rings film! Luckily everything that has a beginning has an ending, and with it goes the Matrix.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Sadly, you have to THINK
Review: I, like most people, left the movie theater a little confused about the ending. I fought the surging disapointment in me and, as with Reloaded, just sat down and forced myself to THINK about the ending. After a while...I finally understood what on Earth happened!

My point: for those who are disapointed with the ending, just give it some thought. It'll come to you.

Anyways, I have to admit that I'm not quite sure whether a movie where you have to bust your mind just to understand it is a good thing or bad. But I think it's a good thing; people are so used to watching brainless action-filled popcorn summer blockbusters that have the emotional and philisophical depth of of an episode of Jerry Springer. It's nice to see a trilogy that forces you to sit down and think about what has happened and what the implications of an action or speech is. Really, that's the only reason that Reloaded and Revolutions didn'd do as well as the first. The answers weren't handed to you like in the first. You have to think, and it shows the condition of our country when people slam a movie where you have to give some thought to the movie.

All in all, a great movie. That fifteen-minute scene with the invasion of Zion is something that directors will try and fail to replicate for years to come. If you're like me, and not afraid to think, and enjoy a thought-provoking movie where the answers aren't always handed to you on a silver platter, then go see this movie.


Rating: 5 stars
Review: THIS MOVIE MIGHT HAVE BEEN THE BEST OF ALL, ITS CLOSE THOUGH. It does a great job of closing out the trilogy. They couldn't have dont it any better. AMAZING!!! I was speechless when I saw this movie.

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