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The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.96
Your Price: $15.97
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A wonderful movie - don't believe the negative hype
Review: I loved this movie. In fact, I think it's the best of the three Matrix movies. It's big, it's loud, and it's a good conclusion to the trilogy, IMHO. I know a lot of people don't think that way, but I think it's a wonderful ending. I won't spoil anything, but if you go into it with an open mind, as opposed to the bias that most people had after seeing Reloaded, you'll enjoy it. A lot.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Everything passes from Revelations, to Revolutions.
Review: The moment I first saw The Matrix, I knew that the trilogy is going to be the best si-fi/action-adventure trilogy ever! And I was right! This is by far the best Matrix movie in the trilogy. All those people who says the story is crap is wrong. This story is the most complex story of it's kind!
The story is not very philosophical in the last 2 movies, but they still left you with a lot to think about.
Here are my thoughts:
Story:10/10- The story is about a digital world that's been sheilded over your eyes to blind from the truth which is that the machines rule us, we, who created them, do not. Agents which are programs that keep every body from finding out the truth, even though some alredy have. They are called the rebels, they fight together with the other humans to try and survive in the real world, which is the humans live in the last human city called Zion near the center of the earth, where it's still warm. They send out ships to try and free minds from the matrix by plugging into the matrix by sending the digital code and program straight into the brain stem. There is this one computer hacker who lives two lives, a respectable comput analyst, Mr. Anderson, and a computer hacker trying to make his way in the world under the alias, NEO.
He was searchingfor the answer to the question, what is the matrix? I'm not going to spoil the rest for you, so now I'll give you the story of this sequel: The machines are digging and in less than 12 hours they'll breach the back walls of Zion. Neo is stuck in a world between the machine world and the real world, whithout being plugged into the matrix. The logos shop races throught the tunnels to get back to Zion. Humans, all the while, are being bombarded the sentinels and are defending the city in APU's. All leading up to a final confrontation between Neo, and Agent Smith. Everything that has a beginning, has an end.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Hardcore fans beware, but this needs to be said
Review: The Matrix revolutions is, simply put, not a good movie. It barely manages to avoid being a positively bad movie. It is a shame that The Wachowski brothers managed to waste most of the amazing potential that was created in The Matrix. To start, the pacing in this film is unbearably slow in many places. I found myself becoming very tired during many of the pre-final battle scenes; the only characters that actually have any sort of meaning attached to them are the core 3 (morpheus, trinity, neo), while a lot of time is spent on trying to quickly develop incidental characters so that cheap emotion can [try to] be drawn out of them later, but the film fails in this regard. The entire first 20 or so minutes feels like it's not even suppsoed to be there, the cliffhanger from the end of 2 is revealed, and the resolution (other than to the provide a token screen appearance for the Marovingian and the hot Persophene) is pointless and has nothing to do with the rest of the film, the information gained could have been gathered in 5 minutes. To the film's credit, it at least doesnt follow in the inane footsteps of its predecessor "Reloaded" and just throw in a kung-fu scene and set intervals, just so we can be oooed and aaahed, but it does manage to be incredibly cliche. Again, this is a big disappointment, after the innovation found in the Matrix. The outcome of the final battle was never truly in question, and the "surpirse" death at the end wasn't really surprising at all. The film just feels like it falls short completely, I wanted something much more EPIC of out it, and it was utterly unable to deliver. Morpeheus, a beacon of charisma in the first two films, has little screen time here, and when we do see him, he is meek beyond comprehension, as nothing has happened to his character to induce this. The special effects, while still impressive, are no longer able to carry the film, as they have indeed become something we have all seen before. The plot, espceially the dialouge, was maddening at times. If another person answered a question with a vague generality along the lines of "You already know the answer..." I was seirously going to hit the person next to me. It felt very similar to the second film's sophomoric ramblings about causality; giant holes in the film are tried to be covered up by a philosophic air (which, in all honesty, isn't done correctly, not like it could have been), and a fading sense of coolness. Compare this trilogy to the other epic trilogy of our time, The Lord of the Rings. In the Return of the King, a true sense of EPICITY is felt, at the battle of pelennor fields, at Mount Doom (Granted, Jackson had amazing material to draw from, but still); Everything this film needed to be great was in place, an epic setting (the war strewn future), with the fate of the human race at stake, and the broading of scope needed in an epic (from the original with Neo's quest to discover what the matrix is, to the culminating war in this installment), but it falls short in most every aspect. A big disappointment, that I would not recommend to others.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: outstanding
Review: As a die-hard fan from the beginning, I cannot give this film any less than 5 stars. The epic saga's ending is actually the perfect one if you think about it, and I can totally see how many people started to think of it as a sort of holy object such as the Bible or Quaran. I must admit, at one point, I even started to catch myself thinking the same thing. The philosophical concepts addressed are, in my opinion, the stuff that we are made of. We often find ourselves wondering about such questions that have no answer, and although this final installment doesn't even try to answer its own questions once and for all, it provides the viewer with the beginnings so that he/she may find an answer satisfying to themselves. I liked the concept of the Indian family very much, and the new Oracle does her best to fill our beloved Gloria Foster's shoes. I liked the acting, though a bit cheesy at times, of Carrie-Ann Moss, and for all those Keanu condemners, I agree with the fact that he doesn't show much emotion in this film. However, I strongly think that this is a character trait of Neo, who knows he has to go on and finish things once and for all so that he can finally be with his beloved. All in all, a flourishing finish to an unforgettable epic that will have me thinking for years to come.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Since when. . .
Review: Since when did everyone who gets a computer get a MBA from NYU in Film and Theatre Arts? I was just wondering becuase everyone wants to slam this movie and I bet a hundred bucks that atleast 75% saw Star Wars 2 and said oh yeah that sucked and bought that when it came out on DVD. Now that se(pre)quel series sucks. Despite the heavy influence of the New Testament in the Matrix movies, these are cinematically excellent. Great special effects, I mean these directors sought out to make a walking talking anime movie. And they did it hands down inviting the world to both the good and the cheesy. I don't think that they were looking for nods from the Academy critics. If you want to have some fun and maybe be left with something to talk about with your buddies over some beers get this. Even if you didn't see the first two,(if you didn't where have you been)no I am kidding, get it anyway, make yourself figure out all the supposedly obscure and awesome metaphor within the story. It is about computer software. A virus and a virus program. Just sit back and enjoy a action movie. It was better than Gladiator Two, I mean the Last Samauri, I mean every movie that has come out, I mean Troy, I mean every movie that will come out. Enjoy it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: May have its flaws but still great Movie
Review: I understand that the movie is not nearly comparable to the original Matrix which was one of the greatest Sci-Fi concepts ever presented in a movie, and the first film was in deed superb. The first film changed the world of cinema, but the last two definitely lacked the magic of the first.

But Reloaded and Revolutions are still good. Perhaps they disappointed so many because in deed they didn't deliver the same story quality of the first. Expectations were to high and the result wasn't a master piece like the Lord of the Rings Trilogy case (where each movie delivered something new and exiting - plus a better cast, crew and story connections through the 3 movies by far).

There are both good and bad critics about this one and I'm among the ones that loved it but recognize it has its flaws and not everyone liked it with good reasons. What most people that didn't like it criticized was that the movie left some story arcs unanswered and felt more like a forced sequel.

The movie didn't answer everything with the intention of making us think and give it the interpretation we wish. That's why there are so many interpretations to it, it has so many layers that it would take more than just one good chat to understand all the meanings of the matrix.

This third installment didn't have more kung fu, or philosophical speech than the first two, it rather had more symbolisms throughout not only the actions and reactions of the characters but also through the concepts used.

Something people should consider is that according to Joel Silver, Reloaded and Revolutions are the same movie cut in half, which gives a different perspective to Revolutions if only analyzed alone. With that in consideration, the movie feels better.

This movie is about an end, death, finding a meaning for life, fighting, truth, etc. But it is not a movie about conclusion. The answers given in Revolutions lead to more questions because in the end it is about believing rather than knowing. After all, if you knew everything, what would be the point?

Revolutions has some incredible special effects scenes and sound. The lightening is quite good along with all the technical aspects of the film. The CGI is better used that in Reloaded, but there was a terrible flaw, the screen felt saturated. I believe this was a mistake of the cinematographer, the camera angles were not right for the massive shots, and things like the sentinels were difficult to follow to the point a feeling of "yeah right... I got it, what's next..." crossed my mind.

The chemistry between Neo and Trinity is also a little lacking. The mayor story arc is well resolved, but I don't know if it was a matter of the actors or the directors that the chemistry was just missing.

I still give the film 5 star out of the love for the concept introduced by the first film and what I felt was an improvement to Reloaded. The movie has strong points and delivered interesting things... but still lacked the sense of a masterpiece the first had, which disappointed many.

The Matrix........................ 10
The Matrix Reloaded........ 7.6
The Matrix Revolutions.... 8.8

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent!!!!!!!!
Review: I just want to say that this movie was awesome. I won't give you any more details because I want you to watch the movie for yourselves. Then you will all see how great Matrix Revolutions was. It was great.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: bummer
Review: I loved the first two movies. They were stylish and new and refreshing. Sure the story was crap, the characters were boring, th acting was below par (except agent smith), and CGI was a tad bit over used, but the movies were still super entertaining. The kong-fu scenes were so good. Then revolutions came out. It was a good popcorn movie, nothing else. The trilogy started to look like a star trek film with this addition. Everything took place in the real world. Th real world is boring. The battle scene was decent, but too long. The begining scenes were OK, but caoulda been better. The final fight scene started off good. If that was a great fight scene like all the others, i woulda been OK with the movie but it wasn't. Smith and Neo just kept flyin into eachother. It was pretty depresing. Rent it if u want.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: You know your going to buy it
Review: Who are you kidding? You hated the movie but your still going to put it in your collection. I walked away from the movie disappointed but you cannot deny the fact that it was a great trilogy that inspired people to think. I thought they wasted way to much time in Zion with characters you had no emotional attachment with. Morpheous was demoted to a sidekick with a few lame lines and Neo is missing in large gaps of the movie. Lets face it. Whats missing from the Matrix Revolutions is "The Matrix". Not until Neo's final battle with Smith at the end of the movie did I wake up from the CG hell that was Zion and get excited about this movie. That battle scene in the rain is alone worth the price of the movie. I just wish I could say the same for the first hour and a half.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Finally A Movie That Out Does The First
Review: This is an excellent movie and it's one of the few movies in America that's actually better than the original. If you enjoyed the first Matrix then this one will blow you away. I admit that the second Matix (Matrix Reloaded) wasn't as great as it was hyped up to be. However they make up for that lost in Matrix Revolutions, graphics are at an all time time high in this movie. I would highly recommend.

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