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The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.96
Your Price: $15.97
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Right review
Review: Let me start off by saying this, yes I am a Matrix fan, i was as looking forward to the sequels as anyone. That being said, you could not help but be dissapointed by Reloaded. There was no way, and I do mean NO WAY it could have possibly lived up to the ridiculous expectations. Then you have people calling a 300 million dollar grossing movie a dissapointment, and short lead time into the 3rd installment. Sure Revolutions only made 140 million domestically, and heres why - I think it is funny that people say the Wachaowskis mailed it in or just made these movies to grab cash. These movies took between 4-5 years to put together. They spent over 250 million on Reloaded and Revolutions. That being said, these movies are NOT perfect but, most of the negative reviews of this movie look like they were written before the movie hit theaters. Probably the biggest mistake the Wachowskis made, or whoever made this decision, was the decision to put Revolutions our 6 months after Reloaded. We waited 5 years for Reloaded, I think a May 2004 release for Revolutions would have done wonders for box office receipts and critics who were probably saying, didnt I just review a Matrix movie 5 minutes ago? I went in with low expectations because of the ridiculously overly critical reveiws. What I got was a very good ending to one of the best trilogies of our time. Where does it rank, take the guy that says it was the worst hes ever seen, take the guy who says its the best hes ever seen, and the answer is somewhere in the middle.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Why don't they have a "0 stars" option?
Review: For many years, the echelon of bad movies for me was Robin Hood: Men in Tights. Every movie I saw after that was measured by if it was better than that movie. The combination of the once-great Mel Brooks being revealed for a hack, absolutely 0 laughs, and dull, leadfoot parody made every movie look better in comparision. After years of certainty, a movie has come along that has set a new standard in badness. That movie is The Matrix Revolutions.

The second one was bad, but at least, there was the hope that all questions would be answered, making this a decent two-picture story. So what did the Wachowski brothers do? They started by removing everything entertaining from the 1st one, like decent music, a comprehensible plot, and characters we cared about. They answered no questions brought up in the second movie, apparently leaving it up to your imagination to fill in the gaps. They tried to tell a story that did not conform to anything that had been previously set up.

My fervent hope is that no one will see this movie, and on that task, I have succeeded in persuading some from attending. If you absolutely must see it, rent it after the 1st month...but don't say that I didn't warn you. And thanks, Wachowski Brothers, for setting a new standard that will be hard to overcome.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Bigger != Better
Review: This film is the wrap-up for the two-film "trilogy" that is the Matrix. You can't pull the last two films apart, while you could, theoretically, have stopped watching after the first film.

I can say only this - if you haven't seen the film, it's worth seeing. If you have and you thought the Matrix ultimately fell apart into "psychobabble" and bad acting, but lots of pretty pictures, fine. The question then becomes, what else did you expect? The public flocked to see the last two Star Wars films, even though they were drivel. If you got sucked in by the hype and spent money, TWICE to see garbage, you deserve to get sucked in again. Studios are not very smart, but they know what sells. You can't blame them or the Wachowski brothers for giving the public the trash they ask for.

Me? I liked the film. There was a lot going on in the little bits that were hard to catch, until I'd watched the film 5-6 times. It does hold up well to repeat viewings, especially with the killer soundtrack. I will miss Morpheus and Trinity. Neo was Nemo, as far as I'm concerned.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The closing of a book...
Review: I have come to terms with people who have not liked this movie but I am still baffled by their beligerent and insistant negative rantings! If you didn't like the movie, why'd you see it in the theater enough times to memorize lines?! LoL

I think that this movie was an excellent way to end the trilogy. Definately unexpected, and on par with the story telling the Wakowski's have done in the other movies. If you find surrealism in art and literature (or in this case movies) to be lacking in your taste, this movie is not for you - not all questions are answered, and you are left to make your own deductions. As everyone who worked the project stated in interviews "You will get out of this [Matrix Revolutions and the trilogy] exactly what you put into it."

With the combination of philosophy orriginating from the Tao Teh Ching, and works from philosophers like Rene Descartes, the fusion of sociology from those of the likes of Jean Baudrillard and Kevin Kelly, with a twist of cyber/goth underground culture and fads make this a deeply eclectic, mind bending, and visually stimulating work.

There is a lot going on underneith the surface of just the movie with symbolisms, and dual meanings. Everything from the Merovingian Kings of France, to our current political, economical, and fear driven control systems.

NOTE: This last movie is really not a movie in and of itself, it is a final chapter! Watching it alone would be like reading the last 5 or 10 chapters of a really good large novel. This is only the conclusion of the story. You must have the first two movies with this one!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Don't Believe the Other Critics
Review: I don't know and care what people say about this movie being a dissapointment. If anything is a dissapointment, the 2nd one is. When I first saw this movie in the theatres, I thought it was awesome! But when people say this was a bad movie, that's just a bad opinion. If any movie watchers of the Matrix series loved the storyline of the 1st movie but the action packed sci-fi special effects in the 2nd one, the 3rd one is both, combined. I won't give anything away of the climactic ending of the movie but it is AWESOME!!! Probably the best action sequence I've seen in any movie getting rid of the fact that it's 90% computerised. If you're interested in seeing the huge ending to the series, I highly suggest to see it.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The Curse of the Third Chapter - Another One
Review: Almost all trilogys has suffered of the third chapter curse. What is that? A sucessfull trilogy dissapoint a bunch of people with its end, take the classic Star Wars trilogy for example, "The Return Of The Jedi" is not a bad movie but is not good as the other two, "Back To The Future - Part III" is the same thing... What i'm trying to say is that Revolutions is not a bad film, but it could be a loooooot better. I will list here the things that I think are wrong in the film: 1- The battle between men and machines for Zion, in the beggining you think: Wow, tht's cool. But after some 15 minutes of shots and explosions, it gets boring! 2- Did someone forgot to finish the script? What an ending is that? Can we have a little bit more of explanations? Why do we have to think in ours own teories? Give an end to the bloody film! 3- A very short final fight. The final confrontation between Neo and Smith is a great scene but...it's too short! It lasts more or less 6 minutes! 4- The real world sucks! Revolutions has 80% of its scenes on the "real world", it is so not cool... We want that cool Matrix style not a lot of ruins! Is the curse attacking again... Only in december 2003, the curse was broken with the more than excellent "The Lord Of The Rings - The Return Of The King", I just hope not to be disapointed again...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Flim of 2003
Review: This movie is the most outstanding film in the world. I loved everything about it. The beginning was very good but when you get to the "War Scene" you will literily be at the edge of your seat. You will be so happy walking out of a movie like this. What makes this movie interesting is, unlike "Matrix Reloaded" this had a point to it. People say that "Matrix Reloaded" was "all action, no thinking". I liked the movie but that was actually what it was.

When I saw "Matrix Revolutions" it just blew me away. It had everything a movie could ask for, Romance, Thrills, Action, Comedy, and even Horror. Also another thing was that the movie had was the "flavor" that it was not even close to what the other Matrix films where like. This had so much to do with all the life of zion and the thing that could happen and everything like that.

Mostly the thing that made me like this movie the best was becasue of the battle sequence it was about 15 to 20 minutes long. I was so happy to see what would happen next in everything that they seemed to have. This is one reason why I don't like to "Get up in the middle of the Movie", just like when i saw "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King".

Most of all I liked that this movie made sure that there will not be a sequal. Even if there would be a sequal it wouldn't be any good. It wouldn't have Neo, Trinity, or Agent Smith in there. That would ruin the whole series if they made a Fourth Matrix Film. Same with Lord of the Rings.

Why see The Matrix Reloaded when you can see The Matrix Revolutions?

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: I can no longer relate to Neo...
Review: A previous reviewer wisely divided fans of the first Matrix movie into two categories: 1) People who primarily were interested in the philosophical message and 2) People who were primarily into the action. Of course, whichever category describes you will have a great impact on your opinion of the two sequels.

I've generally lost interest in action movies. I must admit that The Matrix was groundbreaking and superior to any action movie I'd ever seen. But what really captivated me about The Matrix was its philosophical message.

I find the philosophical message of the sequels to be muddled if not completely lost. In The Matrix, there was a message of hope, and Neo (and Trinity and Morpheus) stood as the potential for every person. But as Neo becomes Superman, he becomes inaccessible. And along the way, the message of what is *real* and the message of what is *possible* gets lost. And that's a shame since many of us were looking for that to grow instead.

The Matrix and Rings trilogies are worthy of comparison because of their coincidence in time and in theme. Both deal with the human struggle to conquer and with the human struggle to understand free will and Fate. But Tolkien famously disliked analogy, and his books (and the movies made by Peter Jackson) stand alone as story. We relate to the LOTR characters, but we don't need for the story or the characters to have one-to-one correspondences to our reality. CLEARLY, THE LOTR TRILOGY SUCCEEDED BUT THE MATRIX TRILOGY HAS BEEN A DISAPPOINTMENT. WHY?

The Wachowskis set out to create analogy. And we bought it with the first movie. We embraced Neo's struggle to understand what is real and what isn't, particularly the limitations and power of his own beliefs. We recognized wisdom in Morpeheus' mentoring of his crew. We embraced Trinity's passion for Neo and freedom. We spent a lot of time at the water cooler talking about what was real. WE BOUGHT INTO THE WACHOWSKI'S ATTEMPT TO TELL US SOMETHING ABOUT OURSELVES AND OUR WORLD--SOMETHING IMPORTANT ABOUT THE POWER OF BELIEF. And we saw a little Neo and a litte Trinity in ourselves--we embraced that heroism in us and that desire to be free.


1) The action was no longer connected to the characters' experience of overcoming the limitations of their own beliefs. Instead, action existed merely for titillation. But we had already been conditioned by the first movie to want not just great action but great action with *purpose*. Instead of meaning being communicated via the story, we were subjected to 'speechifying' by the main characters, particularly Morpheus.

2) Neo, in particular, became unrelatable, in part because he seemed unstoppable.

3) The challenge to Neo's beliefs--was he really the master of his fate?--left us befuddled regarding what had kindled our spirits in the first movie. The fact that this challenge to Neo (and us) was left unresolved only served to disinterest us.

UNFORTUNATELY, THE THIRD MOVIE COMPLETES THE MOVE INTO ESOTERIC TERRITORY. And for that reason it's difficult to watch. It has its good moments. But I had lost interest after the second, and this one doesn't win me back. Instead, it left me more confused. For more of what was 'reality' in the first movie, the dichotomous worlds of the Matrix and the scorched earth, is confused. Even the Oracle turns out to be merely a program. AND IT IS NEVER RESOLVED WHETHER NEO HIMSELF IS JUST A COG IN THE MATRIX OR IF HE REALLY IS A FREE PERSON. The Wachowskis had excluded me from their sheik little philosophy club in Reloaded, and they didn't invite me back in Revolutions.

Ultimately, the Wachowskis embrace of the esoteric --the fact that as the creators of their own little world they seem to not have been able to decide what was real in it and what wasn't--means that they failed to create a meaningful analogy with their Matrix world. Luke Skywalker goes through hope and despair, and we understand and relate to his world and his struggle. But Neo--Neo just got too far out there for us to relate to.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: One of the funniest movies ever...oh, it's not a comedy?
Review: I watch this movie and have to ask if the guys who did it had even seen the first one. Oh, that's right, they wrote and directed it! Getting more and more rediculas by the minute, we soon decide to simply laugh at the absurdity of what we are seeing. When Neo confronts the Oracle about the Architect's prophicy, she tells him to ignore him, the Architect doesn't know what he's talking about. But, but, didn't the Oracle send Neo to find the Architect in Re-Loaded? Wasn't that the climax of Re-Loaded? Well, i guess they need to find some reason to go back into the Matrix. The Oracle then goes on to tell Neo that there are consequences to their descisions...what descisions? he asks, the descisions we make, she replies. What? that dosen't make sence, don't worry about it, it's not supposed to, it's just a movie. ......

Anyway, whatch it for a laugh, because it is good for a number of them.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Absolutely disappointing :(
Review: Well, I was one of those die-hard fans who watched this the first day it came out and I was totally disappointed. I mean it's a great action sci-fi film, but NOT on par with the other two. If you rate Matrix: 10, Matrix Revolutions: 7, this one is 3 or 4 comparatively.

The story just died, the fight scenes were not as good (oh, what fight scene?), the performances were not as good, special effects were just ok (not Matrix level), there was too many questions unanswered, Zion battle reminded me of Armagadon, characters didn't fulfill their roles, didn't see much of the real world, didn't figure out more about last failures of men, who's the architect, now what that there's peace? etc... etc... etc...

At the end I felt it's hanging in the air with no proper ending. I believe they wanted to keep it open-ended so they can make more Matrix movies later, so they didn't give out any answers! That killed the movie, and that's why it did so poorly in the box office! 138 million?! that's it? Lord of the rings 3rd episode is at 350 million and still growing... now that had great ending.

Overall, it's a fine DVD but nothing special. I bought the first 2, but haven't bought this one. May one day buy it when it's on 50% sale just to complete the set, but not gonna pay them now since they totally disappointed me!


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