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The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.96
Your Price: $15.97
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Big fun but overblown
Review: The conclusion to the Washowski brothers "Matrix" trilogy is a very intense and fun ride but it starts to veer off the road a bit.

Concluding the trilogy, Neo is now in the midst of going into the final showdown with the renegade computer program Agent Smith and a massive army of conscious machines, under Agent Smiths, control are digging further and further into Zion, the last refuge of humanity in existance. The armies of Zion are running otu of time before the final war for humanity starts but it's ultimately Neo who will determine the fate of humanity.

This is a really fun and adrenaline-rushing action flick but the storyline is very hard to follow. I also didn't like some of the acting by some of the crew and like a previous reviewer said, Persephone and Merovingian were absolutely pathetic and could easily have been left out altogether.

Other than that, thsi is a satisfying conclusion to the Matrix trilogy. It's just that it could've been done better. That's all. Otherwise, just go and get this DVD and have a good time!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: afraid it's not over...
Review: Revolutions is a lot like Reloaded (or re-hashed as I call it). Doesn't really do anything for the story but take time and have filler.

If you love the Matrix and haven't seen Reloaded or Revolutions yet, DON'T watch them. They ruin everything.


The end of the Trilogy isn't the end of the story. Neo disappears in the end. We don't see him die. We don't see him live. He's just taken away.

The machines they are fighting aren't destroyed, they just pack up and leave.

The gatekeeper or keymaster or master programmer or whoever the hell he is still wants a war and is still alive at the end.

After the original Matrix, it took 2 friggin movies to kill Agent Smith. What a waste of time and money. Nothing else was accomplished. Oh wait, it did give them 4 hours to show off special effects. Sorry...

Now they're going to wait until DVD sales die then release a box set with EXTRA special editions which will be nothing more but the current DVD's plus an added documentary or two and maybe some interviews.

I wish I hadn't seen (and bought) the last 2 movies in the series. It ruined the coolness and freshness of the original.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Revolutions not what was expected, but very good anyway
Review: And so the "Matrix" trilogy concludes, taking in a boatload of cash overseas while kind of limping to the box office finish line in the states. I must say that I'm a fan of all three movies despite their flaws (for one, the machines and programs within the Matrix seem to have more personality than the humans we're supposed to be rooting for) and "Revolutions" is an improvement over the start and stop of pacing of "Reloaded." It would be very interesting to see the latter two films in the same form in which they were shot, which is to say, together. For a brief rundown, the effects and action sequences were spectacular, the acting was actually not awful and the the death of one major character actually elicited surprise from me. (SPOILER WARNING!): Neo's demise, however, did not, and that is my primary problem with the film. Just rename Neo Jesus and get it over with. I could see it coming a mile away and, while it's not a bad way to go in a narrative sense, I felt let down by the lack of suspense. Overall, though, "Revolutions" is a thouroughly satisfying ride of technical excellence that is just plain fun to watch.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: You're going to want more of The Oracle and Keanu Reeves.
Review: I didn't care for the first film, but the special effects were a first and a grounbreaker. I saw the second film Matrix: Reloaded, which I thought was good. It peaked my interest. The Oracle scenes in the courtyard/playground was cool. So I thought I would give the third and final film Matrix: Revolutions (2003) a chance. Yes! High-Five! Most of the movie centers around The Oracle, this time played by Mary Alice. The actress who originally played The Oracle, Gloria Foster, passed away from diabetes in September 29, 2001, so she could not be a part of the third film. But Mary Alice does a fine job. There is more of those mechanical octopus creatures. Seems like those scenes were created only for there to be a story for a Matrix video game. Why does this film takes a sudden turn to Jada Pinket Smith? I don't care about the Jada P. Smith character and I do not care to watch her in film, but 28 minutes we are cheated out of no scenes with Keanu Reeves. Finally about one hour and 43 minutes into the film, we get a grand finale of a Matrix fight between Keanu Reeves and Hugo Weaving. (Would you believe I just put 2 + 2 together. Hugo is the same man in Lord Of The Rings trilogy. Slow me.) Very nice ending! I would like to see The Oracle in a film of her own. But I guess that would be a copyright problem.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Got better for me with repeated viewings
Review: Like many fans of "The Matrix" saga, I was disappointed the first time I saw "Revolutions" and I only gave it 3 stars in my first review here. But after seeing it again in the theaters and yet again now on DVD my opinion has changed. I think this final installment is in fact a satisfying conclusion. I'm not saying that it's perfect; there are still some thing which I think could have been done differently and I still think the ending could have been more than what it was. But on the other hand, did we really expect it to end in a much different way than it did? Many complaints about the ending here say that it's too "Hollywood." Well, have we forgotten that this IS a Hollywood production? I think many people were expecting "Revolutions" to be a lot better than "Reloaded" and maybe this is another reason for the large percentage of those who didn't like it. But remember that "Reloaded" and "Revolutions" are actually only one movie, literally cut in half. So those who were disappointed with "Reloaded" in actuality shouldn't have thought that they would like "Revolutions" any better. It's things like these which have caused me to rethink my opinion of "Revolutions."

Now to the DVD itself. It pretty much follows the same layout as "Reloaded" in terms of the interactive menus, etc. But the actual bonus content is MUCH better than what "Reloaded" offered, at least in my opinion. The bonus materials of "Reloaded" were adequate but seemed a little rushed and disjointed. But "Revolutions" offers some excellent goodies to the ones who want to see what happens behind the scenes. Although I have some idea of how a movie is made, I was completely blown away with the behind-the-scenes footage on the making of the special effects (not only the CGI) and the painstaking work that was involved in making this movie (again, not only in terms of CGI). For example, it shows how they created all the Agent Smith clones using dummies and a rubber mold taken from Hugo Weaving's head. Seeing all this behind-the-scenes features has given me an even greater respect for the special effects (which you must admit are in fact spectacular, whether you liked or disliked the movie). Another great bonus feature is an in-depth look at the Super Burly Brawl. It lets you view it from 3 different perspectives in order to see exactly how it was filmed.

All in all, this is definitely a DVD worth buying. Yes, I know about the inevitable box set trilogy that will have tons more bonus material, deleted scenes, etc. But for now these individual releases offer more than enough to satisfy the everyday fan.

Rating: 3 stars
Review: This movie is pretty good. the battle sequences are quite thrilling even if its mostly c.g. stuff. The only predictable thing is the ending. Although, I dont know how else they could pull it off. I have to admit some of it I didnt really understand like the conversation at the end. The dialog is confusing too. as the characters talk of prophcies and events that may or may not occur. plus as the visions un-fold to all of Zion the viewer really doesnt know what it means. They mostly talk in gibberish and riddles which can mean virtually anything or any direction. Even seeing all 3 films in a row it leaves you with a feeling of kaos remianing. Of course this may be the directors intent so we never know why we spent our hard earned money.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This was more then a let down
Review: This was the worse out of all the Matrix movies. I say this because it was like a rip off of the Star Wars series starting with chapter 4 "A New Hope". Same story lines,same hero super powers (holding the hand out and controlling objects) and same dull effects. A lot of blue screen (or chromo effects) in this and they where done very slopply. The bullet time effects was (thank god) at a min. The story line continued to drag along leaving the action to die down. Why was this needed to in 3 different movies? This movie could have been wrapped up in maybe one and the most 2 movies. After a while the action got perdictable. Just a string of hollywood greed and a huge waste of time. Save your money rent it first or watch Star Wars instead !!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I was pleased with it and that's all I asked for
Review: A lot of people complained about the follow ups to the 1999 surprise hit the MAtrix. My question is for what reasons was there to complain? It had the same style of actions sequences, it had the same bad ass villian in Agent Smith, Neo still did the insane kick ass stuff he always did, so where was the problem?

The story here is that Zion is about to be destroyed by the machine Army. It is up to NEo to go in and take stop them, however when Agent Smith becomes so powerful the both Man and Machine are in danger it is up to NEo to stop him in the ever classic battle of Good vs Evil.

I guess people had problems with these movies because in many ways they had to high of expectations. The case here is much like the case with the new Star Wars Trilogy, it is the same style of film making with a number of characters we are familiar with, but people got their hopes and expectations to high and in the end it came crashing down into oblivion for them. That curse hit MAtrix by psycho obssessive fans and the same I fear will happen to the follow ups to both Spiderman, X-Men, and and other follow ups to incredible smashs (I am talking to you The Hobbit).

OVerall this is a decent movie in the same style of MAtrix, just not a whole lot that is new to this series that's all.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: most people did not get this
Review: If you didn't like this it is probably because you did not get the story. Go buy Enter the Matrix(you will have to beat the game of course.) and the Animatrix. Then once your done with those watch this movie...you didn't think they would give you the whole story without making you work, and think for it. did you?

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: An Unfortunate, Confusing Mess
Review: Well, the special effects and other features are brilliant and groundbreaking, but this movie lacks the clear focus of the first and the inventive adventure of the second. Since now virtually anything imaginable can be done flawlessly with CGI the effects almost become unimportant. What matters most is story-structure and character, and the Wachowski's laid an egg here.

It's basically the last part of a soap opera that could have been deep and meaningful but is instead a kind of active comic-book storyboard sequence. This movie would never stand by itself - there just wasn't a lot of life in these people.

My largest quibble is..how does Neo start 'blowing up' things in the real world? The only explanation is ... that there's another layer of abstraction, underneath both men and machines, and Neo is God in that one also?? It's a purposely un-answered question that effectively turns the story from being a wonderful platform for all sorts of philosophy, into a big pot of BS mumbo-jumbo. I couldn't digest this mess - so I didn't really care after a while.

Other minor quibbles..

1) Neo and Agent Smith had lots of punch-fests in #1 & #2. The conclusion, with Neo 'melting' into Smith and blowing him up, was the same end as #1. I suppose he was supposed to 'transcend the fight' again, like Buddha fighting Satan, approaching Nirvana.. Gimme a break - it's been done already.

2) Neo goes blind.. This seemed like a contrived plot-device. Ooh he can see without his eyes - what a spiritualist!

3) The starting point with the Merovingian was pure comic-book pulp - it added nothing and was a waste of time.

4) I know from experience that people fighting giant mechanical squids usually wear body-armor. leaving them exposed like that was ridiculous. Or one could say the whole battle was corny, because it would have been easier for the Machines to just Nuke Zion. There are a lot of similar plot holes, I'm starting to ramble.

5) Lastly, the end of he story is not fulfilling - the Matrix continues, so really this is a push-off between opposing forces. We all wanted the defeat or death of the Architect. He was the enemy of humanity. Saving Zion was important, but it was a distraction - I'm amazed that the Wachowski's didn't recognize this. They had to kill that pompous old dude! Why did they hold back??

So now we're set up for sequels forever in a franchise. Somehow I'm not really forward to them any more. Too bad.

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