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The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

The Matrix Revolutions (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.96
Your Price: $15.97
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: They could have merged Revolutions with Re-Loaded
Review: I watched Re-Loaded in the theater and was overcome by the amount of psycobabble that I could not enjoy the action. When this came out on DVD, I decided I liked it. It was not really that bad, except for the "to be continued."

Then came Revolutions. I had high hopes for this. I wondered how it would end because I had this idea that what was concidered the "real-world" was actually another extension of the Matrix. I think that would have made a great ending. Anyway, I watched the movie and quickly became dissappointed and bored. Halfway in the movie, no progress was made to reveal the plot, then the seemingly endless battle of Zion takes place.


I have to admit the ending of the movie caught me by surpize. Having Neo make a deal with the machines shows that third option that was not present in Re-loaded. Non the less, there is no reason why this film could not have been merged with Re-loaded. In summary, what is wrong with Revolutions

1. No plot development during the first half of the movie
2. The Zion battle sequence was much too long and kind of over the top.
3. Trinity and Neo die. I understand Neo dying, but what was the purpose of Trinity dying? Cannot figure that out! I would think her seeing the Sun then returning to Zion will offer hope to the humans.
4. I can't help but loose pace with the different body of the Oracle. Yes they tried to cover this in the script, but it did not work for me.
5. I miss the twins. Those guys were cool!
6. What is with the fight scene between Smith and Neo? That was way too "video gamey" to me. Kinda silly actually.

What is right with Revolutions:
1. It does end eventually.
2. I bought it at Amazon, so I saved a few bucks.
3. If I cannot sleep at night, I'll put this on.
4. If someone I dislike asks me for a movie recommendation, I will recommend Revolutions.

I will agree with almost everyone here - The Matrix origional is by all means the best of the three. From there, its downhill.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Big dissapointment....
Review: Please take some advice from a huge sci-fi / action film fan, and in particular, a huge fan of the original Matrix film. The first Matrix rocked - an amazingly original storyline, great dialogue and a great blend of sci-fi with martial arts. Not this time. This final sequel, Matrix Revolutions, is garbage - basically a souless two hour video game cut-scene. It has a lousy, confusing script with too much emphahsis on over-blown-budget visuals. This is one of the the worst movies I have ever paid money to see. The storyline stinks and the stupid, ambivilent ending is an absolute insult to fans of the original film. The Wachowski Brothers and Warner Brothers' over-meddling producers are living proof that lightning never strikes twice in the same place. Don't waste your money again - I sure won't.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great, High Action, Sci-Fi Movie, on a GRAND SCALE!
Review: I had been very disappointed with the second movie in the series "Matrix Reloaded" so much so that I ended up skipping this third "Matrix Revolutions" when it was released in the theaters. The first "The Matrix" movie had been so intriguing, original, and such a perfect sci-fi movie to me that the bar had been raised very high for this trilogy movie series.

As a stand alone movie the first Matrix movie cannot be surpassed but I can see now that if you combined all three movies that the second one doesn't look as bad nor as incomplete as it seemed to be and more importantly this third movie actually exceeded my expectations. If you are looking for the interesting plot thick suspense of the first movie then Revolutions is not going to satisfy you. But if you are looking for a sci-fi thriller with over the top special effects and enough story to hold your interest then this movie will definitely entertain.

I bought this DVD not expecting much from it and now my only regret is that I didn't go to the theaters to see it on the big screen. There are some truly stunning scenes in this movie with my favorites being those showing the "machines" attack on the human's subterranean city. This third movie pushes the special effects to a GRAND SCALE. If you like these kind of movies with massive battles reminiscent of Star Wars movies then you will love this movie. The Revolutions story line is not as deep, not as believable, not as complex, nor is it as thought provoking as the first movie but there is enough there to hold your interest unlike the second movie's lack of a solid story line where I could not wait for it to end.

Although I think that owning the first Matrix DVD on its own may be enough for most of us, if you don't have the first or second movie on DVD then I would recommend you simply wait for the complete DVD trilogy to be released since I think all three movies seen in sequence would be the preferred way of viewing and owning the Matrix series. In conclusion I rated the first "The Matrix" with five stars, the second movie "Matrix Reloaded" got two stars and this movie "The Matrix Revoltions" gets four stars.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: May lack depth, but surprisingly good ending to trilogy
Review: I didn't see this movie in the theaters after hearing so many negative comments from reviewers and viewers alike, but saw it on DVD, and realized that the many critics who panned "Revolutions" were scrutinizing it with far too hard an eye. It may not present anything new in terms of ideas or lead to you ask and ponder the answer to any questions as the first "Matrix" may have done, but it's a pleasantly entertaining popcorn flick, with at least two or three truly entertaining sequences -- one involving the Sentinels entering Zion and causing death and chaos within, and Neo's battle against Agent Smith on a rain-soaked city street. The third scene isn't surprising for its actions or thrills, but because, for arguably the first time, Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss show something resembling emotion in their main scene together -- Neo is blinded and their ship crashes, and Neo crawls over to Trinity and Trinity tells him that she's not going with him -- he asks why, and then feels several large metal rods have impaled her body.
The only weaknesses I found were that the characters of Ghost (Anthony Wong) and Niobe (Jada Pinkett Smith) were greatly underused, especially Ghost -- who is seemingly not used at all (seems like he even had more time in "Reloaded" where he had little). But then I guess the "Enter the Matrix" videogame is meant to fill in for his and Niobe's small roles in the films. Link (Harold Perrineau) also goes largely unused here -- his wife Zee (Nona Gaye) gets more of the screen time -- but after the somewhat touching moments they had in "Reloaded" I expected more of their story in the finale. But aside from these small quibbles, the film's popcorn-munching entertainment, and only the hardest critic will not be biting their nails seeings swarms of thousands and thousands of Sentinels wreaking havoc in Zion.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Philosophical Approach
Review: After having read all of the reviews patiently, I found myself writing these lines for all IMDB readers. In the first place, I would like to say that all of the matrix movies -including animatrix, must be thought in unity. Because, all of them has great philosophy in it and pieces of clues for the whole idea. Therefore I won't classify the movies the best loved to most hatered. I will open another perspective view about the meaning of the films. The meaning of our world that we live in and its clues in the movies. Approach of philosophical way of thinking for all matrix movies will bring you to another conclusion. And with that conclusion you will find the answers that you thought you were left unaswered by the film-makers. What is truth? How do you define it? Is it based on feelings? Or anything else? So What is the Matrix? A truth? A deream-world? And what is a balance in equation? (architect/oracle, neo/smith) And what happens if the balance/equation collapse? I strongly recommend all of you to focus these points for the whole series. If you have time, I also recommend to read about philosophy articles about existence (meaning and purpose of it) and after all of that give yourself a weekend to watch The Matrix, The Animatrix, The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions by picking up the hidden clues.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: Minor "spoilers" ahead - although you shouldn't care..

The Wachowski brothers have taken The Matrix - the most original sci-fi movie in many years - and in two movies made it into the worst, most cliched sci-fi trilogy ever. The first Matrix looked really cool and the faux-philosophy was kept to a minimum. Then the movie made millions and the writer/director brothers let it go to their heads. The second movie thought it was intelligent, but was really just a bunch of psycho-babble-jibberish and repetitive action sequences. The third movie manages to forever ruin the reputation of the franchise, as it is easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen. This movie made me want to die in the cinema - except when I was laughing at the crap dialogue. Was I the only one who nearly died laughing when that stupid kid says he hasn't finished the training program?? THIS MOVIE SHOULD APPEAR IN THE DICTIONARY UNDER "CLICHE". It should also be under "annoying" and "plot-hole" - I wanted that stupid general guy to die more than anything in the world, he kept getting angry when people did things to save the stupid city for god's sake! And what was with the Dragonball Z ending?!? Has Keanu become Goku as well as Jesus? Speaking of Jesus, the cross-shaped glow that emitted from Reeves at the end was pathetic - just like the ending. Maybe the W-Bros could have explicitly stated that you need to "believe" or "have faith" a few more time just to REALLY drive it home. At the end I expected to see a message thanking the church for funding. I won't even go into how this movie has unconvincing and over-used CGI, bad acting, every generic action movie plot point you've seen 100 times already and the worst soundtrack ever. I hated those stupid mechwarrior things, I hated all the characters, especially the stupid guy who you see screaming in his mech for about 10 minutes total and I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS MOVIE. It really is terrible. If you liked the first Matrix and want to keep it that way, never come within 100 feet of "Revolutions". This movie is a crime against humanity.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What Could You Possibly Have Expected?
Review: I waited in line to see this movie as soon as it came out. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't the "roller coaster ride" that the second movie was, so I didn't see it in the theater again. When the DVD was released I snapped it up immediately. You see, this is the kind of movie that must be watched again and again to be appreciated. I have a short attention span so I don't watch many movies twice--let alone again and again. My point is this: If you paid attention to the first two movies you got the impression that the Human Race was screwed a long time ago. If you watched The Animatrix they spelled it out for you. The Machines had won and no rebellion by a few thousand humans was going to make any difference. Neo or not. The Matrix Revolutions ended the story in the only way believable--which the rules say I can't reveal here. If you saw the movie in the theater once, buy or rent the DVD and watch it again. It's good. It's certainly worth 20 bucks. And it provides true closure to the story. What more could you expect?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Academy Awards??? ...just fake
Review: I can't believe that neither Reloaded or Revolutions were even nominated for the Academy Awards, and I'm not saying that they deserved the "best movie" award, but I think (and I believe a lot of people do) that these movies REALLY deserved at least a nomination for "best special effects". Come on, everyone knows that the Matrix trilogy opened a whole new world on the special effects area, and Revolutions it's no exception, since it has the best special effects ever seen on a movie. All of these can be confirmed when you watch the "special features DVD" that comes with the movie, where you can see some of the amazing and exhausting job that all the team did to make us "believe the unbelievable". So, don't you think it's unbelievable that The LOR won the "special effects" award? I do, but I also think now that most of these "award shows" are just that: Shows.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Great Movie to end an Amazing Trilogy.
Review: This is a terrific movie. I cannot believe that The Matrix Revolutions was rated one of the worst movies of 2003. This is a great well done movie, it has astounding special effects, and a good story. The final fight scene between Neo and Smith is awesome. You have to see the final chapter in the Matrix series, it is great.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: just some guy
Review: I loved the first movie, liked the second one, fell asleep during this one.

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