Rating:  Summary: Complete. Amazing. Completely amazing. Review: The Matrix is possibly the best sci-fi movie I have ever seen in my whole life. Long before I saw this in the theatre, I felt that this movie is something extra. I have heard people talk about it, I read about it, I saw pictures. But I really did a good job to stay out of too much information before I finally watched it. And that was the best thing I did. When I finally saw the movie, I was surprised by one thing in the plot. And then I knew that the rest of the movie would be awesome, and I also knew that I am going to love this movie. And I did... Almost every minute of it. The plot was simply wonderful, the actors were great and the special effects were something I never seen before. It was an experience that I can recommend everyone to at least give a try. Even if the plot seen only from a technical perspective is truly amazing, it is also another message: You can achieve more than you think. This movie is also about that, and about freedom. You can do more, since you have more freedom, once you get to learn about the Matrix. But also seen from technical perspective, it is not a very happy vision of the future we are about to see. The truth may be very different than you think. Matrix made me think and to imagine how it would be if the Matrix was real? Would we ever notice? Is it possible? This movie is the absolutely one of the best sci-fi movie I ever seen. Star Wars? Blade Runner? No way! They are way behind! They are over rated, while Matrix never can be. The Matrix is awesome.
Rating:  Summary: A Jewel! Review: The Matrix is probably one of the most clever, original, entertaining and well directed movies of the last decade. All the FXs are appropriated and go hand in hand with the great plot. A must see. Absolutely.
Rating:  Summary: Sound: 5+, Special Effects: 5+, Story: 1, Acting: -0 Review: The Matrix is probably one of the most overrated movies in film history. But then, I also thought Mad Max was a waste of celluloid. The resemblance being: the meaningless of life, a ridiculous storyline only an adolescent could believe and an ending that leaves you depressed.The acting was far too serious, rather "over the top" as drama goes. I sensed that the actors were trying there best to believe the lines given them throughout this unbelievable premise of a story thus their intense consentration is mistaken for acting. The storyline is: nothing is real except what is really real and no one knows what's real except for the real people. In other words we are not really here, we are somewhere else, we just think we're here, consequently not knowing where "here" is, we need someone to tell us where we are. If that sounds familiar to you you're right. Charlie Manson brainwashed his tribe into believing that same philosophy! Between these struggles of belief and disbelief are characters that can survive all manner of certain death and then wind up in another scene trapped, helpless and whimpering. Maybe I missed something looking at my watch. Matrix is the zenith of a heterosexual teen-age boys fantasy-adventure if they find distinguishing right from wrong in their lives bothersome. No wonder it was the favorite movie of the two Columbine students who slaughtered their classmates. But hey, it's just a movie, right? If you love both visual and audial effects then this could be a movie worth seeing as a novelty, because the characters take second billing in this multi-million dollar epic devoted to state of the art movie magic, just don't get sucked into the underlying shell game philosophy that the film espouses I must say again the sound effects are astonishing, be sure to play the DVD through your surround system, for that alone I stayed around for the finish, otherwise I would have had to ask somebody how it ended.
Rating:  Summary: If you suffer from paranoia, do not watch this movie. Review: The MAtrix is probably the best movie I have seen all year. I am a huge Stare Wars fan, but let me tell you this movie puts Star Wars to shame. The story is excellent. I am a writer myself and I only wish I had written this one. So, Keeanu Reeves isn't a very good actor, so what, the guy is getting better. Look at Brandon Lee, it wasn't until the Crow that he found his niche. I believe that Reeves has found his in this movie. Lawrence Fishburn is in top form for this movie. I would suggest that anyone watch this movie, except maybe those who suffer from paranoia.
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst movies I have ever seen. Review: THe Matrix is probably the worst movie I have ever seen. Keanu Reeves' acting is horrible, as well as the rest of the cast. The story has been repeated in over a hundred different movies, the whole "machines have taken over the world" thing. Most of the movie is mindless violence with flahy special affects. And how am I upposed to feel sympathy for Neo when the acting is so poor. I cannot believe the Matrix got such rave reviews.
Rating:  Summary: There's better sci-fi out there Review: The Matrix is pure fluff with some style. Granted, the special effects were great, but the plot loopholes are just too much to take. For instance, why do supposed " freedom fighters " kill innocent human SWAT members? How can Keannu destroy an entire office floor and hit everything except a sitting-still Fishburne? Why would a computer create " agents " and give them less than perfect aim? The plot is nothing new and occasionally lapses into gibberish. It's a shame that people are calling this the future of sci-fi. If you ask me, I would much rather watch good sci-fi like 2001 and Alien. Do yourselves a favor and watch a show like The Outer Limits for better sci-fi on a way smaller budget.
Rating:  Summary: This movie kicks cyberass! Review: The Matrix is quite possibly the best movie I have seen in the last two years! I enjoyed the superior cinematography and special effects. I have heard that the Matrix is only the first installment in what is supposed to be a trilogy. With a strong showing at the box office, I believe that this rumor could be a fact. To those who say that Reeves is a lowsy actor, you get up on stage and try it! Let me remind you that he has been the focal point of many hit films and a few that even got recognition from critics and film review boards. You must see this flick, it is cool.
Rating:  Summary: The most awesome Sci-Fi flic I have ever seen. Review: The Matrix is rich in awesome special effects and the cast was chosen perfectly. Although I'm not a huge Keanu Reeves fan, I thought he was perfoect for the part of Neo. The writers did a perfect job with the timing and delivery of explaining what was going on in the movie. I've seen it three times and after all this talk about it, I want to rent it tonight. I feel sorry for the people who have a hard time following and understanding the story, they're missing out on a great story. Overall, the combination of the story line, actors, and special effects, make this movie great!
Rating:  Summary: Now This is the Best Movie of All Time Review: The Matrix is simply an incredible movie. It deals with society in a whole new light. That the government is really not as good as portrayed, but that they are the evil ones, out to get us. The movie is about a computer program, or dimension where life itself is controlled from. It tells us that where we live right now is just a shell of the real life where only few of us can go. It is action packed, full of guns, although not bloody, and very suspenseful. The DVD is even sharper and more high tech than the VHS. This movie is the definition of sci-fi thriller, and believe me, you will be thrilled.
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix - The Ultimate Sci-Fi/Action & Adventure Flick! Review: The Matrix is simply one of the most visually stunning and intellectually enthralling Science Fiction/Action Adventure films to be produced in recent history. It is the quintessential film of the nineties and now the new millennium. Amazingly enough; at the time of its release I was working extremely long hours and didn't even see a trailer for it so I missed it at the theater. After hearing so many good things about it, I purchased it and was absolutely floored by its originality; mind blowing action and compelling plot. The Wachowski Brothers deserve nothing but the highest praise that they continue to receive for putting this story to paper and the silver screen. I've never been much of a Keanu Reeves fan but that opinion definitely changed with this movie and I'm sure will continue with its follow on movies "The Matrix Reloaded" and "The Matrix Revolutions." He is absolutely perfect in the role. Laurence Fishburne in the role of Morpheus is outstanding as usual, making it seem as if the role was made for him. In the role of Trinity is the ever so beautiful Carrie-Anne Moss whose hard work and stunning gorgeousness shines brilliantly on the silver screen and the home theater screen. Hugo Weaving performing as Agent Smith is nothing less than perfect in the role of the nemesis. Joe Pantoliano delivers another great performance in the role of good guy turned bad. Combining a brilliant story and superb directing by the Wachowski brothers with superb performances by the aforementioned actors brings forth what is most likely one of the best Science Fiction/Action & Adventure flicks of the nineties and the catalyst for this years release of the sequels which are both expected to reach astronomical levels at the box office. The premise: Thomas Anderson a.k.a. Neo is living two lives, by day he's a computer programmer who is seemingly living by all the rules as Thomas Anderson, by night he's Neo, a computer hacker who is breaking every computer derived law in the book. For quite some time he's also had the strangest feeling that everything is not as it seems. He begins to hear rumors of someone named Morpheus and something called "The Matrix." Suddenly, while he's searching for Morpheus, Morpheus seeks him out and then Mr. Anderson's world is turned inside out... What follows from there is as stated above, one of the most compellingly well written Science Fiction/Action & Adventure flicks to grace the silver screen and the home theater in quite some time. This is a movie that can be watched repeatedly and it's just as exciting as the first time you watched it! I "highly" recommend this film to all who are interested in a "great" movie that is unbelievable in its scope and detail and perfect even in its minor trivialities. {ssintrepid}