Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies of the 20th Century Review: It's hard to fully summarise this masterpiece of a movie. This ground breaking movie is the second from the Wachowski brothers, manga inspired, it covers a subject touched on before in such films as the Terminator, and many Japanese manga titles, a bleak and post apocalyptic future, where humanity in enslaved by machines. This movie puts a new twist on this genre, in that it suggests that the world around us may not be real, "What is real?" Maybe we all live in the matrix, but have not woken up! Have you ever questioned reality? "What is the real world" Why are things as they are, and who decided these things. This is one of my favourite movies of all times, the special effects introducing "Bullet Time" are cutting edge, the sound track and effects are the best I've experienced in a DVD, the whole film exudes quality. All movie fans can enjoy this title, my brother (non sci-fi fan) and all my friends love this movie and watch it time and time again. This is a must have for any DVD collection, and even if you watch it once, then again in six months time you will get something new from this movie, and enjoy it more with every viewing. Buy this title today you will not regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Computer Graphic... Review: It's just funny.... Computer Graphic is great.. Um...Story is a little childish..
Rating:  Summary: fig chump loot rest naught Review: it's okay. good for the special effects.sci-fi, action, slightly suspense/drama/romance/mystery. so keanu is like, this hacker dude, and he does stuff, and he gets in trouble, like, but he doesn't know what he's dealing with. but there are some totally awesome special effects which are worth watching for their music-video-quality of style, innovation, techno-fruit. and of course it's kinda nice to watch from a 'i wish i could do that' kind of perspective. the concept is definitely sweet. ahh, to be inside a computer. to be hyperreflex supertalented and inside a computer. to be wearing such nice pvc outfits. ahhh. i didn't buy it and i wouldn't have...someone else put me on the spot in a DVD store and said 'ok which one do you want' and i liked everything else there less. so i got the matrix. it's nice here and there.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing! Review: It's one movie that dares to probe the darker and unknown side of the human mind. Jaw-dropping effects, unexpected plot twists and characters who are cooler than cool -- do you *need* any other reson to see this movie?
Rating:  Summary: What is the Matrix? Review: It's pretty much a nerve wracking job trying to look for intelligent sci-fi(at least in the movies). This is a diamond in the rough. Amazing action and fight sequences by the master, Yuen Wo Ping, and a great plot that draws many parallels to gnostic christianty. That's right, you'll have to watch this one a bunch of times to start to grasp the full meaning. Follow the white rabbit.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best sci-fi movies of '99 Review: It's probably not the best acted and probably not gonna get an Oscar nod either, but "The Matrix" is one of the funnest movies of the year. You don't have to be a computer geek or a sci-fi fan (I'm not either one) to enjoy it. My only drawback is that I didn't get to see it in theaters 'cuz I'm just a little under age. For that matter I don't see why it's rated "R". It dosn't really have anything bad. It's got violence, but all they're really fighting are computer images, and it dosn't even say the "F" word. It's original and I'd recomend it to 15+.
Rating:  Summary: Can it get any worse? Review: It's something scrumbled together from MIB, Jackie Chan, Blues Brother and Terminator, in my opinion it's not very creative. Keanu Reeves as the chosen one, absolutely ridiculous. He should better apply for 90210!!
Rating:  Summary: Not high philosophy or anything, but a truly good time. Review: It's true, you CAN watch this video multiple times, and still get a kick out of it. The acting is excellent, the fight scenes are excellent, the special effects are excellent, the script is excellent, etc.... I'll admit, this movie doesn't create "deep thought" or anything--I mean, most of its concepts get hashed out in any philosophy 101 course, and you'd have to be a simpleton to not understand it. However, the concepts ARE well-executed, usually consistent, and I am honestly looking forward to the sequals/prequals. One question--if Neo was stuck in an intravenous-computer-lifepod thingy, how on earth did he even manage to thrash and keep afloat once he's released and falls into the water? In my opinion, he should have sunk like a brick or floated lifelessly like a deflated balloon....and I am curious as to the writers' explanation of why the computers (creators of the Matrix itself) actually "programmed in" the Oracle and don't know about her, and is her comment about the vase going to end up as some Leibnizien version of free-will? Time will tell, hopefully.
Rating:  Summary: A Cheap Thrill Review: It's was fun but it doesn't compare, by any distance, to Star Wars or any of its predecessor. Corny lectures are also very annoying and tiresome.
Rating:  Summary: I love the video Review: Ithink the movie is so cool you should make a Matrix 2