Rating:  Summary: The Best Film EVER?... Review: Certainly Not!_But Peter Jackson's "Fellowship of the ring" adaptation of J.R.R Tolkien's the Lord of the rings is a "Classic",and Not only in the Fantasy genre!.Peter JACKSON:__Creator of such cult classics like "Brain Dead","bad taste","meet the feebles" and the fantastic "Heavenly creatures", brought to life Tolkien's FOTR with the help of talented artists such as Andrew LESNIE (cinematographer of "Babe" , "doing time for patsy cline" , "Lotr:the 2 towers" , "Lotr:return of the king"...etc)Not since the "city of the lost children,GerminaL , DracuLa,Lost Highway and SchLafes Bruder (brother of sleep) as there been such beautiful images!, Composer Howard SHORE (the "Panic Room" , "Ed Wood" , "Naked Lunch" , "Silence of the Lambs" , "the Game" , "Esther Kahn" , "Se7en",etc..),VisuaL Effects supervisor Jim RygieL (Starship troopers, Last of Mohicans, Multiplicity,etc..)costume designer Nglia Dickson (Crush,xena,heavenly creatures,the 2 towers,Rotk),and many more... The RESULT__is simply outstanding!,visualy speaking,WETA,is now EquaL, if not better than some of the most reputated Special FX company working today.__the opening introduction of the FOTR of the "Last alliance" , Gollum's EYES, the Hobbits,orcs,the eye of sauron,the bridge of Khazad Dum.etc..etc are perfect examples, NO MORE! cartoony and non believable characters,this film takes a step further. The only average looking CG creations are "the cave troLL", the "Balrog", and "Galadiel's transformation"...and to Top it all, this film also has "Emotion",sadness,nostalgia..and great acting performances from Ian McKellen (who portrays GandaLF) , ELijah wood (frodo) , Ian Holm (bilbo baggins) , Viggo Mortensen (aragorn) , sean astin (samwise), Liv tayler (arwen),Cate blanchett (galadiel) , Hugo weaving (ELROND), Orlando bloom,billy boyd,John rhys davies...and Sean BEAN (Boromir) one of my personal favorite characters. the ADAPTATION__while i don't think tolkien would've been proud,well maybe..(he never wanted a film adaptation of his books anyway),Peter jackson has done a miracle!..of course purists will always complain about some characters and small details missing,(such as Tom BombadiL),and the pace of some scenes are too fast. but you have to keep in mind that the 3hour version of the Fellowship of the ring is in fact much longer and more violent than the one shown in theaters. P.J's R rated version of the Fotr will only be available on DVD. SUGGESTIONS:__Read J.R.R Tolkien's the SILMARILLION , "Fellowship of the ring" , the two Towers , Return of the King , the Hobbit____be sure not to miss the NORSE mythology__also, the "RING of Nibelung" from Richard Wagner. and "THORGAL" From Jean Van Hamme....and try not to miss Peter jackson's fake-documentary "Forgotten Silver"
Rating:  Summary: best movie of the century Review: I saw the movie and i really liked it.I had to see it twice to get everything but it was so good i would want to see it a third time. it keeps you on the edge of your seat. You can not wait to see the next scene. The cast selection was really good too. The actors played their parts really well and the movie flowed. I can not wait till the other movies come out. The effects were great and at some points you felt as if you were in the movie as well. It was one of those movies that are really worth paying for and seeing. This is a great movie and it shows what all movies should be like.
Rating:  Summary: The essence of the Tolkien tale is preserved. Review: You may notice that they took some time in the beginning to tell the back-story. Naturally being movie media it is necessary to make time decisions. As in the Mel Gibson version of Hamlet, something has to go or be extremely condensed to fit into the picture. Yet instead of cutting up the story or the major themes, all the directly essential information was left in. Left in was the reasons for the story and the dimensions of the characters. For example "Gandalf explains to Frodo that Golum was spared due to pity and may still have a part to play." A sample of the triage was the inclusion of the Forest Queen's gift to Frodo and the exclusion of the gift to Sam Gamgee. The explanation of the worth of mythril was sacrificed for brevity. Too bad there was no room for some of the songs. For someone who is not familiar with Tolkien's works this movie may look like it is a composite of several other movies that the viewer has probably seen. This viewer would be hard pressed to figure out if Tolkien was the originator or duplicator. All in all this film was extremely well done. You leave the Theater with the feeling that you have met Tolkien.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest Movie I Have Ever Seen. Review: When Star Wars Episode 1 came out, I fell for the hype and was disappointed. I had made up my mind not to do that with Fellowship of the Rings. I fell for the hype anyway. The amazing thing was, however, that it actually SURPASSED my expectations. Two weeks in advance I bought tickets to three showings in a row and began counting down the days. I bought all the books, movies, posters, and toys as they came out. In the back of my mind a little voice was screaming, "Nothing can compare to what you've built this up to be!!!" And for the first time ever, that voice was wrong. As a huge Tolkien fan (I have read the books countless times; I own both the American and British dramatazations; and I have watched all the crummy cartoons) I demanded perfection. Okay, the movie wasn't PERFECT (in the last scene, when Aragorn chops the head off of the last orc and runs to Boromir, a "dead" orc turns over and begins to stand up) but I can honestly say that it is the best movie I have ever seen. It beats Star Wars, Godfather, Matrix, and all those greats. I cannot wait for the next two. It was not exactly like the book, which is good. It kept to the SPIRIT of the book, which is great. Anyone who appreciates movies realizes that you absolutely CANNOT recreate a book word for word into a movie and have every detail exactly like every reader imagines. It is impossible. Some changes: Glorfindel's brief and somewhat pointless role is given to Arwen, thus giving an earlier view of the elf and Aragorn and their relationship. Tom Bombadil and the entire Old Forrest bit are gone. I hated that part of the books, but even if you enjoyed it, lets face facts: the movie is already three hours long. The introduction of Pippin and Merry and the flight from the Shire is rushed. But once again, 50 years pass between the party and Frodo's leaving, and it is already a LONG movie. You have to cut corners. Here are the only changes I thought they shouln't have changed: The sword that was broken is not reforged. Sam never gets the Elvish rope. The only gift we see Galadriel give is the vial to Frodo. Moria was rearranged and I felt an important part of Gimli's character was left out. Gimli never becomes obsessed with Galadriel's beauty. Boromir, Legolas, and Gimli's reasons for coming to Rivendell are left out. That seems like a lot, but the film is so good, I was easily able to forgive them these artistic liberties. Some things they changed for the better: No Tom bombadil! Arwen and Saruman's roles were extended. Aragorn is shown to be more human because in the movie is afraid of succumbing to the same fate as Isildur. Elrond, who witnessed Isildur's failure, has lost faith in men and Aragorn. Sam and Boromir's characters are heightened by a marvellous script and great acting. Go watch this movie. You will love it. I guarantee it! (PS In the extended DVD, it has some scenes that I complained about being left out like Gimli and Galadriel. And according to the Two Towers previews, the sword WILL be reforged. Go Peter Jackson!)
Rating:  Summary: Blow away movie!!! Review: This movie was fantastic.It's my all time favorite movie.If you like Elijah Wood, this is a must see movie, or for anybody else who loves more adult fantasy. What i mean is that it is more violent and mature than Harry Potter the 1# movie.I can't complain of anything. It was perfect. Peter Jackson was very true to the book.Well don't take my word for it SEE it! I can't wait For the second movie to come out on December 25, 2002!
Rating:  Summary: 21st Century Classic Review: I can honestly say with no exaggeration that I sat throughout the movie riveted for every second of those three hours (And it is very seldom indeed I can say that about a movie,even one of my favourites) Indeed it was as close as anyone could ever come to reproducing Lord of the Rings on the Big Screen . Ive been a Tolkien fan since the age of 13 in 1985 when I was first spellbound by The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings and now seeing Middle Earth actually come to life on the screen is amazing. The essence of the movie was so close to that of The Lord of the Rings and Tolkien's World that I could only think after everything I saw 'So this is Middle Earth' , 'So this is The Shire' , 'So this is Moria' , 'So this is Isengard' , 'So this is Lothlorien etc The scene at the beginning describing the history of The Rings was a masterstroke going straight by contrast to the peaceful Shire The caste was fantastic.
Rating:  Summary: WOW!!!!!! Review: I have never read any of Tolken's books not even the Hobbit. But I remember catching the trailer sometime last year and was in anticipation for the movie. The Movie Finally came and I've seen it twice since last Friday. It was the absolutely incredible. I loved the characters and everything else.It was just brilliant. I hope they win tones of oscars.
Rating:  Summary: Five stars - I'm in awe of this movie Review: Although I hadn't read any of the "Lord of the Rings" novels before, I was nonetheless eager to see this movie, being a fan of Science Fiction books and movies and after seeing the breaktaking trailer. However, upon leaving the theatre, I was even more impressed with "Lord of the Rings" than I orginally thought I would be. This is truly an awesome movie - and brilliant, too. The plot is detailed and engrossing, the characters range from interesting to raptuous [even though a Science Fiction, I felt connected emotionally to many of the characters in the movie], and the often haunting and mesmerizing soundtrack beautifully captures the mood of the film. I was particularly taken by the over-arching theme of the movie - the eternal struggle of good versus evil, and man's spiritual and moral frailty in the face of temptation - as well as the tone, which often seemed to border on the religious. More merely a great Science event, this movie in my view qualifies as one of the best movies ever made. It would be a travesty if "Lord of the Rings" isn't at least nominated for a Best Picture oscar. This movie is that good.
Rating:  Summary: I love this movie Review: I think this movie was best movie I've ever seen.I love all the action and how the costumes and make-up were done,it looked so good.But the part of the movie I liked the best was the young elf Lagolas (I think that's how you spell it),he is so hot in this movie,I mean he is just so sexy.I love how he does the bow and arrows,it just makes him look even sexier.I can't wait to see the rest of the movies.
Rating:  Summary: Give it a try, even if you are a hard core LOTR fun Review: I read Hobbit and LOTR trilogy back in late 70's. The books were probably the equivalent of Harry Potter's to my kids today. So were the movies. While Harry Potter movie retraced the book faithfully, LOTR movie has to pack the vast LOTR universe into... well three installments of three hour movies, and the creators did a pretty good job with it. The movie brought the LOTR world to the real life just as I imagined it would be. While the movie omits certain stories and characters here and there, let's not be too picky about it. After all, a movie is a movie, and a book is a book. I am turning the pages of LOTR again after more than 20 years.