Rating:  Summary: PETER JACKSON: I SALUTE YOU !!! Review: Now, some 24 hours after watching this movie for the first time, regained my breath and I think I can reasonably analyse the merits or flaws of this movie. Because, while I was there, ther was only joy, emotion: I was watching Middle Earth in front of my eyes. I was watching Aragorn, Gandalf , Frodo and others played by convinceable actors who clearly gave their best. I was watching a movie clearly made by a director tht respected and loved Tolkien's work, and also was wise enough that he must cut some parts to not kill the project commercially. The point, as I see is: it doesn't matter at all if some things wer left out; if the movie is better for who read or for whom not read the books. The great quality here is the SPIRIT, THE PACE, THE TONE of the movie. They are perfect. The special effects has substance and serve the history. The cinematography is beyond comments, an OSCAR for sure here. The history, if you consider this is FANTASY, is perfect.JACKSON, you had a difficult task in your hands and you handled it with skill beyond limits. I SALUTE YOU!!! P.S. FOr me, the movie was too short!! I would stand in that chair for six hours with pleasure!! Thinking better, I would watch the three movies in a row without problems!! I can hardly wait for the DVD's that surely will be released after 2003!!
Rating:  Summary: I'm still trembling...!! Review: I'm out of words!! This is simply the best adventure / fantasy / action movie I've ever watched. Yes, I've read the books. Yes, I know the producers / director / screenwriters changed a lot of stuff, some you can understand or reason why they did it, some you have not the slightest idea why they were changed. But that's always the same in translating books to screen... But, in this case, we clearly sense that every frame was shot thinking it was THE BETTER THING TO DO; it is clear they could not avoid cutting some stuff, because, after all, the trilogy is a product that must generate profits, and you could not possibly make a movie more than 3 hours long (a movie that does not end!). If TOm Bombadil sequence were put on it, for example, many viewers could possibly think the movie is "slow" or something like that. I think they did the best handling the artistic / commercial interests, without one damaging the other. The introductory sequence tries brief to explain to Ring history, and it was a good idea. The cast is marvellous. The special effects are marvellous. I think that those who not read the book can sense the slow transition for the hobbits, from an idihlic existence in the SHire to a quest that raises and raises in desperation and urgency from second to second!! Viggo Mortensen no doubt had the role of his life, and he grabbed it with both hands, making Aragorn the perfect hero, the perfect warrior. All the cast is marvellous, simply put. They really put life into the characters. Well, I'll stop here. I'll only say that at some points along the movie I felt tears coming to my eyes, and I must make it clear that this not happens very often..
Rating:  Summary: Outrageously beautiful; moving Review: I read the books two years ago, and was enthralled -- I've been waiting anxiously for the movie ever since. It exceeded my expectations, to say the least. The material was lovingly handled, and I was in awe the whole time -- three hours felt like one to me. Next year seems like an eternity to have to wait for the next installment!
Rating:  Summary: BEST DAMN MOVIE SINCE "GONE WITH THE WIND" **AN AWESOME EPIC Review: I've never written a review here before because I've never had the inclination or the passion to do so. After seeing this movie, though, I had to express my feelings somehow. I've already seen it 3 times and plan on seeing it 3 more times. I just loved everything about it. It may be 3 hours long, but it feels more like 1 hour because it is filled with so much story. I read and listened to the stories when I was just a little girl and they always filled me with such fascination. Upon hearing that the movie was due out, I was thrilled yet wary. I assumed they could never get close to the imagination and fantasy in those books, but I was WRONG! Words just can't express how much I loved this movie. I will definitely be first in line when it comes out on DVD. And until the next installment comes out next Christmas, I'll be in a state of anticipation mixed with depression. I CAN NOT wait till later this year. Guess I'll just have to see this one over and over and over and over! Anyway, if you have any doubts whatsoever about seeing it, don't hesitate. Believe me, you'll love it. And if you don't? Well, there's no accounting for taste-haha!
Rating:  Summary: HANDS DOWN, BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!! Review: First off, I've never read any of Tolkien's books, so this will be a totally unbiased review of the movie, free of any preconceptions on how the story should be adapted for the screen. I'm also not a fan of big-budget fantasy movies. I can honestly say that I stood in line and waited for this movie all because of marketing hype and nothing else. And I am so glad that I let myself be taken by the hype because this movie more than delivers. IT'S A MASTERPIECE!! I'll have to apologize right away because I'll be using numerous superlatives to praise this movie. I think this might be the first movie I've seen where all aspects of film-making are excellent. Casting-wise, the actors were all tailor-made for their roles. You simply cannot imagine other people in their place. Ian McKellen brings authority and humanity to his Gandolf. The only actor I know who equals his performance is that of Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the first Star Wars movie. Elijah Wood is spot-on, the perfect Frodo. He deftly portrays the gradual changes in Frodo's character. From innocent, frolicking young hobbit, to a confused character, fearful, yet at the same time brave in facing the enormity of his task, Wood never misses a step. The supporting characters also shine. Aragon's valor is convincing in Viggo Mortensen's hands, while Sean Bean flawlessly portrays the conflicted character of Gorgon. Sean Astin and the two other actors who play Merry and Pippin are excellent buddies to Frodo. These three stand out as unique characters instead of being the usual flat, dumb-dumb side-kicks seen in movies. Liv Tyler and the always amazing Cate Blanchett are both regal and breathtaking as important otherworldly elves. I can't remember all of their names or their characters, but suffice it to say that this an ensemble cast that works perfectly together, yet all of them individually stand out. Performance and a tight script contribute to this success. As for the story, it is a well-developed and exciting journey which lets us sympathize with the characters while giving us the thrill of a lifetime. Other reviewers have given thorough summaries so I will no longer attempt to do that here. The story fuses all kinds of thought: mythic, philosophical, theological all into one meaty material. In short...it's NEVER boring. Even if you haven't read the book, you won't get lost. The first five-minutes of the film is spent with a voice-over by the fantabulous Cate Blanchett relating the background and premise of the story. NOw, onto the best part...the production. I fear that I have no words to describe the grandeur and beauty of this movie. Peter Jackson and his production team have created worlds that simply dazzle the eyes and take your breath away. The sheer enormity of this movie makes you wonder how much work and imagination went into this film. My poor jaw spent a good portion of this movie hitting the floor. There are so many "oooooh", "aaaah" and scary moments that your senses are in for a treat. The music, before I forget, is also fab! Its operatic sound is the perfect background for a grand epic like Lord Of The Rings. The camera also moves rapidly in order to keep up with the raging battles. But unlike in Baz Luhrmanns trashy Moulin Rouge, the frenetic camera movemets in LOTR are effective in increasing the tension and excitement. In Moulin Rouge, it was excessive and unnecessary, bordering on pretentious (You can almost hear Baz Luhrmann saying "Ooooh, look, I'm making ART!"). Totally shameless and annoying. In LOTR, it enhances the movie because it is only used in appropriate moments. I can't believe Time magazine called Moulin Rouge the second best picture of the year when LOTR is OBVIOUSLY FAR SUPERIOR. Heck, LOTR has a story and is sublimely free of Nicole Kidman's wooden acting. But I digress. The best quality of this film is that, first and foremost, it gives importance to the story and the characters. The CGI and other special effects, no matter how amazing, are only there as backdrops to the intricate plot. You never feel as if you're being manipulated with a light show. Instead, you feel as if you've been sumptously drawn into a world which you don't ever want to leave. Despite its length of three hours, you leave the theater craving for more, while at the same time, feeling extremely satisfied. It's hard to explain. You'll just have to watch it. In this age of DVD's, home theater systems and Pirated videos, it's becoming more difficult for filmmakers to convince the viewing public to stand in-line and wait outside theaters to watch a movie. With LOTR, we are reminded once more how the medium of cinema can be so powerful and inspiring. To Mr. Peter Jackson and his team....a big thanks! I'll definitely be the first in line for the Two Towers this December.
Rating:  Summary: "Fellowship" overtakes my other fantasy favorite Review: Fellowship of the Ring and probably its two sequels takes over my favorite fantasy movie, just barely beating Dragonslayer (which I don't know why is not on DVD yet)...these two are heads above the rest, even including my beloved Star Wars, which doesn't hold up when you compare them to the above gems. I wasn't a great Tolkien fan, but I've seen the movie 3 times and will see it probably 2 more times in theaters. The acting, plot, sound, cinematography...everything HAS TO BE SEEN IN THE THEATERS, PREFERABLY A BIG SCREEN. Fellowship has made me plan to buy a home stereo system with a high definition TV because there's no way I'll watch it any other way.
Rating:  Summary: VERY DISAPPOINTING !!!!!!! Review: Although I've never read the books, as a moviegoer this is how I rate this OVER-HYPED movie: 1) IT WAS WAAAAAAY TOOOOOOOO LONG!!! People complained about other good movies out there today that are too long. THIS was TOO LONG!!! 2) People today ONLY care about action & special effects. With that said, LOTR is ONLY about special effects!! 3) All I saw on the screen was a bunch of guys travelling to somewhere which they never get there and they do the same thing over and over again. What I mean by this is that every place they get to there's always an "evil" that they have to battle and for every "evil" they were up against, they always get away. This is what I saw during the 3 hours of my life I lost. 4) A lot of books don't translate very will into film. I'm sure this didn't because as long as each book was, there is just no way a movie will do it justice. Three hours? I'm sure it would've been better if LOTR was a 10part mini-series. 5) The three hours really did NOT reveal the story very well!! 6) The other thing I HATED was that I have to wait a whole year to find out what's next. If this was to be a "serial" movie, we shouldn't have to wait that long. 7) I think someone paid a bunch of critics too much money to say that this is a good movie. All in all, go see another movie that has more depth and story to it. That's all folks!!! GO SEE SOMETHING ELSE.!!!
Rating:  Summary: amazing Review: What a movie! True entertainment! It's a bit hard to understand without reading the book. Other than that it's a very well done piece. I really enjoyed it. p.s. not suitable for young children.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Astonishing Film! Review: Having never read the J.R.R. Tolkien books, or seeing the animated 1978 Ralph Bakshi film, I really did not know fully of what to expect before seeing THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING. What I saw in the Lakewood Mall Theater tonight was amazing: Peter Jackson has created a whole world of fantasy, and so much more, with this film. Always somewhat of a mad genius, he first got attention (some would say notoriety) in, and eventually outside of, his native New Zealand by directing the ultra-gory and aptly titled horror-comedies BAD TASTE and DEAD ALIVE in the early 90's. Then, he began to branch out with HEAVENLY CREATURES in 1994, which was a harrowing real-life murder drama. I'm not sure what else he did after that, but obviously, a lot of his time was spent in adapting his madcap genius to the epic, compelling vision of Tolkien. This film has everything a great adventure/fantasy should have: A sense of wonder, a sense of danger, and a brand new world that we are watching for the very first time which totally sweeps the viewer away. Plus, it has wonderful cinematography, sound & sound effects, and visual effects. The score is mesmerizing; it should win the Oscar in this category. Also, the acting is brilliant: Sir Ian McKellen (as the hulking Gandolf), Elijah Wood (as Frodo the Hobbit), Viggo Mortensen, and Cate Blanchett (in a small but spellbinding role) are all brilliant, and each has a shot at an Oscar nomination this year. The supporting players are likewise excellent. Unfortunately, my experience in watching this cinematic triumph was marred by the family who sat right behind me who actually brought their 4- or 5-year-old to see it! Naturally (babies being babies), this kid made a lot of noise a lot of the time. (The adults, unfortunately, weren't much better!) I mean, really, this is *not* a film to take a young child to see. Under 10 is not recommended, let alone under 6! This film is rated PG-13, and it has some strong violence and genuinely scary moments. In fact, for what this film contains, it would've easily gotten an R-rating 10 years ago. But enough of that: I loved this film. I think that it is a definite must-see on the big screen, and I will definitely buy it on DVD--and I might just get around to reading the books, too! :)
Rating:  Summary: Where did they get the screenwriters??????? Review: Having read the books by J.R.Tolkein I came to the theatre with teeth clenched but hoping for the best. I expected some compacting, cutting, etc. but was totally unprepared for the hacking, sacking, and total corruption of the original story as seen in the screen play. This looked more like a creature thriller than anything else and missed major story lines which leave many characters without understandable motivation. The distressing part of this is that I could see no reason for the change in the story line, i.e. it would have been as easy to keep to the true story line as wander off as the screen play did. What is most frightening I suppose is that as disappointed and disillusioned as I am with the first movie I don't see myself going to see any of the rest. Yes the scenery was wonderful and the special effects dazzling, but the story was greatly diminished and the orc battles perhaps a bit over the top. My 11 year old son put it best when he said that had the movie been made without the book it would have been exciting and enjoyable, but no one who appreciates Tolkein's books can find the film anything more than disappointing. Having read the press about none of the actors knowing anything of the books before the movie was made, I now wonder about the screen writers and director as well.