Rating:  Summary: A truly great film. Review: Though it deviates in minor ways from the source material, The Fellowship of the Ring is easily one of the best films I've seen in years. Complex, rich in detail and characterization, and directed with a steady hand, this film truly delivers. As a longtime fan of the books, I was very nervous when I heard a live-action version of the story was to be made. When I heard that Peter Jackson was behind the wheel, I relaxed a bit. And boy, did he deliver. He (along with two other screenwriters) tightened the plot, trimming the film into a lean story that still manages (against all odds, in my opinion) to capture the true nature of Tolkien's world. I highly recommend this film.
Rating:  Summary: Scared spitless! Review: I had trouble finding anyone to see this movie with! I couldn't believe when a friend refused to see it because of a chaste kiss in the trailer! No kissing in the book, meant NO kissing in the movie. Another friend expressed a low interest in seeing this film because they had refused to read the books in the 60's. I was just a stupid kid in the 60's and fell for the books, hook - line - and sinker. Was 20 minutes late to my first viewing. Got right into the journey of Frodo to Rivendell. I was struck by how closely they nailed the scenery and the very timbre of the dialogue amongst the characters. Still, I held the movie up to the book each time a scene smacked as differant from the book. I couldn't help it. Had just reread all 4 books in the past 2 months. Took a second opportunity to see the LOTR. Had to go by myself. The first time, I screamed out loud at the scary parts and rocked in my seat in the fetal position much of the time. I thought I'd be uncomfortable doing this alone. Even though I tried to control myself, I still flinched and sqeaked when appropriate. The creatures in this film were fantastic. I am having bad dreams and am afraid to walk the house in the dark. I'm a grown woman, with children of my own. But, I BELIEVE! I was scared whilst reading the books and I don't see how one wouldn't be: that whole good v.s. evil thing hooked me but good.
Rating:  Summary: An all out great movie Review: When I saw this movie, I knew that it couldn't possibly be better than the book. Movies seldom are. But that didn't stop me from enjoying this film. Peter Jackson did an amazing job and some incredibly talented actors were picked and placed in the movie. I loved this movie so much that when it was finished, I couldn't believe it when someone told me it was three hours long! I loved it so much that I can't wait for the next one.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings Review: Lord of the Rings is a thrilling as well as exciting adventure that keeps you on your toes. Before there was Harry Potter, There was Frodo Baggins and his 8 companions going on an adventure of a lifetime. This exciting book has just been made into a most facinating movie and will keep your eyes peeled and you can't wait for more. When your done watching the movie for the first time, you ask yourself, "How soon untill I come back?" You will find that when J.R.R. Tolkien closes a door, he always opens a window in this fantacy. He makes you feel as if there was accually a time when there were such things as hobbits, elves, dwarves and trolls along with orcs and goblins... and well, Middle-Earth. Tolkien put a backround to this tale, which makes this classic's scenarios tencer, or sometimes even more relaxed. I rate this wonderful, thrilling, breath-taking adventure 5 stars, and when you read his books, you'll know why.
Rating:  Summary: The Years Best Review: This should win Best Picture at the Oscars, but something in the back of my mind says it'll be A Beautiful Mind...and it does deserve it, it was a great movie, but this is the best movie of the year.A lot of the negative views people have been giving it wouldn't like the books because they focus on things that were in the book...duh! This isn't true to the books, but it is true to the spirit. I was scared because I thought it'd fall victim to the Harry Potter curse and not live up to the hyp. I couldn't have been more wrong. Ian McKellan is the best actor of the bunch, and every one of them was absolutely amazing. I wouldn't be surprised if he walks away with the Oscar for best Supporting Actor, though I'd like to see Alan Rickman take that... Elijah Wood and Sean Astin did seem like strange choices, given the fact they're both oung actors who haven't been in exactly the biggest blockbusters, or even all around good movies, but they both play their characters flawlessy. The same can be said of Viggo Mortesen...whatever his name is, Sean Bean, John Rhys-Davies (Whom, thanks to the perfect makeup and hairstylists, I couldn't tell it was him), Orlando Bloom, Liv Tyler, Cate Blanchett, Billy Boyd, and the rest. The Special Effects were great, probably the best I've seen since Pearl Harbor. At least their trolls didn't look like blue cousins of Shrek (See Harry Potter). Best Movie of the year. Go get 'em at the oscars!
Rating:  Summary: The Fellowship of the Ring Review: Absolutely overwhelming. Gandalf - perfect casting. All make-up , all characters just as imagined from the book. Very clever photography. I'm ready to see it again. Can't wait for the DVD to come out. Will buy it for my very own and I don't do that often.
Rating:  Summary: Enchanting Review: I'm a die-hard fan of the L.O.R saga ever since I saw Bakshi's excellent adaptation to it.And ever since I heard a rumour going on that a L.O.R movie is arriving this winter,I couldn't permit my mind to halt thinking about it.And on New Year's Eve I rushed as fast as my feet could carry me to the theater.And I can only describe this spectacular performance in one word....enchanting. The Black riders'(Nazgul) look is ever-gothic,the special effects were outstanding,the acting was good and I adore Peter Jackson's transformation from a fantasy drama to an action-packed sword and sorcery epic yet still delivering full justice to Tolkien's classic,for if he didn't change it,audiences would be bored of it's many speeches and lectures(which most people don't find entertaining in a movie).He also changed some of the characters' personalities making them much more interesting eg.Arwen Evenstar,Lady of Rivendell.So why did I give it only four stars it's simply because the way I visualized Middle-Earth isn't how Jackson displayed it.First of all,his hobbits(halflings/perian) look exactly like men save their hairy feet whilst Tolkien describes them as children grown old.Second,the background is supposed to look more mystical(especially Rivendell)eg.starry skies and silver moons add more magic to the movie.And last,I was disappointed that they didn't include any Blind Guardian whose songs have been dedicated to Middle-Earth.Although it's still a breath-taking movie which will awestruck you with it's enchantment.
Rating:  Summary: ohmygod ohmygod.... Review: i'm in pain and i'm dying... i'm bloody angry with peter jackson. ... why, oh why must i wait for another 339 days (approx) for the second installment? why do i have to endure this ... burden? god... that's how good the movie is. i'm not saying that the movie is *perfect*, but i have to salute jackson for doing his best in compressing that giant of a book and actually manage to tell the events that took place in "the fellowship of the ring" in three hours. in all fairness, although i can't say that i truly appreciate all of the "artistic licence" that he took to make the story... er... more exiting, i understand why he have to do them. honestly, it makes the film more coherent for those who haven't read the book. i was sceptical at first when they announced that elijah wood was chosen for the role of frodo baggins... i expected someone older, since frodo actually started the journey when he's 50. in some sense i feel that by having a younger frodo going on this journey makes it a bit lacking... however, i have to say that elijah wood did play the character with vigor and emotion. i find the addition of arwen as distracting ... i know that they are angling for a romance thingie to supposedly *reel* in the female audience but i find that *very* patronizing. firstly, if somebody wants to see a romance/love story, they bloody well could do better than see LOTR! the time constraint itself should have made them think twice before putting in unnecessary scenes. in the end, the ones who thought they were gonna get something like titanic will end up feeling frustated AND those who revere the books will feel a 'lil bit disappointed by the whole thing! jackson just didn't have enough time... and i think there's a reason why tolkien didn't put in much story on arwen's and aragorn's romance: it is NOT the main plot... the most important elements in this tale is of courage, friendship and the battle between good and evil... it just happened that in the end, the "solution" to the long romance between aragorn and arwen happens at the end of LORT. i've heard a lot of ppl complain about galadriel. yes, that includes me. i really, really like cate blanchett and i think she's one of the best actress around, but her protayal of the elf queen fall flat. galadriel was supposed to be very beautiful and wise (unlike arwen's youthful beauty) coz elves are supposed to grow more beautiful as they live longer... not cold and scary! she is someone that is beyond reproach, certainly not one who induces fear in people! a friend of mine even thought that she is one of the bad guys! i actually like her character more compared to arwen and it makes me sad that her character was treated with such callousness. peter jackson made galadriel out of character when compared to other elves that is on the good side. *SPOILER* and what's up with the waxen ghost look she sported when she showed frodo the mirror of galadriel? like, hello... she should be *beautiful* and *horrible* at the same time? that her subjects will love and despair over her? jackson got the horrible part all right... *END OF SPOILER* another thing that i need to mention... the movie did not show how TRULY evil the ring is... in the whole movie, we see that frodo readily and willingly give away the ring. but the truth is, the moment a bearer have the ring , it ing will slowly subvert and poison the holder's mind and make itself soo precious to him that the holder will never willingly part with it. my friend said in passing that jackson makes it seem so easy for frodo, as if he is immune to the ring's power and i think that is one of the bad side of the movie in bringing forth tolkien's vision. the good points? well... the amazing set for one. i simply, simply, *simply* love moria! what an amazing place... the nazguls are creepily realistic... the music, the battles... god, it's all perfect! and i think the character legolas is very well portrayed by orlando bloom... or that might be my hormones talking! ;-p but honestly though, i think both gandalf and boromir are excellent. there is absolutely nobody else that could be gandalf! i mean.. he IS gandalf!! and god, sean bean is great! i like his boromir better than in the book... when he said that he lived to long without hope, you could see his expression and... it just blew my mind. excellent, excellent work. and it's all so sad... so... basically that is more or less some of the pros and cons of the movie.. although i have to say that there aren't many cons in it! even if you are not an avid fantasy fan, please make an exception to this movie. it's excellent, and i must say much better than the newer installments of star wars...
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous rendering of a favorite trilogy... flawless movie! Review: Sweeping visuals, wonderful performances, great special effects, emotional rollercoaster ride... and then of course there is the story. I know the story well, and even so the whole three hours were mesmerizing for me. No sore butt, no restlessness, not one thought as to when it would end.. I wanted it to go on and on, and on! Such a delightful fulfillment of this Tolkein fan's hopes. Brilliant film.