Rating:  Summary: Tolkien rules! Review: I read all the books of the Middle Earth's History and I encounter them fascinating, awesome, can't find words to describe it. When I heard about the movie, I was oh so excited. Have seen the cartoons but they're not so good. Anyway, I went to the Premiere here in Mexico, I have seen it like 4 times and I still find the movie awesome. Cna't wait to buy the DVD. I won a contestfa special package about the movie, I have some crystal cups and dolls, I'm emotioned with all this stuff. I want the DVD now, the movie in it's 180 (aprox) minutes, is totally the first book, is the best adaption for a book in the screen, thanks to all of you who made it posiible!
Rating:  Summary: Good, too long Review: First off, let me state that I have never actually read the books. HOWEVER, I believe all you Tolkein-heads who say the movie was close to the books. I guess for fans of the book, this was a good thing. For the rest of us, however, three and a half hours of fantasy is on the long side. By the third hour, I wanted to yell "Haven't you guys heard of FedEx?!" That being said, I liked the rest of the movie. The acting, visual effects, music, and location choices were all top notch. For the first part of the movie, the story moved along at a good pace. When it hit hour two and a half, though, things began to bog down. Spending forty five minutes in one spot is something that most movies try to aviod. I would have rated this movie higher if the following had been done: 1) Chop it down to 2.5 hours, or at least put a lull in the action half way through so I can go buy more food without missing anything 2) The ending was a real bummer. The director could have done a much better job of wrapping things up and leaving you wanting to go see the second and third movies.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings put Harry Potter to shame Review: I'm not going to get to into it. Just give it a chance. It's easily one of the best movies I've ever seen. A great story, shown really well in the film. It has some really good action scenes. Great special effects. I've already seen it 4 times, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again. If your bored one night or have nothing else to do give it a chance. You'll probably like it. If your reading this your atleast somewhat intrested.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutly amazing! Review: Stand back Harry Potter, here comes the Lord of the Rings! Wow! This movie took my breath away. My friends were begging me to see it. I thought it would ruin the book and not follow the story, but I under-estemated the movie. I love long movies, with good stories, acting and characters. This full-filled my movie desires. I plan on getting the DVD right when I see it in stores...
Rating:  Summary: A Perfect Film Based on a Perfect Book! Review: A film adaptation of this book is quick to come to mind, because it would easily be a visual spectacle and a cinematic feat. However, simply trying to conceive where to begin with such an immense tale--and with such a large and faithful fan base--is unfathomable to say the least. Regardless, Peter Jackson accomplished the impossible and did it well too--in fact, it was Tolkien's son that said it was impossible. But clearly for anyone to say from this point on that a book is unable to be adapted to the big screen, new hope lies with the success of this film--commercially and artistically.Usually the decree is that film adaptations stray too far from their source material. In this case, the filmmakers did everything possible to maintain the feel of the book, if not every individual scenario. And it works well because of that. Many have criticized the film adaptation of the first Harry Potter for too closely following the book. In the case of The Lord of the Rings, it follows it suitably, diverging where necessary, omitting where obligated, but maintaining everything about the narrative, the characters, and the settings that made the books the success that they continue to be. To dissect the individual aspects of the production, the film appears seamless. The performances are well done all around. There is a thin line that the actors must all walk, bordering between natural and over-the-top, to achieve the necessary degree of fantasy and solemnity. The actors succeed, and come across perfectly. The screenplay is well written and intelligently incorporates all facets of Tolkien's universe, regardless of its original presence in the main LotR text. It is obvious that everyone did their research, and it shows in the clever writing and subtle references to other aspects of MiddleEarth. To say all this is still to speak nothing of the special effects, which come out of nowhere and surpass even the most ambitious efforts from the 2001-year. In a year when it appeared that Industrial Light & Magic had finally been presented with an imagination that exceeded their capabilities (read: The Mummy Returns, Harry Potter), it comes as a godsend that the no-name special effects company Weta could surpass the competition and bring a nearly perfect visualization of all the creatures and worlds in LotR. The effects are not perfect, mind you, but intertwined with every aspect, as well as the ambitious nature of the project, makes you forget any--minute--shortcomings that might be apparent. But perhaps the most prominent star of this film has to be Jackson's direction, which some might find over-the-top, but which occurred to me as a necessary and exciting aspect to this film. One can literally see Jackson's enthusiasm as the camera moves around and about, but never ostentatiously or in a distracting way. It is very appropriate and does so much to incorporate the viewer into the movie. It might mean little to suggest, but it almost seems that some films find the subject matter too daunting to put the effort into creative filming. In the case of LotR, some of the shots are so complex and long and intense--and from the looks of it, impossible--that Jackson appears to love every minute of it...and thereby the audience does too. Indeed, some shots are like a roller coaster. Implemented correctly as they are, it is a truly enthralling excursion into this intense and fascinating world. And so the finished product of this massive cast and crew is one of the greatest films of the year and perhaps the greatest fantasy film ever. If there is one downside, it is that I've got two more years before I can see the conclusion. All around great efforts coupled with the ubiquitous passion for the text has helped to craft a perfect film and a spectacle for the big screen. Moreover, this is certainly not one to be missed on the big screen; rental or video can never capture the grandeur and the vision that have built the impossible book into a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST MOVIE EVER Review: This is the finest fantasy film ever made, and in my opinion the finest film period. Peter Jackson brings the epic literary trilogy to breathtaking life with beautiful cinematograpy, the perfect cast, an intelligent script, and amazingly lifelike special effects all set against the lovely New Zeland countryside. The acting is so adept that you feel that you're watching Frodo (for example) instead of Elijah Wood as he tries to save all of Middle Earth from the domination of Sauron. Even if you hate fantasy (heaven forbid) this is a MUST SEE. Hopefully it will compel you to read the fantastic literature of J R R Tolkien as well.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Performance!!!! Review: This movie is the best movie that I have seen in the longest time! I beleived that the actors portrayed the characters really well especially Ian McKellen, as Gandalf and Elijah Wood, as Frodo and of course the rest of the cast was perfect for the movie. The way they created Rivendalell and lothlorien was beautiful! The movie was so good it almost seemed magnificently real! I loved it so much I saw it with in a week three times. I think this trilogy out does star wars totaly!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Movie Review: I am writing this for those of you who are turned off by the idea that the film is incomplete, and only the first part of a series of three movies. Consider that when Star Wars hit the scene, and became an instant success, no one was complaining that the movie was incomplete and left some cliff hangers that would not be resolved until the second movie was released. Star Wars clever marketing, as a return to an old fashion movie serial, allowed us to forgive them and so, we would have to wait for resolution to plot. We waited 3 years before the second movie was released and then another 3 years for Episode VI! Jackson, however has done a great service by filming all three films simultaneously so that the second part of the Lord of the Rings will be released this December and Part 3 the following year. So don't be dissuaded by going to see the film now. I won't repeat all the praises that have already appeared, just serve to remind you that December will be here before you know it!
Rating:  Summary: Lord Of The Rings, the ultimate movie Review: The Lord Of The Rings is now my favorite movie of all times. I have seen it 6 times already and never grow tired of it. It is the ultimate good against evil story. It teaches you morally and has had a big emotional impact on me. The visuals were breath taking and the acting was done so well that you don't even think it's acting. It's like these fantastical creatures (Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs...etc.) really existed. It was true to the books and it is just too awesome for me to explain in less than a thousand words! If you haven't seen it, see it! If you have, see it again!
Rating:  Summary: Extremely Boring Review: This has to be the most boring movie I've ever seen in a movie theater. Like many others I fell for the hype, thinking that this was going to be one of the "best movies ever made." I should have known that most of the people rating this movie belong to the "all special effects, no plot" generation. There really hasn't been a sci-fi movie with good characterization and plot development made in at least ten years. Even Star Wars-Episode 1, probably the most disappointing movie ever made, was much better than this film. There was absolutely no character development, I couldn't care less if any of them lived or expired. Actually, I wanted them to expire so that the movie would hurry up and end. I have never checked my watch so many times at a movie theater, every minute seemed like an hour. I understand that if you have read the books or seen the animated movies that you already know what is going on, and that may make the film much better, but if you haven't, you're out of luck. The movie expects you to already know everything that's happening, and if you don't, it makes the film extremely boring. We actually got up and left an hour before it ended, along with many other people, because we couldn't keep our eyes open. I only gave this film two stars because of the admittantly excellent special effects, otherwise it would only get one. The movie is also irritatingly loud in some parts, which definitely doesn't help to make you want to stay in the theater any more. Apparently, people's attention spans are just getting less and less, which doesn't make the future of science fiction films look very good. We can only pray that Star Wars-Episode 2 will restore not only its own shattered image, but also other science fiction films as well(even though it not very likely.)