Rating:  Summary: This movie...wonderful...don't know how else to describe... Review: To the people who haven't watched the movie.... Something to warn... Be careful! At the ending, don't just say that the movie didn't finish... Remember, this is a trilogy, not a one book movie.The movie was totally fantastic! This takes you right into the Middle Earth... You feel like you're actually one of the characters!!! It is very faithful to the book also... My friends who watched the movie didn't like it... But I know WHY... They never read the book. If you haven't read the book, it is pretty much difficult to understand... Instead of reading the first book, try reading the book called "The Hobbit." Also by Tolkien, this book will help you understand the movie... This movie was a bit too long, but enjoyable... Recommendation: Watch this movie...then you'll understand...
Rating:  Summary: Okay Review: This movie was pretty good. I read the first two books, and I thought the first one was better. The only thing that happens in the 2nd book is Aragorn and friends wander around aimlessly. This movie just wasn't as good as it could have been. My first peev is the action scenes: was Peter JAckson even on set? It's like they gave a hobo a camera and had him run around with it. The effects were brilliant, but we didn't get to see them clearly for more than half a second. Watching a simple action scene should not give you a headache. They did in this. Elijah Wood's girlish acting just [made me mad], the only one who seemed to know what he was doing was Ian McKellan, who died half way through. don't worry, he comes back in #2. Go see this at your own risk
Rating:  Summary: Super WOW! Review: You dont have to know who Tolkien is (i didnt!) nor do you have to be a child to enjoy this. All you need is to be able to have an open imagination and creativity. This movie had me stunned throughout and sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for more to come. I thought it was about time they bring back some fantasy, non-fictional movies with taste!! I am looking forward to the next movie and cant wait til this one is out in the market!!Great movie for all ages!
Rating:  Summary: This movie delivers ALL Review: First of all, see this on the big screen!! I know the DVD will be great, but no matter how big your HDTV, it will not compare to the theatre - no TV is the size of the side of one's house!! This movie is extraordinarily well done, and can be appreciated by both non-readers and readers of the Tolkien books, though I think the latter will especially enjoy it. This movie pays great attention to the details from the book. For instance, when the Fellowship is attempting to cross over the mountain Caradhras, Legolas can be seen walking on top of the snow rather than sinking in as everyone else does, for elves are light of foot and do not sink in the snow. Also, there are events which are included in the movie though they aren't able to spend the time to really show them - such as when the Fellowship is leaving Lothlorien, and Galadriel gives to them all gifts (they only showed her giving the gift to Frodo in the movie) - in the book, they were all given new cloaks to wear that were clasped at the neck with a pin shaped like a green leaf veined with silver. Though the movie didn't show them being given to the Fellowship, suddenly from that point on in the movie, all the Company are wearing new matching cloaks with pins exactly as described in the book! I loved the inclusion of details like that. As far as exclusions go, good choices were made here as well. Tom Bombadil would have been fun, but if anyone is expendable I guess it would be him, since he really doesn't play a future role. Also, it may have confused unread viewers if the movie showed that the ring had no effect on him - they may not understand why he doesn't just take the ring to Mordor then, instead of Frodo, and then the movie would have to explain that too, etc. I also thought the movie did a great job with casting - everyone pretty much looked as Tolkien inspired me to imagine them, with the hobbits being even better than my imagination! And that was vital, since everything revolves around Frodo and he's in nearly every scene, at least in this first movie - if he hadn't been cast well, it might have ruined the whole movie for me. As it is, he was beyond even my highest hopes and greatest expectations! His face was just so sweet and sincere and he seemed so genuine in his goodness - I could believe that he could resist the evil of the ring and have a chance of fulfilling the quest. Pippin was really funny - actually, all of the hobbits were outstanding. If I have any complaint, it is that Lothlorien should not have been so dark - the book describes it as much sunnier and happier, and Galadriel kinder in her tone of voice and gentler in her treatment of Frodo. She seemed to me to be pretty stern until the farewell scene, and I didn't feel that when I read the book. But that's a minor complaint - overall, this movie delivers all! Don't miss it!
Rating:  Summary: Best movie I've ever seen Review: Outstanding in every way, never drags or skips; a concise prologue brings the audience up to speed and away we go. Completely believable and low key special effects, can hardly wait for the sequels!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Powerful, majestic and sublime Review: Never have I been so awestruck in all my days of theatre experience. I went into the theatre with high expectations, which were not only met, but exceeded. For the full three hours of the movie, I sat in still astonishment. The vigorous movie created a kind of visual and audible elation that I rarely experience. The entire audience, including myself, were hushed with amazement by the captivating epic. Much acclaim must go to Peter Jackson for his meticulous and arduous efforts taken to bring "the greatest story ever told" to life on the big screen. With the combination of beautiful terrain settings, scrupulously designed movie sets, and computer generated graphics, Jackson's team has formulated a visual dream world; a dream world full of visual ecstasy. The costumes in the movie are incredibly ingenious and dynamic, giving even more life to the cast of actors and extras. For those of you who are musically inclined, the movie offers a mystical, alluring, and haunting score composed by Howard Shore; which also includes two songs by the elegant voice of Enya. To me, Peter Jackson's Trilogy is setting the standards to which all fantasy movies from today until tomorrow will be made. The movie is enough to captivate any human's creative mind, and in future speculation, gives birth to a new respect of the next generation of filmmaking and filmmakers.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful Film Review: Everybody should deffinetely go to see "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings" because it is one of the greatest films out there. The scenery, costumes and makeup create a whole new world and takes veiwers inside of it. It also has great actors, including Elija Wood, Sean Astin, Ian McKellen and Orlando Bloom. You must see this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Movie Review: It has been at least ten years since I have read the books. When I heard they were making the the movie for it I made it quite intentional to not see any previews for it. I wanted to know absolutely nothing about the movie until I went and saw it. When I walked out of the theater on opening night I was truly awestruck. The scenery in this movie alone makes it worth seeing. The filming was beautiful the settings were amazing and the story line followed the book almost perfectly. Though many were upset about the ending of the movie, I personally enjoyed it since the movie ends exactly where the first book ends.
Rating:  Summary: The next Star Wars Trilogy Review: I have been a huge Star Wars fan ever since the first movie came out. No movie has even come close to Star Wars.....until now. When I 1st seen LOTF I was in such awe. What an emotional, beautiful, gripping, and feel good movie. When good overcomes evil it feels SO rewarding in this movie. In many ways this movie is very spiritual in nature. Your classic good vs evil. LOTR has really left its mark on me. I haven't been taken by a movie like this not since Star Wars A New Hope. The music is so beautiful, the scenery is breathtaking, and no matter who you are you will find someone in the movie that you can relate with. The cinematagraphy could not have been done any better. Some of the shots in the movie are just downright awesome. My fav shot is when the Fellowship are in the underground caverns and they are running in the huge open cavern away from the shadow demon. The sweeping long shot was SO awesome. I can honestly say that LOTR is the best movie I have ever seen. A movie that has captured my heart and soul. Bravo!!!
Rating:  Summary: Would Tolkien Enjoy this Movie? Review: I think...Well, it doesn't matter what I think. I could never say for sure whether Tolkien would like this movie or not. I've read alot about the man, though and I can't help thinking, that he would have at least been interested to see this human depiction of his novels. Though yes, things are different in the movie at some places then they were in the book, there is no need to get upset over it. Afterall, think of it this way; it could have been worse. And no, they don't sing the songs from the book (I personally, am glad. I would have been very sorry to see those actors try to sing at all and the poor soul who got the job of writing music to the rhymes, well I'd pity him). I do think, however, that at least all of the characters carried with them some of the essence and appeal that they have in the books. My older sister says that if she could ever re-do the movie, she would use all the same actors. I think that says something for their performance right there. Even though some people might not like the people chosen to play the characters (e.g. Elijah Wood, Liv Tyler), they do have to admit that considering the task they were undertaking, no one else could have done it. I mean, who would you have of all our modern Hollywood actors play Arwen; Julia Roberts? I hope not. As for Peter Jackson's take on LOTR, I am glad that he did change a few things, even if they were important details. Exactness is not always the best when attempting to convert a novel to a movie. Also, Peter Jackson is not J.R.R. Tolkien. I should hope that he wouldn't pretend to be and go about making the movies as if he were someone he wasn't. The movies are one mans impressions of an epic story. It is wonderful that they are significant enough to share with the whole world. If you feel you could do better, I say to you: THEN DO IT! HA! I'd like to see you try.