Rating:  Summary: "Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow." Review: Well..First off I'm not sure how to start. I am a die-hard fan of the books, and I'll admit that before this production was released I was concerned with just how much they would have to hack, and splice the plot. When I finally saw it I was pleasantly surprised to find that the image J.R.R. Tolkien created in the books remained in the film. I was irked however at the absence of Tom Bombadil, one of my favourite characters from the book. Although he isn't a critical character to the plot and the movie already is three hours long, I still would have liked to have seen Tom, and his wife Goldberry in the film. The dialogue of the film was very nicely done and you'll see quite a few memorable lines from the book. As for the music, and sound I found both of these to be satisfactory as well. There were many special effects that helped add to the overall atmosphere of the movie. Some have complained that this movie is too violent and scary, all I can say to that is that yes, the movie is scary. The looming sense of fear and darkness looming on the horizon is all an essential part of paving the path for the rest of the trilogy. As for the blood and violence, I found that they limited the use of blood very nicely in order to keep it from disturbing those with weaker stomachs for such things. Summary: Special Effects: 95% (The scene on the stairs just before crossing Khazzad Dum could have been done a bit better, the effects there seemed fake) Sound and Music: 100% (Very nice soundtrack, fit the movie well) Acting: 100% (Excellent job Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, and all the others...) Direction: 100% (He's more than earned my respect) Plot: 99% Where was Tom??? :-( Overall: 99.5% A great movie if you like fantasy, an even greater one if you like the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: A Lord of the Rings fans review Review: First off, I have seen the Fellowship three times and am planning to see it many many times more. It was not at all boring but some of the words and dialog that they use can be a little confusing (like the names of things and places). The actors and actresses did a superb job and I and my friends have seen it multiple times. I am in the middle of the second book and I must say that I'm a little dissapointed that they left out so much stuff but if they put every thing in it that was in the book the movie would have been about 18 hours long or something for that ONE movie! Anyway I HIGHLY recomend you read the book and then go see the movie because that way it is easier to understand and you have a basic veiw of what's coming.
Rating:  Summary: the coolest movie ever Review: ok. I dont want to go on and on about how great this movie is, I have been doing that for the past 2 months or so. It is just so awesome. I was 14 when i went to see it, and i went with my friends, some of them saw this movie twice. It is really great. When we left the movie theater - we were surprised that we spent 3 hours in there. The movie does not have any boring moments, it is as close to the book as a movie can probably get. I am reading the books now and everything. But, i dont really think it is a great idea to read the book before seeing the movie, unless you are a huge fan and just want to know how well they were able to put the book on the screen. The story is not confusing, and not reading the book just magnifies the feeling of suspence and excitement because you dont know what is going to occur... IT IS A GREAT MOVIE... some parts are scary... so make sure you go with someone you can hold on to.. It really is great. if you go to the movies once a year - this is the movie to see.
Rating:  Summary: A great story Review: I love the story in Lord of the Rings. I read the trilogy 3 times.I was a little disappointed with some of the changes. One was Arwen's replacement for Glorfindel. I would like to see more of the Golden woods with Galadriel. I think it was important to remember the gifts that were give to each by the Lady Galadriel. That played an important part later in there jorneys. I loved the soundtrack. I was playing it before I saw the movie.I was not crazy about boromir. He looked dirty and very unkept for who he was suppose to be. I loved Frodo,Sam, Merry,and Pippin. I thought Strider looked and played the part. All in all I loved it very much. I was so excited to be able to see the chractors in real life. I look forward to the next release of the the Two Towers.
Rating:  Summary: Give Me A Break! Review: I cannot believe how many people went so nuts about this movie. I think maybe that all they were looking at were the CGI effects, which really didn't look all that great. If that's all it takes to impress you, then you will love this movie. If you collect sword & sorcery merchandise and ate up every movie made in the past of the genre, than you will most likely like this picture. Bottom line: It just wasn't so great. It was given a grand treatment with big music (much like a typical Speilberg film)to make up for emotional short comings. The dialog was ridiculous and a lot of effort went in to make it sound profound. The actors were good, the scenery was beautiful, the sets were cool. There were far too many darkly lit scenes. I saw a lot of little kids in the audience and I think those parents are twits because this is not a family film.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Movie Of Tolkien`s Trilogy!!! Review: This is the first movie of Tolkien`s trilogy. This movie is about Frodo Baggins` (a Hobbit) adventure trough in world of men, wizards, elves, and dwarves in order to destroy Sauron's ring, one ring to rule them all, one ring of evil to rule the middle earth. in this story,Frodo Baggins who comes to inherit the ring from his uncle, bilbo. with the help of the his kind friend, the wizard Gandalf, he finds out that this is the ring that Sauron had lost many years ago. A Fellowship of Nine is formed from the races of Middle Earth to do one mission - to destory the ring in the mount doomin the very heart of Mordor, the realm of Sauron.
Rating:  Summary: Middle Earth Review: I must say that I really enjoyed the film. A lot of love was put into it. Many of the scenes it seamed were right out of my head or should I say as I envisioned them to be. I did not read the LOTR until after I got out of High School some 30 odd years ago and in that time have read the Trilogy at least a dozen times if not more. As much as I enjoyed the film I wonder why they did the changes to the story that they did. I understand that time is a constraint, but why did Arwen/Liv Tyler take over the roll of the Elf Lord and Warrior Glorfindel who is prominent in the history of Middle Earth? Was it the need of a pretty face? And please tell me why did they completely cut out Bombadil? A Being so powerful that the One Ring had no effect what so ever upon him. I have read where critics have said it's to long, but I say it could have been longer. I look forward to the release of The Two Towers and the Return of the King. And can only hope that these films will prompt people to read the Hobbit and the Lord Of The Rings. That's where the true adventure lies. David
Rating:  Summary: Enough can't be said about this movie... it's FANTASTIC!!! Review: Living in Japan, it was a total disappointment for me when I heard the movie would be coming out in March instead of December 19, 2001. Being a great fan of Tolkien's work on "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings", I knew I had to see it and have been excited and impatient for it to come out. So finally the other day I went out with my friends and my father to go and see it. And let me tell, I sure was glad I got to see it! It's one of the best movies I've ever seen! "The Fellowship of the Rings" is the first installment of three movies which will be coming out. The hobbit Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood) is very surprised and shocked when he finds that his uncle Bilbo Baggins (Ian Holm) has left the Shire to go be with the Elves. Bilbo leaves everything to Frodo, including the magical ring which he had taken from the strange creature Gollum (Andy Serkis). Frodo thinks nothing of it but his good friend, Gandalf the wizard (Ian McKellen), troubled about the ring when he sees what a strange reaction Bilbo has when he leaves it. Curious, Gandalf tries to find answers about the origin of the ring and finds out that the ring is actually the Ring of Power from the Elven lore: One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them Lost for centuries, if this ring should fall back into the hands of the evil Sauron (Sala Baker), he would be enabled to destroy everything which is good in Middle-earth, bringing the land into darkness. Frodo and his hobbit friends Samwise 'Sam' Gamgee (Sean Astin), Peregrin 'Pippin' Took (Billy Boyd), and Meriadoc 'Merry' Brandybucktravel (Dominic Monaghan) to Rivendell to seek counsel from the Elf Lord Elrond (Hugo Weaving) on what to do with the ring. It is decided that the ring must be destroyed and the only way to do that is to cast it into Mount Doom, located at the very center of Sauron's dark kingdom. Thus the Fellowship is created to help Frodo in his journey. The Fellowship consists of Frodo, Gandalf, Sam, Pippin, Merry, Aragorn the Ranger (Viggo Mortensen) who is not what he seems, Legolas of the Elves of Mirkwood (Orlando Bloom), Boromir a man of Gondor (Sean Bean), and Gimli the dwarf from the Lonely Mountains (John Rhys-Davies). Together the nine set out for Mount Doom. But the way is treacherous and the dark, evil Ringwraiths are searching for them... Also starring are Christopher Lee as Saruman the White, Liv Tyler as the beautiful Elf Arwen, Cate Blanchett as the mysterious Lady of Lothlorien, Galadirel. As I said, enough can't be said about this movie. Everything just seems to go so well and smoothly, from the acting, directing, sets, costumes, music, graphics, and cinematography. In my opinion the people who stands out the most for their astounding acting is Elijah Wood (Frodo) and Ian McKellen (Gandalf). Of course everyone is terrific, especially Orlando Bloom as Legolas who is my favorite character in both the books and the movie. I was also very much impressed with Sean Bean as Boromir. The end, though changed from the book, gave him such a noble death that I didn't complain much about the ending. And of course the cinematography and sets were just so real you just wish you could visit Middle-Earth. There's the peaceful Shire, the dark and worldly Bree, Weathertop, the beautiful Rivendell, the terrifying Mines of Moria, the mysterious Lothlorien, and more places which I would like to see. The graphics are just so well done that it's hard to tell what's real and what's computer graphics. There's the spectacular battle scenes, the scary creatures like orcs, Uruk-Hai, Balrogs, and cave trolls, Legolas' faster than lightning arrows, the short hobbits and tall wizards, and much, much, more. The music by Howard Shore was just perfect in all places, making it so that at just the right moments you are made to feel peaceful, frightened, curious, and excited. Enya's song, "May It Be", was just so beautiful and splendid. Of course everyone movie has some of it's bad points though there are very few for this movie. Many people are probably a bit put off that a lot of the story is changed from the original book, "The Fellowship of the Rings". Some parts are taken off (Tom Bombadil, the letter from Gandalf at Bree, nothing much is explained about Bill the pony, etc.) and some parts are added (many of the fights scenes, Aragorn's meeting with Frodo at the end, etc.). It didn't disappoint me that much, I knew the end had to be hyped up a bit for the audience but there was one thing which I was kind of upset of Galadriel. In my opinion the character of Galadriel was portrayed well. In the book she was beautiful yet had authority, was kind but was somewhat mysterious. But in the movie she was made to be very mysterious and given an image of a scary and creepy Elf, there was no beauty to her. Though I bet Cate Blanchett could have done a better job, I think she was directed to be that way. But still, this movie is one of the greatest movies I've ever seen and could recommend this movie to anyone. Best for kids 13 and older since in some places it's a bit violent and the whole movie would be a bit intense and scary to younger children. I can't wait till "The Two Towers" and "The Return of the King" come out!
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Fantasy Ever Created Now Comes to Life Review: Peter Jackson (Heavenly Creatures) has long been a fan of Tolkien and probably is one of the most knowledgeable movie directors in the area of Tolkien. A native of New Zealand, Jackson always wondered why no one had made a live action movie of the classic trilogy. Finally, he stopped wondering and decided to make the movie himself. With a crew of over 1,000 and a cast of world renowned actors, he set out to film the entire trilogy in a two year period and then to add the special affects in later. With the help of Weta workshop as well as New line Cinema; he succeeded in producing the best fantasy book. In the land of Middle Earth, people lived peaceful lives. Until, a caretaker of the land became too greedy for power and created a ring that he poured all of his hate, malace, and evil into. He created an army of horific creatures that ravaged the land and he set out to bring all the land under his dominion. However, the remainder of the free peoples formed an alliance and set out to stop the wicked lord. Unfortunately, they were hardly prepared for the power of Sauron, the dark lord. A fortunate move caused Sauron to lose his ring ... for a time. To the misfortune of the land, the ring was lost, but not destroyed. It's evil was hidden, but not unmade. Sauron went into hiding, waiting for the day when he would once again have the strength to get his revenge. What he didn't expect, however, is that his ring would fall into the hands of the most humble and simple of peoples ... Like the book, the movie portrays the first segment of the journey of the ring. Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood - Deep Impact) comes to inherit the ring from his uncle, Bilbo Baggins (Ian Holm - Chariots of Fire). Learning from his kind friend, the wizard Gandalf the Grey (Ian McKlellan - X-men), that it is the one ring that Sauron had lost many years ago, he sets out with his loyal companion Samwise Gamgee (Sean Astin) and his two trouble making but loyal cousins Pippin Took (Billy Boyd) and Merry Brandybuck (Dominic Monaghan) to find a safer place to hide the ring. However, he is unaware that Sauron's deadliest servants, the Ringwraiths, are pursuing him. Riders in black are always on Frodo's trail and he fears defeat. Fortunately, he is not alone in his quest as a king in exile Aragorn Son of Arathorn (Viggo Mortensen) soon joins him and his Hobbit companions as a guide and protector. Through much hardship, he and his companions come to Rivendell through the aid of Aragorn and the Elvin Princess Arwen Undomiel the Evenstar (Liv Tyler - Armageddon). There, Frodo joins the council of allies that had gathered together from the races of Middle Earth. Elrond (Hugo Weaving - The Matrix) counsels the men, elves, and dwarves that the ring is all together evil and cannot be used for good by any being. Therefore it must be destroyed. A Fellowship of Nine is formed. Legolas Greenleaf Elf Prince of Mirkwood (Orlando Bloom - Black Hawk Down), Gimli Son of Gloin the Dwarf (John Ryes-Davies - Indiana Jones The Last Crusade), Aragorn Son of Arathorn, Boromir Lord of Gondor (Sean Bean), Gandalf the Grey, Merry, Sam, and Pippin all swear their loyalty to Frodo and thus they set out to carry the ring to the fires of Mount Doom in the very heart of Mordor, the realm of Sauron. Peter Jackson brings the film to life with his wonderful directing, spectacular special affects, and wonderful cinematography. Filmed entirely in New Zealand, the movie does portray Middle Earth like nowhere else in the world. With music composed by Howard Shore and Enya, the movie masterpiece is complete. It leaves you hanging onto the edge of your seat demanding more. I loved this movie for portraying Tolkien's first book so well. I did give it only four stars as I felt it left out some important things to do the book its full justice, but it is number one on my list of all time favorite movies. The movie also stars Cate Blanchett as the Elf Queen Galadriel, Christopher Lee as Saruman, and Andy Serkis as the voice of Gollum. Warning: Parents, pay attention to the PG-13 rating. This movie is excellently portrayed, but the book only describes the evil of the orcs, goblins, and trolls, it does not give younger children a visual image. The creatures in this movie are disgusting and very evil. I am senior in highschool, and after the first time of seeing this movie, I chose, through the guidance of my father, not to watch the scenes with the orcs. So please use caution about letting younger people see it.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best Movies of all time Review: New Line did an awsome job on this one. Tolkin's classic comes to life in this 3 hour movie. If you have not seen this movie do not wait another second, WATCH THIS MOVIE! The special effects are great, the setting is great, the whole damn movie is great! If there is a movie better than this tell me (I am sure there is not.) When this comes out on DVD I am buying it, you should too! I have seen this movie 2 times and i will see it many more times. One more thing WATCH THIS MOVIE NOW!