Rating:  Summary: Entertaining and fun Review: It has cinematography and general visuals that are absolutely remarkable. But a bunch of undeserved oscars (best supporting actor, best director, best adapted screenplay) and praise hat seems overlauded. I mean, Ian McKellan is an unquestionably remarkable actor (he's done some great work with Shakespeare on stage) and Peter Jackson's a director who's very talented, and the book it's based upon may be the best work of fantasy since Carrol's Alice books. But . . .In general, I enjoyed it. I left the movie and I was happy, I didn't feel as if I wasted my money. But it doesn't stick in my mind the way some of the other movies I've seen this year have (like Memento and Mulholland Drive). It's at times surprising, at times predictable, and very well made for the action flick that it seems to become. It's a clash of art and action (unfortunately more action than art) Watch it. Be skeptical. The movie's not rich enough to justify a second viewing, but good.
Rating:  Summary: This movie was COOL!!!!!(I hate Legoles) Review: I loved this movie!!! I don't have anything to say that's bad about this movie except for Legoles is in it. I think the coolest character in this movie is Aragorn because even though he is tempted by the ring and Evil forces he resists and pulls through for the Fellowship and really kicks butt. THis is a real must-see movie, as the Fellowship travels deeper into the Evil Realms of Sauron, they learn about friendship,and trust. Anybody that reads this should either go out and see it or wait until Mid-November for it to come out on a 4-Disc DVD.(If you go see LOTR right now, there will be a special trailer of The Two Towers)
Rating:  Summary: A remarkable fantasy! Review: Many thought it could not be accomplished but on December 19 Peter Jackson and a massive cast and crew showed the world that it was possible to translate Tolkiens epic tale to the screen.The entire cast is stupendous, especially Ian Mckellan as Gandalf.The music is sweeping,the directing suberb, and the fantastic world is brought to life very much as I imagined it. I know some people with small imaginations did not enjoy this film but I encourage everyone to see it.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie Ever! Review: Its hard to know where to start when saying how much you loved a movie. Lets see, the special effects were amazing, the best I have seen, the sets and scenery were awesome too, and the actors fit the characters that they played perfectly. THis movie was not all about visual effects(which I was happy about) It had a strong emotional side to it, snd rightfully so! This movie grabbed me in such a way that no movie has ever done. When the movie was over, I couldnt believe the 3hrs and 10mins were up! I wanted the movie to keep going so I could see that the characters would be alright!(I hadnt read the books then, but Ive read them all now) and I am still very anxious for the next movies to come!!!Remember, you can OWN THE VIDEO ON AUGUST 6th!!!!!! IM COUNTING DOWN!!!!! ANyways, this movie is amazing in everyway and it will captivate you!Ive seen it 3 times, and I loved it more each time!! Way to go Peter Jackson!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: In my eyes, this movie is brillant. Wonderfully edited, with an amazing soundtrack(acutally Im listening to the soundtrack right now. Track #2 is pure bliss.). It is a movie I would recommend to all those wanting to get and meaningful movie, but im warning you all out comedy fans, It might be a miss in your opinion. There are several points of comedy but not enough to balance the whole movie. I took a comedy fan to see it and she hated it. Brillant acting by Elijah Wood, who plays Frodo Baggins, and he is not only cute, but has wonderful acting skills. I almost cried when he tried to save a certain member of the Fellowship (I wont name names for those who havent seen it.). He was overlooked by the Academy, but hey, there are two more movies. Oh and for all you people living under a rock, This is a trilogy, so dont get upset by the ending. I loved this action/adventure movie and im sure you will too.
Rating:  Summary: The BEST movie of the century!!!!!! Review: The movie had every thing a good movie needs: action, danger, suspence, and surprises. Now some people might not understand the plot like the bad critic Jordan, but I myself a young girl understood every thing. Now if you are of the ages 12- anything I difintly recomend this movie as a most see, if you don't see you will be sad you missed it.
Rating:  Summary: A good display Review: The movie was rather accurate to the books. There were things that were unexplained, but other things that were foreshadowed prior to thier initial time, giving those of us that have read the books a bit of a suprise. The effects were good and the casting was done very well, and the story is portrayed with out major flaws. One of the best book to movie films I have seen.
Rating:  Summary: Why didn't this win Best Picture?! Review: I still find "The Fellowship Of The Ring" to be much more spectacular, ingenious, and brilliant than the boring "A Beautiful Mind". But since Russell Crowe starred in "A Beautiful Mind"...you could already tell "A Beautiful Mind" would win Best Picture, even if he did not win Best Actor. I'll bet if Russell Crowe had starred in "The Fellowship Of The Ring" instead of "A Beautiful Mind", then "The Fellowship Of The Ring" would have won Best Picture! But anyway...back to this movie. What can I say that everybody else hasn't? "The Fellowship Of The Ring" deserves all the hype and praise it's gotten, hands down! For all you really clueless people who haven't been paying any attention, "The Lord Of The Rings" was a three-part trilogy written by the brilliant J.R.R. Tolkien, and follows the adventure of Frodo Baggins, a hobbit from the fictional Middle-Earth, as he destroys the One Ring, so the Dark Lord cannot take it and, with the Eleven Rings, become the most powerful and evil creature in the universe. The Academy voters must not appreciate fantasy films enough to give them important Oscars, and not just technical ones. There will be two editions of "The Fellowship Of The Ring", coming out on DVD at different times this year. The one that comes out late in November is the one that is longer with even more bonus feature footage and special features. But the DVD edition that is coming out this summer is supposed to be really good, too. The acting performances by the entire cast is absolutely superb--I especially have to praise the acting by Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, and Sean Astin. I am immediately going to purchase both DVD editions when they come out, and anticipating the release of "The Two Towers", coming out on December 18th. This film has everything--and it's for everybody! Peter Jackson has created a classic masterpiece! Everyone MUST see "The Fellowship Of The Ring"...but don't just wait 'til the DVD. It's a must-see on the big screen!
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful work done!! Review: The Lord of the Rings Movie is an excellent recreation of the fantasy books written by JRTolken. Unlike most films, the Lord of the Rings takes the words right out of the books to make the movies. Usually movies would edit scenes, change the story line, or take a scene from the other books! THis one doesn't at all. I should know because I've read the sceries twice! Thanx
Rating:  Summary: And so it begins...... Review: It has earned the praise. Fellowship of the Ring is a triumph. It is a work of passion and emotion. Peter Jackson demonstrates not only a passionate commitment to Tolkien's world but, more importantly, a cinematic vision of his own (as well as the technical skill to realize it). However, it must be said that it's only predictable that many Tolkien fanatics will complain about streamlining. Those that dislike the film because it failed to match their internal visualization of the books are beyond help. But most of us -- both aficionados who aren't blinded and uninitiated viewers who aren't jaded -- will find it glorious entertainment -- filled with plot but surprisingly clear, and even at some points quite moving. Indeed, this is an occasion when the vices of cinematic adaptation - compression and paraphrase - are actually blessings. One simply can't regurgitate passages of writing to the screen and PJ's masterful substitution of words for images all but guarantees to dissipate the thick sonority of Tolkien's prose -- something that has stopped many prospective readers in their tracks. The award winning CGI is awesome -- almost flawless. The thing is, a good filmmaker understands the limitations of CGI and has to accommodate so that the obvious weakness' of computer generated effects are mitigated. As such, Jackson rarely lingers on big CGI shots as well as shrouding much of it in shadows. ...The acting was very, very good. But it was a very good cast: McKellen's Gandalf is good-humored strength incarnate. Wood's Frodo is the wide-eyed innocent who is indeed not like his dear relative Bilbo. Viggo Mortensen is wicked with a sword, and I loved his underplayed, unpretentious air. Sean Astin's self-sacrificing Sam is perfect, Orlando Bloom's Legolas is deadly elegance. "Middle Earth" is beautiful -- the New Zealand vistas are simply magnificent, Andrew Lesnie's award winning cinematography memorable and the production design is second to none...Balrog was awesome: A fiery satanic shadow. Indeed, Moria was beyond words. Whilst wasted, I thought Liv Tyler was simply beautiful and I'm looking forward to seeing more of her. And it's great to see Christopher Lee in a major role once more: Kudos to Jackson for his masterful handling of Middle Earth's evil. I do believe that the fight between Gandalf and Saruman had far more potential than what Jackson settled for. As to the narrative in which all these figures are engaged, it's true that Tolkien's tale is complicated and you can see where Jackson was desperate to include as much of the book as possible. This in fact highlights the films biggest weakness: Jackson rarely spends enough time with a particular scene so that we can take everything in. Hopefully, this will be corrected in the DVD. Another weakness was the Hollywood Blockbuster score of Howard Shore. Yes, he won an award, but his work is shockingly unoriginal. We've heard it all before in countless other films. The more tightly wrapped snobs out there who despise Tolkien see the warm response to "Fellowship" as decadence incarnate, but the fact is, people are not only responding to the awesome setting of Middle Earth, but to Jackson's interpretation of Tolkien's themes which have endured for nearly half a century: we are emphatically and graphically reminded of the enormous power of evil, how it takes many forms and can never be totally destroyed. The film also does away with the endless self-parody and satire that has infected so many films today. Lord of the Rings takes itself seriously. And it should. This is, after all, the blueprint for the modern fantasy. So up next is The Two Towers and should take its place along side "Fellowship" as the best slice of fantasy cinema in Western history.