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The Perfect Storm (Deluxe Collector Set)

The Perfect Storm (Deluxe Collector Set)

List Price: $79.99
Your Price: $71.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Terrible Movie - Anti-climactic
Review: This movie got so much publicity and such good reviews I was so anxious to see this movie that I purchased a pre-release of the DVD. After receiving it and watching it with my family I was very disappointed in this film. The movie can be summarized as, they go fishing, storms roll in, and they all die. Very little excitement and no heroism. I strongly advise against purchasing this movie. If you are really interested in seeing this movie, I suggest renting it - however, you may also find that renting it is also a waste of money.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Testosterone is a wonderful thing.
Review: Remember when *Twister* came out and everyone said the tornado was the star of the show? This is certainly the case here. George Clooney is the captain of a fishing vessel determined to make one last big catch. Unfortunately, this requires him to take his boat and crew to the Flemish Cap, a stretch of sea off Nova Scotia that lies if not exactly the middle of nowhere, then close enough to see it. While Captain Billy Tyne (Clooney) is out there, two storm fronts and a hurricane converge to create a storm of devestating proportions, that blocks his way back to Massachusetts. Billy's response? Why, what all real tough guys do when faced with such a situation: plow right through that sucker! Show that wimpy ol' hurricane who's boss! The crew whoops and cheers ecstatically as the boat is hammered by the giant waves. For some reason, they seem to find a lot to celebrate in being miles from home in the middle of the worst storm of the century, and being driven INTO the belly of the beast by a man with too much johnson to head back to Nova Scotia. It ends badly of course. The funeral features a nice eulogy about good old hell-for-leather Captain Billy, and nobody seems to notice the fact that they might be alive if it wasn't for him. My only kudos are for the truly awesome computer-generated waves and for the fforts of the coast guard rescue teams. This is a great visual story, but the plot is cliched.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Enough riveting moments to make the film worth watching.
Review: Though it's by no means a great film, The Perfect Storm has enough action, tension, and amazing special effects to make this worth a rental, though the storm itself demands a theatrical viewing. The film's main problem stems mostly in some of its cliched character development. Once the storm begins about halfway through, it's a white-knuckle ride, but starts to lose some momentum in the last 15 minutes since it becomes almost overkill. The last wave, however (one on the cover), will hold you in awe. Not by any means the best summer film of the year (I'll save that for either M:I-2 or Gladiator), but it's better than most of what's come out during summer.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The most tedious film I've seen all year
Review: How do you make a gripping movie about a terrible storm? On the basis of this one, don't bother. There really is a limit to the length of time an audience will be interested in seeing gallons of water swooshing around in a boat. The scriptwriters have desperately thrown in lots of second-rate plot lines to sustain our interest -- the two fishermen who hate each other because one slept with the other's now divorced wife, the couple who are determined to commit to each other for the long term etc etc -- but it's nothing like enough. In fact, even the writers realised that the central plot was too weak, and so had to chuck in a completely separate yarn about a Bermuda-bound yacht that also gets into trouble.

This film is a disaster movie. Hiring a couple of big-name actors to draw in the audience is frankly a swindle.

If, like me, you don't get out to the cinema much and have to wait for the DVD, just don't bother with this one. I regret that I didn't look at any of the special features. Once I had seen the film through, I felt that life was too short to spend any more time on it.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Great scenes - not enough story
Review: I saw the advertisements, could not wait to see the film. Only to be very disappointed with this story portion. When the movie was over it was as if to much of the story details, that make you a part of the movie, were missing for you to feel satisfied.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Unplaced review
Review: Whatever I had to say about this movie was probably rated "R" by the people at Amazon. Pls. if you are at all even just a tad critical with regards to acting / story and special effects don't go see this movie. The movie can only be compared with...(the likes of)... independence day & godzilla since they are made by the same individual (Wolfgang Peterson).

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Great Costumes!
Review: The costumes in this movie were incredible! I mean, the actors looked so much like real fishermen, I could practically smell them. Then they opened their mouths... The dialogue in this movie is so bad, it's hilarious. I grew up in a small fishing community: my father fished, my brothers fished, my neighbours fished. It cracks me up to picture the lot of them, on a fishing boat, cheering,"Let's fish!" like a bunch of high school football players. And I laugh to the point of tears everytime I picture any of them saying,"I just LOVE to fish!" like George Clooney. Pah-leeze! Who wrote this stuff?!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent Sea Story
Review: "The Perfect Storm" is an excellent presentation of the fishing ethos. Special effects should please everyone. The Andrea Gail's on screen story is an amalgam of actual sea disasters documented in the book. Once reading the book the action was much more meaningful to me. This is not "Old Man and the Sea" or even "Jaws" but it still vividly portrays the danger and excitment of the sea. A word of warning....you may just get a little sea sick.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Near Perfect Movie
Review: Having been to Gloucester many times, I think that this movie gives you an accurate depiction of the New England fishing town. I have now have a more deeper appreciation of what these fishermen, these "Gloucestermen" go through - the hard work, dedication, and their love for the sea. George Clooney's acting is good, but the lack of a true Bostonian accent, despite the fact that his character states that he's lived there his whole life, was obvious. Mark Wahlberg, on the other hand, being from the area, was perfectly cast, in my opinion, and did a great job. The music, well, it's by James Horner. What more can you say? It's perfect. You will learn a lot about the New England Fishing industry by watching this movie. It's a very poignant movie about sacrifice, love, families and man versus the sea. Very touching, set against a background of the beautiful New England coast. Good flick.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: They missed the boat on this one.....Hollow Storm!
Review: This is my opionion: The movie should be named "Hollow Storm". Overall this movie is empty! Character development is horrible, that acting is "woody" and empty. They could have done this true story justice with a better script. Lame sub-plots throughout. Very weak overall. Just poor quality as far as a movie. Redemption (not)!!: The image quality is amazing. The computer effects and ocean are truly incredible and a breakthrough in cgi, although you have to be bored out of your mind for about an hour and a half before you get to see them. It was just too bad. The hype made it sound great, but in reality....VERY LAME. Don't buy this movie...It is only worth a rental , if that. You'll never watch it again. The potential was there with a great cast and all, but they "missed the boat" on this one.

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