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Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl

Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A must own!
Review: After recently viewing the movie my first thought was I have to see that again! The landscape and scenery is absolutely spectacular! Completely lifelike and breathtaking ocean views. And who can resist Capt. Jack Sparrow played by Johnny Depp. His black eyeliner and the spunky, flirtatious attitude kept my eyes glued and mouth drooping throughout the entire movie. And if the scruffy pirate isn't what your into you've still got the handsome yet lovable Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) to keep you guessing. Keira Knightley did a beautiful job of playing the part for Elizabeth Swan. She is a wonderfull actor and I can't waiat to see her roles in upcoming blockbusters. Overall the movie displays suspense, intrigue, horror, and a bit of romance to keep the audience in tune with what is taking place. Myself I have never had the pleasure of going to Disney and experiencing the ride first hand but if it's anything like the movie I can't wait to give it a spin. A must own for all you avid movie collectors.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Depp snubbed at Oscars! Disney should sequel "Pirates"!
Review: Leave it to the Oscar lords to favor "Baghdad" Sean (Penn) over Johnny Depp in 2004. Depp gave a career performance as Capt. Jack Sparrow in "Pirates", and should have easily been crowned Best Actor!

Far and away the best Swashbuckler to date, Disney should stay the course with "Pirates" and produce a sequel (or two). Simply put, this movie was (and still is) GREAT FUN!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Johnny Depp: Good; Pirates of the Caribbean: Bad
Review: Pirates of the Caribbean is a terrible film with a brillant star. It's formulaic plot is about as predictible as your twelth trip on the epinomious Disneyland ride. If you have seen Treasure Island or any other pirate-themed film, you have seen Pirates of the Caribbean. The special effects are hokey and unbelievable, the plot is thin and disjointed. A full 45-minutes could have easily been cut from this film, which would only have made the tortured plot more quickly and mercifully forgetten.

The only gem in this mess if Johnny Depp. He has to have been the best actor to be Oscar nominated for the worst film. He is his normal witty, charming persona, and he is clearly having fun making the best of a bad situation. I would not have watched this film to the end if it weren't for him. He turns in one of his best performances in a career of outstanding roles.

Whether Johnny Depp is enough to save this film is up to you. Without him, it would be a waste of good celloid to have produced "Pirates".

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Story
Review: Although I have always been a Disney fan, at the age of 21, I find myself to be a bit old to watch Disney movies. But when I found out that Depp was in this movie with Orlando Bloom(Legolas from the Lord of the Rings trilogy) I decided to give it a go.
I was quite surprised that although Depp always seems to play strange charectors that I soon tire of, He kept me interested throughout the whole movie. His character, Jack Sparrow, is a funny down on his luck pirate preceeded by legends of his life that are mostly untrue. He does seem a bit....off from his past adventures, but it only adds to the hilarity of the movie.
Orlando Bloom plays Will Turner, the aprentice to the blacksmith. Will was found in the middle of the ocean as a child by Miss Swan as he calls her. Elizabeth Swan is the govenors daughter that is secretly the love of Will and she also secretly feels the same.
The graphics in this movie are well done although it is quite obvious that they are computer generated. The story in this movie could have been more in depth and a little longer, however, I found the movie quite entertaining and is one that I watch over and over.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: More is Less
Review: Depp makes an astonishingly peculiar Pirate. Bloom is OK, and buckles a few swashes, but Errol Flynn he ain't --- there'll never be another. The evil Barbossa just isn't that evil. The square officers and gentry are unbelievably pompous and unappealing. Keira is a real dish. The special effects are quite riveting --- first time round. The costumes look authentic; but if you think about it they aren't: why are there so many parade-ground redcoats on ships which should be manned by tars? Why are the officers wearing uniforms from about the 1760s, when the pirates would be more at home in the 1660s --- if anywhere? It's not fair to criticize a film for not being what it didn't try to be: millions were poured into this production, incredible and strenuous efforts were made to make it entertaining, and it does entertain. But a camel is not a racehorse.

I was going to give this movie 4 stars for effort, but then I took another look at Treasure Island, also a Disney film, made in 1950. Pirates was made half a century later, and lasts half as long again (137 minutes v 92 minutes). Who knows what the comparative cast numbers and production budgets were? But Treasure Island is still an incomparably better movie. Beautifully and subtly written and plotted, with vivid living dialogue. Coherent and consistent, with far more authentic, genuinely fustian costuming. Truly memorable, in-depth characterisations by the main parts. The good guys are just as dim and block-headed, but have a believably real dimension of decency. Ben Gunn is weirder than Depp at his weirdest. Robert Newton gives his immortal performance --- there'll never be another. Jim lad is a lead for a kid to identify with. The fact is that Treasure Island is a pirate movie made with heart, and Pirates of the C is just so much mechanical contrivance and technology. I had to knock off another star; and I'm beginning to think even three is generous.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: For a Disney Film...
Review: Every now and then a movie comes out that when first watching it you may be entralled excited and in suspensful, and then at the end you ask; What happened to the movie? This is pretty much how I felt after seeing this film. I did not hate it nor did I really like it. I respect the opinions of all those people who did enjoy this film and will not attempt to put them down.
The plot is most likely apparent to everyone thus I will not go into detail about it.
The first major problem with this movie was simple; Disney was the company that produced this film. Thus many scenes like those in the pub or on the island could have beniffited from an R rating. Because this film was produced by Disney, it was obvious that there would be a happy ending. I am not really saying that all happy endings are bad, but the ending to this movie was simply much too sugary.
This movie had far too many repetitions that were irratating by the end of the movie such as the 'parler' rule in the Pirate Code or the 'They are more like guidelines' phrase. I found all of these repetitions to be horribly irratating and put into the movie to provide a comic backdrop.
Possibly the worst things about this movie were the gaping plotholes. Some other reviewers said that this film was nothing but a few action scenes put together and plot was just the afterthought, I would not be suprised if the actual movie was made like this. Amongst these plotholes and errors in logic was the Black Pearl's crew's ability to change into skelatal sepulchars. In their first appearence in the movie, which was at night, they were not skelatons but then other times when it was needed to scare the heroine they were. Furthermore in the big fight between them and the English army by the end of the scene there was not one British corpse even though the crewmembers of the Black Pearl were clearly winning the battle. And of course the movie had to include a battle scene between two people who could not die.
Johnny Depp's acting was very good and his flamboyant character was in my opinion very funny and well constructed but the good characters end there. Orlando Bloom's character was horribly boring and uninteresting. And the pirate comic releif was nothing short of terrible.
Aside from all of these problems the movie was fairly enjoyable on the first sitting.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This was horrible
Review: It's one of the most boring movies I have ever seen. Pirates of the Caribbean is very overrated. Curiosity will probably make you watch this movie anyway, and maybe you will enjoy it like the rest of the sheep! This movie is so bad I couldn't watch the whole thing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: No plane needed, enjoy the ride at home,
Review: I have never ridden the Disney ride and I don't think I need to. All I need is this DVD and someplace to watch it. I saw this in theaters 6 times because it was so good and I have been anxiously awaiting the DVD. People say women like this movie because of Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom, and I say true, but I love their performance, not their looks (Although they are both attractive gentlemen). Johnny is at his comedic finest and you will not stop laughing and Orlando makes you root for the good guy even harder then normal and laugh at his comments that compliment Johnny's "uniqueness". Geoffery Rush is phenomenal and so is the actor (I am blanking on his name, sorry sir, you were still awesome) who plays Commodore Norrington (he needs way more publicity, he was phenomenal as well)...

This is by far the best movie of the year and without a doubt deserves awards for both content and actor performance. Knowing the Oscars, it will get overlooked, not enough "big names" in some over the top boring movie, so my vote goes to them by buying the DVD and encouraging others to buy it as well. Nothing says "In your face" to those who keep getting reconized for less then deserving work then getting surpassed in sales by "box office poison" Johnny Depp and his 'mates.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I forgot to add a coment that must not be forgotten!!
Review: This is a continuence of my last review, and I would just like to say that Captain Jack Sparrow is here to stay! Just like Indian Jones and James Bond and all those other characters, CJS is here to stay! I bet years later they will make books and whatnot out of this, so it will be passed down from generations, just like Peter Pan.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Depp, Once again, has saved the day.
Review: This was an absolutely wonderful and entertaining movie with suspensful fight sequences and outrageouse humor. Depp is absolutely amazing, giving it it's own twist. "Captain Jack Sparrow" (depp) steels the show as the other characters seem to just float around him, letting him do his thing. To be truthful, there were parts that were hard to sit through, mainly from the loss of Depp, but these were scarce. The soundtrack, oh the soundtrack was amazing!!! The music gets stuck in your head for hours, and leaves you with that pirate sensation. Absolutely wonderful!

Also, putting two good looking guys together in one film (Depp and Bloom, ofcourse) is sure to keep the ladies occupied. At least, it did for me! ~LOL~

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