Rating:  Summary: agree with most other reviews Review: Boy I have to agree with the other reviews. This was pretty much a rip off of Star Wars (right down the the battle scene between IRons(aka Darth Varder) and the princess and other guy(aka Luke)) as well as many other movies. The acting was terrible. Can JEremy IRons overact any more???? At least he could overact, the other ones couldn't act at all. The Wayans kid was probably more annoying then Jar Jar Binks. Many other movies were better including Dragonslayer and Never Ending Story which this movie borrows from and of course Star Wars. The effects are mediocre but better than some low budget movies and that keeps it from getting 0/5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Good, Mindless fun Review: I saw this movie when it first came out. I wasn't expecting much in the way of plot. I was pleasantly surprise when I did see this. For all those people and critics who have blasted this film need to ask yourself one question...Did you see the same film that I saw?Sure the story could have been better, and it may not follow the rules of D&D, but who cares? Stop your whinning. Certainly this film won't win ANY awards, but I didn't expect it to. I thought the trap sequence great. In fact, I found the whole movie to be FUN.
Rating:  Summary: eh.. wasn't what it could have been Review: Dungeons & Dragons.. a movie I could say I've been waiting to see for a decade. And what a let down! For years I'd been hoping to see a movie version of Dragonlance Chronicles, the perfect saga to open up the theatre for D&D movies. When I first heard about this movie I was just happy to see my all time favorite RPG up on the big screen. After seeing the previews and reading the commentary before it hit the theatres, I wasn't expecting much and that's exactly what I got. The acting was pretty bad, the story line was way too predictable, and the effects were mediocre. At least Wayans got me to laugh a few times. I'll still buy this dvd on principle.. hey, it's D&D, but if you're looking for a good dungeons & dragons type movie, look elsewhere.
Rating:  Summary: Possibly the WORST D&D movie ever made Review: Now please don't get me wrong; I like sword and sorcery movies. Over the years I've seen a lot of them; most bad to awful, but every now and then there is a gem to be found. Unfortunately, this one isn't a gem, not even close. For a movie that isn't billed as a comedy, well the director really missed the boat. We start off with a couple of thieves (normal D&D stuff), but for supposed thieves these two make more noise than any group of 2 year olds I can think of. Next we add in a mage who doesn't really do magic and seems to spend most of her time getting rescued by the smarter of the two thieves. Next of course comes the dwarf, who really doesn't seem very dwarven at all and spends most of his time picking things out of his beard. Finally, to complete our little party, we add an elven tracker whose character seems taken directly from Star Trek's Mr Spock. To this inept group, add in very stilted dialogue, poor special effects, a run of the mill plot and finally and ending that makes no sense. Take all of this, stir briskly while muttering a few unintelligable words and poof! You have one of the worst, most annoying movies it has ever been my misfortune to see. Save yourself some pain and suffering, not to mention [the money]. Give this one a miss!
Rating:  Summary: A Most Absolutely Awesome Movie - The New Holy Grail Review: This is the best movie I have ever seen. Even though that Wayan's Brother's person was in it, it still did not detract from the greatness of the movie. The movie portrayed accurately and very nicely the forboding sense of onimosity and the greatness of DnD, and kept the adventure (even though they were approx. 3rd level Rouges fighting Beholders (CR 17)) very believable and true to the Dungeons and Dragons ideal. Role playing is the most awesome way in the world to kill time...., even), and this movie should definitely create some spark in the interest of it. Buy it! Its awesome! The CG is good, too!
Rating:  Summary: It's Battlefield Earth bad. Review: Just when you though it couldn't get worse than 'Battlefield Earth'.........Yes, this flick is as bad as you've heard. As someone with only a passing interest in D&D, I dind't care what the purists had to say about it. But Christ, this flick was awful. Apparently, the director of this film, Courtney Solomon, has spent the last ten years of his life trying to get this film made. Since this film has been made by a guy who's never actually made a movie before, you can have fun pointing out all the inexcusable continuity errors that probably would have been caught by a film student with a camcorder. This movie contains writing so bad that it forces normal people to curse God for allowing human communication to even exist. How did Jeremy Irons end up in this thing? My god, he was TERRIBLE! It's astonishing to see a film in which every single actor manages to embarrass him or herself with such regularity. But worst of all, Dungeons & Dragons seems to have absolutely nothing t!o do with the game it's based on. If "Dungeons and Dragons" is successful at anything, it's in taking on the characteristics of the stereotypes that plague the fans. You know the image, awkward, overly earnest, not as clever as he thinks is, and extremely easy to ridicule. What an awful film........................
Rating:  Summary: Get over it! Review: C'mon people - its eye candy and its a fun ride! I've played D&D for almost ten years now and even I liked the movie. Was there problems? Yeah. Was it kinda hokey? Yeah. Take a look at your gaming group... yeah... thought so. Sit back and enjoy it for what it is.. a fun and brainless way to spend some time watching a movie. This is your fix until Lord of the Rings comes out - make it count.
Rating:  Summary: ONE OF THE BEST FANTASY MOVIES I HAVE EVER SEEN Review: I'm not saying that the movie did not have its flaws, for example (Jeremy Irons in what seems to be "scar" in person), and the empress did not act to good either. But the movie is what is suposed to be... FUN!!!!!!. I have never played the game before, maybe thats why I liked it so much, because if you see a movie based on a game of some sort thinking that it will be as great as the game your wrong, odds are that "Tomb Raider" or "Final Fantasy" won't be as good as the games,they will be fun acction movies that just happen to be based on a game. You have to go see this movie as what it is... a MOVIE. The special efects were really good (I would've liked the dragons to be more like "Dragonheart"). the acting was good. Before "The Mummy" nobody thought that Brendan Fraser would be a believable acction hero, now some people say he is the "new action hero", why not Whalin he did a great job. The rest of the supporting cast was good especially Wayans as the sidekick and the mage girl(really cute).Come to think of it Irons did an ok job, he is playing an insane man so he did ok. The music score is one of my favorite next to "Jurassic park" score. So all in all see this movie because it is a good example of what a GOOD fanatsy/comedy/action/adventure should be. And to those who take movies a little TOO seriously I say this: "Don't take movies too seriously they don't have the meaning of life or something they are just for entertainment".
Rating:  Summary: Ok movie, good extras Review: I bought this DVD with an open mind ignoring the reviews. The movie is ok. It tries to be more funny than action and some of the characters were over acted. If you liked Vincent Price's "The Raven" then you'll like this. I was impressed by the documentary "Let The Games Begin." It made me want to go out and start playing D&D again which I haven't done for over ten years.
Rating:  Summary: Actually, I thought it was pretty good. Review: I didn't go see "Dungeons & Dragons" in the theaters because of the slew of bad reviews it received, but as a fan of this genre I definitely had to at least catch it on video. After viewing it a couple of times I can't understand why this film seems to be so universally hated. Yes, the acting is hammy, the directing is shoddy and the script has some pretty lame dialogue in it. However, I found the special effects, production design and music all to be top notch, especially for a film with a relatively small budget. The story was interesting enough, too, though definitely nothing special. True that special effects, production design and music alone don't make a good movie, but for a film of this genre to work, it's important to create a fully fleshed-out fantasy world, and I feel that "Dungeons & Dragons" definitely accomplishes that. I admired all of the work put into creating the kingdom of Izmer, where the story is set. Too often in fantasy and sci-fi films, details that are not relevant to the plot are simply ignored, but we must remember that part of the reason that "Star Wars" is so successful is because Lucas endeavored to create a fully thought-out universe that we could immerse ourselves in. Izmer is such a wonderfully crafted world that I would much rather see this film again, with its bad acting and bad plot, than waste my time with garbage of no redeeming value whatsoever like "Gone in 60 Seconds" or "Armageddon". At least with "Dungeons & Dragons" I can admire the scenery. In short, "Dungeons & Dragons" is not a great film, but if you are a fan of the fantasy genre, you should definitely check it out. Keep your expectations low, like I did, and you may be pleasantly surprised. It's a pretty fun adventure romp marred mainly by bad acting (Jeremy Irons, Thora Birch and Marlon Wayans are particuarly awful and ironically the only "name" actors in the film). If you can overlook that, you'll have a good time. And if they ever decide to make a sequel (unlikely, judging from its terrible box-office performance) set in the same world, but come up with a better script and cast, it could have the potential of being a classic in the genre.