Rating:  Summary: Justice? Review: While true blue Dungeons and Dragons fans would have expected much more, the film was targeted to the general public. Unfortunate, considering how long D&D has been around and how much could have been explored. The authentic medieval "speak" was shattered by highly Americanised accents. The movie scored high in special effects and cinematography but failed to make the essential dragons more life-like. (Dreamworks did a better job in Shrek).But in general, the movie was enjoyable and a definite must-see for D&D fans considering how rarely these stories "come to life" apart from being in print on comics, books or computer games.
Rating:  Summary: Something's rotten in the state of Izmer Review: Yeah, yeah, I know that's ^ been used a million times before... but it's certainly follows the tone of the movie. Can you get more juvenile? Just because the target audience is non-mainstream is NOT AN EXCUSE to pass off 107 minutes straight cliques older than the 'elven elder.' If they had actually stopped and DEVELOPED any of these cliques they could have breathed some life into this thing. You know what? I've had more fun READING THE REVIEWS that watching D&D. Trouble is, you have to make your save vs BAD MOVIE before you'll really enjoy taking potshots at it.
Rating:  Summary: Not as bad as everyone says it is Review: Of course fans of the game will hate it just because they left so many things out but non-fans(like myself)will like it.I rented this DVD expecting the movie to be horrible but to my suprise it wasn't.However Thornda Birch and Jeremy Irons didn't act well(which is wierd seeing as how Birch is in American Beauty and Irons in Die Hard with a Vengence).Its really a good movie which reminds me of a fantasy-like Star Wars.But hey what do I know I thought Blair Witch 2 and Battlefield Earth were great.
Rating:  Summary: Hollywood, once again, steps into their own tangled web... Review: I've played the game as a hobby since 1975, about a year after its first printing, and have come to cherish it. However, when I read that a movie was in the works, I shuddered...Hollywood will ruin it, I just know it! Today, I rented the film after work and suffered through. Why can't they get it into their heads that dazzling people with CGI effects does not carry the story. The writing, characters, direction and editing are what make a film for me. I'm sure they were pitching at kids, but the bulk of the people who have played D&D are adults. I was hoping for something which could at least marginally live up to this fine game. There were so many sterotypes in that film, I don't even know where to begin. Is there any originality in the collective minds of Hollywood anymore? If I wanted Xena, Warrior Princess, I would have turned to the Sci-Fi channel. The lead character can't break that Jimmy Olsen style, his partner is such a bad actor to begin with that he doesn't need to overdo the bumbling sidekick routine, the princess was too stiff, the bar was Star Wars pub revisited, and the exagerated cities, arms & armor, and costuming were outlandish. Keep it simple and create a story that will keep everyone's interest. One great aspect of the game is that nothing is as it seems 100% of the time. You need to have a little grey mixed into the black & white/good verses evil. I also noted on a movie news site that they are making a second film thanks to the success of the movie overseas in Europe, where I guess they enjoy this.
Rating:  Summary: Tasha's Uncontrolable Hideous Laughter? Review: This film was sooooo bad, it was almost inadvertantly funny but then it wasn't. By the end, my friends and I sat slackjawed, wondering if this horrific train wreck of a film was ever going to reach any sort of end. I'm sure there are many more "fanboy" jokes about how Courtney Solomon (the director) used his powers to cast sleep, feeblemind, etc. on his audience. Dear God, why? I am still baffled as to how Thora Birch, Jeremy Irons, anyone in the cast could have woken up,read this script, and thought "You know, this will really help my career." Really, even the CGI looked embarrassed to be there.
Rating:  Summary: Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Enter Here Review: I saw this thing the other night for the first time since I saw at the theater. I guess I needed a good laugh. After all, who would have thought Battlefield Earth would have competition for the worst movie in decades? Everything about the film is poorly done. The costumes are .... The props all look like they were made of plastic and better computer graphics can be seen in most video games (Ray Harryhausen brought more life to his fantastic stop-motion creations on a bad day). The acting is some of the worst you will ever see: what the he[ck] was Jeremy Irons doing? Thora Birch is so bad that I actually felt glad for her having taken off her shirt in "American Beauty", else this would certainly spell the end of her career. She runs around cooing about making everybody in her kingdom "equal" and then, when she wins the fight in the end, she pronounces everybody equal. "You're all equal," she says - HA! HA! Justin Whalin has all the talent of a porn star. Marlon Wayans seems to be channeling the spirit of the young J.J Walker from 'Good Times'. I kept expecting him to yell "Dy-No-Mite!" at some point. Director Courtney Solomon managed to option the rights to the game because its creators believed that a true D & D aficionado would know what to do with this fantastical world. Well, Ed Wood would certainly be proud of his creation.
Rating:  Summary: Man , this is terrible. Review: I didn't have high expections of this but man , it was worse than I thought it would be...much worse. The acting was so bad and so was the plot. The F/X were ok but that doesn't make a movie. It seems to me the plot was developed around the effects. This movie isn't worth a free rental at Blockbuster.
Rating:  Summary: Please give me that time back... Review: This movie was awful... don't let anyone convince you otherwise... Despite bad critical reviews I thought I'd try it since critics rarely seem to like this genre, but I sat for however long (too long) in a movie theatre, napping & waiting for SOMETHING good to happen. There was ONE spot that I found vaguely interesting, not for its acting, or the impact on the plot but because it reminded me of a Tarot card (the hanged man) and I thought that was kind of clever-- but because the hanged man means trial by ordeal that one comes through, the reference made me expect something deep & interesting later from this reference, which never happened.... Really, the only trial by ordeal was paying to see this movie, and I did not come through the trial improved. I only stayed because I thought my friends were enjoying it (they weren't either). I love fantasy, am not a D&D player (i.e., not a rabid fan who wasn't going to be pleased by anything.) There are far better movies in this genre to watch-- try Dark Crystal, try The Princess Bride, try even Willow. But don't waste your time on this embarassing attempt to pander to what movie makers must think is an immature audience of people who will accept junk as long as it has a famous name.
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly Good Review: Although it begins slowly, D&D eventually won me over in a big way. The storyline is very similar to the Phantom Menance. The special effects aren't always convincing, but they're always entertaining. There's plenty of overacting - and thank God! The actors really have fun with their parts - especially Marlon Wayons who's consistently funny. Let's not kid ourselves people, this isn't a serious movie. But the cheesiness just makes it that much better. If you're expecting Excalibur you're going to be disappointed. But if you want to get lost in a fun fantasy world, D&D is a blast. The DVD is jam packed with deleted scenes, commentary, games, documentaries and more. Highly recommended. Give it a try!
Rating:  Summary: Very Bad Acting Review: I can't believe this movie received an average of 3 in the reviews! The acting is horrible. The special effects were good. If I had paid to see this movie in a theatre, I would have walked out before it ended. Never before have I been tempted to do this.