Rating:  Summary: Does it get any better? Review: "kick the tree"I rate this as Van Damme's best movie. Out of all the movies he has done, I think only 8 or so are good. This movie has a decent story, ok acting and a great performance by a young Van Damme. Cover is nice, no special features though. Again, Van Damme is terrific in this action flick, on top of his game. If you like a good action movie, especially a martial arts one, Kickboxer belongs in your collection.
Rating:  Summary: Kickboxer: The Ultimate Vengeance Review: 'Kickboxer' imo is a very solid film. Van Damme plays 'Kurt Sloan'. His brother 'Eric'(Dennis Elexio) is the kickboxing champion. As the film opens he finishes off the last person there is to beat. He's then interviewed after the match and asked what he'll do now. And its suggested that he go to thailand where Kickboxing originated. He likes the idea and decides to go with it, dragging his brother Kurt along for the ride. As they enter Bangkok Stadium you can immediantly tell how different the style is there compared to what Eric was used to in America. Kurt watches the match with a concerned look. The stlye is almost street fight, anything goes. They head to the back and Kurt tries to talk Eric out of it. Eric won't be denied the fight with their champion to prove he's the best and tells him to just go get some ice. Upon returning from getting the ice Kurt hears banging soundes. He peers through a door where he sees 'Tong Po', Thailand's Kickboxing Champion, kicking a huge post holding up the building with his bare leg over and over again. He returns to his brother and begs him not to do it and explains what he saw. His brother still says no and that he can either go with him on this or go home. They agree to go through with it and get to the match. Eric is destoryed by Tong Po in the opening rounds and refuses to cancel as his brother asks. He goes into the 3rd round getting beat once again and Kurt throws in the towel. To his suprise Tong Po swiftly kicks it back on the ropes and then proceeds to elbow Eric in the back as he tries to get up, paralyzing him. This story of true revenge continues with Kurt finding out how bad his brother is hurt. He wants to rectify what happened to his him and seeks out someone to help him learn muay-tai so he can fight Tong Po. The legendary Xian decides to train him after a few scenes of putting him through some choors. For about 3 months Kurt goes through some intense training. The scenes shown for the training are great imo. Van Damme shows off his Martial Arts Skills and acting skills alike to let you better connect with the burning fire in him to want to fight Tong Po as he must do some things that are hard to watch almost, while training in order to prepare. This film also has a love story focusing on Van Damme and Xian's Niece. After months of training Van Damme is ready and Xian sets up the match after testing Kurt's ability to fight disoriented in a hilarious bar scene. They later find out the fight will have ancient rules which means each fighter's hands will be wrapped in rope, dipped in resen and dipped again in broken glass. Kurt takes this information with confidence as his brother is outraged, who earlier tried to pursuade Kurt to stop saying he should've listened to him, but he didn't and not to make the same mistake. Kurt knew he was a great fighter though and he didn't train week after week for nothing, he was goin to beat Tong Po. Kurt finally gets to face Tong Po and his brother has been kidnapped. He's then given an ultimadem. Lose all the rounds or his brother dies. Kurt is disposed of most of the fight and Tong Po informs him that he raped Mia Lee, his girlfriend, after a dominating beating, burning even more fury in Kurt. The final round comes and Kurt's brother Eric arrives from a rescue by Xian. Kurt now knows his brother is safe and can finally unleash all the fire burning inside him. The final round turns out to be an awesome match that gives you chills. It all culminates into on final move and the winner is clearly declared.
All in all, I can see why I loved this movie back when. I love it even more now on DVD. Its really a good movie about one man driven to his ultimate boilng point in so many ways. Giving him the passion he needs to finish off his opposition and achieve his ultimate goal. Van Damme, who coryographed the fights in the film, really entertains with his training and fighting. And I didn't mind the love story, just another good thing about this movie. It gives seemingly every single motive a man can be given to want to destory another man and just all comes togeather greatly. Mix in the hint of comedy it has and its a great watch. Van Damme is very convincing as his main role. I just wish he would do sequals, I dont' think he ever has. Cos Kickboxer two is good as well, but Van Damme decided not to come back, oh well I guess. The first is always best, so just focus on this for now. If you enjoy martial arts, Van Damme movies, or movies that take you on a ride, then this is definetly for you through and through. One of my top five in my collection of DVDs.
I did have one major problem with this movie though. Profanity. Why do people have to do this? You don't need profanity, it just kills parts of your movie for some people. I know it does for me. So it gets a 4 star, but if you can get passed that kinda thing its still an awesome movie.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely LOVED IT!?!?!? Review: Back in the 80s, this one was one my top movies!!!! Along with Karate Kid, The Dragon : Bruce Lee's Story and best of the best. All inspired me to become a martial arts expert. Which I have used for over 7 years! I can seriously say I have watch this movie over 100 times, before going to tae kwon do and afterwards. Trying to perfect my form, all show off movies. Nothing too powerful, but it looks amazing in demos for karate schools. You will truly fall in love with this movie!! RENT/WATCH IT/OWN IT!!!
*why does van damm always have to reveal his rear end in almost every film he makes??
Rating:  Summary: *Filmed in THAILAND: The Best Martial Arts Movie EVER! W@W* Review: Before I watched this movie, I didn't know what Thai-Boxing was, and I thought that "kung-fu Bruce Lee" was the toughest man who ever lived. What a joke that is. Hong Kong's top 5 kung-fu masters once fought Thai-Boxer's in a now legendary event, and were all knocked-out, in less than 6 ½ minutes combined. Thai Boxing is the national sport of Thailand, is fought in the ring and is the worlds most brutal & spectacular martial art. In case you're wondering what the differences are between (American) kickboxing and Thai-Boxing (Muay Thai), they are as follows - kickboxing is just feet & fists, whereas Thai-Boxing also includes elbows & knees. Now you start to see why it is so notorious. This is a movie about an American Kick-Boxing champ who goes to Thailand to fight their Thai-Boxing champ. Not surprisingly, the American gets battered, and paralysed, and through revenge, the victim's brother - Van Damme, learns 'Muay Thai' (Thai-Boxing) and fights the guy who paralysed his brother. Though this scenario is a bit fictional the movie itself is beautifully realistic and authentic. It is about 99% filmed on location in Thailand and the viewer is treated to priceless scenes of inside the Bangkok Ratchadamneon national Thai-Boxing stadium, real Thai Thai-Boxers training at a camp, and spiritual scenes inside the Buddhist temples of Bangkok, featuring the massive gold-plated Reclining Buddha (watch the movie and you'll know what I'm talking about). We see Van Damme being taught Thai-Boxing by a Thai, and we watch him progress from being a sloppy fighter to a razor-sharp one. There are scenes where Van Damme, in training, uses his shins to kicks a palm tree, and where Van Damme and his opponent wrap their fists in cloths with broken glass stuck to the knuckles. You may laugh at this, but a little research will tell you that this is how the 'underground' fights are fought, and if you know how tough these Thais are then kicking trees doesn't seem so unrealistic. As far as I know, no movie comes close to this one, in terms of authenticity at least. It is both educational and highly entertaining - there are loads of high quality fight scenes, and Van Damme is a good fighter (if only a theatrical one). There is nice cinematography too, and as soon as the movie starts you know it has that 'classic' feel about it. A movie in a class of its own. Brilliant. Buy it!
Rating:  Summary: Martial-Arts fans wake up! Review: Everybody in search of a good story or anything else that would normally make this title worth a look: Go away! This is for Martial-Arts fans only! But if you like the old fashioned "good guy gets trained by wise old master to kick the butt of the bad guy"-movie Type: Go ahead! Buy this! This early van Damme movie delivers it all (unlike most of his more recent ones): Great fights with a stunningly energetic choreography and one of the longes training-sequences ever to be seen in a movie. Especially the final fight agains evil Tong Po is a feast for every Martial Arts junkie. Going over almost 12 minutes (beware of the heavily cut german and english versions!) this fight is one of the best, ever satged with van Damme showing all he's got, only that here it's much better filmed than it was in "Bloodsport" for ex. His famous "Splits-kick" can be reviewed in this movie again, too! If only he would be doing this kind of stuff still. END
Rating:  Summary: Subpar Review: I am a VanDamme fan, so I've watched this movie several times. Each time, I keep hoping it will be better than the last. I think this movie is a cheap (even though it cost more) ripoff of Bloodsport. I think they just wanted another Bloodsport since that one did so well. Van Damme is a little too self-congratulory. The relationship is fairly unbelievable. And that part at the end when Kurt is angry with his girl (cant remember her name), demanding the truth that she was raped and beaten by TongPo (his nemesis), instead of consoling her. She decided not to tell him because she doesnt want to disturb his concentration, but instead starts crying and begging forgiveness for her inexcusable behavoir. You can tell they filmed it that way to get the "the girl has done him wrong too" feeling going. Ugh...
Rating:  Summary: Frank the forgery Review: If you believe Bloodsport is based on a true story you are mistaken. Bloodsport is based on the life of Frank Dux. The truth is Frank Dux is a fake, phony, and complete disgrace. He made up lies passing himself off as a highly decorated but unknown Vietnam Vet who served with the U.S. Marine Corps. on clandestine missions in Laos in the mid 70's. The trophy he is said to have won; he awarded it to himself after it was forged at a place near his home in North Hollywood. If you don't believe me you can read it for yourself in a book, by B.G. Burkett and Glenna Whitley, called Stolen Valor: How the Vietnam Generation was Robbed of its Heroes and its History. Bloodsport is not a movie based on a true story. Frank Dux is a liar who like many others who have stained the memory of 60,000 American G.I.'s that died in Vietnam.
Rating:  Summary: My Fav Van Damne Movie and My Fav Movie Review: Im like the biggest Van Damne fan and this is like the best movie by Van Damne and mayb the best fightnig movie,including with Bloodsport but Kickboxer is the best.
Rating:  Summary: "HOLLY COW' AS HARRY CARRY WOULD SAY, VAN DAMN ROCKS!!!!!!! Review: In the beginning of this movie I thought that I was in for another rock em sock em fight it out to the death karate movie, but wow the fight scenes were almost bloodily accurate. The minute the action starts to lull BANG! POW! ZAM! VAN DAMME! I saw that I wasn't dealing with the usual sort. TONG PO who plays the vile degenerate in a role most suited for vermin, played the deranged oriental crazy man to a T. He really scared me! So as the story goes Van Damme is to avenge the tragic accident that Tong Po inflicts on his brother, and to do this he must find someone to teach him the ancient art of Kickboxing before he surely winds up losing all sorts of control. Before he knows it Ian helps him. He forces Van Damme to do the splits and owe my god Van Damme kicks Tong Po's butt with on swift Kick to the mutton chops. Shiver me Timbers if it ain't climatic. Sure to bring the family many cheers and good times in the future. If your looking for an american underdog movie that the whole family can enjoy, kickboxer has got the goods. HIYA!
Rating:  Summary: Another Van Damme classic Review: Like its predecessor 'Bloodsport,' 'Kickboxer' is a showcase for the young Belgian karate expert Jean-Claude Van Damme. Like the character he played in 'Bloodsport' (Dux), Van Damme played a likeable, underdog fighter who has to overcome great odds against a hulking fighter who crippled his kickboxing champion brother. The training and trials he goes through to finally avenge his brother is reminescent of numerous Chinese kung fu movies. 'Kickboxer' and 'Bloodsport' are to martial arts what Rocky 1-4 are to boxing. You can't help but cheer for the little guy.