Rating:  Summary: Thin and shallow Review: Although the special effects are very impressive, thats all there really is to this film. The plot is wafer thin, the characters generally uninteresting and the whole thing is very predictable. If you watch it with this in mind, you may enjoy it, if it is your kind of film, but really for the rest, unless attractive special effects make a good film in your view, don't bother. Very dissapointing
Rating:  Summary: With a movie this BAD I must be brief. Review: I wish I could give this movie zero stars. I saw this movie in the theater and I felt like asking for a refund just imagine buying this for your home. Kevin Bacon is horrible, the special effects are nothing to brag about and neither is this movie. I prefer the original which I haven't even seen.
Rating:  Summary: HOLLOW MAN IS PRETTY FUN, SILLY--DVD NEEDS EXPLAINING Review: I thought this movie was pretty fun and completely fits in with Verhoeven's state of seeing things on film--however, the scene is which Bacon's character attacks the woman in her apartment was heavily cut for the theatres--which is kinda absurd because Verhoeven sees things through a lens perversely--so when I saw on the dvd that this scene was included on the dvd in the deleted scenes section, I was curious to see what the test audiences deemed too intense, but instead of showing the scene--the people who created this dvd thought it best to include maybe 30 seconds of it and keep Voehoeven's voice running over it. This is a major disappointment citing that this is one reason we buy dvds, but also with a film that was as trashed as Hollow Man by critics, it would be best to include as much as possible to make ones already unsure about the movie want to buy the dvd. As it is, there is enough on here to make the movie worth owning, however, please no more deleted scenes where we can't really see the scene. Thanks for hearing me complain.
Rating:  Summary: A Piece of Crap! Review: It took forever to get to any action and by the time it did, I had already given up on the movie. I did manage to sit through the rest while my girlfriend fell asleep because of all of the action. The movie did pick up and had some decent action scenes, but it was too late. Bad choice for Mr. Bacon and Ms. Shue. Anyone for Footloose II?
Rating:  Summary: Hollow man left me hollow Review: A new twist on the Invisible Man is what I expected when I saw the advertisements for the movie. The plot started out good enough, Kevin Bacon's character, a know it all scientist, has come up with a solution that can turn lab animals invisible. Being the pompus scientict that he is, Bacon's character decides to test the formula on himself and things go straight to hell from there. The special effects were awesome, but the lackluster, sucky (there is NO other word for it) plot made the effort seem waster. In reality I would give the special effects 5 stars and the plot minus 2 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Barely a Science Fiction Movie Review: The trailer for Hollow Man showed the main character, Kevin Bacon, as a brilliant scientist who has been searching for a "potion" that can trick someone's eyes and lead them to believe noone is present when someone is. The idea for the movie seemed very good, and a lot of people were anticipating a modern "Invisible Man". The science behind the picture was very intelligent, but the story threw that all away. Once Kevin Bacon's character knew how to turn himself invisible, he used this advantage by spying on his girlfriend who he was suspicious of and he also spyed on other people for his own perverted leisures. He would also, go into the public with some kind of paper mache head and scare little kids. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. A newborn baby could of thought of that much. After a while, he decides to kill people for no apparant reason, whatsoever. He just murders about five people for the hell of it. This leads up to some very good chase scenes, but it is all lost because it makes no sense why he becomes evil. But, the special effects are very advanced to watch. The movie has a few good action sequences, but overall, NOT GOOD.
Rating:  Summary: The special effects made the entire movie Review: Yup, thats right, the special effects were the only good thing about this movie. They were phenominal the way the made Kevin Bacon and the other animals disapear so seemlessly. However, the story became highly unbelievable once Kevin Bacon became invisible. Like the part towards the end when he and Elizabeth Shue were in the elevator....I mean come on! And when Elizabeth tried to patch up Josh Brolins wounds with duct tape! The first, 45 minutes of this movie were good, but after that, I began to get fidgety in the theater and lost interest quickly. I wish I had waited to rent this movie, I would have saved 8.50.......
Rating:  Summary: Hmm, Acting Good, Effects Good, Direction Crap.... Review: Paul, Paul what *are* you doing?There is something wrong with this film, and I don't want to spoil it for anyone, (don't read on if you haven't seen it), but why OH why? does the last 30mins degenerate into a I'll kill you or else you kill me action film (i.e. Alien, Aliens, Alien3, Alien Resurrection, Blade Runner, Total Recall (another Verhoven film) etc......). The first part of the film was excellent, we see how Bacon becomes a pschyo and why he thinks he is a god. The effects are amazing, but the last 30mins seemed to become too much of an effects showcase and no plot?! - it became how many things can we do to the Invisible Man to kill him, so the effects look cool... and thats what buggered the film up! Take a look at the Perfect Storm, This was NO perfect film but at least the effects didn't rule over the story.... Thats the problem here, the effects took over the plot took a u-turn. Never mind, I even thought the acting was good! Good start, bad end, and as most reviewers know, it's better to have a bad start and a good end rather than the other way around...
Rating:  Summary: Hollow Movie Review: The weak plot is used as an excuse to show off what the special effects team can accomplish (to their credit, the visuals are superb, so the movie's rating earns an extra star). Even Kevin Bacon seems bored in this, and seems to just be going through the motions. If you want a great Kevin Bacon movie, get "Stir of Echoes." Pretend you didn't see this dud.
Rating:  Summary: Thin and shallow Review: Extremely shallow Kevin Bacon vehicle -- is that a contradiction in terms? -- and cynical adult-shock fest for director Verhoeven, revolving around a typically mad scientist (Bacon, natch) who renders himself invisible and then realizes he can literally do anything. What does he do from there? Go nuts and attack people! What innovation! The film's biggest problem is not the hammy acting or the ludicrous plot, but the way the underlying concept is never really used. Consider this. If Bacon's character wasn't already clearly a skunk to begin with, wouldn't it be all the more interesting to see him disintegrate mentally when he goes invisible? That idea never occurs to this movie, which settles for (admittedly excellent) see-through CGI, chases, fights, and a showdown in an elevator shaft. Zzz. It's all well-done, technically, but that stopped being an excuse a long time ago. Now I know why mad scientist movies were on the way out, since you could only do so much with the one-note approach.