Rating:  Summary: WHAT COULD EASILY HAPPEN Review: Denzel Washington is always brilliant. I do not recall seeing a film in which he was less than brilliant. Tony Shalhoub is also good here in a dramatic part as an Arab-American FBI agent, Frank Haddad. But I harbour a special liking for Shalhoub's talents. He is so versatile you cannot help but love him. Most of the characters here are superb, and I find them believable. The story is compelling and there is suspense to discover what will happen next and where will terrorism next strike. Will the characters in the movie manage to trace the next steps of the terrorists and head off terrorist strikes before they happen? Or will a state of martial law occur? (Bruce Willis makes an excellent all-business militaristic character here). The only real flaw is Annette Bening who is annoying at best as the know-it-all "I know these people best" character who gets herself killed for being as trusting and smug as she was. Perhaps this is how her character was supposed to be perceived, but I have rarely seen her act differently from this... sort of a maniacal, overbearing and annoying person... which she plays in Regarding Henry with Harrison Ford and perfects in American Beauty. There are slight differences, but this may as well be a blueprint.
Rating:  Summary: The Siege Review: This movie was great the time it started. Denzel Washington is an FBI Agent who gets involved with one of the most viscious terrorist attacks in the world's history. The president is forced to bring in the army, because all the bombings and threats just cannot be taken anymore. Bruce Willis plays the head of the army and goes opposite ways of Denzel. With the search to find and final cell in the operation of middle-east terrorists, people are thrown into a huge football stadium turned encampment. It is sad, it is action packed, and I assure you this is a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: A good movie with a very realisitc plot. Review: The Siege features a great cast and a realisitc plot. Denzel Washington and Tony Shalhoub play FBI agents in New York City. Over the course of a few weeks many terrorist attacks are made in NYC, which we find out later is because of a bombing suspect in the middle east being held hostage. After serious bombings take place within the city the government orders martial law in New York City. Bruce Willis plays an army general who takes command of the situation. Its a good movie to watch and its realistic plot makes it even better. Rated R for violence and profanity.
Rating:  Summary: The Siege Review: A great creative script mixed with action and great acting, thats what makes a good movie. The story line is awesome, keeps you on the edge of your seat, and the mystery keeps you hooked. Its about terrorists and how they are killing other people and committing suicide because they believe in something wrong. It is a great movie and easily a best of the year.
Rating:  Summary: BOMB ! Review: There is nothing to save from THE SIEGE, director Edward Zwick's last movie. It's always the same Hollywoodian scheme. How will react the U.S. if a) an earthquake, a twister, an asteroids rain dare trouble the american peace or if b) some martians, communists or terrorists have the stupid idea to provoke the sons of John Wayne ?This time, it's the turn of a group of radical islamist fanatics to challenge Bruce Willis and Denzel Washington. Annette Bening explains in three sentences what are the deep motivations of the villains and here we go. Almost in the middle of a second civil war ! It's Beirut in Brooklyn. This hymn to the glory (private joke...) of eternal american values proves that the heirs of Frank Capra and John Ford are not born yet and that Edward Zwick, author of a very interesting COURAGE UNDER FIRE, isn't afraid to be ridiculous. A DVD for the garbage can.
Rating:  Summary: The Siege Review: I really loved the film. It has such realistic images which are highly topical in congress discussion. I loved it and thought that apart from the Matrix it was the greatest action film of all time.
Rating:  Summary: It could happen! Review: I thoroughly enjoyed this film-inspite of its mixed reviews. This could very well happen here in America even tho many would disagree. You have terrorist attacks on our soil because the US kidnaps a religious leader. A large US city is held under seige until the release of that person.What is so unbelievable about this? You have Denzel that is incredible in everything he does, Annette Benning who plays a woman who: socializes with the enemy, sleeps with the enemy, and feeds info about the enemy back to the feds. Great cast, great acting, very interesting and timely subject matter. *Highly recommended!*
Rating:  Summary: nice movie Review: I think is the best movie to denzel washington don`t miss this movie
Rating:  Summary: nice movie Review: I think is the best movie to denzel washingt don`t miss this movie
Rating:  Summary: don't buy it Review: it's a very bad movie , don`t buy it , don`t even think about it , there is no action in this movie i can find action in playing basketball with an old man .