Rating:  Summary: You Want Your Action Fast, Hard And Wild... This Is It!!! Review: I think when people dislike these movies, I always figure they must have thought they were renting something else. But, when you pick up a film called US SEALS 2 in which the story is about a group of renegade SEALs that must go infiltrate an island unarmed to stop an ex team member, what are you looking for? Let's get this straight, it's a low budget action film, but you get a lot out of it. This should not be billed as a military film as it is more of a Hong Kong action flick. So, if you like a lot of gun play, this is not it. There is one shoot out in the beggining to make sure we know these guys are really SEALs (in movie land of course) but the rest of the film is all hands, feet and swords. I am a fan of the Hong Kong films and this is definately one of the best American atempts at that style. The choregraphy is done by Jackie Chan Stunt Team Member Andy Cheng so you can see why it looks good. The film also stars Acapulco HEAT heart throb Michael Worth. Of course, he is much more of an actor than most in these kind of films, but he can still move like the best of them. He doesn't reduce the roll to that of a cardboard cut out. I hope to see him in some bigger films. Karen Kim plays the lead female. She is great to look at and a good actress to boot (literally!). Damian Chapa from Blood In, Blood Out plays the bad guy. Though I don't think he is a real martial artist, he still carries off the fight scene with Worth pretty well. Anyway, there is ALOT of fighting in this film and the plot is pretty thin. But, we all know for these films plots are more of an excuse to see people kick.... So, I give this 5 stars based on the fact that the film pays off at what it promises. I do fault it only as far as their video art work is concerned. This is no GI JANE, or PLATOON. But, you want to get carried off on a cartoon adventure for 90 minutes... CHECK IT OUT!
Rating:  Summary: This movie (...) and is an insult to real SEALs... Review: I'm normally sensitive to writers/directors/etc, but I just can't hold back my "disgust" with this movie. No I'm not a SEAL, but I KNOW real SEALs would agree with me. The problem here is with the writing, not the acting. If the actors were given a GOOD script, this movie might have been as good as part 1. There's nothing at all in this movie regarding either the spirit or technique of the SEALs. It's just a case of Hollywood using the well recognized SEAL name to sell its movie. Unfortunately I made the mistake of buying it and am incredibly dissapointed because of the fact that part 1 is a great movie. Part 1 showed the bond between SEAL team members, plus their sense of family and duty. Part 1 also shows that although stuff happens, no team member is expendable. I would love to put the entire plot here, but unfortunately there's not enough room. If I have enticed your curiousity, please rent this movie. 99.99% of you will thank me for not making the mistake of buying it. I'll give you a quick run down of what I hate about this movie... 1) In the opening scene, the team enter into a gun fight for no reason at all. One or two SEALs used two handguns [???]. 2 handguns??? No real life military personnel would use two handguns simultaneously!!!! One team member did a double front flip landing perfectly and shooting someone [???]. 2) The team members are in a Karate dojo in Japan for no reason at all studying Karate. The Karate teacher has a serious daughter and a foolish one, both are twins. The foolish one is killed, then the teacher kills himself. Both characters were killed off before we got to know them better! 3) A motley crew is thrown together at the last minute made up of a convict, an assassin, two other former members, and the serious daughter [???]. 4) A single spark would set off gas tanks which, after a "chain reaction", would blow up the entire base. Consequently, neither the enemy nor the heroes could use guns. Instead they gratuitously use martial arts as well as metallic weapons (collapsable batons which combine to form a staff, collaspable fencing like sword [???], etc). 5) Idiotic sound effects are used. For most of the movie, wooshing sounds are made when the characters merely turn their heads. I could understand if the sound effects crew would want to insert a woosh sound for the weapons, or for the strikes, but using a whoosh sound just one's head turning?!?! It reminds me of that scene in Wayne's World in which Wayne picks up the phone. 7) The motley crew formed ends up dying. Only 3 out of the 7 members made it out alive. One of the team members was hit in the leg by a bear trap. Another was killed 3 minutes after the mission began. A couple members killed off about 20 enemy soldiers with only minor injuries. Overall, there is no plot. It's just a bunch of unrelated movie elements thrown together to capitalize on the success of part 1. It seems as though the producer(s) sat down and said "we need lots of martial arts, let's throw in some massive explosions, let's use some of that quaint Eastern Philosophy, throw in a couple of massive nuclear weapons, oh and be sure to put in enough jargon to show that they are SEALs" then was handed a script 20 minutes later. I feel so strongly against this movie for the main reason that it was not only poorly written, but is an insult to what the SEALs really are about. The government should keep a trademark on the military branch names and should take action against the morons who would drag its name to the ground.
Rating:  Summary: Hong Kong Rip-Off With the Name "US Seals" on It Review: I've been a military historian for a long time and this movie disgusted me from start to finish. A few bones I had to pick with the tactical inaccuracies.
1: While Navy SEALS are unconventional, they do NOT use two sidearms at once. Every law enforcement officer, Ranger, Green Beret, D-Boy, HRT guy or even an Air Force ROTC Cadet would tell you that using two sidearms at once is tactically stupid and dangerous.
2: SEALs do not jump and flip around like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. SEALs use stealth, surprise, CQB and avoid open warfare. During the opening scene the "SEALS" were jumping all over the place doing Ninja-like moves... maybe the Navy was cutting back on 9mm ammo to save money.
3: SEALS are almost always training on post, not some dojo in Japan unless it's on their own time during leave or whatever. There was more emphasis on martial arts then on UDT, CQB and all else that one would expect from a spec ops movie.
There are countless other tactical inaccuracies that I could spend all day nit-picking. But onto the big stuff.
Everyone else already hit it, but the whooshing sounds got to be very annoying. When one dude looked around I heard the whooshing sound. I was half-expecting the "SEALs" to pull out their little Power Ranger emblems and call forth their little dinos. Everyone also died in very interesting ways, one right off the bat, another after taking on like 3 people while his commander was kicking the hell out of like a whole platoon of ninjas.
Then there's the whole thing to prevent the SEALs from using firearms, cause of the gas around the island. Well gee, since nuclear weapons can only explode if you detonate them, let's just bomb the place and be done with it.
The whole movie was just a waste of time and my money. Avoid this crappy movie and get Navy SEALs. Charlie Sheen may not be the best actor in the world, but at least he acts better then the entire cast of the US SEALs II.
Rating:  Summary: Not an award winner but this film takes [nothing] from anyone Review: Ok the plots predictable, and the sound effects are pushed well over the limit to the point its laughable. But the action is awesome!!! If you liked blade II then you'll love this film. The only thing that ticked me off in the film(besides the main bad guy smoking cigars that should detonate the entire island), is the asian chick was featured way to much. Which is why I gave the film 4 stars. Note this film is for action fans only!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Review It For What It Is.....Kick Butt Action Movie Review: Okay, getting out of the way that we all know what kind of film we are watching, I will approach it from there.... The film definately has some of the better fight scenes from the low budget (and even higher budget) American action films. The choreography, as well as the actors themselves, is all top notch. The only thing that kills it though is the VERY over thte yop sound effects. They work fine during a fight, but when someone moves a finger and we hear the same sound....that's a problem. Actor Michael Worth (Ghost Rock) carries the role well, even if he may seem a bit young to be a retired SEAL leader. The writing left him little to do with dialouge, but he makes it his own and remains charming. He seems to be one of those actors that has not quite been noticed by the studios yet but probably will be soon. His co stars Karen Kim and Marshall Teague all work well together and make a good team. The fights are very Hong Kong in style and should be the main point of interest for this film since the premise is all to set up the action. Not much gunning or SEAL tactics, but plenty of spin kicks and some battling babes if that is to your liking.
Rating:  Summary: Hong Kong Style Action Takes On The Military! Review: Okay, let's get this out of the way first: If you are looking for a typical shoot-em-up military movie THIS IS NOT IT! But, if you like your action in the Hong Kong -Yuen Woo Ping- Jet Li-John Woo style this will make your day. Nu Image did the film a big diservice by promoting it as a military film as this is probably one of the best American made Chop Sockey films in a long while. A simple and sometimes flawed plot (but who cares) takes a crew of rag-tag SEALs to an island where one of their own (Damian Chapa) has kidnapped a nuclear scientist (Kate Connor) and snatched a few mean looking missles pointed towards the States. The SEALs carry no guns as the island is surrounded by combustible gases so the action is hand to hand all the way (There is one big gun battle in the opening for you Gun-Fu fans). The film stars Michael Worth, who is probably the only "real" actor in the genre that can also move like the big boys and does not disapear behind a stunt man when the action starts. He also adds much needed vunerability to a genre so overloaded with testosterone. He is surrounded by other recognizable and capable faces such as Marshall Teaugue, Hakim Alston, Sophia Crawford and Karen Kim. The film actualy makes an attempt to create empathy for the charactors making the film work even better. Director Isaac Florentine seems to have blended John Woo and Sergio Leone together here giving the film at least a sense of style. He definately knows this genre. Remember, this is no SAVING PRIVATE RYAN but then it doesn't try to be. If you like the independant action films ( you know, a few un intended laughs) and enjoy the stylish action from the Hong Kong School Of Filmmaking, than this DVD is worth the purchase (or at least rental)
Rating:  Summary: Review It For What It Is.....Kick Butt Action Movie Review: This movie did have good action sequences, however it had almost nothing to do with Navy SEALs except for the fact that 2 SEALs (one who turned against the US) fought each other. If you just want to see action, then this still isn't a great choice but it does have a few good fight scenes. But if you're looking for SEAL or special forces kinda action look elsewhere. I would suggest US SEALs: Dead or Alive That had some realistic SEAL action in it.
Rating:  Summary: Pathetic Review: This movie did have good action sequences, however it had almost nothing to do with Navy SEALs except for the fact that 2 SEALs (one who turned against the US) fought each other. If you just want to see action, then this still isn't a great choice but it does have a few good fight scenes. But if you're looking for SEAL or special forces kinda action look elsewhere. I would suggest US SEALs: Dead or Alive That had some realistic SEAL action in it.
Rating:  Summary: A New Low Review: This movie is awful. Not just a little awful, but powerfully and compellingly awful. For many years, Plan 9 From Outer Space held the dubious honor of being the "worst movie ever made". Now along comes this turkey to make Ed Wood like like an inspired cinamagraphic artist by contrast. Almost immediately, the sheer annoyance of swooshes made by such exciting shlock as characters turning their heads or moving their hands wore thin. The brutal banality of the plot and the nonsensical dialog moved me to tears... the type that come when having boils lanced! This movie is total tripe, and perhaps the comparison is an insult to tripe! Why would anybody in their right mind produce such an incredibly stupid flick? When we consider "films that just had to be made", one wonders why this one was. I base my opinion on any given movie by the degree it entertained me. This one missed by miles. It is a travesty of film making that will go down in the annals of movideom as having all the allure and charm of a glass-bottom boat in a sewage treatment plant. Most infuriating, is that the Navy Seals are a noble and fierce arm of our military. They are highly tuned warriors who can perform combat operations that would stagger the mind of most people, and most of their work is done in total secrecy. This movie is an insult of towering proportions to an elite combat unit that has distinguished itself around the world. My best advice, if you are reading this is to buy something else. Anything else. You will unlikely stumble across anything in video that can match the idiocy of this terrible film. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss whatever you spent for this dog goodbye.
Rating:  Summary: Way, WAY too much... Review: This movie is overdosing on action. A guy gets kicked in the face and does a triple-whirl in the air before falling to the ground. The plot makes James Bond look intelligent and the action scenes are completely chaotic. I suppose the film's one saving grace is that it's much better than the first. A group of U.S. Seals (not Navy SEALS) is sent to an island to stop a megalomaniac from firing a missile. There is tons of violence that never stops to take a breath of air. The fight scenes, though well done, are completely ludicrous and highly unbelievable. It steps down into kung-fu territory, but still wants the viewer to believe it's an intelligent, Clancy-like thriller. It's not.