Rating:  Summary: Complete garbage. Review: The only reason I saw this movie was because of all the hype,(although my expectations weren't high to begin with) and I wish I hadn't completly wasted 2 hours of my time. XXX was the stupidest movie I've seen in a long time, the stunts are completly unbelievable, the acting is sub-par and the story is something that a 5-year old could understand easily, not to mention its about as stupid of a story as I've ever heard. This movie is 100% sensless, thoughtless action with no backbone.(The one redeeming quality it has is Sam Jackson as an actor but thats not enough to save it at all.) A movie for morons that do not know what a movie really is supposed to be.
Rating:  Summary: HORRIBLE!!!!!! Review: Well i saw this movie on the night of its release... Just like most women in this world I am a HUGE VIN DIESEL fan... I saw him in the Fast and the Furious, Pitch Black, Boiler Room,and so on. I was SADLY DISSAPOINTED by this movie. It was long and dry. The funny parts were few and far between, and there was sooo much action in it that it was almost UNBEARABLE to watch. Between the mediocre acting and the tired fighting scenes. It leaves u drained. NOT VIN DIESELS FINEST HOUR I WILL SAY..
Rating:  Summary: Hotty Review: I luved the movie!!!!!!!! I thought the action sequences were awsome. But in the end the thing that made it a great movie was Vin Diesel. When i first saw him in Fast and the Furios i thought he was so totally hot but now seeing him in this movie changed my perspective i now think he is the best male specimen...
Rating:  Summary: James Bond Has Nothing To Worry About Review: I was read that this film was supposed to depose the James Bond franchise.That won't be happening in this lifetime. XXX is one of the worst movies I have seen in a very very long time. After reading about the work up about this film and Vin Diesel I really expected to have my sox blown off. Instead I was bored to tears. I was itching to leave the theatre and almost walked out on it the first quarter. The script is attrocious and the dialogue campy. If this was going to be a spy movie on the level of James Bond or even Mission Impossible I expected to see some sort of substance. All Diesel does in this flick is make smart remarks and flex his muscles . If Diesel really wants to show that he's much more than just a younger version on Arnold and Sly he's going to have to learn the art of subtlety. Otherwise he's nothing but an overpumped action hero without any substance. This film should please those out there who like loud noise, mindless violence and explosions. But if you are looking for an intelligent spy movie perhaps you would be better of waiting for a gentleman by the name of: Bond, James Bond
Rating:  Summary: Spy Guy With Attitude Review: Xander Cage is a top-of-his-game extreme sport enthusiast. He's king of the daredevils, pulling stunts, living on adrenaline, and pumping extreme video footage of things he's doing through an underground streaming video release system that's keeping enough cash flow to provide him the backing he needs to do his biz. Then, when he snatches Senator Hotchkiss's Corvette and drives it over the side of a bridge, Cage draws the attention of National Security Agent Gibbons. Before he has time to celebrate his latest stunt, Cage finds himself shanghaied by the NSA and spirited off to the Colombian jungles where cocaine traffickers nearly kill him. Escaping from the Colombians only gets moves him to the primary spot of candidate for Gibbons' latest plan: a down-and-dirty criminal spy blackmailed into hardwiring himself into a nasty terrorist organization that calls itself Anarchy 99. Before he can say, "Damn, that's gonna leave a mark," Cage is put on a plane and shipped to Prague, the Czech Republic to 'front the Russian bad guys who have secretly funded a mad plan to destroy the planet with a biological weapon called Silent Night. Walking into the lion's den, betrayed at every quarter, Cage-codenamed XXX-faces death on a minute-by-minute basis that takes all his mad skills and courage to survive. And in the middle of chaos, with sudden destruction all around him, XXX finds a beautiful woman in need of rescue. Rescue the girl and save the planet-sounds like an itinerary for 007, but this is XXX, the newest, hippest, and most extreme secret agent of them all on his fledgling mission and flat-out off the hook! Vin Diesel is a powerhouse actor in the making. He's a guy in the biz for the long haul, giving up solid work in everything he commits to. From bit parts in SAVING RYAN and BOILER ROOM, to doing the voice work for the Giant in THE IRON GIANT, to leading roles in PITCH BLACK and THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS, Vin Diesel has attracted the attention of international audiences. Rob Cohen, director of XXX, has directed and produced dozens of films: THE SKULLS, THE HARD WAY, BIRD ON A WIRE, and television shows in "The Guardian" series. He and Diesel worked together on THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS, providing audiences a high-octane blast of adventure and excitement. XXX is a sheer blast of excitement. Diesel offers up the kind of hero that is sure to attract the young crowd out there waiting for a James Bond to rise from their generation. Backed by literally dozens of stunt guys and extreme sports heroes, Xander Cage comes across as suave and totally filled with mad skills that British agents licensed to kill couldn't touch with a ten-foot pole. The music score blasts the audiences in the seats, buffeting them with concussive sound waves from industrial metal and other music designed to be amped up to blow out the speakers. And the rolling thunder of the explosions has to be experienced to be believed. Set in Prague, the film looks absolutely awesome, a step back into the James Bond Cold War-era by way of present day music and extreme sports skills. While the stunts are purely amazing in their own right, backed by the music score and the exotic location, XXX delivers a sight and sound slugfest that is going to electrify audiences looking for something new in their spy stories. Diesel's acting is dead on, the women are painfully beautiful and seethe sexuality, and the story pacing is a headlong rush down a spiral staircase banister on one skate. The tech is cool and state-of-the-art, and the music scenes where the bands are playing will rock the house. During the final scenes of the movie, when XXX has to take to the air in a parachute like a hang glider, the parachute spills out into the red, white, and blue of the United States flag, an awe-inspiring sight above the river and against the backdrop of Prague. XXX is a hero, and he has the colors to prove it. Fans of action films, James Bond films, and extreme sports will get an absolute blast out of Diesel's performance in XXX. Diesel fans are already flocking to the theaters this weekend to check out the film, and they're going to discover that the big guy delivered like a champ. The only hard part now is going to be waiting for the release of the DVD!
Rating:  Summary: pretty damn good Review: this movie is very good i think that the only flaw of the movie was asia argento and the group of actors that were members of anarchy 99, but still with all the bad acting diesel's charisma saves the show. also i think that samuel l. jackson was more like a guest star because he has a very limited time on the movie and that's always a mistake to waste such an actor like that. but despite all those mistakes xxx delivers, is a pretty damn good movie with alot of great action secuences and something that is very important on this type of movies, is not boring like any james bond movie.
Rating:  Summary: B- xXx the ultimate popcorn movie !!!!!!!!!!!! Review: What can I say the plot for the movie was weak and it was like James Bond Movie mixed with a Mountin Dew commercial. This review may not be helpful but oh well.
Rating:  Summary: Alex's accurate and true review for the thriller XXX!!!!! Review: When I went to see XXX in the theaters, I had very high expectations. All I kept seeing before the movie came out were movie posters, trailers, reviews, and tv spots. My expectations were NOT let down. This is one of the few movies that I actually didn't want to end. There is tons of edge of seat excitement from beginning to end. Vin Diesel did an exceptional job playing the bad ... character of Xander Cage(XXX). His looks, acts, talk, and of course his muscles and tattoos made him fit this character perfectly. I definately recommend this movie to anyone who wants to be on the edge of their seat, biting their nails, and totally enjoying it from beginning to end. RATED PG-13 FOR VIOLENCE, NON-STOP ACTION AND MAYHEM,SOME SENSUALITY, LANGUAGE, AND BRIEF DRUG USE.
Rating:  Summary: XXX eats James Bond types for breakfast... Review: XXX (aka Triple XXXX) eats James Bond types for breakfast. He's tough, buff, tattooed and anything but charming. If you ever wondered how "the other guy" would handle saving the world this is your chance. Vin Diesel is simply bad to the core as XXX. An adrenaline junkie outlaw turned secret agent, he's got a thirst for danger and a real attitude for bad guys. Or anyone else who gives him lip, for that matter. The movie revolves around an anarchist/terrorist group made up of former Russian military personnel called Anarchy 99. Besides a love for huge parties and fierce industrial rock, these guys want a complete breakdown of world governments aka anarchy. So, they raise enough cash to hire Russian scientists to build chemical weapons to carry out their plans. Naturally, the U.S. wants to know what's going on, but the run-of-the-mill James Bond types don't blend well with the industrial underground and tend to get themselves killed. Something about tuxedos not really fitting in with leather and latex parties, I guess. Anyway, enter Samuel L. Jackson as an NSA case officer who decides to seek out the best of the "least likely to succeed" crowd and throw the winning candidate into the lion's den and let the chips fall where they may. By that time, you're already panting from having held your breath through the first half hour's worth of action. And that's when the story goes to the next level. Jam-packed with enough action to make your own blood boil, XXX will take you on such a suspense ride that you'll want to uproot your seat and aisle surf it just to keep pace! This is James Bond for the next generation. Bigger, tougher and with nothing to lose.
Rating:  Summary: <*** This movie is BAD! ****> Review: I was able to see this movie in Europe for free and let me just say it was terrible; big explosions, and big stunts are the only dosis you'll be getting, because as far as a good story or a bit of acting is concerned not a chance!...unless showing off your muscles every second can be call acting. Vin Diesel is one of the worst actors I've ever seen, I wish Hollywood would give a chance to real actors who are just waiting for the opportunity. Please don't allow this to continue, bad movies must be stopped once and for all. Rent this movie if it makes you happy but don't be another victim, or worst yet another supporter of this movie.