Rating:  Summary: Fast and furious extras Review: Say what you will about the quality of Rob Cohen's fast-and-furious action films, but there's no denying the man knows how to keep things moving. The director of "XXX" preaches it's a sin to waste even four seconds of screen time. His philosophy carries over to DVD extras, all too often bloated affairs perpetrated by filmmakers who should know better. Cohen and making-of director Todd Grossman apply feature film techniques to their bonus material: The docus feel a lot like "XXX," with hair-trigger editing, freeze-frames, pounding techno and plenty of hip atmospherics. DVD viewers are left wanting more, not less. They get it in the director's commentary, in which Cohen renders a history of the production that's at least as dramatic as his X-generation spy movie. Audio and video are first-rate, approaching reference quality. Cool-looking menus cut clear paths to content, except for a needless opening screen. The Dolby Digital 5.1 gets down to business right away, startling in its sonic realism. Rear effects are aggressive but smart, rarely tacky. The mix does some jaw-dropping 360s. "XXX" should be required listening for those who transfer movie sound to home video. Widescreen images come across with fiery intensity -- but clean up nicely for nighttime shots of the ancient city of Prague. The transfer deftly captures the offbeat visions of cinematographer Dean Semler ("Waterworld") and production designer Gavin Bocquet (the last two "Star Wars"). The full-screen version should work fine for folks with small screens, but the widescreen delivers a quite generous image area. Bonus: The disc has that great James Brown ad for the new GTO. Soul power, indeed.
Rating:  Summary: excellent movie Review: this had to be to be one of the best movies with not to many flaws. the action part was great and the gun was super cool. the only flaw was all the extreame sports part. the jump off the car was cool, but grinding down a rail with a dinner platter,? come on! over all the movie was very good.
Rating:  Summary: Triple Awful Review: While waiting for the next 007 film to hit screens, I was hoping that we would have another crime fighting spy that could keep us occupied until then. I'm still waiting. Once I heard Vin Diesel was to star, the film had lost all hope and excitement. Diesel doesn't have star quality. He has no character. No presence. No charm. He's like a brick wall. A monotonous robot with a voice that sounds like someone is rubbing brick on a cheese grater. He has the tough muscles to be an action hero, but he doesn't have any acting talent to pull it off. Why this guy is being made such a big deal out of is beyond me. There's nothing there. It is ridiculous and pathetic reading reviews stating that Bond is over and all that. In their dreams. Bigger, over the top violence and bigger muscles doesn't make a spy or spy film even remotely better. One reviewer said that maybe in another 18 XXX films, someone will shoot Xander Cage and a new spy will take over. Why wait?. How about we shoot him now?. Even the thought of this film lasting that long is laughable. 2 or 3 maybe. It doesn't have legs. The action is pretty good, but a lot of it is a little too over the top. Very unbelieveable. Of course, that doesn't matter much in films like these, but one would want something that is more breathtaking and exciting, rather than laugh out loud funny for being so preposterous. Samuel L. Jackson is there and doesn't bring anything. Why would he retort to such a low role?. Asia Argento is pretty, but you can't like her character or care for her. In fact, you won't care about anyone. "XXX" tried to be something worthwhile, but it failed on every aspect. Some witty lines were ridiculous, as if the cast had no idea how to deliver them. The movie is boring, cliched, and feels dated by the time it's over. What a horrible bore this film was. Better leave the real action to Bond.
Rating:  Summary: Vin Diesel Cannot Act, Rob Cohen Cannot Direct Review: "xXx" can be summed up in four words: "Joylessly Over The Top". It is easily the dumbest movie I have seen in a long career of enjoying dumb movies, and that's saying A LOT. I liked "Deep Rising", for God's sake. You all know the story: Extreme Sports maverick Xander "XXX" Cage is given a choice by the government: Work as a secret agent, or go to prison for life. He chooses option A. And so this train wreck of a movie begins. Lets start with the story. As a dumb action movie, I am inclined to ignore the gaping plot holes and let myself enjoy the action. This is allowed in most dumb movies. However, you need some convincing performances or at least some good lines to make this forgiveable. "xXx" has none of these, save a good turn by Samuel L. Jackson as Diesel's recruiter and contact in the NSA. Now, the NSA has no field agents in real life. The only people they recruit are number crunchers who can sift through encripted data and listen in on conversations. And they certainly don't have the kind of secret weapons cache like the one Diesel gets in this flick. At least Bond film have the good sense to make him MI-6, a real British spy agency that MIGHT have stuff like the gear Bond gets. Why not make the agency the CIA? I mean, at least the CIA has operatives. I don't know why this bothered me so much, but perhaps it's because I've read books on the subject and the stupidity of Hollywood is getting to me. Anyway, Back to Samuel L. He's always good, but in this movie he is only serviceable. Still, compared to Vin Diesel, Jackson turns in a performance of Shakesperean power. Diesel is that bad in these scenes. I was actually embarrassed for him when I saw him act alongside Jackson. Ah-nold would make a more convincing Hamlet than Diesel does in this role. Of course, when he's along other bad actors like Asia Argento(Generic Female Counterpart) and Marton Csokas(Generic Russian Bad Guy), he seems serviceable. The movie would have been better if they had cast, say, Eric Roberts in the Jackson role, since he can't act either. At least than Vin wouldn't look lost in his scenes with him. The plot is neo-Bond with a techno/metal soundtrack, in which a group called "Anarchy 99" plans to wipe out a whole bunch of people using toxic gas and a lame submarine. Vin has to infiltrate them and stop them. Why the US government would send an untried agent against these guys is never explained, as nothing Diesel does couldn't have been done with someone they gave a deep background to. Despite the opening scene, where a Bond-lookalike gets offed, the government actually trains operatives to infiltrate groups like this. On to the direction. Rob Cohen proved with "The Fast and the Furious" that he is a heavily incompetent action director(Forget acting. Anyone who heard Diesel perform the line "I live my life a quarter mile at a time" in that mess knows Cohen can't direct actors). The digital scenes in "Furious" looked awful, and they look awful here as well. The action is blown over the top in an attempt to make up fot the shoddy directing. With the exception of one memorable scene involving the destruction of a corvette, everything in "xXx" is uninvolving and unoriginal. Hence the tern "joyless". It's all a technical excercise. There is no sense of danger, as Diesel is apparently able to do 18 things at once and never appears at risk. Cohen should be locked away for his many crimes against cinema. All in all, I hated this movie(could you tell?). I wanted my money back. I want Vin Diesel to stick to roles like Riddick in "Pitch Black", where his dialouge is minimal. Avoid buying this one and pick up an old Bond movie or even the flawed but interesting "Minority Report". You'll thank yourself later.
Rating:  Summary: XXX action packed Review: Diesel played an under-cover cop. The plot was a little like Fast And The Furious except Diesle was a good-guy & it was good against bad. If you like action-packed, extreme movies with fast vehicles & cool weapons then you'll love it! I pre-ordered it & you should to.
Rating:  Summary: Very Great and Exciting Movie Review: Vin Diesel is no James Bond, and he doesn't want to be. That's why XXX announced Diesel as the adrenalin-junkie Bond of the PlayStation generation, copying the Bond formula so shamelessly that this action-packed silliness would be a Bond movie if it starred Pierce Brosnan. Reuniting Diesel with his Fast and the Furious director Rob Cohen, XXX has an attitude (if not a brain) all its own, plucking Diesel's Xander Cage from his celebrity as an extreme sports renegade, recruited by a National Security Agency big shot (Samuel L. Jackson) to foil a nasty Czech villain (Marton Csokas) who's eager to depopulate Prague with remote-controlled biological weaponry. Toss in a sulky, sultry Russian agent and you've got extreme Bond-age for anyone who thinks tuxedos are passé. With a handful of eye-popping action sequences, XXX launched a movie franchise with a cool guy, another cool muscle car, and plenty of box-office sizzle. This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat for the whole time you watch it.
Rating:  Summary: Vin Diesel is so hot!!! Review: Those of you that dont like blood and guts this is not a blood and gutty movie at all. This is a really cool adventurious movie. Those of you that like adventure and action movies this is the one you should go see. The soundtrack to this movie is really cool you should get it. This is the best action movie I have ever seen its really wonderful. This is one of my favorite movies.
Rating:  Summary: Shoulda gone straight to the local $ discount rack Review: Yikes. Was sucked in by the hype. Holy Moly Batman. It is sooo bad it may well become a camp classic, akin to Marijuana Madness. Big money spent on explosions, cars, motorcycles. Early in the movie, late in the movie. In between, you're stuck with plot and dialog that came as the prize in Crackerjacks. There was one person in the theatre hooting and hollering everytime Vin Diesel did anything. Everyone else was busy snickering at the inanity of it all. In the restroom after the show, people were actually bonding over the discussion of 'what the heck were they thinking'. This is an example of what happens when there is no one around to say 'no, you cannot spend $20M of daddy's money making a movie'. Samuel L. Jackson, what were you thinking? OTOH, from my 11 year old nephew's perspective: It ROCKED!!
Rating:  Summary: Eat your heart out Bond!! Review: James Bond, Termanator, eat your hearts out, Vin Diesel, aka, Xander Cage is moving into town!! Vin was AMAZING in XxX. The stunts were outstanding, the effects were perfect, and the acting was outrageous!! XxX is the best movie of I'd say 2000, 2001 AND 2002!! I haven't seen a movie this good in so long. I read the book before I saw the movie and I have to tell you, the book is identical to the movie, word for word, which is rare!! I also recomend the XxX soundtrack, it is as good as the movie. Look out world, Vin Diesel is here to stay!
Rating:  Summary: XXX? More like ZZZ Review: Typical, predictable, witless, stupid, derivative, boring, cliched, contrived, moronic, uninspired, pretentious, brainless drivel! The only thing more painfully insipid than the movie itself, is the boycrazy preteen girls that watch this stupid thing for Vin Diesel's "hott bod". And it will be those same teenybopping children that will find this review "not helpful". Watch how fast I care... xXx is not fun, it's not entertaining, it's not smart... it's just a dreadful mess that will only appeal to little girls that need to get a boyfriend. Wake up, Vin has no talent.