Rating:  Summary: Love amid the ashes Review: I found this movie to be well written, fast paced and gripping. It held the attention of the entire family. Excellent choices in casting Hamilton and Brosnan. AND, 5 years after first viewing the movie, we still use Java-Java-Java-Java-Java-Cappucino ! as our coffee call. (If that makes no sense, buy the movie and find out what it means!)
Rating:  Summary: Very Enjoyable Review: I personally thought this was a very good, exciting movie. I liked the storyline and the movie is just spectacular. Whoever hasn't watched this movie has missed out on great action. Some scenes may not be appropriate for younger children, as it shows some gore and blood. What a very sad, but satisfying movie.
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie I've seen? Review: This is probably the best movie I've ever seen.It has everything you want to see in a movie (adventure,romance,and heart racing experiences.)I nearly jumped from my seat watching this movie. This is a must see and that is why I gave this movie 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Pierce vs. the Volcano Review: We love this movie so much, we have two copies. We don't get tired of watching Pierce Brosnan defy the laws of nature, and the heroic efforts of the Grandma who jumps in to the acid soaked lake to pull her grandchildren to safety, only to have her legs melt away to nothing! We loved it, we want to see it again, and again, and again.
Rating:  Summary: Hmmm Review: The only disappointment about this DVD is that the inside sleeve with the menu chapters states that it is a two sided disc with loads of extra features on it. It is not!!!!
Rating:  Summary: well, this movie literally blew me away!!! Review: when i first saw this movie, i was little and didn't understand much of it, but when i rented it from the library a few months ago, i fell in love with it, i immediately bought it and watched it over and over! God! this was such a great movie. if your lookin for a good action-packed thriller, rent this movie. trust me! YOU WILL LOVE IT!
Rating:  Summary: 5 stars Review: There are absolutly no flaws in this movie. According to another review the car drives over lava, the tires spin and the car escapes unharmed. NOT TRUE the car catches on fire and the tires are melted down to the rims. Great special fx. Some people think it is better than Volcano but Dante's Peak was better because Dante's Peak is a real volcano and the one in Los Angeles is not. Dante's Peak could really explode and the one in the movie Volcano could not. Just see it because when I saw it I thought it would be bad but it wasn't.
Rating:  Summary: Fun and intense action! Review: Action, suspense, and intensity abide in the effects-driven disaster film "Dante's Peak," a movie that will leave you awestruck and numb. I was completely enamored by almost everything the movie had to offer, even if some of the scientific information was a bit far-fetched to make room for the plot's twists and turns. Actors bring life and a human factor to the movie, but the real action lies with the astounding special effects used to bring a volcanic eruption to vivid and detailed life. When seismic readings and graphs point to some geologic activity going on around the small town of Dante's Peak, the United States Geological Survey sends volcanologist Harry Dalton to investigate the possibilities. His arrival brings a silent tension on the town, which becomes voiced when he, along with Mayor Rachel Wando, come across two badly scorched bodies in the local hot springs. Dalton believes that the volcano may be "waking up" from a dormant period, but his boss shows up to calm his theories and instill calm back into the town council. Of course, the movie points in all directions to the impending eruption, in subtle ways that the characters have no interaction with. From here, the group of scientists begin taking samples, surveying the landscape as well as taking helicopter trips into the volcano to determine if the recorded activity is of any consequence for worry. Meanwhile, Harry and Rachel get close, and their delicate relationship is put in the balance when the warning signs become more fervent, forcing them to call an evacuation of the entire town. But it comes too late, and soon everyone is fleeing for their lives as the mountainous volcano begins to spew hellfire and ash into the air, destroying the landscape and casusing massive destruction that stands in the way of Harry and Rachel's escape. "Dante's Peak" follows a very well-known pattern for the duration of its plot: a situation that has implications of disaster is presented, one person knows what it going to happen but no one listens, and then all hell breaks loose. This movie carries off this particular structure quite well: it starts out slow and then speeds up to full speed, never slowing down and heightening the suspense given us by the incredible action sequences, smart dialogue and intense and vivid special effects that are the showcase of the movie. I found myself cheering it on in places, becoming completely enamored with what was going on, and satisfied with the final outcome of the movie. The special effects for this movie are stupendous, and add a lot to the atmosphere the movie portrays. From the moment the mountain begins erupting, the effects give us the feel that everything is larger that life, from the volcano itself to the large, expansive cloud of ash that spreads across the sky and keeps the sun from penetrating. The nice thing about this film is that most of the effects are done with miniatures, giving it a mucher richer look than if it were only done with computerized effects. The sound is incredible, bass-heavy and prominent in wrapping us up in the action. All of these elements at work put us right in the middle of the film, bringing us into the experience as we hold our breath for the next new twist. The scientific aspect for this movie is, for the most part, authentic, and while there are certain liberties taken, it is evident that the filmmakers wished for it to be as true to life as possible. Dalton throws out a lot of technical terms and phrases, making the sincere and believable. Allusions to eruptions and catastrophes of the past give the movie a sense of foreshadowed doom, while also keeping the suspense building. The overall effect this portion of the plot will have on you is overall intellectually backed up by facts and data, which keeps the movie real to life while keeping it moving. The two main leads for the film are excellent in their roles, adding a lot to the experience. Pierce Brosnan is the ideal Harry Dalton: rough, rugged, and totally charming. He has the image of a loner who is looking for the right person. He also has a starkly emotional human side to his personality, as is shown in the beginning sequence when he loses his fiancee in a volcanic disaster. Linda Hamilton, playing Rachel, has a complex role of leader, damsel and mother. She does all three of them at different points, and her ability to combine her performance into all of them makes her performance the best of the film. "Dante's Peak" is the kind of movie you watch with eagerness for the next scene, and then when it's over, all you want is more. The action comes to a screeching halt, and you've been throttled with so much of it already that to have it stop is murder. The movie is one that shakes the senses, and makes us believe in movies that have romance, suspense, intense action and rousing suspense.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the average disaster flick Review: In short: exploding volcanoes, lava, falling ash, excellent special effects, simple story. Fun, and invigorating. In length: This film interested me on two levels. Firstly, as a geologist who daily studies volcanic textures and rocks, and secondly, I happen to like the western United sates. I was pleasantly surpised by the film, although at times succumbing to the usual Hollywood predictablility, it does occassionally incorporate some good science, and some ok script. The viewer will learn several things about volcanoes in this movie. First not all 'extinct' volcanoes are extinct. Second, they often give seismic warnings, as magma rises from depth, of an impending eruption. The trouble is always predicting the exact timing, likelihood, and magnitude of an event. There are places in the world, in South America, Indonesia, New Guinea, possibly New Zealand and the USA, and many others, where towns really should not be situated. Evacuation, livelihood, tourism, and real estate prices are real social concerns amongst people living in such areas throughout the world, as the people of Pompey, Mt Pelee, and many others, were they still around, would like to tell you. Eruptions can be very explosive, and wipe out adjacent towns even some distance away. Studies of past eruptions can give clues to likely effects from future ones. People living today in some parts of Oregon and Washington state will tell you that it is only recently that some have found that certain towns are built on ancient lava flows from still active volcanoes. Not so nice to know! Science is fun, informative, interesting, and economically important. The US geological survey is not full of bearded old rock doctors, with little to do. Some of them have very enviable jobs, with an important role. These are the sorts of things that viewers will learn from this film, along with all of the excellent special effects.