Rating:  Summary: You Gotta See This Review: I'm not usualy one for submarine movies and stuff like that, but The Hunt For Red October just was awesome! Alec Baldwin and Sean Connery were both great, and I couldn't tell you right now which one did a better job. Normally I'd say Sean Connery because I'm a big fan but Alec Baldwin was good too. Does anyone have a thesaurus? I'm running out of adjectives for awesome &great ! It's got a couple of funny lines and the Dallas popping out of the water like that was pretty cool. To top it all off, it also had James earl Jones, who I like too. My dad bought it for me after I picked it out, and I had never seen it before! It's a cool movie all over. Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin are soo cool!
Rating:  Summary: The DVD a step backward for a very good film? Review: Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore The Hunt For Red October (the movie itself I give 4 or 4.5 stars), but there are just a couple of things that niggle with the DVD (Region 4). DVDs are, or at least they have come to be considered, a step forward from the theatrical release. They usually provide just that little bit more than the theatrical release. Here the additional features include the trailer and subtitles for the hearing impaired (which, as I'll get to in a minute, is a very good thing). A bit light on for what has become standard in the additional features department. Okay that's not such a big deal, maybe a little bit of a let down, nothing more. As is the failure to fix up the SFX muck-ups in the end sequence - during the moonlit ride up the river in Maine. It's a shame that Industrial Light and Magic, who did the effects, weren't able (for what ever reason) to go back and fix-up the bad overlapping where trees and the river are seen passing through a ghostly opaque Alex Baldwin. And we know from the Special Edition of The Empire Strikes Back, that ILM now have the technology to fix up this problem. Okay, again this is not a problem, and indeed it could be argued that this maintains some integrity within the film. But the DVD doesn't get bonus stars/points over and above the theatrical release from me. Can it lose some? Well yes. Firstly, the picture quality could've been better. Secondly, if you're going to have subtitles that translate spoken Russian could we get it right? I mean, it was entirely possible to get them right on the theatrical release. In fact, it was even possible to get it right with the "Subtitles for the hearing impaired", so why can't they replicate the subtitles from the original movie into the standard play on the DVD? It does make a difference when lines are missing. For example, the significance of having Dallas fly out of the water kind of loses impact (and bemusement) when you don't know what the Russian sailor is yelling out (i.e., "The Captain has frightened them out of the water!"). A real shame, a little slack and a little lame (was the person re-typing out all the Russian subtitles doing a little creative re-editing - well they shouldn't have - tut tut tut). If you've never seen it before, by all means buy this DVD, especially if it's the same price as the video because the sound is better on the DVD and it truly is a wonderful film. Just watch it with the hearing impaired subtitles on, because the ones on the standard play, well they [are disappointing]. The DVD of this 4 star film, gets 2.5 stars from me.
Rating:  Summary: One of Connery's best... Review: This film, from director John McTiernan, is one of the greatest action movies of the past twenty years. Based on Tom Clancy's gripping novel, this film follows Alec Baldwin as Jack Ryan who must go after submarine captain Marko Ramius, played by the always-wonderful Sean Connery. Ryan belives Ramius wants to defect and he has to convince his government otherwise. "The Hunt for Red October" packs in the suspense and drama needed in a film like this. Our characters are very well-developed and the script is simply marvelous. The climax is gut-wrenching and loaded with suspense. Personally, this is one of my all-time favorite films. It is my favorite from director McTiernan.
Rating:  Summary: The Hunt For Red October Review: The first Jack Ryan film, THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER is the best of the series in every respect. Director John McTiernan, after PREDATOR and DIE HARD, goes one further by taking on one of Tom Clancy's most difficult novels. Everything in the film is great; the thrilling action set-pieces, top-notch acting, stunning cinematography and a heroic score. The story is as fascinating as it is exciting, with Jack Ryan (Alec Baldwin) investingating the mysterious Russian Submarine Red October, captained by the shady Captain Ramius (Sean Connery). The strong supporting cast of Sam Neill and Scott Glenn provides extra gravitas. The fast-paced action and quick editing moves the story along quicker than the sometimes plodding novel. All in all, a great action film. The digital transfer on the DVD leaves a lot to be desired, with grainy picture and sub-par sound. Extras include a trailer.
Rating:  Summary: fun movie, lousy transfer to DVD Review: Red October is unquestionably the most entertaining of the Tom Clancy movies. Connery in particular does a nice job as the Russian sub captain and the rest of the cast is good as well. Great editing keeps the story moving without getting bogged down in unnecessary character development (let's face it, Tom Clancy characters don't generally need a lot of development). The underwater sub battle at the end is remarkably well shot--it is made clear to the viewer exactly what is happening with all three subs that are invoked. My complaint is with the picture quality of this DVD. This is a fairly recent movie, and a popular one, so there is absolutely no excuse for the grainy picture quality through much of the movie as well as noticeable white specks in many scenes, particularly the dimly lit sub-interior scenes. Home theater buffs are going to be disappointed at a transfer that really isn't too much better than VHS.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely wonderful! Review: "The Hunt for Red October" is an absolutely great adaptation of one of the best novels ever written. The producer's of this movie took Tom Clancy's masterpiece and made one of the best military action movies ever. While they didn't stick to the novel perfectly, that's no big deal, it's still a great movie. Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin and the rest of the cast performed admirably. Although later films have Harrison Ford and now Ben Afleck in the role of Jack Ryan, to me, Alec Baldwin epitomized Jack Ryan. Sean Connery turned down the role of Sybok in Star Trek V to do this role, clearly a no brainer there. I would recommend this DVD to anybody. I would also recommend the book.
Rating:  Summary: Top Notch adaptation of the Clancy Techno-Thriller Review: This is one of the best submarine movies I've seen. The plot of the movie is that a new Russian submarine, the "Red October", has been completed and has been launched into the North Atlantic. It is equipped with a special reactor which makes it virtually silent. The Americans fear that the submarine is going to sail across the Atlantic and fire its ICBMs at the United States. Sean Connery gives a first rate performance as Marko Ramius, the captain of the "Red October". He looks exactly how I'd picture a Russian sub skipper, and he even speaks fluent Russian throughout the film. James Earl Jones stars as an American Admiral who has the information about the "Red October". He calls on Alec Baldwin (Jack Ryan) to confirm the information. Baldwin gives an excellent performance as Ryan. He takes a nasty helicopter ride to the submarine USS Dallas, who is captained by actor Scott Glenn. There, they follow the "Red October", who Ryan believes is trying to defect instead of attack. Ramius concocts a plan to remove his crew and then tells them he's going to scuttle his ship when in reality Ryan and the Dallas are going to help with the defection. Another Russian submarine makes this a sticky situation for both Ryan and Ramius. In the end, we see the "Red October" sailing up a river in the United States, with Ramius and Ryan on the bridge. First class acting and edge-of-your-seat action make this film worthy of viewing many times over.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie, poor DVD transfer Review: Like other reviewers here, I agree in the great quality of the movie but this is by far the worse DVD transfer I have seen. I have seen hundreds of DVDs and none have the poor quality this one has. Blacks are not black and there is "noise" on the picture that you can see all throughout the movie. It is almost like you are watching the movie with a layer of slightly opaque saran wrap covering your TV screen. Whomever gave this DVD a 5 for picture quality needs to see an opthamologist. Besides the poor transfer there are no addional goodies included like 99% of DVDs. You would think that a big budget studio like Paramount would add something like an interview with Tom Clancey or a "behind the scenes" featurette. I remember how the U.S. Navy made them change the sub set because it was too close to the real thing. (Remember this was made during the Cold War). I have the same complaints of no extras/subpar quality with Paramount's DVD release of "Top Gun". WAKE UP PARAMOUNT AND STOP CHURNING OUT VHS QUALITY DVDs!
Rating:  Summary: Russians don't take a dump son without a plan. Review: Sean Connery is great as the captain of a new Russian submarine capable of manuvering without making noise. The part of Jack ryan is played quite well by Alec Baldwin. He shouldn't have committed career suicide by turning down the sequel. Although it did open the door for Harrison Ford to truly establish the character. It's too bad Affleck is ruining it. Anyway back to the film. Great casting for all of the smaller parts as well. Great Special effects. Great storyline. Bottem line - If you like movies with a good story involving anything military, then this film is for you.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent movie, Horrid DVD Review: I won't bother reviewing the movie, as there are plenty of reviews here that emphasize the movie itself. What I want to make clear here is that the quality of the DVD transfer and sound is totally unacceptable. The transfer is grainy, unsaturated, has horrible black levels, and perhaps worst of all, has insane compression artifacts. Top that off with the fatc that it's NON anamorphic, and you're in for a miserable experience. The studio is about to release a second edition, which I was looking forward to until I saw the stats - it's also non anamorphic, which means it's probably the same, rotten transfer. Until they remaster this movie, stay clear...