Rating:  Summary: Cobra?Adder maybe! Review: This isn't a good film,it isnt a bad film either though. It's another example of a studio releasing a bad movie with a big star in it,and hoping no one will notice how poor it is. The plot is average,and the acting isn't great.Stallone is the only thing that makes this film worth watching.With some good one liners and some good fight sequences,it's worth watching if you're a stallone fan,if not,look elsewhere.
Rating:  Summary: Got to have one of these in the mix Review: How do you even go about reviewing this movie? Well, let's see. First of all, the 3 stars are for nostalgic reasons and a tip of the hat to whoever choreographed the gunbattles. And come on, Cobra is too easy to steamroll. What could anyone get out of seriously critiquing this? It's just a laugher, something you just blow off.1. There is no plot. No story. Nothing happens. All you need to do is look at the screen while people are shooting (to catch all the stunts) and then go back to doing whatever it was you were doing until they start shooting again. 2. The shootouts get increasingly preposterous as the movie progresses (or digresses). It culminates with Stallone standing in the back of a pickup truck mowing down an army of guys on bikes who are following him. It's basically a comic book put to film in many regards. I challenge anyone to produce a count of how many times you see a guy in a mask go flying and his bike either skidding across the ground or flipping end over end. 3. The movie could have been made without dialogue, literally. The only point to having people talk is that it gets to lampoon basically everything from tough guys to whatever you want to imagine as the liberal media. Add "You're the disease, I'm the cure" to the all-time list of footnoted '80s action droplines. It's in the top 100 I'm sure. 4. All of the bad guys are what would amount to professional wrestling rejects. From the opening scene with the dude walking into the super market, you know this movie is "one of those kind." He proceeds to pull out a shotgun and blast into a bin of melons, he blasts into pop cans, a shopping cart (which blows up), and everyone is running about screaming. One of the cops outside looks at the other one and says, "Call the Cobra." And with a straight face too! Meanwhile, the psycho is still inside the super market blasting soup cans and pop machines, and yelling something about a New Order/World. He finally manages to shoot somebody after he's emptied more shots than he could carry. Stallone walks in the back door, walks through the place, finds him, and blows him away. Yep, that's the gist of things. And that will about do it for Cobra as well. What ya see's what ya get.
Rating:  Summary: Laughably ridiculous. Review: Oh man, I'd have to humbly say the only advantage to enjoying this movie is being a twelve year old seeing it for the first time. But that would be a twelve year old of 1986 actually experiencing it in the movies. Of which the twelve year olds today would probably need a lot more "eye-candy" to keep them amused. But boy, is this movie rib-crushingly hilarious to the grown up of right now. Catch me back in '86,'87 as a kid watching this movie with my jaws agape and you'd never believe I'd have grown up to laugh so hard at every TNT "Movies For Guys. . ." showing. This is such a fun "Dude" movie. It's so ridiculous and ubelievable - not to mention 80's cheese - you can't help but watch it every time it's on. But you have to give Sly just a wee bit of credit. Pulling off that "Ode to Eastwood" thing was probably such a novel idea at the pitch meeting, it truly is a shame we never saw more of the omnipotent, invincible and insatiably charming Marion Cobretti again. Yeah. But anyway. . .so what it's dumb. So what it lacks the believability of Rambo III. And so what if you need plot, character development, consistency and story! This is definitely the movie for you if you think wrestling is real. And two stars? Hey, man. . .I had to give it something. One star just wouldn't be fair for the accountability of nostalgia. Godfather? Definitely not. But hey, neither was The Toxic Avenger. And I dare you to find a living soul that's actually seen The Toxic Avenger and not LOVED it! So there it is. Two stars for the timeless COBRA. One 'cause it needed one for the review and the other 'cause I was twelve. Take care.
Rating:  Summary: Rambo With A Toothpick Review: This film is great! (...) This was like one of the first of Stallone films that I had watched after the Rocky series. Maybe it's a little cheesey, but it's how all movies were made in the 80's. I like the beginning where Stallone comes in to the supermarket. Some dark scenes in the film. Substantial amount of violence, good film. It actually has a good story to it, yep another cop story against the bad guys. Fair Game.
Rating:  Summary: WE ARE THE HUNTERS...KILL THE WEAK SO THE STRONG SURVIVE! Review: Need I say more, they should have shown the Killer (Brian Thompson) Killing weakings and skumbags off by the 1000's, o and a weakling like Stallone was not a believable "good guy", all in all for a older movie this is a cool slasher flick, I like it!
Rating:  Summary: Not very good. Review: Cobra was basically a poorly written, badly acted movie that was successful with audiences only because it was riding the popularity shock wave created by Rambo First Blood Part II. If you don't require a lot from movies to be entertaining, well then its a good flick. The characters have no depth, and what you get is a shabby job of roughemup action Styallone style against ridiculous odds. Stallone's shootemups with the bad guys are really ridiculous, as is the part when he impales the villain on a very blunt, and obviously dull hook at the local foundry. The hand to hand action, although brief was the most exciting part of this film and I wish I had seen more of that. The picture quality was not what I have come to expect from DVDs and the sound was substandard.
Rating:  Summary: So it's stupid. Review: Yes,it is dumb,the plot sucks,the acting sucks,there is no suspense despite what other reviewers say.And,quite obviously the screenplay sucked..I own this on dvd because i love fun movies and this is one of those...People,This is not ben-hur or Citizen Kane.....just a fun,stupid movie. The dialogue that deals with society is pretty good...but it barely scratches the surface of things.This was a vehicle for "Brigitte Neilsen" who is not a very good actress in my opinion.The love scene is absolutely horrendus(How could she fall for a guy who deliberately puts her in danger?) Not bad picture on the dvd in component video,but the sound is awful even with 2 sub-woofers. A laughable commentary track by George P. Cosmatos..Very slow and he seems to get real bored all of a sudden so decides to tell us that he likes pepsi and gummi bears....Now,he's a good director but this was a poor job and he knows it. But for guys and girls who like fun movies...go ahead and buy it,you'll like it. A.P.L
Rating:  Summary: Forgettable, even for Stallone Review: The first 10 minutes of this movie present a pretty entertaining introduction to the title character, Marion "the Cobra" Cobretti. The reflecto sunglasses, the laser scoped gun, the cobra insignia on the gun's handle, the match dangling from his pouty lips (I thought that went out in the 50's?). After those first 10 minutes, however, I had a hard time maintaining my concentration on this movie. In 1985, Stallone and Schwarzenegger went mano a mano with two war superhero movies, "Rambo" and "Commando," two of my all time favorites for that genre. In 1986, I was hyped for the round two with "Cobra" and "Raw Deal" fighting it out for the detective superhero award. Well, both movies rank among my all time least favorites for ol' Hanz and Franz. How can a woman as good looking as Brigette Nielsen be such a bore playing a model? And why does Stallone play the Cobra like Rocky Balboa with a speech impediment? (I know that is redundant). I guess he thinks the shy-guy routine will somehow allow this 2 dimensional character to cast an actual shadow. We'll never know. You'll be best off skipping this one at the rental outlet.
Rating:  Summary: One of Stallone's best action movies Review: Like most of Stallone's action movies, "Cobra" is an exciting, action packed movie. Sylvester Stallone stars as Cobra, a cop who is well known for tracking down and killing psychopathic killers who are on the loose killing innocent people. While tracking down these serial killers, Cobra is also protecting a woman (Brigitte Nielsen) from danger by carrying her with him. "Cobra" might not be one of the Stallone movies that you hear a lot about such as "Rambo" or "Rocky," but that doesn't mean that i's not a great movie. "Cobra" is full of spectacular driving, fighting, and shooting action sequences while Cobra does his action packed job by showing the criminals that Cobra is as deadly as a cobra. I recommend anybody who likes action movies with tons of exciting action sequences to get "Cobra." It might not get the credit for it, but "Cobra" is one of Sylvester Stallone's best action movies.
Rating:  Summary: Not for those who care for criminals' rights! Review: It's no wonder people who care for rights of criminals more than the rights of victims hate this movie. Imagine that - here's a cop who not only says openly what he thinks of criminals and "civilized judges" but even puts his words into action. The "human rights" (criminal rights, that is) people called this movie "fascist" (it's their favorite epiteth for anything that's not compatible with their way of "thinking"). Don't listen to that babble - the same people hate "Dirty Harry" and don't bash it only because it's a classic that they, being cowards, don't dare attack. "Cobra" isn't a classic yet (hopefully it will be), so it's a great object for an attack. I'm not sure about USA these days, but boy, my country could sure use a few Cobras! Buy the movie, buy "Dirty Harry" and don't forget Heinlein's "Starship Troopers" (not the dreadful film by Verhoeven) for a grim - though, admittedly, in "Cobra's" case, often too simplistic and too direct - comment on today's world... One more thing - "Cobra" has a superb soundtrack! A true fantastic voyage to the 1980s... I normally prefer orchestral scores, but Cobra's soundtrack, consisting mostly of songs (and the excellent orchestral opening theme) is one of few so great compilations of such music. Don't forget to get the soundtrack in addition to the DVD!