Rating:  Summary: Painfully, Painfully Bad. Review: I thought this movie was not only horribly, painfully, awfully bad, but also offensive. Let's break this down into bullet points: -Plot: This is the least bad of the points I'll go over. It's a somewhat interesting idea. One major problem is that the Biblical code they use seems to involve writing passages in a grid, with no spaces, and then picking letters in a regular, mathematical pattern to get messages. This is actually a genuine trick used in Judaic mysticism, and I believe also Islamic mysticism. There are a few errors, though. First off, it's shown once being done in English. The Old Testament wasn't done in English. It was in Hebrew or Jewish Aramaic. Further, this trick only works well in those languages because the vowels are not written. The consonants carry unwritten vowels. This makes puzzles like this work well in Semitic languages (Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, etc.). Now, what I immediately noticed is that this little "trick" is portrayed as if the Jews never realized it, even though they've been doing it for millennia. A Christian, who doesn't seem to speak Hebrew or Aramaic, has to figure it out using English (see point above), and "show them the light". -Acting: I cringe using that word here. "Acting" implies that people actually act, or have some talent at it. The most interesting characters were the two angels, and the devil. The angels were, in my opinion, under-used. (I was also sad to see that they didn't pull out any Old Testament style smiting. I was looking forward to seeing a special effects loaded can of Righteous Wrath being opened at some point in the movie.) I actually ended up sympathizing with the devil because that was the only character who showed *any* acting skill. Everyone else ranged from cardboard props to annoying. - Music and Setting: Nice. Nothing special. Ok. However, some of the props used lead to. - Message: The message I got was, "Other religions are just fumbling around, waiting for a Christina leader to show them what's really going on...The movie is none-too-subtle about Catholic bashing. If you look closely, the only visibly Catholic character is an ex-priest who was de-frocked for murder, or homosexuality, or both, and who is in knowing service of Satan. If you look even closer, the big golden thingy on the Devil's desk is called a "monstrum". It's a sacramental used to hold a Eucharistic host for public adoration and some benedictions. They are found in Catholic churches. (I'm not sure about Anglican.) They are something distinctly Catholic, and the Devil uses one to decorate his desk.So, overall, the movie is horrible. I found the Catholic-bashing in a "Christian" movie particularly offensive. I thought the portrayal of other religions was demeaning. The acting was horrible. The whole thing is worse than a waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, and strange future for humanity Review: the motion picture makes one think about the last days. how is society going too be? what are people going to believe in? what type of currency will the world use? the issue of the middle east. this movie answers alot of those questions. this is a Christian film, and so the big picture here is that one has to believe in Christ in order for one to have salvation, and not to give in to the anti-christ who wants all to worship him and take his mark. Even though the movie did not have the issue of the chip it is still very interesting. the movie has an interesting plot, and the actors portray those who will stay behind [the issue of the rapture].michael york is brilliant and magical in his acting performance.
Rating:  Summary: you can't give 0stars? Review: Me and a friend went to see this and when it was over he said he should beat me up(edited for content) for wasting 2 hours of his life he could never get back on the worst movie ever made . . . and I agree he should have . . . Please don't waste your money on this
Rating:  Summary: This is the closest you can get to Biblical truth! Review: Omega Code is the closest to the Biblical truth you can get! It is meant for action, but that isn't the whole genre. It is suppost to show you the prophecy in Revelations about the Anti-Christ. This is a cool movie with novel-like cliffhangers that lead up to the Rapture! Believer or not, this is a great movie with drama, action, and truth!
Rating:  Summary: Yikes. Review: When I saw the previews for this movie (as expected for everyone else, too), I thought it was going to be an action-packed apocalyptic film about Christ's second coming. Instead, it's about an eccentric preacher who is on the run from all the satanists, and from the anti-christ himself (Michael York). At first I was very enthusiastic about it all, but I was still reluctant to go see it in theaters. So, I waited for it to be available to rent, and got myself to Blockbuster and checked it out. Within half an hour of the beginning of the movie, I was incredibly bored. It took WAY too long to get into the thick of the plot, and even then it was sadly disappointing. I seriously think the writers of this one need to go back and study the book of Revelations much more thoroughly. "The Omega Code" is more like a poorly interpreted version of the coming armageddon. Although the film itself had decent acting, it lacked any well-constructed storyline. They bypassed biblical prophecies and jumped straight into the new-age of dehumanization. As for myself, I'm not all that religious, but I do believe strongly in God, and I have read 'Revelations' numerous times. I consider the bible a guide to life, not a nest for someone to pluck fairytales from so they can produce a revenue. If they wanted to make a *realistic* movie about the coming of the anti-christ, and the end of the world (in biblical aspects), they should've had a far more heavy budget to work with. Special effects don't make a movie like this; it needed a much more in-depth plot, better prophetical implications, and not so many spoofs from "The Fugitive". I've suffered a great misfortune by seeing this disaster of a movie.
Rating:  Summary: My 1 star rating is deceptive... Review: I must admit that although this movie is stunningly bad, I oddly enough enjoyed it. As a person who is not terribly religious, I can still appreciate good actors trying very hard to make a bad movie good. Kudos to Michael York and Michael Ironsides in that respect. York shows off his acting talents while delivering the silliest lines ever, and Ironsides does his usual badass performance as an intense gun toting bodyguard and #2, his outfit seemingly lifted straight from Schwarzeneggers "Total Recall". I guess all bad dudes wear leather blazers, who knew. There is one line that he says with a straight face that is so hilarious I can't even mention it....you must watch the flick yourself I won't give it away. As for Casper Van Dien, his acting ability has the depth of a kiddie pool. This is verified by his wonderfully bad role in "Starship Troopers". I can credit christians for one thing....they toned down the violence and had the decency to make the camera cut away when York was shot in the head. Too many hollywood flicks seem to have an orgasmic love of 'head shots', something I personally don't consider entertainment. If you are a christian you will love this DVD. If you aren't, well you might still like it. Have an open mind, remember Harrison Ford wasn't available. The ending was kinda disappointing, but I guess they had to stick to prophecy and avoid a hollywood version. It ends on a good note of sorts.
Rating:  Summary: What is your theology? Review: I believe that the movie is an encouragement to believers that God is victorious and will win the war. Many people may disagree on the theology, but you don't have to believe in the Bible Codes to enjoy the movie. The plot and storyline are interesting and the graphics are well-done. Despite what some of the other reviews are of this movie, I found it enjoyable and encouraging in my faith, to press on, and to know that God will win and He is victorious. I recommend this movie as a thought-provoker and interesting idea. Again, you do not have to believe in the Bible Codes to enjoy the movie, nor do you have to agree with every detail of theology. I don't believe the movie was meant to be a sermon on end-time Bible Code theology, and it is more enjoyable if it is not taken as such. I definitely recommend this movie.
Rating:  Summary: The Movie was Nice. Review: Am... it was nice, thats all i can say it was not persuasive at all for an unsave person, they rushed into stuff and missed important parts that led to what happened i have seen much better christian movies that this one that made u think and question your way of living but, it was nice.
Rating:  Summary: Just a movie? The ultimate spoiler: meet the Anti-Christ Review: Movie reviewers have to tell readers up front if they are going to give away a movie's plot and ending. But what if the plot and ending is the FUTURE EVENTS OF MANKIND? This movie, the Omega Code dares to take the viewer on a forbidden journey------INTO OUR IMMEDIATE FUTURE----without flinching until the very end. More on this later. The Bible has been with us since Guttenberg created the mass produced book, in fact it was the other way around, the word created the printing press, and the free reformation society we have enjoyed for over 500 years. However, at the dawn of the 21st century the personal computer has unlocked that a supernatural hand wrote the Bible embedding a code of future events that in this film, schlock self-help guru played by Casper van Diem has toyed with to get-rich-quick. His public self-empowerment efforts has captured the attention of a world peace philanthropist played by Michael York. Be advised as you watch this film to ask yourself who is using who? What may seem to be predictable plot is not what it appears. Before we discovered the Bible code, we could have always simply READ the book of Revelation to learn how the end times (the Omega, last letter of the greek alphabet) will unfold. Frankly, readers and viewers "do not want to go there". To take us where we don't want to go, the scriptwriters have used the Bible code to revolve the action instead of the direct approach. Michael York has all along been basing his actions on the Bible code in order to eliminate having to take any real risks; as he says "he always leaves himself a way out" and become the ruler of the European Union. Those actions are to unify the world and make him the one world government leader, the anti-christ, the man of sin imitating God (777) but falling short (666). However, he needs a good "PR man" and van Diem is it. Or is he? The movie takes us from the destruction of the Islamic dome of the rock to the rebuilding of a mosque and temple mount for Judaism (both sides get something) to the anti-christ declaring HE is the god of this world. This is not a game, nor is this just a movie. This is a warning of what is to come. In the most chilling scene in the movie, before becoming the world's quasi-benevolent dictator, Michael York has died from a gunshot wound received when van Diem escapes from his lair shown with a hospital vital signs "flatline". However, as van Diem and TV reporter/helper Oxenburg escape in a business jet which throttles up for take-off, the anti-christ's vital signs come to life. Alive, though declared dead to the world, what was before a self-ambitious man is now been indwelt by Satan and when his chief henchman enters the room (played by Michael Ironside) he lets him know WHO IS THE BOSS....you will almost wet your pants, its that scary. Its scary because most Americans have read the Bible (to include the book of Revelation---they just don't want to "go there") and this is no science fiction flight of fancy as turning on your TV and seeing events in the middle east proves. Its TRUE. Its going to happen someday in our near future, and the word "creepy" is not strong enough here. Americans from recent polls sense trouble in the future on a global scale and are apprehensive; at the very end this film falters--I'm sure on purpose---from showing the actual last 3.5 years of the anti-christ's reign on earth where WWIII will break out. The film implies that God, Jesus Christ will return before WWIII and the plagues on mankind are poured out, which is incorrect but probably is as far as you can take an American audience. At this point they have seen and heard more than they have bargained for. So don't let me spoil the real ending here; go find a King James Bible and read the book of Revelation as-is and learn the actual ending of the story that this outstanding, daring movie begins.
Rating:  Summary: Worst movie...ever! Review: This is the only movie I ever walked out on before the ending (I lasted about 30 minutes.) And I have sat through some stinkers! I wish I could give it a few hundred negative stars but, sadly, one star is the lowest rating.