Rating:  Summary: You can't FIND a better example of a horrid movie! Review: This film is so bad that I have to give it five stars because the producers had to have some major guts to release feces like this.
Rating:  Summary: Bad Taste in Christian Entertainment Review: I endured the 1 hour 40 minutes of this film and as a Christian thought that this film is very dangerous and damaging to authentic bible prophecy as it mixes truth with error. Apart from the bad acting and violence, a lot of scripture was quoted, especially from the books of Daniel and Revelation, but misapplied in spurious ways. A true insight into bible prophecy can only come from the book itself (with God's guidance) and not a fictitious movie.
Rating:  Summary: highly entertaining!! Review: Ouch! Some of the reviews on here are waaay to harsh. Between the Christian bashing and bashings by Christians this film has recieved far too many hostile reviews. It's just a movie people!!I enjoyed this. Michael York and Michael Ironside make this a true treat for their fans. I love B-movies and I loved every moment of this. The sequel was even more fun. Pop some corn, sit back, and enjoy a double feature of Omega Code flicks.
Rating:  Summary: Yes, yes I was there Review: (sigh) OK, I have to admit that I paid the $7.50 to see it at the theatre. It's not the worst movie I've ever paid to see (Battlefield Earth takes that prize), but it comes really, really close.
It's sad when Christians feel they have to support such a bad movie because the "message" jives with what they believe. Don't get me wrong. I'm not bashing the message. I don't agree with it, but that doesn't mean I don't think it deserves to be seen and heard. Goodness knows there's room for more positive portrayals of Christianity and moral values in movies.
However, supporting bad films with good messages is only going to encourage more bad films. Support what you like in a movie--the positive story, the lack of gore, the lack of language--that's fine. But don't lower your standards just because you're desperate for good movies. Bad writing is bad writing--whether it's porn, a head-bashing action flick, an off-color comedy, or a Christian-friendly film. Bad acting (and Casper Van Dien may be bad acting's poster child) can mess up the best of movies--to say nothing about a film with weak plotting and writing to begin with. Please, please, PLEASE stop supporting trash just because it happens to fit your worldview. If you want your views better represented, demand more--demand better. Don't settle.
[And, I'm off my soapbox now]
A movie with (I'm guessing here) about a five-million dollar budget should NOT try for big explosions. The special effects look like an episode of something off the Sci-Fi Channel, and that only takes away from any story the movie might be trying to tell.
As for the story itself. It's sloppy, it's pretentious, and it doesn't make sense. I've read the Bible and enough Christian books (including end-times literature), to understand what's going on. I can't even imagine having to sit through the movie without that background. As it is, this is a weird mix of Christian pre-millienialism and pseudo-kabbalistic jibberish. There are better movies out there. Don't waste your time with this one.
Rating:  Summary: A Chick Tract for the big screen Review: Complete with Basil Exposition as the anti-christ. What a laff-riot.
Could be an embarrasment to us Christians if we take it seriously, but I for one do not. None of the actors seem to even remotely take their roles seriously, with the notable exception of Michael Ironside. Mr. Ironside is the only one in the film who does a decent acting job in the entire film. He delivers his usual better-than-average bad guy portrayal.
I like to think of The Omega Code as a Jack Chick Tract on film. If you are a Christian you *know* what these are. (The little "Christian" comic strips with the hellfire/devil-n-demon/apocalyptic message intended to "scare" you into belief.) All it lacks is for Ironside's character to laugh: HAW HAW!
Rating:  Summary: "life is never what it seems" Review: Some of this film may be ridiculous, but it is always highly diverting, with a marvelous over-the-top performance from Michael York, after he rises from his fatal head wound, somewhat reminiscent of a Frankenstein birth.
It has a rather preposterous End Times plot, with a computer spewing out prophesy from a Bible Code program. The film begins with this explanation of the Bible Code: "A mathematical phenomenon whose hidden messages are said to contain the whole of human history" (and there is much debate in the "real world" with scholars who are attempting to explain or evaluate the Bible Code), and that "He who controls Jerusalem in the last days, controls the world". Hal Lindsay, of "The Late Great Planet Earth" fame, is given credit as "Bible Prophesy Consultant" for the film.
The characters:
Michael York is the Bad Guy, media mogul and world manipulator Stone Alexander, who though not quite as brilliantly unconstrained as in the sequel to this film "Megiddo - Omega Code 2", nevertheless puts on quite a show. A must see for those who enjoy flamboyant Ham & Cheese Deluxe on film.
Casper Van Diem, is Gillen Lane, a "motivational guru", who I found quite insipid to start with, but as the film unfolds, and his part becomes more physical (running and jumping fences, etc.) he is stronger and more likable.
Catherine Oxenberg is Cassandra, who seems to magically appear whenever Lane is in trouble, to supposedly save him from his relentless pursuers. She's an annoying little vixen, who does wonders for plot progression.
Michael Ironside is Dominic, who is Alexander's hit man, and much more, and is very good at being rotten to the core.
The unnamed prophets are played by Jan Triska and Gregory Wagrowski, and they do a fine job as Prophet 1 and Prophet 2.
Filmed on location in Italy and Israel, the cinematography by Carlos Gonzalez is terrific, and some of the special effects quite well done. Part nicely paced dramatic thriller, part awful B movie, and 100% good entertainment, the total running time is 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Rating:  Summary: Was this deliberately hilarious, or what? Review: It's been a long time since I've seen a movie quite this terrible. After about ten minutes I realized I was watching an unintentional comedy directed by some jackass zealot. Notice that during the previews all the movies are religious. "Crosswalk Entertainment".It begins with a man (Michael Ironside, prostituting himself for cash) shooting a monk SITTING BEHIND A F**KING LAPTOP with a silencer and then being apprehended by to men who give him his hat and let him go. These guys are angels. Praise the Lord. It spirals into the worst cinematic attempt at a Biblical message I have ever seen. The funniest parts involve the Antichrist, this idiotic English guy who can't act and takes over the world in, ah, about a week. But wait! Jesus comes to save the day! That is, once the 90210 looking protagonist breaks down his satanic doubt and PRAYS! This is bust a gut comedy. Turn on Lifetime TV instead. The quality is about the same.
Rating:  Summary: Skip This- Watch "Left Behind" Instead Review: I'm a Christian, and I like the idea of more Christian friendly films. But this is a terrible mess. For a Christian movie, it seems to have (relatively) high production values, but the redeeming value is in its cover art. You know that's a problem, when the cover is literally the best thing about it. Skip this one.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: I've made it a point to try and see as many of the films in the IMDB 'bottom 150'. I wasn't surprised to see <I> The Omega Code </I> in that esteemed list. It's a dreadful film that hasn't found any niche. Born-again fundamentaloonies never took to it because it isn't 'biblically accurate.' Most sane people dismissed it off-hand. If it didn't completely bomb at the box office, it's because of it's 'limited theatrical release' and the fact that it was [messed with]so well by TBN. Now there's your 2.7 mil at the box office. The TBN crowd (read: instant gratification evangeloonies) flocked to see this croaker. They also put money in Benny Hinn's pockets. Enough said. Well, it didn't take me long to get a hold of this. Most video stores have this stored away somewhere. This is pure MST2K stuff, people. The acting is wooden, the plot is nonsensical and it's just totally pointless. Was this supposed to make me drop to my knees and praise the Lord? I was too busy laughing. Avoid!