Rating:  Summary: Xellent!! Review: Movies don't get much bigger and better than Xmen united. After the enormous success of the first film, Bryan Singer has again given us an action packed spectacle. Hugh Jackman shines as Wolverine again and it's great to see him in action agian.In X2, the good mutants, lead by Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart) find themselves threatened by a new enemy by the name of Stryper (Brian Cox) and need to join forces with the bad mutants led by Magneto (Ian Mckellan). For an action film, the story is very interesting and well written. There are some fantastic set pieces in this one and the action does not really let up. There's also some interesting social commentries going on as the subjects of intolerance of anyone different comes up again. For exhilirating entertainment you can't go past this one, Thanks for reading and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Comic Movie Ever Review: This is by far the film adaption of a comic book to date.X2 is a great film from beginnig to end.Hugh Jackman has proven that he is the only actor who should play Wolverine. The man is a true master second to none.The film has great action,comedy,and superb acting.X2 is a must have for a true collector of the action genre.
Rating:  Summary: Xmen 2 Rocks!!!!! Review: This is one heck of a movie. If you liked XMen the movie, part 2 will just leave you waiting for part 3. The plot is good, the special effects are great, and the cast goes together perfect. 5 Stars for a deserving movie.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best sequels in many years. Review: Being someone who has been turned off by the whole concept of sequels, I however was ready to see "X-Men United" in a heartbeat considering how good the first one was. Luck has it that this in fact surpasses the first one and ranks as one of my favorite sequels of all time. Professor Charles Xavier and his former friend and now enemy Magneto parted ways long long ago on their beliefs about the 'normal' humans treatment of mutants. The mutant world divided into the X-Men and the anti-human organizations lead by Magneto and Mystique. These two worlds in the mutant societies clash over the issue of humans and mutants living together. However ALL mutants' lives are in jeopardy when a vicious rogue general named William Stryker organizes a violent militant anti-mutant organization to track down and kill every mutant on Earth and launches an assault on Xavier's School for The Gifted. Now the mutants from both sides and that includes Xavier and his nemesis will have to put aside their differences and unite under one banner to defeat the threat that is William Stryker. This movie really does the trick of surpassing the original. Hugh Jackman delves even deeper into his role as Wolverine and this movie sheds more light on Wolverine's past involving his days as a victim of numerous experiments. THis movie is also a very scary example of the dangers of discrimination should it be left unchecked or even encouraged such as what happened in World War II. The DVD edition also has a lot of cool 'behind the scenes' extras along with some deleted scenes that never made it on the film include one of Jubilee who isn't in the movie itself. Go and buy this DVD when time and money allow it!
Rating:  Summary: Better than the Original Review: Rarely do I like sequels over the original films. Sequels tend to lack richness, development, and quality (Cadyshack 2, Rocky II, etc) but X-2 really impressed me. Hugh Jackman deepened his role as Wolverine and made him less mysterious. Anna Paquin also improved. Other characters in the film stayed the same, but they weren't in need of change (Storm, Mystique) All in all the film definately improved. The first film wasn't horrible in any aspect, but the sequel definately outshined its predecessor. One of the best films of 2003.
Rating:  Summary: Brain Cox is God. Review: Brian Cox, as the title of this review may suggest, is God. because like God, he is everywhere. the man has more credits than an upmarket beverly Hills blonde with a gold card, a rich husband and bad cases of both cleptomanian and nymphomania. And X2 is just another notch on the now non-existent belt of Mr. Cox, here playing a crackpot militia type who wants to wipe out all mutants in a high octane action sequel that actually works. read that last line again. now again... Actually, Brian Cox's is among one of the great performances in this movie, with Hugh Jackman going crazy with claws, Ian McKellen getting hammy with helmets, and Patrick Stewart getting wild with wheelchairs. and alll with cool powers. There is some great action sequences, one or two nice emotional scenes, and a general lack of Halle Berry, which make this the action movie and summer movie to get your mutated tentacles into.
Rating:  Summary: Some promising storylines for X3... Review: Well in the months since this movie's release, there have been some interesting developments about X-Men 3. First there are the story outlines that pick up where X2 left off. The fate of Jean Grey must be addressed and to what extent her powers are now. There were the cameos of Gambit and Beast that are made very briefly in the movie (and who are both supposed to be in Byran Singer's story outline for X-Men 3). There is Magneto who is recruiting new mutants to his cause. There is a closer look at the Mansion where the X-Men live and we finally see how technological systems the professor has to train the kids to how to use their powers. 20th Century Fox has agreed to give Byran more money for X3, and there has been news that Byran wants ILM to do some of the effects work for a thrid movie. It looks to be a much larger and more in depth movie.
Rating:  Summary: exciting action-packed film Review: Just as they did with the first X-men film, the producers did a masterful job of bringing the characters to life on the big screen (in this case the Widescreen DVD). I was reading the X-men way back in the early 80s and always hoped that there would be an X-men movie. Now we have two of them with more likely to come! The special effects in this movie are excellent. The storyline is nice, picking up where the first movie left off. I espeicially enjoyed the featurettes that came with this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: ***** BIGGER & BETTER *****, Review: The X-Men are back, with 2003's first blockbuster X2 directed by Bryan Singer. What's more it is bigger (some $50million), better, darker, longer, more action-packed and generally more exciting, with a substantial increase in the sexual tension. In this highly enjoyable sequel, the warring parties from the first instalment are forced into a partnership of necessity to battle against an army scientist, Colonel William Stryker (Brian Cox), who is determined to wipe all mutant life. To this end, in an excellent opening sequence, he coerces a teleporting mutant by the name of Nightcrawler into an attempt on the President's life with the purpose of turning both the public and the oval office against mutant kind. All the favourite X-people from the first instalment including Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), Magneto (Sir Ian McKellen), Professor X (Patrick Stewart), Storm (Halle Berry), Rogue (Anna Paquin), Mystique (Rebecca Romijn-Stamos), Cyclops (James Marsden) and Famke Janssen (as Dr Jean Grey). In addition they are joined by three very noteable additions, Nightcrawler (Alan Cumming), Pyro (Aaron Stamford) and Yuriko Oyama (Kelly Hu). Although Sabretooth and Toad are missing in action from the first movie they're not exactly missed (because lets face it they aren't the most exciting X-characters anyway)! One of the things I most enjoyed about X2 is how much more there was than the first movie. More action, more humour, more X-Men (and X-children) a longer running time, and in particular, more Halle Berry, more Rebecca Romijn-Stamos and Famke Janssen, looking even more glamorous, more alluring and displaying more X-powers (as Dr Jean Grey) than she did in the first movie. That said, the film is still dominated by two actors; Brian Cox (one of Scotland's finest actors) who makes an excellent villain as Colonel Stryker and Australian actor Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. For it is their personal conflict and previous history that encapsulates the battle between good and evil that is at the heart of this sequel. However, they are ably supported by all the previously mentioned cast members and the addition of the excellent character Nightcrawler, played by another Scotsman, Alan Cumming. Kudos must also go to scriptwriters Mike Dougherty and Dan Harris and Director Bryan Singer, who was much criticised for the lack of action in the opening movie of this very profitable franchise. Dougherty and Harris have injected some subtle humour mainly absent from X-Men and Singer (with help from Editors John Ottman & Elliot Graham) has done well to seamlessly cram it all into 130 minutes, whilst still managing to keep to his promise of a darker sequel. Although critics may argue that much of the intelligence and thought-provoking elements from the first movie are much diluted X2 is still one of the finest comic book movie to date and exactly what X-fans were looking for in a sequel. Not only does X2 pave the way for a summer of superheroes, with The Matrix Reloaded and The Hulk imminent, but it also sets us up for the inevitable X3, although this is going to be hard to top.
Rating:  Summary: Pleasantly Surprised! Review: I was a long time comic book fan of the X-men and had saw the first movie when the second one came out. I was secretly hoping that it would be good and not ruin the the whole story and BOY! was I pleasantly surprised! It is packed with action, thrills, more depth then the first movie in the character plot, and there are the same actors as in the first movie (which I am always glad to see). This is a great buy and will be well worth your money! This DVD is also loaded with tons of extras!