Rating:  Summary: Sid is the Reason to See This Movie Review: I just saw the movie largely becuase I had heard that Russell Crowe was brilliant in it and I was definitely not disappointed. He is brilliant and more. He is vicious and loving every minute of it. He has a killer sense of humor and a panther's grace. The plot is entirely average and Denzel Washington did not have enough to do. The only reason to see it, is to see yet another face of Russell Crowe performced beautifully.
Rating:  Summary: The Irony Review: I just saw this movie not too long ago on a movie channel and I'll admit the only reason I watched it was because of Russell Crowe. While it's not a great movie, it does have an interesting concept. Russell is magnificent as a villian. The looks that he gives can scare the crap out of you. I love Denzel and he is a very good actor, but I agree that he didn't give his best performance in this. Russell completely stole the movie.I just found it ironic that they faced off in this movie as adversaries like they did at the Oscars. Who would've thought back then when the movie came out, they would face each other again for the Oscar? Russell stole the movie like Denzel "stole" the Oscar (from Russell). If there was any reason to see this movie, it would be to see Russell Crowe playing a very good villian.
Rating:  Summary: Just barely 3 stars but the spree moves on.... Review: I rented this movie at the video store and the kid behind the counter said "Ahwsome.... one of my favorite movies". Oh.... videoheads. Russell Crowe was just fun to watch, unleashed and just going for it. It looked like he probably hadn't had this much fun on screen since "Romper Stomper". Just able to tear things up a bit. Downside no one else had as much fun as he did. Isn't that the point of acting, you enjoy what you're doing more than anything else, why won't they let us see that?
Rating:  Summary: virtuosity-a good idea gone bad Review: I thought the premise of this movie was amazing, however, with the one noteable exception of Russell Crowe, the acting was extremely overdone, and in some scenes, plain bad. The plot started out well, but deteriorated into a sappy psuedo-romance with no point. Denzel Washington, normally an enormously talented actor, struck me as bored throughout most of the film. I would highly recommend this movie to any Russell Crowe fans, but I suggest avoiding it otherwise.
Rating:  Summary: for laughs Review: i watched this movie when it first came out but didn't remember until halfway through the film. my brain must have blocked it out for the purpose of self-preservation. the movie made me laugh out loud, and I was watching by myself. The plot has an interesting foundation but lost some of it when it was translated to the screen. For a movie released only 5 or so years ago, their vision of 1999 is far-out (a metal arm? hello! ) and loses some effect since 1999 has come and gone. Although Denzel Washington does a good job with what he has, I think Russell Crowe had a lot of fun with his role, but it somehow didn't fit into the movie. Save your money. Go see Gladiator. (no blue goop in that one.)
Rating:  Summary: vicious (Sid?), effective Russell Crowe Review: If you enjoyed Russell Crowe's Gladiator arena viciousness, watch Virtuosity as well -- its an effective display of mean streak :) Denzel is his standard bland cop. Great sfx of the blue silicon regeneration ala T2 -- ya just can't get enough evil robots putting themselves back together and start huntin' ya down again! (for more effective robots with personality, read Deathlok, by Marvel Comics)
Rating:  Summary: .5 of a star if Crowe wasn't in this one Review: If you liked the dark, and slightly sexy appeal of Lawnmower Man, then you're gonna like this one too. Crowe is perfect as the handsome and likeable villain, Sid 6.7, and Denzel plays a similar character to that in "Fallen;" but even with the strength of these two amazing leading men, the weak plot and incredibly horrible acting by the supporting actors make the movie a flop. With Crowe in the movie, however, I cannot help but still enjoy watching it. I also have a particular fondness for his band, TOFOG - a part of a song in fact is playing in Sid's van - so after finding out that they actually named their band as a result from the film being made - Russell asked about the clippings on the editing floor and found out they were of Denzel and his fight scene near the end of the movie-the answer to this being something like, "Oh, it's about thirty odd foot of grunts" - it quickly became one of my far-from-Oscar faves.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent choice... Review: If you want to see a good movie, rent Virtuosity. Not only does it have a good story, but the acting is outstanding. Russel Crowe's performance outdid Denzel washington's (who is a very good actor) by alot. For all Russel Crowe fans: this is a movie to rent. For all good movie fans: rent this movie. For all none Russel Crowe fans: after watching this movie you will be one.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Amazing Review: If you want to watch an amazing movie get this movie and watch it because you will never see anything like this ever again russel's performance is incredible and denzel performence is also incredble over all this movie is one helleva movie because they both play very complex characters and they do very good jobs you won't see the sadistic and actual enjoyment out of killing people that you see here anywhere else get this movie it is a keeper I personally like the sadistic demeanor and uncontrollable carnage in the movie have fun watching it.
Rating:  Summary: The ultimate bad guy vs. so-so good guy... Review: It proved me right again - trust only your own eyes, especially when it concerns an action movie with rating varying from 0 to 5 stars. It's not a blockbuster, true. However, it's far from "yawn-inducing spawn of Lawnmover2" and other futuristic crap about nano-technology and cyberspace. There are plot-holes, but show me similar movie without any. Indeed, the plot is not mind-wracking: an omnipotent killer (RC) from cyber-space, created for cops' training by some secret government organization, breaks loose, and only an imprisoned ex-cop (DW) whose family has perished in an explosion from another terrorist, can stop him. There is also a girl, Madison, some type of psychologist helping him in his quest (or rather getting on your nerves by providing such statements of great importance "He likes to show off!", or "Oh, my God!", with aplomb of K Jung.) She also serves as appendix to her daughter, who'll be playing an important role in the end of the movie. DW has been much blamed by other reviewers for giving "wooden" and "flat" performance, which is rather unjust. He delivers what's expected of him: a positive hero, tortured by memories and own guilt, being used by the government that promises him freedom if he stops their creation - Sid 6.7 That leaves us with the villain. I thought that after Gladiator and other movies R Crowe will not impress me with anything any more. Wrong again. His Sid 6.7 is so murderously vital and dazzlingly gleeful that it makes the screen pulsate with energy and malice. There is a scene when Sid 6.7 strolls into a supermarket with Bee Gees' "Staying Alive" in the background - he exuberates malevolent mischief and overwhelming self-enjoyment (and he really scares you). Wow, I started to miss his presence the moment he's been terminated (oh, sad fate of all bad guys in the movies...). Only J Travolta managed to create a similar palpable nearly orgasmic pleasure of being entirely wicked in "Face Off". Sid 6.7 keeps the plot together, he overweighs DW performance by tons, by mere charisma, having no character development at all. However, his mindless killing takes place showing his vision of us: screaming and sweating crowds around boxing arena, line of leather-clad weirdos at the disco, TV-audience boosting evening ratings at the sight of violence on TV. "You created me" he says, "Killing is your natural instinct". True, we create more and more things that reflect our God-like ambitions and creative genius. Watch this movie, and you'll have a glimpse to what uncontrollable results it can lead. Also recommended to all R Crowe fans and simply to spend 1.50 hrs at the sofa.