Rating:  Summary: Good, campy sci-fi action Review: "Virtuosity" is a film that is undeniably campy despite its now mind-boggling starpower duo (2000's Best Actor Russel Crowe, and 2001's Best Actor Denzel Washington), and yet at the same time, despite this, it has some emotional impact coupled with all the slam-bang action and far-fetched science fiction. Crowe delivers an excellent performance, and clearly enjoys this early role. Washington is as wonderful as ever (though, admittedly, it seems strange that he found himself in this film). "Virtuosity" is pure fun - provided you can give your brain a little nap and just enjoy the show.
Rating:  Summary: Clear demonstration of where star power can carry a movie Review: "Virtuosity" is by no means a great movie. Simply put, it is a typical late-summer, action-thriller, popcorn flick. But, it's a case where the performance of the lead actors transcends the quality of the story. The story itself involves a cop named Parker Barnes who has fallen on hard times after being unable to stop his wife and daughter from being murdered and accidentally killing innocent civilians in pursuit of the man who committed the crime. His attempt at redemption comes at the hands a computer program that is the composite of profiles of several hundred serial killers and mass criminals (including the one who murdered Barnes' family) called Syd 6.7. Syd 6.7 somehow managed to break free of his computer-generated environment and is wrecking havoc on the general populace. Only Barnes seems to have the ability to defeat him. It's an interesting premise, but its execution is pedestrian at best. What keeps the movie afloat is the perfomances of Denzel Washington as Barnes and Russell Crowe as Syd 6.7. Washington effectively portrays Barnes as a man who's struggling with the demons of his failure years earlier and who wants desperately to defeat Syd as a kind of salvation for himself. Crowe, who was a relative unknown at this point, plays Syd with as a bit of an over-the-top psychopath (which is to be expected given the characters psychological makeup), but also manages to do so with a bit of wit and charm that makes Syd seem like an almost likeable anti-hero. Denzel Washington's credentials as one of the best actors in the business were well known prior to the making of "Virtuosity". He had won an Best Support Actor Oscar for "Glory" and should have won the Best Actor Oscar for "Malcolm X". His known strengths allowed him to transcend less-than-stellar material to make this movie enjoyable. Afterwards, he went on to memorable roles in "Courage Under Fire" (for which he should have been nominated for an Oscar, but wasn't), "The Hurricane" (for which he should have WON the Oscar, but didn't), and "Training Day" (where he finally got his due with a Best Actor Oscar, ironically by defeating Russell Crowe). Russell Crowe was practically unknown the public's eye at the time of this movie. He had made a memorable impression as a Neo-Nazi skinhead in "Romper Stomper", but few had seen this flick. His handling of the Syd 6.7 character demonstrated an acting ability that hinted at the promise of a long movie career. He subsequently followed "Virtuosity" with his first truly star-making role as tough-as-nails cop Bud White in "L.A. Confidential". His acting range continued to show itself in roles such as corporate whistle-blower, Jeffrey Wigand, in "The Insider", and as Roman warrior, Maximus, in the Oscar-winner "Gladiator" (for which Crowe, himself, won a Best Actor Oscar). While nothing more than summertime confection, "Virtuosity" is a fun watch if for no other reason than you get to see two of the best actors around perform their craft well together to help a mediocre movie become a entertaining one.
Rating:  Summary: Overdone Premise, But Great Acting From the Two Leads Review: 2001's Academy Award Winner for Best Actor, Denzel Washington really picks up his heels in pursuit of his predecessor in receiving that honor in his role as a futuristic cop out to avenge the murders of his wife and daughter at the hands of a computer-generated serial killer. As Parker Barnes, a cop who has also done jail time for unintentional killings in the line of duty, Washington's sloe-eyed intensity is plausible as he convinces the authorities to let him redeem himself by catching the demented and demonic Sid 6.7. The camera treats him with a lot of reverence and sympathy in the scene where he is stripped of his clothes and dignity while on his way to get a computerized implant during incarceration, and while flashing back to the deaths of his family. His tatooed body is somehow, a rather pityable sight. But bad boys in the movies have more fun, and when Russell Crowe's lead villian hatches into his current and more evil incarnation, he gives a full revelation of his heavy-set triangular frame, dancing about his creator's laboratory in a gracefully choreographed ritual just before mutilating himself to test his ability to regenerate. Much of the time, he speaks in halting, brief sentances, and has an appropriate coldness, as do his normally more expressive pale aquamarine eyes. One did have to agree with the self-analysis made upon seeing himself in the screen in the discoteque. He was beautiful, and he even looked much better in the purple suit he stole than the victim from whom he took it.Occassionally, he fails to keep a straight face while taunting his victims, especially in the discoteque. When the two leads interact, it's hard to focus on anything or anyone else. The horror of Sid's crimes can be overshadowed by his taunting of Barnes, especially during the chase scenes, during which both come across as two naughty children who need to sit down, be quiet, and take their Ritalin. Washington's marked determination in the face of Crowe's taunting adds to this effect.But it also reveals the two actors'apparent real-life amusement with each other, and a lot about Crowe's prankish nature. Kelly Lynch rendered an assertive performance as Madison, Barnes'partner. Intelligent young Kayley Cuoco was well cast as Lynch's daughter, the last of Sid's victims. Louise Fletcher had the other outstanding female lead as the commissioner. As they close in on Sid, his taunting becomes more annoying than outright infuriating. Crowe breaks into that wry, Cupid's-Bow-Mouthed smile of his, which while attractive, is so smug and arrogant we feel glad that Denzel gives him few good smacks at some point before the story comes to its conclusion.But it wasn't a dull chase, and we feel glad that in the virtual world, a cop is given some opportunity to correct a few past mistakes and bring down a killer. The line between the virtual and real worlds becomes blurred. But ultimately, this ode to the hazards of modern technology gone amuck(and the icky blue slime that purportedly comes with the territory) makes us glad that to the best of anyone's knowledge,computerized monsters like Sid aren't that big a problem, as we have enough flesh-and-blood ones to deal with in real life.
Rating:  Summary: Denzel Washington meets Gladiator Review: Before Russell Crowe shot to fame with 'Gladiator' and 'L.A. Confidential', he appeared with Denzel Washington in 'Virtuosity'. Although not a classic film, it was good to see Denzel up against the antagonist, Crowe, in a virtual world.
Rating:  Summary: I liked this movie! Review: Every single review here says the same thing. We all pretty much agree that Russell Crowe's performance was outstanding. His character was outrageous and down right villianous. What more can I say? This isn't an award winning film, but it was entertaining. And Crowe made it all the more so. It's an action/adventure film with some comedic moments(although I don't think they mean to be funny) with Crowe's character, Sid 6.7 -- a virtual character who finds his way to the outside world to terrorize Denzel's character. I didn't think Denzels' acting as that good in this. It didn't impress me as much as some of his later movies. All in all, it was a fast paced action thriller that is mindless yet Crowe's colorful character keeps you interested. I recommend this movie despite some of the bad reviews here...Try not to take it too seriously. Gotta love him in the purple suit scene.
Rating:  Summary: I liked this movie! Review: Every single review here says the same thing. We all pretty much agree that Russell Crowe's performance was outstanding. His character was outrageous and down right villianous. What more can I say? This isn't an award winning film, but it was entertaining. And Crowe made it all the more so. It's an action/adventure film with some comedic moments(although I don't think they mean to be funny) with Crowe's character, Sid 6.7 -- a virtual character who finds his way to the outside world to terrorize Denzel's character. I didn't think Denzels' acting as that good in this. It didn't impress me as much as some of his later movies. All in all, it was a fast paced action thriller that is mindless yet Crowe's colorful character keeps you interested. I recommend this movie despite some of the bad reviews here...Try not to take it too seriously. Gotta love him in the purple suit scene.
Rating:  Summary: NOTHING TO CROWE ABOUT Review: From 1995 comes this sci-fi thriller, featuring Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe. The special effects are effective, and though the plot at times seems convoluted and confusing, it resolves itself in a wickedly unexpected finale. The acting is adequate, but I don't see why everyone thinks Russell Crowe is so magnificent in this role. His performance is certainly effective, but as far as "stealing" the show from Denzel, I don't think so. Crowe's "character" just happens to be a little flashier, and who doesn't like the villain most of the time anyway? An okay movie, but not a classic of the genre.
Rating:  Summary: I love it Review: I absolutly loved russells role he is so crazy and intelligent, well i just loved it thats all i can say
Rating:  Summary: Why I bought this movie Review: I bought this movie for 1 reason: Russell Crowe. Not only can he act, he's my age & he's gorgeous. This movie did need alot of work, the co-stars in it didn't even try.