Rating:  Summary: [*] ugly Batman film by Schumacher Review: Schumacher turns the Dark Knight into a cute Rainbow Knight trying to save gotham city from an even more cute villains.
Rating:  Summary: If you thought Batman Forever was bad... Review: Ok, before I review this film lets have a little history lesson. First Batman, directed by Tim Burton, came out and was a big hit. It was well-done and dark. Then Batman Returns came out and it was even darker and still was a great film. Then for some reason, Warner Bros. hired Joel Schumacher to direct Batman Forever and it was pretty bad.This brings us to Batman and Robin. I didn't think the series could get much worse after Batman Forever but I was wrong. As in Batman Forever, the characters are all dull and boring and the script is just plain awful. At times the dialogue is so bad it's funny. The actors are all do pretty terrible jobs but it's hard to blame it on them with such a bad script and lousy director. I don't know what Schumacher was thinking when he casted Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze instead of Patrick Steuart. Also George Clooney is an even worse Batman than Val Kilmer. The only way to discribe him is "wooden". The worst aspect of the film is it is so incredibly campy. It feels like Schumacher took the old 60s TV show and added fancy special effects to it. Joel Schumacher should never be allowed next to a movie studio again. We can't let him ruin any more good series.
Rating:  Summary: Goham City looks great, as for the plot..... Review: This movie lacks in story and plot, I personally think that the action is fun to watch, but not a classic like the first Batman films. I think that Joel Shumacher isn't at fault, It's the script writers fault. I think he had a good vision in mind but the story that the lousy script writers wrote was trash and should of been abandoned. Maybe since Tim Burton wasen't co-producing this one went bad. The only positives of this movie is the special effects, good set design, and a wonderfully creative score by Elliot Goldenthal. This movie is eye-candy but an extreme dissapointment in the plot section.
Rating:  Summary: Could go on Review: Honestly, I could go on about this movie. It's done in such poor taste. For starts it's a big cartoon with the action sequences. Clooney seems uncomfortable as Batman while Schwarzenegger goes overboard as Mr. Freeze. Thurman is the same as Poison Ivy. The story is just laughable. It's thin and incohesive. What was Schumacher on?... Given two stars because of the stunning visual effects, the only asset saving this from being bottom of the barrel.
Rating:  Summary: Boombastic Review: 'Batman and Robin' was the first bad film I ever saw at the cinema. Sure, I'd seen less-than-perfect films ('Escape from LA' springs to mind), but on a fundamental level they were entertaining enough to keep me interested for an hour and a half, and there was always popcorn to munch. 'Batman and Robin', however, wasn't like that. Almost from the very beginning it was obvious that the film was the equivalent of watching randomly-generated poetry - superficially interesting, but ultimately completely unsatisfying. The opening action sequence sets the tone - it's loud and incoherent, it made very little sense and generated no suspense. It fell down from there on - taking most of its inspiration from the old television series, this was neither camp enough to be amusing, nor exciting enough to be entertaining. Whilst Tim Burton's 'Batman' and 'Batman Returns' were often dull and hollow, you could tell that he cared about Batman, and had more than a passing familiarity with the character - furthermore, his Batman was a semi-insane loner bent on revenge, whilst Schumacher's version is a shallow quipster. Here, Schumacher gives the impression that he doesn't really care much for Batman, and that he's just doing this film to stick something else on his CV. Furthermore, the film tries to leap on the post-modern bandwagon by spoofing itself, but does it rather too enthusiastically. Elsewhere in the film, the villains aren't particularly villainous. Uma Thurman is very attractive in skin-tight spandex, but camps her way through some absolutely terrrible 'jokes'. You'll weep for poor old Arnie, too, reduced from action god / future President of the US to one-word puns on the word 'Freeze'. Bane, a major character from the books, has a guest appearance as an unthinking heavy. Alicia Silverstone appears as Batgirl, an ex-student of 'Oxbridge' university. 'nuff said.
Rating:  Summary: A FRANCHISE IN TROUBLE Review: This film is so ineptly conceived that it truly boggles the mind. All of the wonderful Burton-inspired touches are gone, and the result here is so loud, annoying and badly acted that it is nearly impossible to pay attention past the first ten minutes. George Clooney would have probably made an excellent Batman, had he been given any decent material/lines to work with, and a relationship beyond the wooden one with Robin. Let's face it, he might be pretty, but Chris O'Donnell has not really acted in a movie since Scent of A woman, and there he most likely was playing off the sparks of Al Pacino. The villians here are so crassly imagined that the impression they give you is the same as if someone were shouting in your ears, with rock music blaring behind them. Atrocious, and utterly forgettable.
Rating:  Summary: An unfairly criticized movie Review: This movie isn't based on a play by Shakespeare, c'mon it's just the caped crusader. It's a very funny and entertaining movie, refreshing and young. In fact if you just want to have fun one day when you have anything else to do, see this movie. I liked Arnold as Mr. Freeze and above all that he was redeemed at the end of the movie. George Clooney as Batman is very believable (I would put him only below Val kilmer) and Robin adds that touch of the rivalry between father-son that always arises in these relations. Poison Ivy is just great; and I prefer this film over the original 1rst Batman film.
Rating:  Summary: A remake of the campy TV show not the comic Review: Complete and utter camp. The set of Batman movies by Joel Shumacher are transitioning to the campy television show from the 60's with the cameo guest villains and cheesy, yet colorful (literally), diabolical plots. There are hints of the first two movies but its only the background upon which this is placed. I seriously believe that this movie was made only for the promotional money they exacted from Taco Bell. The only Batman that followed the original's lead is the animated series. Its a little lighter because its an 'American cartoon' but "Mask of the Phantasm" is great and "Batman: Subzero" is everything this movie should have been. Shame on you Joel Shumacher.
Rating:  Summary: where to begin... Review: There are so many fundamental problems with this movie that the ridiculous plot and action sequences don't even matter. The most glaring issue is probably the screenplay, which has to be one of the worst ever written - it makes the Police Academy movies look like epic poetry in comparison. I know there's a big difference between serious film and mindless summer blockbusters, but when I hear the 7-year-old kid behind me in the theater telling his father all the jokes are dumb I know we've hit a new low. Second, there are way too many main characters in this movie - Uma Thurman could've been as great a villainess as Michelle Pfeiffer, but loses all her screen time to the embarrasingly bad Arnold Schwarzenegger and to all the scenes that are wasted on introducing the pointless Batgirl character. They should just pare it down and stick to one villain per movie with no sidekicks - that's the only way to get back to the great duel-style rivalry we saw with Jack Nicholson in the first movie. And finally, it's already been said about a million times, but Joel Schumacher really needs to be prevented from making any more movies. He has to be one of the five most talentless big-name directors in the history of motion pictures, and I have no idea why he was rehired after the whack job he did on Batman Forever. The only original contribution he's made to this series seems to be his idea that you can make up for bad dialogue by adding thousands of flashing colored lights to every scene. He's already ruined one great movie franchise (hopefully not beyond repair) and should just pack his things and leave Hollywood before he does any more damage.
Rating:  Summary: Worst Batman flick ever Review: The Batman movies used to be some of the best made up until "Batman & Robin" came out. I liked the original "Batman" movie and "Batman Forever," but "Batman & Robin" is one of the most overrated movies ever, if not the most. Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy are unconvincing character additions that should have been left out. Clooney and O'Donnel also don't act good enough for them to be the duo of Batman & Robin. Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl also isn't convincing and would be better left out of the movie. This is without a doubt the worst that the Batman series has ever produced and maybe the most overrated movie of all time. I don't recommend this movie to nobody, it's a waste of a couple of hours. The only reason I didn't give it 1 star is because some of the special effects were cool, such as when Mr. Freeze froze something, but that's about the only good thing about the movie. "Batman & Robin" is a major embarrasment to what used to be a good series of movies.