Rating:  Summary: xanderlent Review: this film is 1 of the most best films i have ever seen and vin is the best actor you will ever see. seen all his films so far and love them all and love xxx the best Aaron
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME! Review: Wow! This movie is a must see for every action fan. the acting is really good and there is non-stop action. If you are a Vin Diesil fan watch this!! It is one of his best movies yet. If you liked this you would also like one of vin diesil's other movies called Pitch Black. This is a must see for everyone. Don't miss out on it!
Rating:  Summary: You can't compare this to James Bond Review: You can't compare this film to James Bond because it's a million times better. Vin Diesel is 100% better looking than Pierce Brosnan and the action in this film is crazy! It just gets better as it goes on and you're never bored. Diesel snowboarding down a steep mountain just metres away from an avalange he created to help stop the population of Prague being wiped out by biological weapons really gets your pulse racing. You get massive adreneline rushes just from watching this film. The music also brings it alive and adds another dimension to the action and really makes you wish you were there. I'm not a big fan of Rammestien etc. but you can't go wrong with it here. There's not much you can say against this film apart from the abundance of half naked girls but that is made up for by a half naked Vin Diesel! An apperance from Eve really topped this film which you HAVE to see. I only rated this 4 stars because unless you have a massive widescreen TV and 5 speaker home cinema audio system this film won't be as good on DVD as it is on the big screen.
Rating:  Summary: ::::shakes head::::: Review: First of all, I know Vin Diesel can act, I've seen him do so in other movies. I just don't know why he can't act in this one . . . I blame it on poor directing. If he's going to be this bad in the rest of his movies, he should pull a Fast and the Furious and keep the lines to a bare minimum of monosyllables such as "yes" and "no," "sure" ect, ect. The only reason I would buy this movie is because he takes his shirt off, and he is HOTTT! Although the shirtless scene only lasted all of ten seconds, it was well worth waiting and hour into movie to see it. Now, if he had just kept his shirt off for the whole movie, or at least pranced around in one of his "Pitch Black" black tank tops, the whole thing would have been more enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: Contrary to the bandwagon, Review: I find this movie rather good. I mean, of course its no Bond, it was never meant to be. I dont even think they were making it to be a parody of Bond. Forgive me for saying so, but most spy plots are recycled, editted, and squirted back out on the market for our eyes. As an 18 year old kid, I can never grasp what was so allluring about Bond, but I could grasp xXx. I mean, its not a movie for die hard Bond fanatics. Its more for kids who just want an action flick. Thats all it really is.I'm not saying the acting was superb, cause it wasnt awe-inspiring. I'm not saying the script was flawless, cause it was full of cliches. I'm just saying that if you go in to this movie with the intent of comparing it to the time-proven Bond flicks, you're going to hate it. But if you watch it with an open mind to take it for what it really is, I'll guarentee it grows on you. Besides, whats not to love about a bald, bulked up, hot muscleman with an attitude?
Rating:  Summary: James Bond for the MTV drones Review: Poor Sam Jackson. It's a pity seeing his talents go to waste in a supporting role in this mainstream crowd pleaser that is really a vehicle for wanna-be action superstar Vin Diesel. Rob Cohen, director of the equally dreadful Fast & The Furious is at the helm here, and the results are nothing better. XXX is nothing more than James Bond for the MTV drones the world over, replacing a suave, classy secret agent with an overgrown, over muscled, and marketable "actor" who is saddled with the label of being the next big action hero. Funny thing is that Vin Diesel actually can act underneath the muscle and bald head (watch Saving Private Ryan or Boiler Room and see what I mean), but his acting talents go to waste here just as they did in Fast & The Furious and he is nothing more than eye candy and box office draw for young teen girls swooning over tickets to a Linkin Park conert. Ethnic stereotypes are abound as well, not to mention some very choppy edits in action sequences, and the rest of XXX is just mindnumbing. All in all, if you want to see an exceptional film, watch Minority Report or Blood Work instead of this, your braincells will thank you later.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Entertainment Review: I was hooked from the moment we stumbled into the pyrotechnic world of a Rammstein concert, from there the film moves from strength to strength, stunt to stunt. I've seen this film twice - on it's opening day in the US this summer and on the opening weekend in London this autumn. I anxiously await the DVD release so I can crank up the audio and watch it over and over again. Going to the cinema is about entertainment, not reality. I thought it was a heart pumping ride with great special effects, cool gadgets, a raging soundtrack (buy the special edition movie version which comes with a free xxx temporary tatoo) and an excellent supporting cast of eurotrash characters. What's not to love about Vin Diesel and his extreme lifestyle? Makes me want to go out and shave my 40-year old london housewife head and get a xxx tatoo! Bring on the sequel.
Rating:  Summary: XXX7 Review: I can't help be amused by all the people who reviewed this movie and said it shouldn't be compared to James Bond. Hello !!! That actually is the whole point of the film, and what follows is an exciting, action packed ride, that in many respects is even more of a homage to the genre than big Arnie's "True Lies" from a few years back. The makers of this film aren't trying to say Bond is passe, in fact without him this film wouldn't exist, all they're saying is that there is more than one way to interpret the espionage genre. Let's face it in recent years Bond films have been fairly hit-and-miss anyway. I have been a Bond fan for years, I have every film and book (*yes, even the post Fleming ones !!!), and while I know some fans derided this film simply based on there hero worship of the original 007 I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. The first half hour is a little shakey, but then this is in part because they need to establish the "Xander Cage" character, but ironically after this point the film makers cleverly turn things around and it becomes a remarkably credible action movie. It's got the guns, gadgets, and girls of the Bond films of old, plus a host of (*sometimes computer generated) over-the-top stunts, but without the buckets of blood seen in most modern action adventure films, which are often plagued by excessive and graphic violence. Also to those who think this has no relation to Bond I should point out that the script for this film was actually considered last year for the new Bond movie but was passed over, however recognising its' obvious potential Vin Diesel acquired the rights to it and the rest as they say is history. Who knows, in a few years with the way the franchise is going, you may see a crossover project with 007 teaming up with XXX - now wouldn't that be something !!!! In any case no matter what the one-eyed critics who can't get past their love of Bond say, this is a good movie. I expected to hate it, but was glad to be proved wrong, and wouldn't mind seeing another adventure into the "Xander Zone" !!!
Rating:  Summary: The end of imagination Review: "XXX" and "Austin Powers" take their love for James Bond in opposite directions but end up in pretty much the same place. Unfortunately, only one of them is meant to be funny. It's hard to imagine a film so bad you could accurately describe it as a blot on Danny Trejo's resumé, but here it is. I've heard Vin Diesel liken this to "the climax scenes from every action movie ever made, all rolled into one." He's right. But writer Rich Wilkes and director Rob Cohen seem to have forgotten that a climax is only exciting as the payoff to something else: an engaging story. And this isn't one. It's just thoroughly, tediously, vintage James Bond - right down to the appalling accents, oversized Euro-thugs, M, Q, gorgeous good/bad girl, silly gadgets, laughable doomsday device, and the obligatory love scene denouement. Even Xander Cage, for all his apparent originality, is merely an unsubtle reworking of Bond himself: 007's amorality and sexual provocativeness might look tame by today's standards, but in the '60s they were no less challenging than Xander appears to us now. In fact Bond was edgier, because for all the script's posturing about Xander being an unreformed criminal of this highest order, the good sense of Columbia Tri-Star's marketing department ensures he isn't a bad guy at all. He's only 'technically' a criminal: he's really just a mischievous muscle-guy with tatts and a webcast who happens to be anti-Establishment. Calling him XXX rather than giving him a Bond-like agent number may well be a nod to the X-Games, but it's also perfectly emblematic of the complete failure of imagination which informs this entire project. "We can't think of a number for him? Don't worry, we can't think of a story, either, and that isn't stopping us." Either this film is intended as some kind of postmodern Bond homage, or it's just a pitifully written, lazy grab for summer cash. I'll go with the latter, and the proof is in the viewing: despite the hype, it's boring. Only the thumpin' soundtrack keeps you awake - that, and the macabre desire to see just how bad it can get. The peak: watching Diesel's face as he uselessly tries to 'emote' at the surprisingly flaccid climax. Along with the billion bucks it will safely liberate from the pockets of teens worldwide, "XXX" should also garner at least one award: surely it's the unbackable favorite to take out the inaugural Razzie for Worst Editing. The escape-from-the-Colombian-drug-lords sequence plays like an excerpt from "The A-Team".
Rating:  Summary: Just don't compare XXX with 007 ! Review: I had never fallen sleep during an action scene in a movie but, there's always a first time ! These film makers simply set out to execute big action scenes and connect them with rather unmemorable dialogue (I seriously doubt if the catchphrase "You got to be kidding me!" will stand out in posterity !) You can't really call this a lousy movie but then again, trying to compare XXX to James Bond is like comparing Mountain Dew with Champagne.