Rating:  Summary: Bond will always be king of the spy thrillers! Review: "XXX" is a complete knock-off of a Bond film. Nothing is original or entertaining (Eeven the name XXX was copyed from The Spy Who Loved Me). CGI is used way too often, and the plot-line is absolutely dumb! And Vin Diesel really dosen't help the film. Diesel's acting is horrible and film is filled with nonsense scenes.A few weeks ago I saw the new Bond film "Die Another Day", and it totally blew "XXX" out of the water!
Rating:  Summary: Technically fine, crassly commercial action thriller Review: 'XXX' is an ambitious action thriller that works as first-rate mindless entertainment until it ultimately implodes from crass commercialism. For better or worse, its antihero, Xander Cage, may be the James Bond for the 21st Century; indeed, depending on your point of view, the movie is either a homage to or a rip-off of the forty year old spy series. While I personally much prefer the suave, sophisticated Bond, I admit he may not be exactly what today's young people are looking for. The story is ludicrous, but I don't think we expect movies in this genre to follow the laws of logic or of common sense. They might be rather bland if they did. Here we have Cage [Vin Diesel], an extreme sports addict, suddenly recruited by ['abducted by' is more like it] the NSA to help it fight a band of Eastern European anarchists which is about to unleash a hideous biological weapon on the world. After passing a series of brutal tests, Cage is dispatched to Prague to infiltrate the group. Once inside, he must race against time to find the weapon and destroy it. Diesel is easily the strongest action hero since Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis. He has the right look and persona and has acting skills superior to Schwarzenegger's but not yet equal to Willis'. Rob Cohen, who directed 2001's 'The Fast and the Furious' [to me, a somewhat superior movie], is a master of the art of giving 'A' movie production values to what are essentially 'B' movies. The camera work and the special effects are first class and do much to masked the fact that the script is low rent. What hurts 'XXX' is its unrelenting commercialism. Some movies become franchises because they are, often unexpectedly, monster hits. Examples include 'The Matrix' and 'Men in Black'. Others, like this one, are obviously designed and built as a franchise machine. Consequently, they are a bit too calculated and manipulative, which makes them somehow not quite as much fun.
Rating:  Summary: Only watched this movie to see Vin Review: Okay, this movie is really not very good. I don't like James Bond type of movies. They are always unbelievable and full of outrageous stunts which annoy me. Well this is XXX. Vin Diesel, who plays Xander Cage, is a daredevil criminal of sorts who is recruited by the government to be a secret agent. There is really no other plot. It is goofy and full of one-liners that are lame. Samuel L. Jackson is disappointing, at best. Asia Argento isn't a horrible actress. Vin Diesel, what can I say? I bought this extremely disappointing DVD simply because Vin is the star. Vin is hot. I would watch anything, even this movie, to see Vin Diesel. He is amazing. There should be a Vin Diesel channel where it is only Vin 24x7. That is a perfect world. Perfect...
Rating:  Summary: A Whole Lotta Nuttin'. Review: This was just thunderously bad. Buffed "multicultural" Vin Diesel is Xander Cage in "xXx," directed by Rob Cohen who gave us "The Fast and the Furious." Cage is an extreme sports athlete who gets recruited by Gibbons (Samuel L. Jackson, who's too good for a movie like this) as a spy and gets sent to Prague. From there, "xXx" morphs into to a James Bond film on steroids for teens with short attention spans. Cohen isn't concerned about giving us an interesting spy film that thrills; he's more concerned about pumping our adrenaline. But even on that level he fails. The stunts are the most absurd I have ever witnessed. Diesel cruises through a series of action sequences that flirt ever so closely with death, and he emerges from all of them completely unbruised and unscathed. I realize that movies like this require some suspension of disbelief, but this was just ridiculous. Instead of exclaiming "wow," I was rolling my eyes contemptuously every fifteen minutes. Asia Argento does little more than serve as an ornament to the story's predictable "love" subplot. She spends a good 90% of her role giving forced come-hither glares, and she speaks in horrifically broken English. The special effects are aiight, but I can get better thrills off my buddy's PS2. As with any DVD for a recently-released movie, "xXx" has a sharp picture and incredible surround sound. But that hardly matters for a film this inept. "Your performances are weak" barks Diesel in one of the movie's early scenes. Like he should talk. "zZz" is a more apt title for this low-wattage thriller.
Rating:  Summary: xxx DVD Review: If it was possible to give this movie no stars I would have done so, I had to turn and look at the person I saw it with to see if she was acctually enjoying it,for some reason she did but she saw that it was a ...of the James Bond franchise. The only thing that isn't Bond material are the no brainer punch lines from Diesel, Bond has the brains to acctually insult someone, but Diesel's xxx only makes the audience laugh at him not with him. The one liners and obvious attempt at trying to take what makes spy movies like James Bond so good, even with the last two Bond films sliping from what made Goldeneye stand out in my mind as the best Bond ever, I feel that Bond will always be around, but with a couple more of the XXX movies people will feel as insulted to spend there money on another waste of two hours like this. I dare the director to come up with some new material, but based on this I doubt he and Deisel have the brains combined to do so. Heres who the characters resemble in XXX to the characters in Bond. XXX A dumb ... Bond Samuel Jackson A male M The guy who makes the gadgets A Faqgy Q Don't waste your time or your money on this movie, or its sequals for that matter.
Rating:  Summary: Loved It! Review: I have anticipated watching this movie for a very long time. I didn't get a chance to see it in the theater and was very excited when it came out on DVD. What I didn't like about the movie were the costumes. Vin Diesel's coat was hideous and the outfits on the females were repulsive. I'll admit that the only reason I wanted to see the movie was because it stars Vin Diesel. The story line is very cliche. It seemed like a James Bond movie. There is a hero who has to save the world from a super evil villain and sleeps with a few women along the way. The stunts in this movie are worth the price alone. My favorite one was when 'X' steals the senator's Corvette and makes a tape of the high speed chase and telling Senator Richard Whatever-His-Last-Name-Was not to be a dick.
Rating:  Summary: cool movie Review: this movie was great, the special effects were great. however you must be carefull where you buy the movie, i recently purchused this movie at a local store and there was no movie inside when i opened it. needless to say it was a verry disapoiting experence.
Rating:  Summary: Should be triple s for [poor]!! Review: Boring tedious bad acting I couldn't bring myself even to suspend any belief for the stunts. This film is garbage. I have 1 good thing to say the GTO looked nice.
Rating:  Summary: XXX makes Showgirls look like an Oscar winner Review: I have to admit I am picky in the movies I like but I sat through XXX with a friend just waiting to see how bad this would be. Boy how I wish I had the two hours of my life back that I wasted watching this. This was the most awful movie I ever saw. I thought Queen of the Damned was bad but XXX takes the cake as the worst movie ever. Vin Diesel looks like a deer in the headlights trying to get his lines right. The confusion on his face just oozed out when trying to say a three syllable word. The movie was aimed at the teen/MTV world who do not like any dialoge in thier movies. The stunts were old, tired and cheesey and defied any bit of reality. And the effects looked like a cartoon. They used so many digital effects it was hard not to notice. Does anyone use really explosions anymore ? Yes it is a movie but when someone jumps 40 to 50 feet in the air on a dirtbike something is going to break. But neither Vin Diesel or the bike had a scratch. Just another bad line after every action sequence. I would rarely think of writing a review here but I just wanted to warn my fellow movie fans of this horror of a film. I like action movies like The Matrix, T2, Total Reacall that have great action and a good story. XXX was just one long commercial for motor bikes, the X-Games and sleeping pills
Rating:  Summary: Stuff Blows Up REAL GOOD!! - Stop being so hard on Vin Review: Wow, people were expecting Vin Diesel to do Hamlet?? Its VIN DIESEL for goodness sakes! This film promises explosions, hoochies, Vin D. wisecracks and a little plot. That is exactly what you get. Anybody see the latest Bond film? I don't see any real difference between XXX and Die Another Day; even the stunts were just as "Xtreme". I had a good time watching this film, isn't that the point?