Rating:  Summary: Gabriel Byrne Steals the Show! Review: Although this movie seems a bit silly, when one considers the hype and the end of the world scenarios preceding Y2K... However, this flick is intense Arnie is pretty good, but Gabriel Byrne steals this show as a very convincing Satan! Mr Byrne is such a fine actor, as many can attest from his career. Even in his first film, "Excalibur", his Uther is totally convincing, and after his character is killed off, "Excalibur", although a great film, loses a real presence. And presence is what Gabriel Byrne brings to "End of Days". If you are a Byrne fan, you shouldn't miss this one!
Rating:  Summary: Yet another big dumb action movie. Review: Poor Arnold. He's trying to make more of himself as an actor, but if "End of Days" is any case, he's not succeeding. Arnold is Jericho Cane (check those initials,) a suicidal cop who finds himself embroiled in a plot to save the world-- and a young woman-- from the clutches of Satan (a ridiculously indestructible Gabriel Byrne.) Peter Hyams, whose "The Relic" was a fun no-brainer, here seems to be straining for the grim-n-gritty style of films like "Se7en." Byrne, as a suave Satan who gets all the chicks, occasionally musters up some creepy charisma. His temptation of Arnold is a regrettably brief high point, acting-wise. As for the Austrian Oak, he doesn't have much to work with besides his usual grunts, grimaces and guns. Robin Tunney takes off her shirt for no apparent reason, and solid supporting actors like Kevin Pollack and C.C.H. Pounder are wasted. And why does the pope come off seeming like Don Vito Corleone? It's much better than "Batman and Robin," and slightly better than the cliche-fest "Eraser." "End of Days" does offer the novelty of watching Arnold get solidly whupped by a pudgy middle-aged woman. But as Schwarzenegger movies go, you're better off just watching T2 again. Better luck next time, big guy.
Rating:  Summary: Dont buy, rent if you really want to see it Review: While I did enjoyed the beginning of this, it soon got to the point that it was far to easy to guess everything about to happen, and I was fighting to stay awake watching it. Very sad also when the devil with all his powers, which he shows in the film, cant beat a drunk who wants to kill himself. One of the worst by Arnold.
Rating:  Summary: An enjoyable movie on an excellent DVD Review: It is really easy to nitpick this movie. The plot is farfetched (but how many action movie plots are realistic?), it's visually dark (which was OK in theaters, but is a bad thing for home viewers), and it requires Arnold to act (which was quite funny). Yes, it is easy to nitpick it, but that does not hide the fact that this is a FUN movie. The acting is decent and the effects are good. Like many movies these days, it isn't straight horror or action, but a mixture of both, with some humor thrown in. As I mentioned earlier, some of the (unintentionally) humorous moments come at the expense of Arnold. When he is in the Church asking for strength from God, I almost fell out of my chair laughing. Don't get me wrong, I like him in the movies, he just isn't a great actor. In the end though, I feel he was a good choice for the role of Jericho in the movie. The DVD itself is nice indeed. Given Special treatment by Universal, the extras will take some time to go through. I particularly liked the section that explains how the special effects were accomplished. Bottom Line: Enjoy the 2 hour movie, then enjoy hours more of extras about the movie on this excellent disk.
Rating:  Summary: Arnold is very entertaining in this one! Review: Let's face it, when you hear Arnold Schwarzenegger you don't expect Hamlet; you expect in your face action. In that regard, this movie does not disappoint. The plot is predictable and there is nothing terribly innovating about this movie, but it's worth watching if you are into the action adventures or are a Schwarzenegger fan. Some of the special effects are amazing, and it's kind of fun to watch Arnold get the living hell beat out of him for a change. I didn't think I'd ever see him selling a punch from Gabriel Byrne. This might be Arnold's greatest performance... if only the script was a little better. If you're looking for something that you'll watch over and over again then this movie is probably not for you. But it's good for the occasional viewing on nights where you have nothing to do. Strong language and nudity should keep kids away from this Arnie movie
Rating:  Summary: A spectacularly terrible film. Review: I've gotten to the point at which there are certain things that I would like to be explained to me with Arnold Schwarzenegger in his films. I am confused by the way that he looks. He is almost always a policeman or an ex-policeman, a soldier or an ex-soldier (green beret or commando or special forces or "black ops" whatever that is) - twice he was a research scientist, twice a bodyguard or something, twice an ordinary father, and once he was jungle boy that had a twisted little dwarf as his brother. Twice, of course, he was a robot and that actually makes sense with how he looks, robots can look and sound as ridiculous as they want to (Robin Williams has now been a robot: case closed), the same goes with the two times he was a pre-Christian barbarian. But more often than not, Arnie is a human being that happens to move and look like a pre-kiln slab of river clay. There is never an explanation as to why he sounds as he does nor of how he finds the three or four hours a day to work out. Just once I'd like an explanation of how a boy raised in New York, third generation Irish cop, would sound like he just rolled down a mountainside after bugling through a giant horn. End of Days is that most unforgivable of films. It is the kind of film that urges us to leave our brains at the door and hold on for the ride - to remember when we were eight years old again. In other words, it asks us to be mentally challenged, emotionally immature, and so beaten by the onward marching tide of culture that we are wholly incapable of not liking something that cost 100 million dollars. How Schwarzenegger remains a top box office draw is an uneasy combination of the vast foreign box office that think that Arnold somehow embodies capitalism (heck, he does!), and the gleaming hope for a third installment in the Terminator series. It certainly can't be for such triumphs as Jingle All the Way, Eraser, Batman & Robin, Junior and Last Action Hero. At its best, End of Days joyfully invites heckling and flabbergasted looks - at its worst, End of Days is almost as aggressively condesending as Phantom Menace. Still and all, when excretia such as this earns its studio a tidy profit and truly wonderful films like Wonder Boys spends a quick two month run at the multi-plex, we deserve what we get.
Rating:  Summary: Great original film Review: Last night was my first time seeing END OF DAYS, and since I've watched it two more times. Action packed with astounding special effects are the main highlights of the film. Great actomg from Robin Tunney and Gabriel Byrne, however star, Schwarzenegger, wasn't the right man to play Jericho. He didn't have the commitment, nor the character to play him. A great, yet somewhat chilling musical score helps with the unholy delight of the film :)
Rating:  Summary: just one of the trends... Review: I found this movie slightly disturbing in the sense that it took away from the importance of Biblically true prophecy. It is just one of several movies that are out today, such as Stigmata, that has falsified the power behind the truth of the Book of Revelation, the Book of Daniel...and other important "end time" prophecies ... I hate to tell you people...but if you want to know the truth...read the following: the Left Behind series...the Days of Sorrow series...Revelation Unvieled...Are We in the End Time...these books are Biblically founded...and as the truth is, the Bible is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth...from Genesis to Revelation, people... what this movie has done was show, in My opinion, that Lucifer is almost as power as God, which is a total lie...it has distorted what the AntiChrist means...thus I would call this movie, along with Stigmata, a bit of "false prophets" ... What the ending should have shown was...when A.Schwarzenegger saw and realized the importance of Christ...Him rebucking and sending the Devil back into his prison...and gaining a new lease on life...sadly, the movie did not show this...though it sort of showed that He gained a miracle at the very ending...with the "vision"... All in all, it was poorly done... sad to say...poorly researched and executed... I just hope the Left Behind movies come out soon and show the world the truth of how important and how true the Bible is, in comparison to all those false doctrines (New Age, Buddhism, etc.) that are out today...
Rating:  Summary: So much of the negativity, cinema production is terrific! Review: In support of what has been already said, End of Days is applauded for its outstanding cinema production and visual effects for the images that are to the extent, made believable and real but gruesome, deviant and horrific to the human mind since the creation of Exorcist and Omen. This is totally a movie that is out-of-reach for children and even for adults who should be cautioned about the moral implications of the movie. Arnold pulled alot of terrific stunts into making this movie enjoyable and entertaining without regard to the moral code. Without adding insult to injury, End of Days is a hell-of-a-ride, action packed and horrific thriller.
Rating:  Summary: A BLOODY Cool Movie Review: I rented this movie, and let's just say it was very good in the ways of action--just like any other Arnold film--but it's plot was not that great. It was a great idea, although a bit unoriginal, and it was put together pretty well. It was a big task trying to undertake a battle between good and evil that had not already been performed on the big screen. Still, things like a guy getting crucified on the ceiling, and an almost-crucifiction of Arnold, and I guy getting punched by the Devil and losing hakf his head are pretty cool in a morbid sort of way. Not all people should see this, of course, but for people with darker attitudes, it's a great movie.