Rating:  Summary: grabs and does not let go Review: Edge of your seat thriller. Kevin Bacon is terrific as an evil psyco. Dakota Fanning is a child actor to keep an eye on through the next few years.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is really bad Review: This movie was so bad, I had to write a review. Anyone who thinks this movie was good is foolish. The bad guys were too dumb to take serious. Comon, the kidnappers even never tied up the victems! So the whole movie you see the victems get the better of the kidnappers. I did not like anyone in this movie, it was just too horrible of a story. If I could rate it -5 stars I would.
Rating:  Summary: This movie has 100% full throttle suspense! Review: I know this movie was out for only a week or 2, but I have to say that I really enjoyed myself while watching this movie. Trapped stars Charlize Theron, Courtney Love, Kevin Bacon and Stuart Townsend. This movie is about Charlize and Stuart who are married and have a daughter. Stuart is a very succesful doctor who has enough money to be called rich. When Stuart leaves for a conference, Charlize is left alon with her daughter. Kevin comes along and kidnaps the duaghter, while charlize in the kitchen. He then explains to her the whole 24 hour plan and how her husband is going to wire $250,000 to a bank. Courtney then basically holds stuart hostage while she is explaining the whole plan to him. The story then begins to unwind, and a conclusion begins, and well, Im not going to tell you the best part. This movie has great actors and a damn good story. May not be that original, but it does hold our attention. Trapped is rated R for Violence, Strong Language, and Some Sexuality. There is no nudity, but some sex related matter. On my scale Trapped is a Suspenseful, Entertaining Thrill Ride 10! Besides Panic Room, this is the best Thriller of 2002!
Rating:  Summary: A highly entertaining thriller. Review: Despite the lack of press and the movie's death at the box office, it's very much worth seeing on DVD/video. The film itself is a fast-paced thriller with lots of suspenseful highlights and even a few thrilling action scenes. Kevin Bacon and Charlize Theron are excellent, as is Dakota Fanning as the kidnapped child. If you're reluctant to see the film, let me make it easy for you, it's never boring, always builds momentum with one edgy situation after another, and there are even a few decent plot twists that aren't totally predictable. Trapped is definitely one of the better thrillers of the year.
Rating:  Summary: MINDLESS TRASH Review: I don't why reviewers need a 1,000 word essay to describe garbage. This "movie" smells from the start and keeps getting worse untill it ends
Rating:  Summary: "Trapped" is the perfect word for it Review: I sometimes wonder if the actors who agree to appear in movies featuring Kevin Bacon do so because they have a secret desire to become a primary link in that ever-popular parlor game known as Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, a move destined to assure them of at least some chance at screenland immortality. The actors co-starring with him in "Trapped" - an aptly named film that is little more than a 99-minute wallow in pointless, unadulterated sadism -include Charlize Theron, Courtney Love and Stuart Townsend, not exactly no-name nobodies but not quite Hollywood A-list players either. But selling your soul for eternal fame often comes with a hefty price tag, and I have the rather sneaking suspicion that these latter-day Mephistopheles' would be just as happy if we forgot that they were ever associated with this perfectly dreadful, would-be thriller - Kevin Bacon and all. Even a chance at cinematic immortality can't be worth appearing in a movie this awful. Is there a more sensitive subject these days than child endangerment and kidnapping? And can any filmmaker, daring or foolish enough to take it on, really do so without calling into question his own personal aims and motives? Do we really want to see traumatized children torn away from their parents or threatened with strangulation all in the guise of "popular entertainment"? It has been done successfully in the past, of course. One of the greatest thrillers of all time - the 1964 British film "Séance on a Wet Afternoon" - used the subject of child abduction as the source for its drama, but that film was a work of art, a poignant, psychologically compelling study of a woman on the verge of insanity. It takes a fine sensibility and a steady hand to keep a touchy issue like child endangerment from turning into an exercise in cheap exploitation, and, I'm sorry to say, neither of these qualities appears with much abundance in "Trapped," the latest variation on the theme. Indeed, "Trapped" is about as far from being a work of art as it is possible for a film to get. Bacon plays the leader of a trio of child kidnappers whose modus operandi is to target wealthy couples, hold their children for ransom, then release them when the parents have coughed up the demanded sums of money. The threesome claims to have "successfully" pulled off this little trick four times already - in each case ending with the parents being reunited with their children, no questions asked. The fifth and current abduction involves little Abby Jennings, the young daughter of Will and Karen Jennings, he a high-priced, seemingly world-renowned anesthesiologist, and she a doting mother with a few self-defense tricks up her sleeve (or in her panties to be more exact). And as if being forced to watch this poor little girl being threatened by a bunch of third-rate bullies weren't bad enough, we also have to witness her gasping for breath in any number of asthma attacks brought on by the stress of the experience. Well, what with "Signs" earlier and now this film, I guess asthma has become the childhood ailment of choice this movie season. The film is not only ugly on a moral level, but on a visual level as well. The cinematography by Frederick Elmes and Piotr Sobocinski is drab, mundane and colorless, and director Luis Mandoki's "style" consists mainly of having the camera jump up and down wildly whenever a character gets excited or the story threatens to undermine the audience's attention span. The finale involves a massive multi-vehicle pile up on an Oregon freeway that is as ludicrous as it is unconvincing. "Trapped" pretty much says it all - for the actors, the filmmakers and, above all, the audience.
Rating:  Summary: S-Trapped to the edge of my seat from the suspense... Review: I thoroughly enjoyed this film. I found the story chilling and original. It could happen to anybody. My mom was asking me, doesn't this just encourage criminals/kidnappers to try this sort of thing? A kidnap-ransom that happens in a completely planned out environment and only lasts exactly 24 hours. No one gets hurt, the ransom is a reasonable ($50,000) amount (for a wealthy family). The child is abducted and taken to a faraway location. Joe (played by Kevin Bacon) stays with the mother and explains the house rules. Cheryl (Courtney Love) babysits the husband, and Marvin (Pruitt Vince) watches the child. The house rules are simple. Every 30-minutes the kidnappers contact each other via cellphone to let each other know things are going according to plan. The next morning, the wife is to make arrangements to transfer the money for the husband to pick up. The husband picks up the money and hands it to Cheryl. Marvin brings the child to a rendezvous point where Joe will leave the mother to reunite with her child. Kidnappers disappear. Crime over. But what if things don't go according to plan? What if there's more to it than a simple kidnapping? What if the mother attacks, the father gets feisty and the child has asthma? Will the plan change? You betcha. That's what makes this film so suspenseful, and I will guarantee that it leaves you on the edge of your seats. Wonderful performances by Charlize Theron, Kevin Bacon, and Dakota Fanning. This movie left me feeling as if everyone is vulnerable and never truly safe, especially with the amount of information available out there on any individual. Fictional crimes such as the one described in this film become more and more plausible. Watch it as an eye opener. LEAP rating (each out of 5): ============================ L (Language) - 3 (Chilling performances. Completely suspenseful that it leaves you at the edge of your seat.) E (Erotica) - 2 (We see some of Theron's behind. Kevin Bacon is naked in the film. Is there a film where he isn't?) A (Action) - 4 (Airplane landing on a highway, crazy doctor taking advantage of his knowledge on paralytic drugs, private parts almost getting cut off...) P (Plot) - 4 (Highly believable, and well conceived kidnap-ransom plan.)
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, Bad Timing Review: Full of edge-of-your-seat suspense! With four amazingly talented actors/actresses, this movie was put together quite well. It really makes you feel for what the characters are going through. The only unfortunate aspect of the whole movie was the timing (with all the kidnappings that have been going on). This is what hurt the ratings on this movie. Other than that definitely worth seeing!!!
Rating:  Summary: Do not ruin the cinema... please, stop making this junk Review: If you have a slight suspicion that the cinema has some linkage to the art, then save your nerves and the time (and the money) and pass on this one. It is so poor, that I couldn't understand whether it was serious, or it was a primitive grotesque parody.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Disturbing and realistic, this is a must see! Review: Great! This is a movie about a wife (C. Theron) and her husband (Townsend)whose child gets kidnapped by a trio of desparate criminals (including Courtney Love and Kevin Bacon). The directing and overall suspense was great, and I laughed, with tension-easing amusement, at the Simpsons being turned on as a lure to go into the living room were [Bacon] was standing. (It happened to be the scene where Homer had a crayon removed from his nose to improve his IQ!)The acting was outstanding, especially from Kevin Bacon and Charlize Theron's little 'movie'. Townsend (the father) was fine but I think Courtney Love was a bit lacking. Abby (daughter) was really great! Trapped was disturbing at times, especially since K.B. was crazy in this movie, but this only adds to the depth and realism of the film. All in all, this is a eye-opener and a must see! A fairly predictable but thrilling ending!