Rating:  Summary: Ugly Gorillas Go Away! Review: "Amy, pretty gorilla!" A talking monkey named Amy knows sign language and her mentor wants to take her back home to the Congo in Africa. Watch it 'chica' for the lady who wants to find her ex-fiancee, watch out for the 'Great White Hunter' who isn't white, and the dude who calls himself Herkermer Homolka. All of these people travel together and they encounter a general who commands Homolka to stop eating his sesame cake. "He's a big, bag of stuff!" Yes. They go skydiving and fight a hippo. Oh yeah, remember the ugly gorillas who throw heads and eat all kinds of stuff. You have to witness the ugly gorillas jump into the lava from the erupting volcano, it's hilarity to the maximum. Good movie.
Rating:  Summary: "You're kidding, right?" Review: I haven't read any Michael Crichton books but I have seen the movies based on his books. Compared to "Sphere" and "Jurassic Park", Congo is a waste of time and there is no fighting sequences until the end, action fans. The back title says that once the group of explorers hoping to return a gorilla to her family enter the lost city of Zinj, they will become the endangered species. How long is the movie? 109 minutes (with end titles and beginning comercials, overall only 100 minutes.) At what point do the explorers enter Zinj? 80 minutes into the movie. So tell me, do you want to see 20 minutes of action or a whole two hours of action and thrills as is such movies as "Sphere" and "Jurassic Park" Plus, many of the actors and actresses I had never even heard of and I'm guessing you will too. The movie is boring and is a complete waste of time. If you don't trust me, see it. You will be bored. Do not see or buy Congo and start thinking about buying good movies from Michael Crichton. I say it once more and for the last time, this is not one of those good MIchael Crichton movies.
Rating:  Summary: Campy ,Yet Fun Review: Ok, this movie was not that bad. As a sci-fi film it is preposterous, but as an Indiana Jones-like adventure film, I thought it was quite fun. (It had Bruce Campbell in it, so you know it's going to be campy.) The worst thing about it was the trailers; (VHS version) they were downright embarrassing! Imagine recommending a movie to rent as a good action flick only to press play and see: 1) A schlocky Pepsi commercial featuring a child who (thankfully) does not appear in the film, and 2)a commercial for some gawd awful low budget kids' show that makes Power Rangers look cutting edge. This is not a kids' movie; why were they advertizing things that only a 5 year old would want to watch? So rent the movie if you're hanging out with some friends, but please, skip the trailers!
Rating:  Summary: Good fun action Review: I loved this movie!!! This is a fun, action movie not to be taken seriously. It's not going to win any Oscars, but it wasn't aiming too, although, it does have future Oscar nominee(for another movie), Laura Linney, who was terrific in this. She kicked major [rear] in this movie. She was tough from beginning to end. No simpering, whining or crying from her. What I really liked about it, was Amy, the gorilla and the search for the Lost City of Zinn. I love researching about lost cities, and of course this was a fictional movie, but that part of the plotline intrigued me. Ernie Hudson was a riot in this, serious and mostly funny, and w/ Dylan Walsh, Tim Curry and a cameo from Joe Pantoliano.I liked everyone in this film. Either you love it, hate it or have mixed feelings about it, and I love it. :)
Rating:  Summary: Much Amy like Review: Amy good movie like. Cup, drink Amy, Amy. Amy scared Ernie Hudson. Apple banana cup juice drink. Amy star dvd easter egg. Hidden cup.
Rating:  Summary: good ol'fun movie Review: This movie is basically a good and fun movie to watch when you are lonely or depress or just wanna be entertained. I do admit there are better movies out there...but I cant resist the landscapes of the rainforest and volcanic region of Congo depicted in this movie. Its fascinating ! I owned the video a few years back and now I just got the DVD.Its plain good old fun adventure movie not to be taken seriously.Dylan Walsh, Laura Linney, Ernie Hudson are all OK in here...not to bad or good. Perhaps not so much of the story it self but for the scenery and some of its action sequence, I found myself watching this movie several times...just to see the volcanic landscape....the river ride...the forest itself , I was even fascinated by the scenarios within the city of Zinj...this movie basically have a " safari" feel to it...and basically, thats whats the movie is about. Story of killer apes in here may seems unbelievable...but then again on the other hand, a vast amount of the world's rainforest are not explored...so we may never know. Comparatively, in term of story line or discovery, this movie is much more believable to lets say,compared to Jurassic Park, which I also enjoyed tremendously. My recommendation is that anyone who have a liking for adventure based movie should at least see it once. Watch this movie with a fun, open mind.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Has Everything! Review: Killer hippos? killer monkeys!? Joe Pantoliano!?!!!? This movie has everything!!! Back in 1995, when this movie hit theatres, I'll bet I was the only person who walked away satisfied. Even after reading the much-more-complete novel, I couldn't be more thrilled with this film. It has all the elements of the classic high-budget action/adventure film: no real big names (at the time the film was made), the airpline ride to impending doom with the handful of unsuspecting travelers staring blankly out the window, and just diverse enough characters to make them interesting. The movie opens with the second unit in the deep rainforests of the Congo area of Africa. During a transmission to base, the camp is taken over by what look like gorillas. On the receiving end is a CEO of a telecom firm who was funding the expedition to the Congo. His purpose was to mine a special rare blue diamond that would allow him great advancement in the telecom industry. With him is Laura Linney, another scientist who's boyfriend happened to be on the expedition. Most of the plot points are formulaic, but it doesn't really matter in a movie like this. People want to see killer hippos, erupting volcanos and talking monkeys, and there's plenty of that. The rest of the hour and forty-five minutes are filled with nail-biting airplane chases, whirring motion-sensored machine guns, and crazy ancient white gorillas who crush human skulls. It's all here folks. True adventure movies are few and far between, and this one's a keeper.
Rating:  Summary: A HORRIBLE FLICK THAT SHOULD HAVE GONE STRAIGHT TO VIDEO Review: This movie is not the worst in the world, but it really is THAT damn bad. Congo should be re-named "Fake Voice". In case you haven't noticed around 3 or 4 characters in the movie change their accents halfway through the movie. Also, Tim Curry delivers one of the worst accents EVER in a movie, on tv or anything. He also develops a lisp later in the movie. The only reason this movie grossed so much was because it was coming off of the popularity of Jurrasic Park, which was great. This movie is good for one reason, and that is for a good laugh. (it is not meant to be a comedy) Some of the scenes are funny like the Sesame Cake scene, but still...this movie falls way short of how good it could have been.
Rating:  Summary: Great flick!!! Review: I don't understand what all the fuss is about! This movie ruled!!! It is definitely one of the best science fiction movies ever made. This movie revolves around Amy, a gorilla who is taught sign language by an American zoologist. The American also invented a device that Amy wears around her wrist to covert her signs into audible English. Amy and the American communicate on a daily basis until one day when Amy tells him she wants to go back to her home in the Congo. So Amy, the American, and African tribesmen take Amy back to her homeland. Along the way they encounter various hazards such as a river filled with mean hippos, etc. There's a great scene while they are on the river when the tribesmen start signing "California Dreaming" by the Mamas and the Papas. It was really amazing that they knew the words, seeing as how they'd lived their entire lives in the jungles of Africa. Also, I have to give credit to the special effects people. Amy and the other apes look totally realistic! Furthermore, the voice coming out of the sign language-to-English language converter around Amy's wrist was fantastic. It was not really annoying or anything like that. In any event, I highly recommend this movie. The special effects are awesome and the story is enthralling. You love the ending!
Rating:  Summary: Fun Popcorn Munching Movie Review: I've had the VHS tape for years, now I've got to have the DVD. This movie is a lot of fun, it is a classic Saturday afternoon B-grade flic. The cast, the dialogue, whenever I want to sit, eat popcorn and relax--this is one of my favorite films.