Rating:  Summary: Good action film and less formulaic than recent Bond films. Review: If you haven't seen Goldeneye yet and you like 007 you should get it. Don't read too many of the reviews here because many of them contain spoilers that give away the villain's identity--it was a nice plot twist that came halfway through the movie and, to me, was unexpected.The digital transfer of the movie is very crisp, if maybe a little bit bluish. I didn't see the theatrical release, so maybe that's how it's supposed to look. The sound is great with understandable dialog and sound effects that aren't artificially bass-heavy. I think this is a good demonstration DVD that merits repeated viewings.
Rating:  Summary: Yeah Baby!... Review: This review refers to the MGM Special Edition DVD of "GOLDENEYE"..... 007 is Back! In 1995 the long awaited 17th in the James Bond series was here. The world had been through some changes, and so had Bond. He is now being played by the irresistible Pierce Brosnan. He was the Goldenboy who is remarkably suited to play the dapper, sophistacated, handsome, suave, witty,adventurous,(should I go on, I think you know the rest)007 in "GOLDENEYE". So even though the world had been through all kinds of changes, there were still evil villans out there who nedeed to be stopped. James daringly breaks and enters(by way of a super bungi jump) into a Russian Major Weapons facility. Along with 006(not for too long though), he fights off the blazing guns of the soldiers, sets an expolsive, fights some more, goes flying through the air, catches an out of control small plane, stops it from crashing into a mountainside, and escapes in the nick of time as the massive explosion goes off. And YIKES..that's all in the first ten minutes even before the opening credits begin to roll! We haven't even gotten to the state of the art gadgetry, the great car or the devastatingly beautiful women yet. But have no fear Bond fans it's all here.Lots more action. adventure,humor, hi tech gizmos and yes don't forget the car and the girl! In this one(does it really matter what it's about?), our hero must rescue the world once more when a Satelitte System with amazing capabilites, falls into the hands of the bad guys and will be used as a powerful weapon against mankind.I don't want to give away too much for those that haven't seen it but suffice it to say you are in for some great action and some terrific storyline surprises as well, and yeah the romance too. "Goldeneye" still under the supervision of the Broccoli's is directed by Martin Campbell. It also stars, Sean Bean, Joe Don Baker, Izabella Scorupco, Famke Janssen, as "Natalya Onatopp"(what a great name),Samantha Bond as "Miss Moneypenny". Desmond Llewelyn as "Q" and of course Judi Dench as "M". It's got great cinematopgraphy and as always fabulous Bond Music. You'll love this DVD. It's got everything you could want. Top quality picture and sound. The widescreen theatrical release format. A beautiful crystal clear transfer. Bold and vivid colors. Dol Dig Surround(5.1) that is tremenndous. If you love extra's, you'll have a field day( or week) with this one. There's commentary, a making of featurette, an eye catching Video with Tina Turner and much more(see the tech info for complete list). It may be viewed in French(stereo)and has subtitles in English and French if needed. It also comes with a booklet with lots of facts and info. Oh and Bond still takes his martinis "shaken, not stirred". So "activate your navigation system now" and.. Have fun with this one.....Laurie
Rating:  Summary: Best Bond movie EVER Review: Goldeneye not only is the best Bond movei of all time, it came at the best time, Bond fans had been waiting since 1989 when the so-so License to Kill was released...and they definitley filled the gap. This is a combination of excellent action scenes, funny punch lines, and the best villian since, Auric Goldfinger. Alec Trevalyan, a former MI6 agent, is actually the head of a terrorist orginazation, Janus, where he also has General Ouromuv, the head of space divison for the Russian military, as well as Xenia Onatopp the beautiful assasian for Janus and former Russian military pilot. We are also introduced to CIA agent Jack Wade a very likeable, humerous character, and Valentin Zukovsky, a Russian mafia group leader who becomes an ally of 007 on this mission. And Judi Dench plays an excellent M and puts a twist on the mood of the movie and the future movies. The action scene on the Russian streets with Bond in the tank is awesome and original. Brosnan is, in my mind the best Bond ever, w/ Connery in second. He is the best of all the other Bonds, he has Connery's suave approach, Moore's sense of humor and Dalton's seriousness as more of an assassian than a spy. Goldeneye also has the best line in it since Goldfiner's "No Mr. Bond I expect you to die" line. Where he and Natalya Siminova have just escaped from a train bomb and she asks him if he knows who to disarm the weapon and he responds "I suppose that depends on what weapon you're talking about disarming". Goldeneye is an action packed adventure with an incredible opening sequence and it is a very worth-while buy.
Rating:  Summary: The Name's Brosnan, Pierce Brosnan Review: It had been six long years since the viewing public had witnessed a new adventure in the life of secret agent James Bond. And believe me, 1989's "Licence To Kill" wasn't the greatest Bond film to leave the audience with. The series was rejuvenated with the casting of Pierce Brosnan as the new 007. It was a perfect, natural fit. Who else?. Brosnan's introduction to the role of Bond is easily the best since we were all first introduced to him, via Sean Connery, in 1962's "Dr. No". I liked Roger Moore, but Pierce has been the only Bond in the franchise to match Connery. This film, released in the winter of 1995, was a return to a more serious 007 film. It worked. It was easily the best new 007 movie since "The Spy Who Loved Me" in 1977, even though that was a fantasy driven entry. Here's the plot of the film. Bond learns that his fellow agent, Agent 006, Alec Trevelyan(Sean Bean), has faked his death in the opening teaser of the film, and is now the head of Janus, which is a Russian arms trading list. Alec plans to rob British banks through hacking into their systems by using a Goldeneye satellite to fire a magnetic ray over London that will wipe out all of the banks' records. Pretty nifty plan. Definitley the best villainous plan since Goldfinger's attack on Fort Knox. The women has the usual Bond women. There is Natalya Simonova(Izabella Scorupco), who is a Russian programmer that ends up with Bond after surviving a massacre where she worked. The most interesting is Xena Onatopp(Famke Janssen). She kills her victims by crushing them to death with her thighs. What a way to go. Bond is aided by an American CIA agent named Jack Wade, played by Joe Don Baker. For those of you who didn't know, Baker also played the villain Brad Whitaker in "The Living Daylights". We are also introduced to Valentin Zukovsky(Robbie Coltrane), a Russian crime boss who was once shot by 007, who becomes an ally for Bond. We see him again in "The World Is Not Enough". The action scenes are executed perfectly, and are spaced just right. They are all believeable and not over the top. This is something that was upped by a large margin in "Tomorrow Never Dies", but was done well. Brosnan. How can I say it?. He is James Bond. He seemed comfortable and self assured in the role right from the very first frame. This is something that Timothy Dalton never seemed to be. It's a good thing he was replaced. I loved Roger Moore, but Brosnan is a bit tougher and stronger. Moore seemed too nice and clean to be an agent with a licence to kill. Pierce and Brosnan are alike. We also learn in this new film that 007's boss, M, is now a woman. She is played by the incredibly talented Dame Judi Dench. It was a nice new twist to the old formula for the new era of Bond films. "Goldeneye" is every Bond fan's dream of a classic Bond film.
Rating:  Summary: BOND.....Pierce Bond Review: We finnaly have Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. Tim Dalton was great, he just lacked in the charm department. I had my douts on this movie before I watched this movie about how pierce would fit into the roll. Afterwords...There is nobody that portrayes Bond like Pierce Brosnan. He is a combination of all of the previous bonds put together...Connery's Smoothness...Moore's funny charm... And Daltons brute force assassin all rolled up to make A truley blended bond. Goldeneye is up there in the greatest bond movies ever made. Awsome story, guns, explosives, and WOMEN...O YA! Brosnan has his best bond to date in this film, tommaro never dies in a close 2nd, then the world is not enough, then the mistake of Die Another Day . What really sets this movie apart is the main willin is not a meglomaniac who wants to take over the world, but rather bonds former friend and double O agent. The fights and insults they throw at each other are great. If you have a dvd player and like action and are a bond fan...or even if u are not...A MUST OWN MOVIE FOR ANYBODY!
Rating:  Summary: The best Bond film ever! Review: First off, I just want to say that I love this movie! It is my favorite Bond film, (even though this was the first one I had seen. I have not seen any of the other ones). The DVD menu is very cool. I also loved the Nintendo 64 game of the same name. It had to be one of my favorite N64 games. I would play it a lot. The Final Verdict: Buy.
Rating:  Summary: The name's Brosnan, Pierce Brosnan Review: Pierce Brosnan's first venture as James Bond was his best. This movie was packed with action and humor. The funniest scenes were the scene where we first meet Natalya and Boris and the line where James is in Q's laboratory and picks up a large sub sandwich that he thinks is a gadget but Q grabs the sandwich and says, "Don't touch that! It's my lunch!" There was one joke the movie could have been left on the cutting room floor. In Q's laboratory, they're testing a phone booth with an airbag. It's kind of a running gag throughout the scene. The bag inflates pressing the technician against the glass. A few seconds later, the phone booth is carted off with the technician still trapped inside. It was a little stupid. Famke Jensen had major sex appeal Xenia Zargevna Onatopp. In one scene, she and her lover (the fat guy with the beard)were having a very steamy scene together. She was in black underwear and he was naked. She was kissing him, jumping on him, and biting his chest hair. She was also growling and snarling like the sexy tiger she is. Of course, then, she strangled her lover with her thighs. She was very sexy and funny but I think that violence turns Xenia on because she was breathing very sexually after she killed everyone at Severnaya (is that how you spell it)? Wade Baker and Valentin Zuvosky provided many laughs. For example, in one scene, Valentin was talking to Bond while his mistress, Irvina, was singing a country song (very badly I might add.) Natalya was like all of those marked women in the Bond movies. This was a woman who saw something she shouldn't have seen or done something she shouldn't have done, like when Solitaire slept with Bond in "Live and Let Die." Not only did Natalya provide some of the jokes for the movie but she provided the movie's most and only moving scene. After the base at Severnaya blew up, there is a scene where Natalya covers the body of her friend, Anna, who was killed along with everyone else. It was moving to watch because Natalya had not only survived an explosion, she had lost a very close friend. Sean Bean was a very memorable villain. I have the hardest time placing him because I know he's in Lord of the Rings. I thought that there was a lack of a physical villain. Boris was more of a coward who only cared for himself. However, he did provide many funny lines. His recurring line, "I am invincible" had me saying, "You wanna bet" after he met his fate. One of Bond's allies, Mishkin, was a very good character. However, it was a pity that he was shot after hearing the truth about the situation at Severnaya. Caroline Bliss breathes life into the role of Miss Moneypenny. She shows that Moneypenny doesn't look it, but she's desperately trying to get over James. Judi Dench should keep playing M for a long time. She's the best one since the original M, Bernard Lee (who I really got used too. I wasn't ready for a new M after Bernard Lee died.) Is it just me or is this movie the first to talk about James' parents? Could someone mention that in a future review? Thanks. Rent this movie. It's one of the greatest Bond movies since Octopussy.
Rating:  Summary: Say Hello to Pierce Bronsnan Review: Bond came back from a seven year hiatus after Timothy Dalton departed after two films with the high tech and high energy Goldeneye. Bond now is trying to stop rouge Russian Terrorists and a bitter former MI6 agent out for revenge by stealing a powerful new satellite that emits a powerful electormagnic pulse that wipes out all electrical devices in the blast radius. The plot is somewhat typical for a Bond film, but what else do you expect? What sets this one apart, like many of Connery Bond outings, is the way the cast and crew go about presenting it to you. They are compelling action sequences like Bond rampaging aroung St. Petersburg in a tank and the finale in a satellite cradle in Cuba. Next, Bronsnan was perfectly cast and fits the sarcastic, boyish persona that is Bond like cat leather on Britney Spears. For God sake's if Bond were a real person he would look like Pierce. Also, the direction was done with the idea of getting a rise out of the audience and making them remember Bond in a for the new millenium. Rarely has a bond film been this action packed but still not make you snore a little bit at the interplay between the Bond girls and M (I don't mention Q because Desmond Lleywn because he was always a delight God bless him). To conclude, the machine behind the Bond franchise at least got this one right with a memorable lead, sexy girls, kinetic direction and a cocksure attidude that had been missing from the bond films for a while. Grab the popcorn and treat yourself to a Bond film for the ages.
Rating:  Summary: The best Bond film... Review: Not only does this film reintroduce James Bond 007 to a new generation, but it provides viewers with a fresh taste to the Bond formula while still keeping all of the requirements safely in tact. In this film, 007 is up against a renegade 006 who plans to wipe out London and take all of the money. Pierce Brosnan is so perfect in the part of Bond, it's hard imagining anyone else playing him as well... that is, if you haven't seen the Connery movies. "Goldeneye" keeps the viewer on their toes and exhilerated through its two-hour runtime. It is a very exciting, action-packed thrill ride.
Rating:  Summary: Bond reformulated for the 90's and it really works! Review: The Bond formula--international disaster pending, smart gadgets, impossible stunts and one pretty bad girl and one pretty good girl is reworked for the 90's. Enter Pierce Brosnan, cool, somewhat edgy, never smarmy. The new Bond really works, primarily because the stunts are breathtaking and there's plenty of them. Oh, the plot is pretty standard, but what you WANT from a Bond film--an international disaster of mega-proportions originating from Russia (perennial home of bad boys) and a traitor for good measure. But it's right at home with the Bond genre. If you aren't blown away by the opening scene at a dam before the credits, you will be pleased by a tank chase through the streets of St. Petersburg --a refreshing change to the de rigeur car chase. The inevitable helicopter makes an appearance, but is not over-done. We stayed glued to the edge of our chairs, and the action never faltered. Sean Bean is reasonably good as a bad guy and the supporting cast is well-chosen. Plenty of good entertainment here for Bond fans. The surround sound on this DVD is distinct and very well done--really liked hearing birds in the background (so did the cats, who watch TV avidly) and the vehicle sounds and explosions were not unrealistic. The extras are worth seeing for the "how we did this stunt." One segment features the star stuntman who really gives an inside view as to how difficult and risky some of this stuff is. All in the name of entertainment.