Rating:  Summary: GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME! Review: This obviously the best marvel comic hero movie ever made. The special effects are outstanding. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner bring out the best in this movie with their intense stunts and acting. This is a must see to all fans and non fans of this comic hero. It's a movie with a true meaning. I'm going to watch it again for the 5th time.
Rating:  Summary: The Golden Age of comic book films continues Review: There are a lot of people, including myself, who hold their breath each time a comic book film comes out. We all remember how the recent Batman series turned into a big joke, and eventually died out about two films too late. If the same thing happens to the most recent wave of Marvel-character films, it would be a big tragedy. Some of us have been waiting all of our lives for these characters to be portrayed correctly on screen. Well, with "Daredevil", we now have three extra-base hits in a row after "X-Men" and "Spiderman'. And the scenes to X-Men II look very promising. An I've got my hopes high that "The Incredible Hulk" might even take it to a new level. The current proprietors of Marvel deserve a standing ovation for insisting that the true spirit, and most of the rules regarding the characters are strictly kept. In some ways, "Daredevil" may be the best of the bunch so far. Possibly the best part of the movie is that it does not dumb it down in any way. In my opinion, the accelerated dumbing-down of the Batman and Superman movies were the biggest reason they died out. By taking the attitude that these were basically stories for kids, the greatly underestimated the intelligence of the audiences. The people who have filmed the Marvel heroes have figured out that the people who spent their childhoods with these characters have now grown up. Yes, there remains a childlike innocence, but there literally are millions of people who take these stories as seriously as anything in movies, and they don't like it when what they like is messed with. "Daredevil" presents a pretty bleak world, where the bad guys seem to win more often than the good guys, and good guys do get killed. Yes, we know Daredevil will live to fight another day, but he pays a big price along the way. And Ben Affleck is back on my good list again after a decent performance as Jack Ryan, and a perfect one here. If I don't watch myself, I may actually start thinking that Hollywood might occasionally care about putting out a good product once in awhile
Rating:  Summary: Great Super Hero Action Flick Review: Daredevil, the first taste of the blitz of comic book adaptation to hit the big screens this year, X-Men 2, Hulk and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen are all on the way. Of all those four films this was probably the one that I was the least excited about, but still being a die hard comic fan I had to go and catch it on the opening weekend (well here in Australia anyway). I think a lot of the other appraisals here on Amazon pretty many sums up my views on the pros and cons of this movie. Firstly the story once again sticks pretty close to the actual comic story, which is always a plus for comics fans. It gives you good grounding on the origins of the characters, well except maybe Elektra's which deviates slightly from the comic book cannon, an understanding of Daredevil's motivations and what drives him to do what he does. Marvel obviously wants this movie to spin off into a franchise (Jennifer Garner has already signed on for the Electra sequel) and Daredevil definitely gave you the right mix of satisfying story and unresolved plot lines / opportunities to expand on plot that a believable sequel should be easy to develop. Just like a good comic book issue / story line this movie's story is very episodic in nature allowing for most of the major players to return in the future. The movie is also peppered with enough comic cameos (Stan Lee & Kevin Smith) and enough name dropping of famous Daredevil creators (Frank Miller, John Romita, David Mack & Joe Quesada) to give comic fans a rye smile. A lot of people have been hard on the dialogue and performances in this film, I can't understand why. The interaction between Matt Murdoch and Franklin "Foggy" Nelson has some great moments and really serves as a great counterpoint to dark and moody action sequences dominated by Matt's alter-ego. Michael Clark Duncan delivers a stylish, imposing and intimidating performance as Kingpin and Colin Farrell brings just the right amount of psycho madman to Bullseye. And of course Jennifer Garner is perfect as Elektra. Graeme (the Crow) Revell's score really adds great depth and establishes the mood and texture of the film as well. I do agree with some of the criticism about the fight scenes and effects sequences in the film. There are just too many of them! How many shots do we need to see of a rainy, gloomy Gothic Hells Kitchen skyline? When it comes to the fight scenes, there's only so many times you can see some one do a kick flip or some other wire stunt before the novelty wears off. The action sequences could have had much more impact without all the unnecessary bullet-time effects and snap close ups and tracking shots. Overall this movie is a great high action, "dark" hero story more in the line of say Blade or The Crow than Xmen or Spiderman but it's still a great piece of escapism if you want an enjoyable, no brain action movie.
Rating:  Summary: Daredevil Review: Based on the MARVEL comic book series, DAREDEVIL is a visually stunning adaption, but it lacks the good-natured fun of the recent CB movies like X-MEN and SPIDER-MAN. Mixed reviews haven't dampened it's commercial output however, seeing the latest film in the long string of superhero movies being one of the more succesful. Directed by Mark Steven Johnson, Daredevil centres around a young boy who loses his sight in an accident. Ben Affleck plays the title hero who uses his other over-developed senses to fight criminals. Whereas Tobey Maguire was perfect for the role of Spiderman, Affleck fares less well, playing a visually-impared superhero. The villians including the up-and-coming Colin Farrell who does an excellent job as the lethal Bullseye. Michael Clark Duncan does little more than order people around and while Jennifer Garner (Elektra) provides eye candy but little else. Overall, it's eye-popping and cool, but lacks the wonder and excitement of previous MARVEL films.
Rating:  Summary: Not quite daring enough Review: "Daredevil" can stand its ground in the teen-action market with ludicrously choreographed fight sequences, an ear-flaying soundtrack, and a visual style boasting more flair and realism than "Spider-Man". But when it comes to plot, characterization and the inevitable love interest, it's an entirely different story. Or, rather, it isn't one. And that's a problem. Hamstrung by repetitve romantic and 'character' scenes, the plot never gets off the ground. While this may have been a deliberate choice - a movie-length Act 1 to an endless series of sequels - it just isn't interesting. Rather than coming up with a character-establishing adventure which is thrilling in its own right (as Brian Singer did so well in "X-Men"), writer/director Mark Steven Johnson opts for a more schematic, episodic approach, yoking it all together with tenuous motivations and a ponderous explanatory voiceover. Perhaps aiming for a broader demographic than under-25 males, romance is over-emphasised at the expense of the edgier, darker undercurrents which could have been more interestingly explored. But maybe that wouldn't have helped. For me, there's always something a little silly about these comic book superheroes violently working through their childhood traumas. It works on the page, but on the screen it feels false: perhaps increased fidelity to visual reality demands the same at the emotional level. Ironically, without the antidote of much deliberate humour (used to great effect in "Spider-Man") we end up laughing anyway. As he so often is in other roles, Ben Affleck is spectacularly unconvincing as Murdock/Daredevil. Jennifer Garner makes an appealing heroine as Elektra, so it's a shame she won't be back. Colin Farrell as Bullseye finally gets to release the inner Irish wildman the tabloids keep telling us about, and is the only one who seems to be having fun. Michael Clarke Duncan booms his way through another scary-big-guy performance as the utterly superfluous villain (can anyone even remember what he wanted?). And John Favreau? I just pray he packed on the pounds for the role.
Rating:  Summary: Better Than Expected. Elektra (Jennifer Garner) Is H-O-T !! Review: So this isn't a great movie. I was still pleasantly surprised. The story was interesting. The acting was fine (Ben Affleck made a convincing "Daredevil,"). The lesser characters were well portrayed ("Bull's-eye" was appropriately nasty, and even the ... man playing the "Kingpin" role was okay- did he have to be a not so fat ... man, come on Stan Lee- you should have protested that decision). The person who "stole the show" was Jennifer Garner as "Elektra." Who cares about the character she was playing in the overall story; she was just plain awesome with her appearance alone. What a BABE! WOW!
Rating:  Summary: Not worth the cost of a ticket Review: This was one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. Ben Aflick is wooden.The young actor who played the young DD was more animated than Aflick. The camera work is nauciating. It took me half an hour after the film ended to get my stomach back under control! And I love DD. He's my favorite comic book hero. So I went in with high hopes and much anticipation.
Rating:  Summary: WOW Review: ... all I can say is wow, the special effects are awesome and the actors are fantastic especially Michael Clarke Duncan as Kingpin, I am sooo already waiting for the sequel and I'm hoping all cast members return to reprise their roles. I was also happy to see the godfather of comics Stan Lee in his little cameo appearance. Go and see this movie, it's a blast!!
Rating:  Summary: What's Up with these poor reviews, this movie ROCKS!!! Review: Believe me if I had listen to the bad reviews, I definately would have missed out on a truely amazing movie. Yes it is dark, and some viewers won't get it, but this is a superhero movie not another Citizen Kane(overated, but good). After the success of Spider-Man, Daredevil was destined for runner-up status. Darker than Spider-man (and has better special effects), this $80 million extravaganza was packaged for maximum global appeal, its the plot beginning when 12-year-old Matt Murdock who is accidentally blinded shortly before his father is murdered. Later an adult attorney in New York's Hell's Kitchen, Murdock uses his remaining, superenhanced senses to battle crime as Daredevil, the masked and vengeful "man without fear," pitted against dominant criminal Kingpin and the psychotic Bullseye, who can turn almost anything into a deadly projectile. Daredevil is well matched with the dynamic Elektra. This is a Hollywood product that die-hard fans will love. .... Why do people expect a huge deep thought provoking plot from a superhero movie! Daredevil is a must see!!
Rating:  Summary: It was good, stop complaining Review: All I want to say about Daredevil was that it was a fun hour and 40 minutes. I'm a DD fan and I had my reservations about this movie going in, and especially after the first 20 minutes which I think went by a bit slow. But once this movie got itself into the main plot with all the DD character staples it was just great. The movie went by in no time and I found myself wanting to see it again, which is abnormal for me. While it may not be as good as Spider-man, if only for its slow beginning, this film is easily one of the most fun I've seen for a long time.