Rating:  Summary: This movie is already a burden to Marvel.... Review: Well since this movie was released, a few not so great things have happened. First being that they are now doing a director's cut of the movie. Even though it's already been released on DVD. Bad mistake. Fox and Marvel are doing an Elektra movie with Jennifer Garner returning to the role but Daredevil II is no longer a certainty as Affelick wants Kevin Smith to write it, but neither Marvel nor Fox seem interested in going that route. It's not even a certainty that Mark Johnson will be involved with the movie anyway as he is now reportedly writing Ghost Rider for Colombia Pictures. So already it looks like if they do a second Daredevil movie with someone else playing the part and a new film crew doing it. But considering how terrible this movie was made, a change in cast and crew is most likely the best route to take. Marvel does not want a Batman and Robin film. and neither do us fans.
Rating:  Summary: Deer Senator McCain, It Review: Aflac is blind, like in reel life, he cabnt sea his iminant divorce, what a daredevil. Aflac is not natural hair, folcacly challended. I thought he was best actor/ writer but why isn't Damon in this film. I think htey right all their mvoes togterher? Why? Can enyone explain? This movie is a real movie, thought, I htink the ocmic is goiod and this pays leverage to tolkien as well. But why, again, why is daemon not co-writing wiht aflac here? Can any locomotive whisper the password is open-sesame to me and the warg?
Rating:  Summary: I couldn't even stand to watch it all... Review: I can't say I thought this would be good. Especially with the lousy actor Ben Affleck playing the lead. It has a terrible plot and really lame script. The acting.....well Ben affleck is terrible but all the other actors "seem" pretty good up next to him. As far as special effects go, They're either good or really cheesy. The only real reason I saw this in the first place was because it's one of the movies that "Scary Movie 4" is supposed to parody....I can't wait for that. So if you want a good superhero movie, I'd suggest Spiderman or the X-men movies.
Rating:  Summary: Two Good Things and a Major Missed Opportunity Review: I feel I should address the few good things about the movie. Numero uno would be David Keith's portrayal of Jack Murdock, Matt's boxer father. No longer sporting the lanky build we saw in An Officer and a Gentleman, in the intervening 20 years it looks like Keith has put on 100 pounds, most of it muscle. He was just perfect as the big, beefy Irish brawler. The scene where Matt uses his radar sense to "see" Elektra's face in the rain was just beautiful, so well and sensitively done it seemed to have wandered in from another movie. In the transition from comic to movie, Matt's origin was changed from heroically pushing a blind man out of the path of a speeding truck, from which fell a radioactive isotope, striking him across the eyes, blinding him and granting him super-senses. (Appreciate the irony: saving a blind man turns this heroic boy into a blind man himself.) In the movie there's no heroism involved, he simply runs into a spray of toxic waste. Later in the movie the newly "blinded" Matt stops a man from stepping out into the path of a speeding car. He raises his cane across the man's path because obviously he "saw" the car coming when the sighted man did not - and because, in this movie, Matt cares not a whit, apparently, then or later, for hiding the fact he's not an ordinary blind man. In fact, he flaunts the fact. The man he stops from being run over is played by Stan Lee, Daredevil's creator back in 1964. So we have a grossly altered origin leeching from it any hint of heroism, and a throwaway moment with Daredevil's creator that underlines how lightly Matt takes the "secret" of his powers. What if, instead, they'd taken the best of those two ideas, the origin of DD's powers and Stan Lee's cameo role? We have the scene where Matt's racing to save the blind man from the onrushing truck....AND THE BLIND MAN WAS STAN LEE. Creation saves creator, in the live action version of the origin scene Lee wrote 39 years before. That's just....perfect. What might have been.
Rating:  Summary: Not All That Great!!! Review: This movie was really not all that great. The way the movie was designed it looked like a second rate independent movie. I know this was not the case and I think they just could have done a better job. I had trouble staying focused on this movie as well, it seemed that the movie would stop and go and stop and go. It never did develop a comfortable flow of the story. The characters were horribly developed and even Ben Affleck seemed ackward playing the role of Daredevil. I recommend that if you are in the mood for superheroes buy the old Batman movie.
Rating:  Summary: Fun movie Review: I liked this movie well enough, but it is not quite 5 stars, yet at the same time it is not a 4. I thought that the actors did a great job and the plot was surprisingly good for a movie based on a comic book. I liked the idea behind the hero, him having super powers, but at the same time being blind. The villeins were good to. Not really stupid, crazy people, but ruthless, criminal masterminds. I would recommend this movie to people who like action or super-hero movies.
Rating:  Summary: By Far the Worst of Marvel's Recent Movies Review: Translating an idea between media, i.e. comic book to movie, necessitates changes. I enjoyed Marvel's X-Men, Spider-Man and Hulk movies; all embody changes from the comics but they were true to the spirit of the originals, and the changes were, in some ways, improvements. In Daredevil, the changes damage the story line and lessen the character. Comic: Jack Murdock is a constant moral compass to his son, he never betrays his ideals. Matt is blinded in his first act of heroism; he races to push a blind man from the path of an on-rushing truck from which falls a radioactive isotope, striking him across the eyes. Movie: Jack lies to Matt, pretending to be a dockworker; actually he's a bonebreaker for a loan shark. Discovering his father roughing up a victim, Matt runs away, heartbroken, right into a spray of toxic waste. Which is more interesting, makes the character more noble, lets us understand how a hero could have been raised by such a father? Comic: Ben Urich is a tall, gangly chainsmoker, hag-ridden by his commitment to journalistic integrity. Movie: He's short, artsy, with an effeminate speech pattern, wears his hat backwards and literally looks down his nose at everyone he talks to. Comic: the Kingpin is a super-Godfather. Movie: Ditto, but he's black. Like all Mafia bosses, natch. Comic: Matt becomes one of the nation's top trial attorneys. Movie: he can't even convict one of the Kingpin's men of rape, he's not as good as the defense lawyer. (And how much sense does it make for a private attorney to handle a high profile case against a known organized crime figure? Can you say: district attorney?) He doesn't even charge money, clients pay him in barter. Which makes the character more impressive? Comic: The fact Matt is not a normal blind man is his greatest secret. Movie: After being "blinded" he beats up the neighborhood bullies, complete with gymnastics. You think someone might realize this isn't your typical blind kid? He does the same thing with Elektra years later. They do their best to beat each other to a pulp (it's shameless the way they flirt) with dozens of witnesses, engaging in flips, balance beam acts, martial arts moves. Goodbye, secret identity. Comic: Matt's billy clubs snap together, disguising themselves as his blind man's cane. Movie: The "disguised" cane is inset with raised devil head emblems. <Groan.> As a direct result of this, Ben Urich realizes Matt is Daredevil. A police scientist demonstrates how the billy clubs collapse down to a long, thin cane. (But the police never, then or later, say to themselves, "You know....this looks a lot like a blind man's cane.") Comic: Bullseye is a stone-cold costumed assassin. Movie: Bullseye is a twitchy, undisciplined killer with a scarred forehead and trenchcoat. Bullseye's elegant black-and-white outfit would look great in live action. Why they didn't go for that is beyond me. Comic: DD'a mask is an integral part of the costume. Movie: It's a pull-on hood, a horribly uncertain method of retention for such an acrobatic hero. But then, if the way the mask affixed wasn't so insecure, Matt couldn't have been unmasked so easily, not once but twice, during the movie. Elektra stabs Matt through the left shoulder, totally penetrating the scapula. Matt drops to the ground in shock, he can barely move. But later he holds himself on ropes over an abyss (with his left arm), does gymnastics, blocks Bullseye's full-power kicks (with his left arm). Remember the movie's opening image shows his blood dripping down dozens of feet of church roof and wall. I can believe a man has super-senses. It's called magical realism. You ask me to believe a normal man - and that's what Daredevil is, no super-strength, no Wolverine-type healing factor - can still be up and running, engaging in martial arts battles, hours after having a steel rod punched all the way through his shoulder blade and losing, oh, five pints of blood, that's not magical realism. That's impossible. Final absurdity: Matt will kill a rapist but not the Kingpin. We could debate the morality of the former death. But when the man who's murdered the only two people you've ever loved is helpless on his knees in front of you, he knows your secret identity, he's saying, "I'm going to get you," you know he means it, if you leave him alive he's going to kill you and/or more people you care about....it's not like he's giving you a whole lot of choice. But Matt proclaims self-righteously, "I'm not the bad guy," and walks out. No, you're a moron. This after throwing Bullseye from a 100-foot tall window and across a street onto a police car, which probably did kill him. Dumb plot twist. But par for the course in this movie.
Rating:  Summary: DISAPPOINTING Review: Daredevil has always been one of Marvels odder Superheroes. While he as been around nearly as long as Spiderman, the Hulk, and the X-men, he's never been remotely as popular and always a bit off the mainstream. In fact one wonders how he was chosen to get a big screen treatment. Afterall, even the hulk and Spiderman had old TV shows and the X-Men had cartoons for years. You may say that Blade was even more minor than Daredevil but Blade has dual appeal to horror and vampire fans. Anyway...Ben Affleck is Godawful as Daredevil. He seems to sleepwalk through the role with all of the passion of a fig newton. Colin Farrell isn't much better with his over the top portrayal as the villian Bullseye. Jennifer Garner is certianly beautiful and performs admirably but I never bought her as Elektra. Michael Clarke Duncan is the one ray of light with his portrayl of the crime lord Kingpin. If you don't mind a bad movie the DVD is loaded with tons of extras. This is how DVD should be done.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: A blind lawyer named " Matt Murdock" ( Ben Affeleck) is a attorney at day but at night, he fights crime as the red suited avenger named "Daredevil" complete with radar like senses. He also falls in love with the beautiful Elektra ( Jennifer Garner) and must take on the diabolical Kingpin ( Michael Clarke Duncan) and Bullseye ( Colin Farrell). I think this movie works well on a repeated viewing for me, i must say this is a very well done and nice adapation of the Marvel comic books, the acting is great and so are the special effects. This is quite different from many superhero movies, this is a more dramatic approach that will appeal to adults as well, I think this is a enjoyable flick. The DVD is great! good sound and picture quality, great extras like commentary, Trailers, Behind the Scenes, History of Daredevil, and more. Marvel has done great on the screen with Spider-Man, X-Men 1 & 2, this movie and Hulk unlike the Dolph Lundgren Punisher flick, Howard The Duck or Captain America. Now Marvel, bring on Spider-Man 2, The Punisher ( this time with skull on shirt), Fantastic Four, Deathlok, Iron Man, Ghost Rider, Hulk 2, Elektra, Man-Thing and Iron Fist.
Rating:  Summary: not that bad Review: Jennifer is cute, Ben is a little lame, ok movie.