Rating:  Summary: Underrated Comic Film Review: I have to agree with Mauricio J. Heilbron Jr, MD in that this film gets slammed more than it deserves. While nothing mind blowing, I have to say this story was better than Ang Lee's HULK. My only real knock on it is there was spots that should've been explained like how did Matt Murdock get through school and into college? Where did he live during that time between his lawyer/Daredevil days and the days after his father's death?Still, I believe this film is the victim of the "Spider-Man" shadow. Don't get me wrong, I loved Spider-Man but it seems that every film based on a Marvel Character (with the exceptions of X-Men and Blade) gets compared to Spider-Man and I think that's so unfair. DD especially gets it because despite his own great history, most in the mainstream remember him as a on/off partner of the famous wallcrawler (though I would love if one day they did a film with those two teaming up). Anyway, Ben Afflick is okay as Daredevil. Jennifer Garder did surprise me as Elektra. Colin Ferrel is excellent as Bullseye and Michael Clarke Duncan does a very believable Kingpin! I say at least give this film a chance!
Rating:  Summary: interesting take on the comic book Review: i recently bought daredevil on dvd, while its loaded with 2 disks of speacial features this movie just dosent deliever as it was put... this movie has ben affleck who i dont see as a superhero i see him ore the comedy as in chasing amy or the kevin smith series or playing an ex con in reindeer games. The movies action is so so not over the top and not to boring of a movie. just a plain pre summer action comic turned movie.. rent it if youve seen spiderman and x men and the hulk..
Rating:  Summary: Very Good Entertainment Review: Daredevil is a very entertaining flick. Affleck deserves credit. Insecure little boys like throwing sh*t at him, but truth be told this isn't a bad movie. Insecure males will miss most of the fun while crying about how they are so much better than Ben is, but if you don't fall into that group and are a fan of comic book styled entertainment you should check this one out.
Rating:  Summary: The Moose Hole - One 'Devil' of a Film Review: 20th Century Fox has had tremendous success with a previous superhero film, so it was no wonder that they decided to go ahead and start up another franchise. In 2000, X-Men, based on the famous Marvel comic-book superheroes, opened to $54 million and finished with nearly $160 million at the domestic box office. With this success, the trend of superhero films began. Fox has decided to create a film based on another superhero after the tremendous success of Sony's Spider-Man in 2002. Though the character of Daredevil is one of the lesser known comic-book superheroes, Fox is hoping that big names stars like Ben Affleck and rising star Jennifer Garner from ABC's Alias will help bring in a big enough audience to recoup the film's $75 million budget. The studio is also hoping that by placing the film in the month of February, there will be very little competition against the action flick. But will the film version of Daredevil be accepted by the American audience or will the film be blinded by its own hype? The story centers on the life of Matt Murdock. His father, Jack Murdock, is a famous boxer who has fallen from his golden days. One day Matt finds his father robbing a man to make a living for his son and runs from his father. As he runs, Matt gets involved in an accident that robs him of his ability to see. But the chemical that took his sight gave him in exchange a radar-like super sight and heightens the abilities of his other four senses above most normal human beings. Despite his handicap, Matt helps his father rise back to his old form but when his father refuses to take the fall during a fight, he is killed. From that moment, Matt dedicates his life to protecting the innocent and creates the secret identity of Daredevil. Matt's life is complicated enough as a lawyer during the day and Daredevil at night but things become more complex when he meets the beautiful Elektra. As things begin to heat up between Matt and Elektra, the Kingpin has plans for both Elektra and Daredevil as he hires an assassin Bullseye to take care of them both. The story for Daredevil is probably one of the most well-developed comic-book adaptations in quite awhile. It was a wonderful idea to start the film off in the middle of the story then back track to see what events led up to the opening sequence then finish the film off from that moment. It is so rarely done so well in most films today that it was a great delight. The only problem that can be seen with the plot is that some moments can only truly be understood if one was a fan of the comic-book series but those moments are few and aren't of huge importance to the overall effect of the film. The cast for Daredevil is very well put together and most, if not all, seem to work exceedingly well portraying their character within the course of the film. Ben Affleck, who has starred in such action flicks as Armageddon, Pearl Harbor, and The Sum of All Fears, is definitely becoming a rising star in Hollywood especially as he seems to be taking more serious roles such as this film. Affleck portrays the character very well and seems to have fun with role as well. Jennifer Garner, who appeared in Catch Me If You Can in December 2002, does a much better job at showing her acting ability on the big screen then the previously mentioned role. Some would prefer that there be more character development with Elektra but outside of that, there really isn't much to complain about. Colin Farrell, who is making appearances in a lot of films throughout 2003, is absolutely amazing as the villain, Bullseye. He does a wonderful job at creating a character that will freak out the audience, which is what his character is supposed to do. Farrell creates a wonderful character that is humorous and frightening at the same time. Despite some criticism, Michael Clark Duncan is great as the Kingpin. It can be said that there could have been someone else better for the role but Duncan, who is usually know for his dramatic roles in such films as The Green Mile, does a delightful job despite that. Overall, Daredevil continues the trend of delightful film adaptations of comic-book superheroes and rises above all its predecessors. The story was fabulously well done and ends in a way that leaves the audience guessing at what happens. The ending should build much anticipation for a Daredevil sequel if there is to be one. With the good there is also the bad. The slow motion techniques used in the fight sequences of the film got annoying after awhile and seemed pretty pointless and unnecessary within points of the film. Another problem with the film was the time length. The feature felt too short and more could have been explained with the course of the film but better to leave some things unanswered for the sequel. In the end, though, those small problems with Daredevil seem trivial. Daredevil is delightful treat and goes beyond the expectancy of most films released during this slow period at the box office.
Rating:  Summary: Sigh. Review: What a dud. I grew up reading Marvel comicbooks, and am embarassed whenever I see such terrible adaptations hit the screen. And why -- leaving the crappy script, muddled direction, abysmal acting, murky scenery and sound design aside -- do they have to muck with the original plotline so much? It's a shame, really. I wish Hollywood would quit writing and producing these things by committee, and let someone with real talent and vision take on the comicbook ouvre... The prefab, market-tested approach simply does not work.
Rating:  Summary: Nightmarishly Horrible Review: In the pantheon of American superheroes, Daredevil (alias Matt Murdock) resides somewhere between Captain Planet and Danger Mouse (translation: total loser). He possesses enhanced senses and extraordinary strength and balance, but he generally uses his powers to battle a barrage of cranks and mobsters who could easily be dealt with by local police forces. He claims to represent justice and honor, but he has no qualms about recklessly slaughtering anyone who rubs him the wrong way. He is forced to endure blindness, mass ridicule and the deaths of loved ones, but he never manages to exude the vulnerability that make heroes like Spiderman and Batman such enduring icons. And unlike Spidey and Bats, he has been granted a film so joyless, tasteless and unappealing that only a fringe group of comic book fanatics and action junkies will find themselves exiting the theater with feelings other than disgust and dismay. After a maudlin prologue establishes the title character's unique situation (the usual equation of radioactive material + murdered relative = pissed off superhero), we are introduced to a lawless city where only the vigilante Daredevil (Ben Affleck) stands between order and chaos. Chaos is pitifully represented by Michael Clarke Duncan's Kingpin, who commits his evil deeds and enjoys his stylish designer clothing in cheerful ignorance of his lack of personality and motivation. When he requires assistance he calls in Colin Farrell's Bullseye, a marginally more interesting fellow who gets his kicks by stabbing people in neck with items you can buy at Staples. As our hero confronts these diabolical forces and engages in a mind-numbing romance with the feisty Elektra Nachios (a beautiful but boring Jennifer Garner), director/writer Mark Stephen Johnson combines a penchant for unimaginative special effects with a love of gratuitous, sickening violence. Innocent people and minor scumbags are stabbed with walking sticks, thrown in front of trains, beaten within an inch of life and even choked with peanuts, often without regard for the plot or the sensitive stomachs of the audience. The carnage is so intense that it diminishes any joy in seeing good triumph over evil and mires the film in gloom and hopelessness. At the center of this travesty is Affleck, an actor whose incredible popularity still remains a mystery to me. In film after film, he comes across as a smarmy, mumbling dolt who can barely keep his eyes open long enough to grasp the plot at hand. As Daredevil, he lacks the basic charisma, passion and intensity that the character requires to succeed, and is ultimately as dynamic as the cardboard cutout of himself that advertised the film.
Rating:  Summary: Watch DD, and you won't regret it Review: You've probably seen many super-hero movies, and now you're thinking: "Should I see one more?" In my personly opinion: sure. Daredevil is a super-hero like Batman, Superman and so on, but just one thing separates him from them and makes him so human. And that is the fact that he's blind. The same bio-hazard which blinded him make his other sences super-human. By day he's a lawyer Matt Murdock who seeks justice in courtrooms of New York. When night falls on the city he becomes vigilante who do the same job, but this time on the streets. And for guilty people he has no mercy. Atleast until he mets Elektra, beautiful and misterious woman who shakes his world from top to bottom. I won't tell you anything else except his last words: "Hell's Kitchen is my neighbourhood. I'm proud the rooftops and hallyways at night, watching from the darkness. Forever in darkness. Acardian devil."
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as that other Marvel superhero Review: Based on Stan Lee's Marvel comic book, this movie adaptation is a plausible, if unspired superhero flick. Ben Affleck potrays Matt Murdock, a blind lawyer by day/red suited avenger by night. After being blinded by a toxic substance as a child, he gains super inhanced senses such as jumping high(just like Spider-Man) and hearing better then an average man. His father, a washed out boxer, is shortly murdered after the accident. Using his abilities to fight crime in Hell's Kitchen, he is calls himself Daredevil and avenges all that do wrong. He is pitted against a powerful gangster Kingpin(Michael Clarke Duncan) and Bullseye (Colin Farrell) an unusual expert marksman. He pairs with the beautiful Elektra(Jennifer Garner) who also has a vendetta as a fighting machine. I can't help like the plot, but to a point, when the story muddles through the final half of the movie. Affleck is a weird cast choice as Daredevil, i just can't get through the whole bennifer thing. This film is not as good as "Spider-Man" which has a better villian and a better superhero. Daredevil looks like a red-suited dominatrix.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Marvel Movie Review: This movie was about a little kid named Matt Mettock(Ben Afflict) who became blind. He's Dad was killed by the Kingpin of New york and Matt then swears to bring Justice to the streets and becomes Daredevil. I think this was the best film marvel made,you really feel for the characters. This was realy good.
Rating:  Summary: Although True to the Source, It Still Rots Review: Daredevil may be one of the most accurate depictions of the comics-that's great, but you still need acting. The story left little to be desired, and by the end I was ready to run out of my friend's house, cursing Ben Affleck. The movie was dark-maybe some more uplifting shots would have brightened it up a bit. Unless you are a die-hard comic Daredevil fan, you won't like this movie very much.