Rating:  Summary: Is there a negative star rating? Review: I just want to say that this is the first DVD that i have watched since DVD came out... that I have fast forwarded. I forwarded this at x60 speed at times. THIS IS A REAL BORE. and a lets cry for the races picture. It is an anti army picture. " the army is the bad guy... blah blah blah. Havent we had enough of this "get the races mad at each other " type film.
Rating:  Summary: Original and Thrilling! Review: Anyone who believes that this was an Arab-bashing movie is either grossly mistaken or they simply missed the point of the film. That aside, it was a very intense and unique look of many "what ifs" in New York City. Washington as always displayed a convincing performance as we all as the cold Bruce Willis. Like it or hate it, this movie is interesting and will keep you intrigued to the end about the outcome.
Rating:  Summary: A mediocre movie. Review: The DVD has no extras, just the movie and trailer. Two good explosions in this unlikely scenerio. Bad plot, bad morality play, lousy action. Skip this dog.
Rating:  Summary: Too pat to be truly scary Review: I went into The Siege with high hopes for a thinking person's aaction thriller, and what I got contained too little in either thought or thrills, leaving a film which straddles the line too uncomfortably for its own equilibrium. The unidimensional quality of Bruce Willis's governmental presebts completely sabotaged the human rights aspect of the film, while Denzel Washington's cerebral FBI agent never really captured the soul of an action hero.What did impress me were the set pieces -- the bus scene, the actual stadium sequence -- and two performances. Annette Bening did a credible job as someone who has begun to believe their own cover story, but best of all was Tony Shalhoub as the Arab-American FBI agent, who brought dignity, anger and humor to an underwritten part. Two more comments. The reviewers who feel that the film is racist because of its portrayals of Arabs/Muslims are missing the point. The film shows quite clearly that those who lump all members of an ethnic group together because of the actions of a few individuals are terribly wrong-headed. It is unfortunate that Arab terrorists have become a common foil for heroic Americans in action films, but with the demise of the Communist menace, Hollywood has to take what it caan get. And face it -- there are Arab terrorists, Russian thugs, Hispanic gang members and Italians involved in organized crime. Showing them does not necessarily imply that all members of that ethnic group have those qualities, any more than Psycho was meant to imply that all momma's boys were psychopaths. Arab Americans should rejoice at this film, in my opinion, because it contains sympathetic characters on thaat group, which is all too rare. A film where the only Arab characters are terrorists or thieves or foul and corrupt wardens would be objectionable, but this one does not suffer from that fault. And second, Wesley Snips was not in this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Place on your "Must Avoid" list Review: I found the characters to be unlikable and unbelievable. Hollywood is still batting a thousand when it comes to demonizing arabs and muslims. I think the problem with this movie, is that the action scenes are paltry and the dialogues are ridiculous. How can you suspend your disbelief when you are incredulous? This is a real stinker.
Rating:  Summary: Pleasant surprise in dramatic tension effected by this film Review: Okay, here's my take on this movie. It DID get off to a slow start, as another reviewer pointed out. However, at some point a certain momentum is gained and things take off. As the plot continues to build, the movie depicts our way of life coming more and more under siege, and you really do begin to feel a sort of righteous outrage. The close parallels with real life--recent history as well as short-term future potential--really hit home. All in all, I was very pleasantly surprised by this film. Other reviews made it sound like it would be less than engaging, but I'm pleased to report that in my opinion, this is a worthwhile flick. I may even see it again sometime soon!
Rating:  Summary: Wasn't the best movie, but I still liked it. Review: I rented this movie because Annette Bening is in it, but I was a little disapointed. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be. I didn't think her character should have died. I liked some of the action scenes like the bus explosion. The movie was suspenseful and action-packed.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining on one level but not deep Review: While the Siege is a decent evenings entertainment, it does sort of require that you send your brain away for two hours. There are plot holes aplenty which, for the most part, Denzel Washington's solid performance make up for. Annette Bening's role could have been better written. As a matter of fact, I think she's a bit miscast. She does however try, which is more than I can say for Bruce Willis who barely acts at all. He's perfected the art of smugness. While I gave it three stars it's actually closer to two and a half.
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie I've Ever Seen Review: I LOVED this movie! The fact that I study terrorism and the Middle East probably contributes top my rating of this movie. It demonstartes how people that have nothing to lose will make the ultimate sacrifice. This movie also makes the point several times that Islam is a religion of peace. This movie accurately portrays the tactics of Islamic militants and the structure of their organizations. A great movie!
Rating:  Summary: Too many stereotypes Review: This movie had a lot of promise with Willis, Washington and Benning. Unfortunately even they couldn't save the script. It was too predictable, not original, and stereotyped Arabs. I give it 3 stars (1 for each of the main stars).