Rating:  Summary: Life Magazine did an article about the filming of this movie Review: The film was made somewhere in the Caribbean. The boys were staying in a bunkhouse. One night after a day's filming there was a commotion in the bunkhouse which roused the boys' custodian out of bed. He discovered them all playing a gambling game. The winner of the bet was the boy whose lizard was chopped up into the greatest number of pieces when tossed into a high-speed fan.In my mind's eye I can see Golding nodding, nodding, nodding.
Rating:  Summary: Will Hollywood ever learn? Review: Golding's novel has become a classic, almost uniquely, within a few decades: perennially popular among young and old alike, still the subject of admiration and continuing critical thought for the wealth of structural devices, details, and symbols clothing a starkly primitive plot outline. You would think, then, that a project to film it would have as its premise a respect for the book's strengths and virtues. Like most works of genius, it is not a piece of taffy which still tastes good no matter how you twist and pull it out of shape. It is more like a precious and fragile vase. Try to bend it, or even to alter the decorations on the surface, and you will probably succeed only in breaking it. But these Hollywooders, in their habitual ignorance, hubris, and expediency, treated the novel like taffy. Gripping though it be, the result retains so little of the book's integrity and subtlety that it should have a different title. Furthermore, faithful to the book or not, it should be of interest to adolescents, not only because it is about themselves, but because they often study the book in school. However, the volume of profanity throughout seems to have put it, by and large, beyond the reach of this age group. This is a regrettable mistake in marketing. It is not that I share the absolute aversion to four-letter words which a few others have expressed. We are shown, albeit with all due dismay and sense of tragedy, boys wantonly maiming and killing, and one fixes one's shock upon their language...?? I submit that in the context of its updated dramatis personae and what they do, the dialogue is all too realistic. If there were more regard for detail in other ways, I could even applaud. Some, at least, of these affluent, perhaps upper-class boys are not nice. Why should they sound nice? When Golding's Ralph spat out a "bloody", he was summoning the worst epithet he knew. However authentic that may or may not have been for young English schoolboys at mid-century, it certainly would not characterize our fin-de-siecle's junior anarchists. Nevertheless, the novel manages to haunt readers unforgettably with its violence and horror without resort to profanity. It would be a generous gesture on the screenwriters' part if they had made some effort in the same direction-- just to appease our misguided censorial apparatchiks enough to open the movie to viewers of the same age as its own cast. For they, particularly, should see it despite its shortcomings. (Then they should head for the original film and book!)
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the flies Review: I think that the book was good But the movie was different from the book. The need to make a new book that is similary to the book
Rating:  Summary: does anyone else find jack extremely hot? Review: I'm sorry but the best part about this movie is Jack and his hotness. Ralph is not that bad either. Its a great story just the same but this movie is my all-time fantasy. What I wouldn't give to be stranded on such an island with Jack and Ralph.
Rating:  Summary: Good story but very sick and twisted Review: I thought the storyline was good but when they tortured each other around the fire and killed I found it to be a bit to messed up. They seemed to go from little boys to psycho tribesman.
Rating:  Summary: One word: Fantastic. Review: Wow. I saw the movie recently and all I can say is that this film is magnificent. It portrays what we as a civilization can become without the placement of rules. I was absolutely taken with it and will recommend it to anyone who wants to see a great movie. Edge of your seat drama. A definite 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: A classic portrayal of humanity! Review: I saw this movie in high school after reading the book and was floored by the modern realization of our natural tendencies to sway between good and evil. The book was fabulous and the original black-and-white movie was dead on. This movie was visually stunning and the cinematography instantly put you in the movie. The children were absolutely perfect for their individual parts and were very beleivable. I have seen this movie many times and recommend anybody to see this movie after reading the book. The movie is somewhat different than the book, but the director did an excellent job in making this picture. This is a good movie to have in any collection.
Rating:  Summary: Kinda creepy Review: The movie starts out with all the kids as a whole working together. Little by little they stray until there are two groups. The group that chooses to rebel slowly starts torturing the other group. There is death involved and the imagery is so haunting. I won't forget it for a long time.
Rating:  Summary: Tis great! Review: I have never read the book, but I read a chapter by chapter summary of it. This movie does not follow the book to every last detail (like the one in 1963), but is more modern, and I find it quite enjoyable. There were a few complaints about swearing... I find the swearing quite suitable. When children are put together on an island, they'll do anything they please. I also found the characters to be intriguing and potrayed in a suitable fashion.
Rating:  Summary: Easy access film Review: I'm not a great reader. Sure, I lap up the pulp fiction and the occasional classic, but I rarely get a chance to read so more often than not my reading comprises of cheap novels or magazines. The result of this is that I've never read the book to this film, so I can't compare the two. However, this doesn't mean I can't enjoy the film! It has inspired me to (eventually) get round to reading the book (perhaps after the millenium bug wipes out all electronic forms of entertainment). The plot is a basic premise - what would happen to a group of children if stranded? The story unravels as factions emerge, prejudices raise their head, and the entire feel is of an apocolyptic world on the brink. The story heats up to the final conflict, where we are suddenly reminded that these are just children and they are not in control by their sudden rescue. It can be taken to be both a reminder of their youth, but a more scary reminder of how close we are to the edge as a society.