Rating:  Summary: Derivative, by-the-numbers action movie... Review: Drawing from dozens of other, marginally better movies such as Mission Impossible, Arnold pulls out the heavy weaponry in this film marketed as a "thriller." It's got the big bangs, sexy costars and big guns, but the story is flat and the characters are cardboard cutouts. But hey, you're not going to watch this kind of a film to be enlightened, and it performs adequately enough. This is sort of the Ford Taurus of big-budget action adventures. It's pretty solid, but nothing to write home about. There are plenty of better choices out there, including the aforementioned MI, as well as other Arnold movies (Terminator I & II, Predator and even Conan) that rank above this in entertainment value. Ten years from now, this is a movie that few will even remember. ....
Rating:  Summary: one of the best action movies i have ever seen Review: this is one of the best action movies i have ever seen in my life. i have always loved arnold movies but this one takes the cake. the scenes are spectacular like when arnold shoots an alligator in the mouth and says youre luggage, when he jumps out of the plane with the chute, and the end when the train crashes the limo and vanessa williams asks when happened arnold says they caught a train. i can't wait for collateral damage. it was supposed to be out last week but it got cancelled because of what happened on september 11th, it is a terroist movie.
Rating:  Summary: Not "Good", but Pretty Fun Nevertheless... Review: Eraser is exactly the kind of movie that demonstrates the paucity of Hollywood's imagination--not in filmmaking, but in celebrating its own peculiar achievements. Eraser never set out to be a "good" film, and it succeeds spectacularly at not achieving this goal. And why shouldn't Hollywood celebrate this kind of filmmaking? After Russell Crowe took best actor for Gladiator it seems apparent that the Oscars need entirely new categories: instead of best actor, how about best OVER-actor? Or "Worst Dialogue Delivered Thoroughly Convincingly?" It takes talent to go so far over the top that you come back again! I'd nominate James Colburn for "Best Lee Marvin Impersonation" and certainly James Caan would sweep the "Most Intensely Smoked Cigarette" category--can that guy suck smoke like nobody else! And Eraser might take "Thinnest Thread of a Plot on Which Action Sequences Can Be Hung", although competition would be fierce. It would also be nominated for "Coolest Sci-Fi Gun and Nozzle Flashes/Tracer Fire" but wouldn't even get a mention for "Most Buckets of Bullets" or "Most Buckets of Blood". Schwarzenegger himself could receive a lifetime achievement award for "Most Throwaway Lines Obscured By An Accent" which would complement his earlier "Most Herculean Physique" award nicely. And let's not forget the screenwriting--"Biggest Thing In A Shot-Out Aquarium That You Know Is Coming The Instant You See It" and "Most Gratuitous Use of the Phrase 'Dos Vadanya' To Establish The Villain's Ethnicity Just In Case You Weren't Paying Enough Attention Earlier".The Oscars sure would be a lot more fun if Chuck Russell ran them. And if he didn't like the outcome, he could always unleash the Man-Eating Crocodiles. We can but hope....
Rating:  Summary: Not the best Review: Being an ardent Schwarzenegger fan this was a bit of a letdown. There is plenty of action but the underlying feel to the plot believability leaves a little to be desired. Weapons that fire aluminium rounds cause explosions!! Vanessa Williams is well worth watching.
Rating:  Summary: Eraser Review: this movie is tight from beginning to end. i love this movie. it has action,comedy, and drama all in one movie. rent or buy this movie.
Rating:  Summary: ARNOLD IS THE BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: I'm i huge fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger and this is one of his best movies i think. I have like all of his movies and this is a very good one. But Arnold hasn't makeing a reel good movie since Terminator 2 but hey i love his movies and this is a good movie to buy so order it now or when you get a chance too.
Rating:  Summary: Great humorous action flick and Vanessa's great too!!! Review: This one of those tongue in cheek super pace action flicks that Arnold is famous for making. There are lots of humorous moments from the Mafia guys to fighting CGI Alligators and falling out of a jet plane without a parachute only to catch it on the way down. Anyone who takes this film seriously needs some mental help. But it's a great ride and thoroughly enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: ERASER??? More like TRUE LIES 2! A real Arnold thriller!!! Review: ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER explodes to the TV screen as U.S. MARSHALL JOHN KRUGER of the WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM, assigned to protect LEE CULLEN (Vanessa Williams), a woman who is willing to testify against illegal weapon dealers. But, something goes wrong. A fellow Marshall and friend of JOHN's is working for the wrong team and trying to cover up the deadly plot to take out KRUGER's witness. Now, everyone at WITSEC is trying to kill KRUGER and CULLEN believing that they are the real enemies. Will ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER be able to prove his innosense and save the day in an explosive action thriller?!!! Directed By: Charles Russell (The Mask, Bless the Child) and starring ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER (End of Days, 6th Day, Predator), JAMES CAAN (Mickey Blue Eyes), VANESSA WILLIAMS, and DANNY NUCCI (Crimson Tide, The Rock, Titanic)- ERASER is an action rush of sheer explosive adventure! MOVIE NOTE: This movie might as well be TRUE LIES 2. ARNOLD is back, he's a U.S. MARSHALL SPY-Like hero, He has big guns, he's protecting a woman against a vengeful nemisis, he has great one-liners, he battles terrorists, crocodiles, jumping out of a speeding plane- trying to catch his parachute, shooting huge EMP guns, breaking into a high security weapons building, and blowing up a house by making a trap that will light a fuse in the house! That is TRUE LIES 2 to me! Anyway, we'll have to see what TRUE LIES 2 has in store for us when it comes to theaters sometime within the next 5 years... MY REVIEW: This movie ROCKS! The special effects are great, the stunts and action sequences rule, the story, acting and directing are spectacular, and the humor is good too! THIS MAY NOT BE ARNOLD's BEST FILM EVER, BUT IT SURE MAKES HIS TOP 10 LIST!!! Rent this movie or buy this movie today action fans! ERASER is rated "R" for STRONG LANGUAGE and STRONG ACTION VIOLENCE THROUGHOUT. 1 hr 55 min.
Rating:  Summary: Just plain bad Review: This film was just plain bad. It had . . . > Bad acting. > Bad plot. > Bad dialogue. > Bad stunts. . . . In short, it was just plain bad.
Rating:  Summary: Middle of the Road. Review: Okay, I'll admit it. I watch just about every Arnold Schwarzenegger movie that comes out. I've even bought his Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding. With truly Olympian fortitude, I even sat through "Jingle All the Way" with my kid. I'm a fan. There, I've said it. That's why it grieves me to pan this movie. This flick asks you to suspend disbelief just a little too much. Well, A LOT too much, truth be told. Arnold plays a U.S. Marshall, who works alone. His job description is more that of a special operations soldier, who seems to leave very few laws unbroken. At the very beginning of the movie, for instance, Arnold whooshes into the house of a mobster in the Witness Protection Program who is about to have his tongue cut off by bad guys. Arnold is alone, dressed in black, and well-armed. He kills two bad guys in self-defense, and executes another on the front lawn. Prior to arriving here, he has stopped by the morgue and stolen two corpses. What else does he do? He hides the heroine, played by Vanessa Williams, in New York City, and as he's leaving, casually hands her pistol and says, "All you have to do is pull the trigger." Yeah, right! NO COP would EVER do this! I don't know how many laws he broke there, but it had to be at least a few. Throughout the movie, he shoots first and asks questions later, if he asks them at all. He is mistaken for "mole," and has hordes of federal agents pursuing him. He never questions whether they are all genuinely corrupt, or if are following orders, believing him to be a bona fide suspect; he happily blows them all away. And at the end of the movie...well, I'll let you see that and judge the believability of it for yourself. This movie does have some funny lines, and the scene in the zoo with the marauding alligators is great. How much you enjoy this movie will depend largely on how easy it is for you to overlook the fact that a federal agent commits felony after felony after felony, apparently oblivious to the law.