Rating:  Summary: A Terrible Movie For a Terrible Actor Review: I don't know what these other people were watching. Maybe they are all lobbyists for organizations within California that are trying to pimp Arnold. Whatever the deal, the fact remains that this is hardly a watchable flick. The explosions are crummy, the plot is nothing short of a hurried scrawl written on three pieces of toilet paper and the acting is typical of every other Schwarzenegger movie during this time frame. Don't watch it, don't even recommend it. In fact if you own it, do us all a favor and burn it.
Rating:  Summary: Action-packed excitement!!! Review: Arnold Schwarzenegger delivers a hell of a high-octane performance in this movie. The action never lets up and the effects were really well done. If you're a fan check it out. I wish I had done so a lot sooner than I did!!!
Rating:  Summary: Can't erase the fun Review: You're probably thinking that this is your typical Schwarzennegar vehicle, but "Eraser" is actually more fun than that. It's not spectacular, but then it doesn't overload you and overwhelm its thin story with a lot of expensive pyrotechnics.The Plot: our hero is John Krueger (which is easier to spell), a lone-wolf commando who handles high-risk participants in the Justice Department's witness protection program. He creates phony identities and lives for people who risked their lives by testifying for the government. When necessary, which proves often, he also stages brutal but effectively believable deaths for the witnesses themselves - anything to throw off the trail of their hunters. (We learn this watching Kruger take out a pair of hitmen sent to rub out a mob-informer played by Bob Pastorelli, better known as Murphy Brown's house painter.) He's so good erasing the lives of witnesses and their hunters that he's even known as...okay, you've probably figured out that part by now. "Eraser" kicks off when Kruger's latest charge is Lee (Vanessa Williams), a beautiful and brilliant programmer who can implicate her boss in a complex though clearly illegal arms deal. Cyrez, the defense contractor she works for, took billions in tax-dollars to develop rail-gun technology it openly declared impossible. (Rail-guns use electromagnetism to fire projectiles at near-light speeds and capable of punching holes in battleships). Lee stumbles onto evidence that Cyrez not only worked the bugs out, creating a handier version of the impossible weapon, but is now on the verge of selling a shipload of their guns to a thoroughly vile Russian arms dealer. Unlike the wiseguys Kruger normally deals with, Cyres has enough at stake to pay for powerful friends, even some who work for John. "Eraser" so faithfully follows the rules of action-thrillers, that it cheerfully surprises you with its lack of surprise. Will there be strings of lop-sided gun battles? Of course. Will our hero narrowly survive in various impossible to believe stunts (a free-fall from 10,000 feet, after being near-rammed by a 727)? Natch! Will the bad guys and other enemies suffer murderous one-liners? You bet! ("You're luggage" Kruger tells a wanton alligator during a shoot-out improbably set at NYC's Central Park Zoo). "Eraser" also throws in some good supporting players - especially Pastorelli, but also his shady associates of the Baltimore docks ("Don't make me hurt you, Mikey!"). "Eraser" is perfect when you need something to help you decompress. I caught this blast-fest after taking the NYS Bar exam, and it (almost) erased the previous two tension-filled months.
Rating:  Summary: This could be Arnie's finest hour (and a half). Review: Arnold Schwarzenegger is the next living person gives to the God of action movies. It is a fact my friends. In Eraser Arnie the close(familiar) roll(role) of an enormous muscle certain ankle head plays, that the nice young lady of the bad bad (terrible) fellows save (must (save). If leaves lame right(law), injustice ring out! Arnie wades by the bad followers like a hot sausage by soft goat cheese, he(it) is a miracle. His(its) screen character (screen letter) needs (used) different pistols (cannons) to remove the bad (terrible) fellows, from quite lame pistols to astonishing electromagnetic rifles, incredibly. If you love activity films, so much like a raving (furious) mad man(husband) like I, really, then a copy of it at this moment agrees, you are not disappointed. It is a promise. If you do not believe me then tenaciously, Arnie is the single activity hero value attention, so that you forget the peace (rest(remainder)), the extensive Austrian is the best!
Rating:  Summary: Arnie does it again, and nobody does it like the big man! Review: I love erasing knife. Allow to explain(express) to me. This film brings together all elements, the films of Arnie so pleasantly, activity, activity, activity and more activity have done! I, really, can not do mistake the activity sentence-pieces in this film, they are terrible. Some have said that it has in originality or profoundly lack, property, but these things (things) is not important in a film of Arnie. This cannot be best there to his(its), but the activity speaks for itself. The property if you know (want to (know), circles round Arnie to have to hold a witness safe damage, the damage which comes from a bundle of corporate government criminals. This sounds simple, and it is, but I cannot do just impression on you, as very well the activity exhausts without spoiling the surprise. Enjoy, Arnie spreads out.
Rating:  Summary: Weak, overkill, distasteful Review: I was debating whether to give Eraser two stars or three, but then I realized that giving it three would mean that I liked it more than I disliked it. It was something that I would say "Eh" about. There were some cool parts, and it was definitely packed with action, but it went completely overboard by the end. There was a surprise at the end that made the movie seem to be going somewhere, but then they ruined it again with another surprise that counteracted it. Arnold was invinsible as always, which I can accept and appreciate, but with all of the situations in Eraser, nobody is that invinsible. My interest faded through the second half of the film. Eraser was weak. It is something that mostly guys would enjoy, and kids would feel cool watching it, because of its nonstop action violence and its R rating, which only reflects the violence and some language. For a better Arnold role, watch Terminator 2, and don't pay attention to Eddie Furlong's bad acting. It is more believable that a terminator can be so invinsible!
Rating:  Summary: Good solid entertainment from Arnold Review: I can't imagine why this film got so many bad reviews in the media. Maybe it was because it came on the heels of "Last Action Hero" and the critics were still annoyed. Whatever the reason, pay no attention to those people; if you love Ahhhhnold (and I sure do) you will be sure to like "Eraser." The plot is relatively simple, in fact, you will be likely to pick up on the "secret" early on in the film. But the action is non-stop, there are no gratuitous car-chases (which cause me to knock off more stars than a black hole) and there aren't even any stupid helicopter tricks ( It's been DONE. and done and done...) There are a lot of explosions, especially of vehicles blowing sky-high but hey, we have to give the special effects guys something to do, and the secret weapon's effect is also pretty cool. Vanessa Williams underplays her role as FBI whistleblower, and James Caan is just superb as the heavy. The surprise fun came from the Wise Guys, who pay some debts in the plot. They were amusing and added a bit of fun to the action. The only dull spot was the Russian baddie, who was unconvinicingly Russian (despite the gratuitous "dasvidanya"--maybe thrown in by the director who realized this guy was about as Russian as Russian dressing. ) I found the suspense pleasantly gripping, and if it wasn't the smartest film on the block, it sure was plenty of entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: Ah-nuld can do better Review: A hollow piece of movie-machinery with waste-of-space Schwarzenegger as some kind of FBI agent who specialises in Witness Protection. Action and effects are piled high to little effect; the film has no center, no driving force and no charm. Director Charles Russell tries to keep it all together but he clearly doesn't have a clue.
Rating:  Summary: You've Just Been Erased! Review: U.S. marshals protect people who have messed up in their life and are then 'erased' to start a new life. The best marshal is John Krueger (savior of the human race, Arnold Schwarzenegger) has just been assigned to protect the beautiful Vanessa Williams because she uncovered the new phase gun developed by her company. James Cromwell makes a brief appearance, but commits suicide in a second. It was grisly! After many attempts to get rid of Williams, Krueger saves her life and erases her whole life. Friends of Krueger turn on him and want to get rid of Williams, but he doesn't let that happen! Nobody betrays the immortal genius! Krueger pretends to be a balloon delivery man, jumps out of an airplane, cooks alligator meat, and picks up two phase guns (which must weigh a thousand pounds) and has no mercy for the crooked agents. The Herculean force is the only person in the world that could lift those enormous weapons and the fight between he and James Caan is vehement! A classic to remember forever for Schwarzenegger fans!
Rating:  Summary: Script needs watering Review: Chekov can rest easy in his grave. The playwrite, not the guy from 'Star Trek'. He hasn't been born yet.