Rating:  Summary: Enticed by Entrapment Review: Finally, a film with so many twists and turns and wondering who's working or betraying who without getting confused ( Anybody remember Mission Impossible with Tom Cruise; to this day I still thought that movie was a perplexing mess) ! Even the use of the high tech equipment was easy to follow in Entrapment... Catherine Zeta-Jones is definitely a gorgeous and sensual woman with a lot of class.She strongly resembles the classic Hollywood beauty reminiscent of Vivian Leigh from Gone With The Wind and other Hollywood sexy sirens of the 30's, 40's, and 50's.What's amazing about Jones is how she can switch off or un-do her thick Welsh-European accent in any movie and convert over to either American or Mexican (Zorro); Talk about ironing out your natural accent. Sean Connery is still Mr. Cool or Slick when it comes to any role he plays; He exudes a lot of confidence and sophistication; Connery is an example of what a true gentleman should be like(smooth and suave, especially with the ladies). I'll admit his character was a bit rough with Jones' in the beginning; all for good reason, though. I more than highly recommend this movie for its polished ( yet, not too polished) ensemble of characters, story, plot, twists and turns of excitement and intrigue ! The only mentionable annoyance was toward the end at the train/sub station with the characters hide and go seek exchanges. This movie does not require the viewer to sit next to someone and ask every five minutes about what's going on--the I don't get it?--syndrome...
Rating:  Summary: Sean and Catherine Magically Transcend and Transform!! Review: I apologize, this is probably nothing more than a "3-star" (or even two!) movie in the traditional sense. However, Catherine Zeta-Jones has emerged as the brunette version of positively and literally the most beautiful and majestic woman to ever grace the legendary Hollywood screen: Princess Grace Kelly. The presence and charisma of Sean Connery, of course, has always transformed mediocre films into true spectacles. Now, delicately introduce the tender and multi-talented Zeta-Jones, and you enjoy a relationship that combines the eloquence of James Stewart and Donna Reed ("It's A Wonderful Life") with the mesmorizing qualities of Elvis Presley and Ann Margaret ("Viva Las Vegas"). At this point, if you can possibly manage to persuade your brain to overlook some far fetched and perhaps ill conceived plot twists, you're probably ready for the home stretch: A razzle dazzle conclusion with gut wrenching suspense and cool special effects. There is something sleek and silky smooth about this DVD production and its main characters that defies description. If you seem to like what you're hearing (and seeing) so far, trust me: This special DVD version is worth its weight in gold. But for heavens sake, what's up with "Suave Sean" slurring his "s" words and butchering the "r" sounds?? A few quick speech therapy sessions to address this mild regression, and I'd be tempted to give the sequel "five stars" (but only if Connery keeps his partner in crime who is also a highly romantic companion)!
Rating:  Summary: HONOR AMONG THIEVES? Review: Let's get the sexist comment out of the way: Catherine Zeta-Jones is simply one of the most beautiful women to ever grace a movie screen! Now, with that out of the way, ENTRAPMENT is an enjoyable heist movie, and we're never sure who's zoomin who!!! Sean Connery is elegant, if a bit lethargic, in his role, but always an actor who is fun to share a couple of hours with. Zeta-Jones does a good job in her role, but her acting chops have certainly matured since this film. Ving Rhames and Will Patton are adequate, but other actors could have done just as well. There are some really breathtaking scenes, especially with Jones in the initial heist and the jawdropping escape from the bank. It's not the best movie either one has made, but in spite of Jon Amiel's routine direction, I enjoyed it.
Rating:  Summary: Sean, it's time to go out to pasture and take this with you Review: Hey, this movie is only 1 year old why is it so cheap? Take a wild guess. This movie is hardly worth the low price amazon is asking, Sean Connery once again plays a fast witted, cool cat who lives in a castle of all places and is rich, thats a stretch huh. I saw the castle and said, o.k. he's the big bad world crook and he has all this mad money, i'm not big on foreign country policies but i'm sure scotland, ireland or whatever European country this castle is in has something similar to the IRS. He's a well known crook yet no one has bothered to ask how the heck can he afford to live in the castle with all this rare expensive stuff? But besides that i felt this movie was just too cliche, it had a few nice plot twist but overall i could have rented The Matrix one more time [even though i own it] than getting this. The only thing that kept me remotely interest was the beauty of Jones and the roof dangling action scenes. Would i watch it if it came on TNT, sure, buy it? Cha know what,un-uh
Rating:  Summary: Entrapment a DVD review Review: Catherine Zeta Jones and Sean Connery star as two ingenious jewel, painting, and money burglars who plan a huge heist at the turn of the millenium during New Years Eve in 1999.Zeta is actually an insurance detective, Virginia Baker trying to find, the person responsible for a couple of burglary crimes in the area. She suspects Mack (Sean Connery aka Robert MacDougal) is the person behind it, but rather than try to bring him in, she decides to get the man's confidence, and convinces him to try to pull of a big heist thus implicating Mac some more and getting the evidence she needs to put him behind bars for a long time. Mack is not an idiot, and he distrusts her from their very first meeting. By the end of the film, one of the film will have pulled a great heist while the other will either be in jail for a long time or worse. Their 2 contrasting styles in the movie, and their styles in pulling of different heists in the movie is really fun to watch. The acting and special effects and stunts are also great including the culminating climatic scene near the end where Mac and Virginia plot their big escape after a heist. There are some problems with the film however. Virginia is young and naive and she takes the lies and garbage that Mac says at face value. Mac is not even a good liar yet Virginia's character is dumb enough to believe this old thief'ss lies. Now on to the dvd itself: The DVD is very well done and contains a great number of features: * Deleted scenes The deleted scenes in the movie are actually quite good, in fact, I think they were alot better than a couple of the scenes in the finished draft of the movie. One great deleted scene is the car chase that Mack and Virginia get into while trying to dodge a couple of hitman that are tracking them down. The scene has a great climax at the end that has you guessing what's going to happen next. The scene is actually in the film, but what you get in the finished movie is actually less than half of the original scene!! Needless to say, I think this scene was great and should have been put in the original film. Other features in the DVD include: * Special feature on the making of the film *Special commentary on the film itself The commentary is teriffic, the director Jon Amiel, provides a lot of great insights and fact into the characters and Catherine Zeta herself, that fans may not know. *Alternate ending to the film!!! The alternate ending in the film is actually very similiar to the original ending with minor differences. *Special trailers of the film * Production Notes and much more!!! Entrapment from head to toe is one of the best heist/thriller movies in quite a long time. It gets predictable in a couple of areas, but the film is entertaining from beginning to end. Rent the DVD and enjoy it, along with the film itself.
Rating:  Summary: Give Me a Break...Sean connery's HOT Review: First off, I'm tired of people harping on the age difference bewteen CZJ and Sean. Some of the classic Hollywood pairings have been older men with younger women: Bogie/Bacall, Clark Gable/Marilyn Monroe, Cary Grant/Audrey Hepburn, even Julia Roberts/Richard Gere. So...move on. What matters is if the pair work well together, and Catherine and Sean are great together. By the way they never actually hook up, but if they had, it would have been very intense. The chemistry between the 2 was very evident to me throughout the entire movie, I was egging on a romance. But Sean's character is above the physical involvement level with partners, so Catherine is held at bay. The movie reminded me of a classic thriller, a movie loaded with action...but thank God, not an "action movie". Enough of a hint at romance to keep us gals interested...but certainly not a romance. And on top of everything it was smart and well done. It took me on lots of twists and turns, and I loved them all. I'd gladly watch Catherine Zeta-Jones & Sean Connery (now 3 years older) re-pair in a sequel. By the way...I'm 19, and I'd take 53 year old Richard Gere any day over some of the young guys I see posing and looking pretty in movies today. As long as we see more Sigorney Weaver in Tadpole type roles for women (older woman dates younger man) keep 'em coming.
Rating:  Summary: great plot, great actors, great script Review: This is the movie that made me realize that Zeta-Jones is a star! I had seen some of her previous work but she is a stand-out here as Gin, an American woman who seeks to become a master thief under the tutelage of Sean Connery. Together they plot a major heist on the eve of the millennium. The scenes where Connery trains Zeta-Jones is phenomenal, and the non-stop action takes them around the world. There is a bit of Hollywood glamour portrayed in the banter between the two stars. It was particularly exciting to see this in 1999, because you couldn't help thinking someone would do something similar on New Year's Eve. It is still a great flick to catch, whether you are a fan of Connery, Zeta-Jones or just plain good movies.
Rating:  Summary: Haiku Review Review: Even Catherine's Ass can not save this movie. What was Sean thinking?
Rating:  Summary: Excellent & Lots Of Fun! Review: I thought this movie was really good. I know alot of people are whining about the age difference between Catherine Zeta Jones & Sean Connery but as another reviewer said there are alot of other movies that are the same way! So people just get over it! Alot of people said it had a bad ending, but it had a VERY good ending compared to what i thought was going to happen! I also thought that their chemistry was very odvious. The plot is also very clever & it keeps ur eyes glued to the screen! The DVD is really cool. There are tons of SpEcIaL FeAtUrEs that i really enjoy. SO i suggest that you buy this!
Rating:  Summary: The Capers Are Fun Review: Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones star as a pair of world class thieves who join forces under confusing circumstances to pull off two very impressive heists. Throughout the film, we're never quite sure of each one's motives since there is a general tone of "all is not what it seems." The preparation for the capers and the capers themselves are the highlights of the film. They have enough suspense and technical wizardry and gadgets to entertain the viewer. But Connery and Zeta-Jones have little chemistry together, and their relationship strains credibility far more than the capers do. Maury Chaykin plays a strange crime kingpin in Malaysia, but the character is barely used and ill-defined. This script needed another re-write and perhaps a more stylish director. It's an interesting film, but not a very good one.