Rating:  Summary: Second Jaws sequel is dull but has some redeeming qualities. Review: The 2nd Jaws sequel is definetely not the worst, Jaws The Repulsive, I mean Jaws The Retarded, oops I MEAN JAWS THE REVENGE IS!!!!!!!! Jaws 3 has a great musical score, nifty plot, and a few dramatic moments, BUT... none of the characters are really engaging. You don't care about them as people so the movie is dull. Atleast the film is original. The plot centers around Brody's son Michael(Quaid) and his job at seaworld in Florida. Roy Sheider is sorely missed.
Rating:  Summary: If Spielberg were dead, he'd be roling over in his grave Review: Steven Spielberg's timeless classic "Jaws" made viewers afraid to go in the water for the rest of their lives. It's second sequel, "Jaws 3" will make viewers ashamed and embrassed to admit sitting through it. The acting is terrible, but not half as bad as the idiotic and contrived plot. "Jaws 2" was no gem, but at least it was a tasteful, and mildly stylish outing. Quite honestly, "Jaws 3" is an embrassment to all involved. This is god-awful, but not even HALF as bad as "Jaws the Revenge." Sea World should have sued this movie for representing their employees as arrogant, airhead morons.
Rating:  Summary: Why even bother? Review: Hey what is up with this movie? I mean what is the point? The original Jaws was (a good word for it is "polutted")because this movie sucked so much that is wasn't funny. Even though Jaws II sucked as well it was better than this crap-fest filled with bad acting, bad effects, and an ending that just plain ruined the movie. I think this movie should be renamed to " The Day the Movie industry Sunk to a New Low". Thank you for your time end don't buy Jaws III
Rating:  Summary: What a bunch of grapes!!! Review: First there was God, then Spielberg came along with Jaws...that's where it all should have ended. Jaws II was..not exactly bad but it wasn't that great either..Roy Scheider does a decent job and the shark...well..it's a shark.. But then came this one. I first saw it when I was a kid, and while the two first ones scared me, I laughed out loud after this one. Extremely bad special effects and above all a plot as thin as paper. «Wow..a shark is in our backyard pool..how can we kill it..I know..let's go down in the water. Poorly equipped..DUH» I'm sorry if I offend anyone who liked this poor sequel but I can't help but hate it.
Rating:  Summary: Just a plain oh bad sequel !!!!!!! Review: JawsIII wasn't only a bad movie it was kind of boring. First of all there is no way a big 20 foot shark is going to fit inside the doors to get in Sea World. And like knowone would have noticed it in the tank before later in the movie. It was way to unrealistic and should never have been made just like so many other sequels. The story was dumb. Plain and simple. But the movie did have some interesting qualities to it. I liked how they brought back the Brody brothers. It took me at least 3 times to notice they were the Brody Brothers but hey it was cool when I did notice it. Also I did like how they did the ending. I won't spoil it if you have not seen it but it was kind of neat. To some up this lengthy review JawsIII was tolerable in some scenes but the movie itself was pretty unimaginable and DUMB!!!
Rating:  Summary: Great action-packed film! Review: Jaws and Jaws 2 are great movies. Jaws was a little boring at times and Jaws 2 was perfect. But now Jaws 3 will chomp Jaws 1 and 2 in half. It is never boring. It is scary and has a lot of suspence. Don't see it if you have a sick stomoch.
Rating:  Summary: WORST MOVIE EVER MADE A DISGRACE TO THE JAWS NAME Review: JAWS 3 is the worst film I have ever seen. I even fell asleep watching it. DENNIS QUAID"S acting in this film as well as LOU GOSSETTS JR'S and BESS ARMSTRONG"S acting performances as well leave a lot to be desired. I thought the GREAT WHITE SHAR'KS in this movie looked so fake I couldn't help but laugh at them when I was awake unforunately during the film. I wish that STEVEN SPEILBERG AND PETER BENCHLEY had sued the filmmakers who had made this film which was a disgrace to the JAWS name.
Rating:  Summary: "This movie was the bomb!..."-Jimmy D. Review: JAWS 3D, This movie was better than all of the other stupid JAWS films. This one was the bomb! It stars: Dennis Quaid, Bess Armstrong, and Louis Gosset, Jr. When a 20 foot baby shark follows a bunch of skiers into a marine life amusement park, mayhem begins. Diver, reparer- Shelby Overman dives into the water to fix the gate that the shark bounced of the tracks gets his arm ripped off in a matter of seconds, and two big shark teeth get stuck into him. His landlady comes to the parks founding fathers and asks if he has been around latley, and they think he has been curled up drunk some place. They search the SEAWORLD lagoon, and a dead body washes a shore on opening day and the people that went down in the sub find out that that there are two sharks in the park one that is 20 feet long and one that is 35 feet long. And if you saw it in the movies then you would have loved the 3D special effects. But when it came to tv and video they changed the name to JAWS 3 which really is a bummer. I give it 5 stars. END
Rating:  Summary: A cheap entry to the series. Review: I've read very few good reviews of this "Jaws" sequel, but decided to check it out for myself anyway. All I can say is that this is pretty lousy entry to the series. To maintain some relationship with the first two films, this sequel centers on Mike and Sean Brody, the sons of Sheriff Martin Brody. Mike is an engineer working at Sea World and he's just helped build the parks latest venue, a series of underwater tunnels that allow tourists to get closer to the marine life. But the Brody boys hard luck around water soon catches up with them when a baby Great White and its 35-foot mother get into via lagoon. The baby is caught and put on display but it soon dies and its mother (which, initially, nobody knows is around) begins to wreak havoc on the park. "Jaws 3-D" is a cheaply made film to be sure, showing virtually no signs of inspiration. One thing that really stuck out for me in this movie was that, unlike the first two movies, it wasn't well acted. That's lame considering there's a pretty good cast here, including Dennis Quaid, Louis Gossett Jr., and Lea Thompson. Also, the characters were underdevloped and unnteresting, which made the human side of things even worse. Joe Alves' shoddy direction doesn't help matters either. The whole film seems to lack focus and most of the scares are cheap (though they were probably more effective in the 3-D format, which is no longer there on the video). From what I can see, the biggest complaint people have with this film is the special effects, and I can partially see why. The blue screen techniques are pathetic, but the shark isn't totally bad; it actually LOOKS decent. My problem with it is that it's as stiff as a two-by-four when it moves (not to mention that it roars and swims backward). "Jaws 3-D" stands as a cheap movie in the end. It's sub-par acting, direction, and effects mean that only fans of B-movies and diehard "Jaws" freaks will really consider this a great film. See this if you like but don't be surprised if you're shaking your head when it's all over.
Rating:  Summary: CCCCCRRRRRUUUUUUNNNNNNNCCCCCCHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: Awesome film and best in the series! "JAWS III" (aka "JAWS 3-D"), picks up where "JAWS 2" left off, sort of. "2" was originally released in 1978 and this one came out in 1983, so I'm guessing that 5 years has supposedly passed between the two films (no reference in passage of time is mentioned in the movie). Anyway, Mike Brody (older of the two sons, this time portrayed by Dennis Quaid) is now a marine biologist working at Sea World alongside his girlfriend, Catherine (played by the very beautiful Bess Armstrong). Sean Brody (younger of the two sons) decides to come visit Mike and Catherine and, with a little help from park water skier Kelly, attempts to conquer his childhood fear of the water. However, Sean's fears are soon realized as a giant, blood-thirsty great white shark makes its way into the park and begins feeding on its hapless patrons. Eventually, things are brought to a rather "explosive" conclusion when Mike "pulls the pin" from a grenade that's been lodged in the shark's mouth. The things that really make this film work are the above average acting by an excellent cast, Alan Parker's exciting score (which actually does rival John Williams' original), and a very clever script written by Carl Gottlieb. Another factor that makes the film so entertaining is simply the fact that it takes place at Sea World. Granted the special effects aren't what they were in the first two films, but they're certainly not bad and are much better than those featured in "JAWS: The Revenge", the next film in the series.