Rating:  Summary: The Wing Commander reveiw Review: Wing Commander, made in 1999 was a good film. It wasn't great and It wasn't very good, though. The movie stars "She's All That" stars Matthew Lillard and Freddie Prinze, JR. both good friends. The movie also includes "Deep Blue Sea's" Saffron Burrows. Any way, the plot of the movie is kind of lame. It's just about two fighter Soldiers (Lillard, Prinze) fighting in war against an evil cult of Aliens. The movie is hardly realistic with Freddie Prinze Jr's character. He is supposed to be a large big hero, but infact, usually in warcraft there is really not a big hero. Matthew Lillard (maniac) is some silly pilot who never gets a second chance. I suggest in your best interest that you don't see the movie unless your a big Sci fi alien buff.
Rating:  Summary: Where is french soundtrack ? Review: The movie was very beautiful, but where is the frenche soundtrack. On the back off the cover, the french soundtrack is listed, but on the DVD, it as only the english soundtrack.
Rating:  Summary: THE HORROR Review: The main reason why I saw this movie was to see the Episode 1 trailer which was worth the price of admission. However WingCommander wasn't. For 90 minutes I sat there trying to make sense of this story with such a blur. The special effects were bad and the bad guys were ridiculously pathetic looking.SO IF YOU THINK HITTING YOURSELF IN THE HEAD WITH A BIG STICK IS FUNNY THEN THIS MOVIE IS FOR YOU. a no star option should be made
Rating:  Summary: A Much Underrated Space Adventure Film Review: Unfortunately, "Wing Commander" has gotten blasted quite a bit by Hollywood critics and many viewers for a lot of reasons. The Hollywood people don't like it because its not Shakespeare. Many of the viewers didn't like it because they were players of the Wing Commander game and the movie is different from the game. However, when judged on its own merits, "Wing Commander" is a decent space adventure film. So what if it is not Shakespeare and so what if its different from the game? This film combines fantastic special effects, great battle sequences, and rather compelling characters and character conflicts. We have Lt. Blair who must deal with his half Pilgrim heritage. We have Lt. Marshall who's recklessness gets him into trouble. We have Lt. Commander Deveraux, a woman who's cold exterior is her defense against loosing friends to the war. Then there is Taggert, a wise space pilot who has a hidden identity. All of this makes "Wing Commander" a space adventure film worth seeing. If one does not nitpick the film to death, "Wing Commander" is a fun and enjoyable film for science fiction fans. Don't listen to the critics and the disgruntled fans of the Wing Commander game. If your looking for a fun scifi film, get "Wing Commander".
Rating:  Summary: What happened to the Kilrathi? Review: As a diehard Wing Commander fan, I had been anticipating this movie long before it had come out. Constantly going to websites almost daily to see how it was coming along. Unfortunately once it was finally released and I heard the terrible reviews, I decided not to go see it. This might seem strange to many of you, but as a hardcore fan I did not want to be disappointed as many other Wing Commander fans were. Recently I saw the movie when a close friend of mine bought it on video. Although I was prepared for the worst, I was pleasantly surprised. I now definitely think that the critics were too hard on this film. Not as good as the Star Wars series, upon which the games were totally inspired and loosely modeled, to me this film still stood on its own. What made the movie worthy of this position? Well it was the space battles. Watching large cap ships fighting with each other and small fighter craft zinging between them was very cool. All the battles were done in the unique way that only the wing commander universe could do them. Also the fine cast of actors (minus Freddie) made the non-battle scenes at least watchable. My favorites were Maniac and the captain guy who died. One of my mixed feelings regarding this movie was that it did not follow the games closer. While I understand why Chris Roberts did it, the whole "Space Pilgrims" thing, came off awkward and rather cheesy. It was as if he wanted to put in something like Luke Skywalker's "Force" powers. Unfortunely the Pilgrim power took out any sort reason to worry about any of the characters, especially Blair. Even with the different storyline, I had no doubt that everything would be fine at the end because our hero had supernatural space powers to help him. In the games you were just an ordinary person trying to stop a Kilrathi fleet with just one carrier and your wingmen, that's intense. I suppose the best way to put my disappointment regarding the changes is that if you want to change a cool plot point, you should replace it with a better one, not a worse one. I think that is why most Wing Commander fans were angry. My first big problems with this movie were the story and the style of it. This movie could have been a whole lot cooler than it came off. In the games you formed bonds with your wingmen's characters but in the movie I didn't really care about any of them too much. What little feelings I did have for the characters were erased by bad dialog and awkward scenes. For instance, there is a death scene that could have been allot more emotional if the could have done it right, there is also a scene where Angel's life is in danger and Blair has to make a hard choice that was totally ruined and lacked any believability. The style of the movie, with its basis in the World War 2 era was way overdone and passed the point of even sci-fi realism. Again, cool ideas with potential that fell very short. The only factor that I totally disliked about this movie was the Kilrathi. What the heck happened? Instead of the ultra-cool, ritualistic warrior race of felines, we get badly animatroniced hairless cat monsters with glowing eyes. Their "strong shall rule" beliefs, ruthless political structure, and deadly battle tactics were totally absent in this movie. Instead we get some strange race that we never see anything of and come off as cliché evil space monsters out to destroy everything. Not only are the Kilrathi in this movie evil but they are also completely inept as warriors. I understand that in a game you want to make it so that the player can defeat the bad guys, but in a movie you need more than that. All in all, it was a fun movie that had neat sci-fi effects and battles, especially considering its budget. But with all of the downsides though, it is definitely a movie that can disappoint allot of people, especially Wing Commander fans.
Rating:  Summary: they should have built around the game... Review: I am totally disappointed with this movie. It's one of the worst DVDs in my entire collection. After "bonding" with the original characters from playing hours/days/weeks of the Wing Commander games, they had to use some other bunch of actors and some other sound track... If they even attempt to make a remake of this...they must use the original people before I even watch the trailer... The games really had better sound and effects...how sad...
Rating:  Summary: No thrill Review: I spent probably hundreds of hours playing Wing Commander 1. I can still recall all the thrill of the action, patrols, dog fighting, etc. Then personalities - how I hated Maniac sometimes for his stupid behavior! Unfortunately the movie brings nothing from that thrill. It's just an average sci-fi movie loosely tied to the original computer game. I believe that they had to make stronger connections with the game. For thousands of people this movie could become a nostalgic memory of the action one could no longer feel but it didn't.
Rating:  Summary: Great Special Effects, Not So Great Story Review: The special effects in this latest offering to sci-fi fans are certainly up to snuff, and the artwork is also remarkable in this big screen adaptation of the popular computer game and books. Being a fan of the Wing Commander series of books however, I was more than a little disappointed that so little effort was made to stick to the established story lines. Granted it was interesting to see young Christopher Blair's first deployment (seeing as he's one of the great heroes of the whole story), but it was ruined by the whole Pilgrim angle on the story line. In addition, screwing up the character of James Taggart (aka 'Paladin') did nothing to aid the progress of the plot. All in all, not to bad for those not already familiar with the established story line, but a lukewarm offering to fans of the game and the books.
Rating:  Summary: The action scenes were the only good part of this film Review: Two things in particular led me to strongly dislike this film. One is the look of the ships and of the Kilerathi. If they were going to call this film,"Wing Commander", they should have made it look like the game Wing Commander. Instead the Kilerathi, who were a race of humanoid cat people in the game, are changed into a bunch of hairless apes, and the Raipier fighters resemble old WWll fighters with gattling guns. So I'm supposed to belive that's how ships in the distant future will look like? I don't care if they wanted to give the film the feel of WWll movies. If you're going to make a WWll flick, make a WWll flick. If you're going to make a space opera, make a space opera. The only thing the film makers got right was the look of the Kilerathi fighters. The other thing I just couldn't get over was the absurd plot hole at the beggining. Why would the humans desighn a device that could cut space travel time in half on such a remote, poorly defended outpost where it could be so easily captured, and not on earth, where it would be defended by the entire Confederation fleet? If our decendants are going to be that stupid, I say they deserve to be wiped out. If you can forgive these things, though, you'll probably enjoy this.
Rating:  Summary: Epic Masterpiece Review: This is a masterpiece of epic proportions. Those crazy people who like trash like "seven Samurai" should watch this to know what a action flick really should look like. Atleast the story is original unlike the tired old story of good guys defending some hick town in china from korean bandits, as they show in "seven samurai".