Rating:  Summary: An Action-packed thrill ride Review: The best film of the century. The efeects are cool and Freddie Prince,Jr is the best he could be. I recommend it big time!!
Rating:  Summary: BAD BORING DULL!!!IT SUCKED BIG TIME!!! Review: I wish I could place 0 stars!!This movie was boring,dull and plain bad. The f/x are ok ,but the story could use some work!OK if you are a fan of the video game on which the movie was based on !!I guess if it's a popular video game then then why not make a movie on it!?Wing commander was just bad,dull and very boring!!do not bother with the video or DVD!!!
Rating:  Summary: Chris Roberts-Wing Commander Review: This is a really good example of why Chris Roberts should stick to making games. The WC series of computer games was quite awesome. Wing Commander the game was sublime. Wing Commander the Movie, ridiculous. Roberts should've focussed on the game storyline and added hidden content that was missing or unknown but anticipated in the original and followup games. Instead, well, he gets carried away with a bunch of senseless content. Next time (if there is one) they should make sure a person who can direct is in charge. Also, don't waste the awesome content and storyline of the WC series. Keep the ships/guns as they were in the game. Don't waste the fans time and money please.
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS meets TOP GUN. A magical thrill ride. Review: I don't know why it was plummeted by critics, but this movie kicked butt. Freddie Prinze, Jr. and Matthew Lillard were spectacular in their roles. This was a really good sci/fi movie. A little down on the ending, though. Maybe since the movie did poorly at the box office, and it was schedueled as a made-for-video anyway, they should make a made-for-video sequel. If they do make a sequel, leave the cast the same.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty good for a low budget film. Review: Yeah yeah, every hardcore WC fan whines about it not being like the game. But let's be realistic, it isn't the game, nor will it ever be. Big whoop, get over it. Being a big WC fan myself I was really disappointed myself about the plot. But that's because I expected something bigger. However, we must review the facts as they are. For instance, for a low budget film, we certainly don't see a lot of the crappy acting or the badly coordinated video/cgi shots. The CGI looks great and I must admit that at times I got over excited myself and thought that it was real. And we all have to admit that we didn't get movie with people having crappy lines and acting them out badly. All in all I think it was a fine movie and that if time and money allowed all of us hardcore WC fans would have really been satisfied. Maybe one day someone rich will get bored and decide to remake it a la Star Wars Trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: If only they had followed what the game had already done.... Review: I've played Wing Commander since I was 11, with the original game. I own, and played every game since then. (Up to Wing Commander Secret Ops). I would categorize myself as a die-hard fan. So when I heard the news of the movie, I jumped for joy and blasted myself to the nearest Movie Theater. If you didn't play the original game, you wouldn't appreciate this movie. And even then, they threw allot of odd balls into it, which wasn't in the original game. I feel if they have followed what the game had already done, people would have loved it. And what's the deal with the ships?! They've turned my Tigers Claw into a World War 2 sub in space.. And the fighters are all gatlinguns with wings, if they had kept the same ship designs things would have rocked.. I feel the only reason to buy/own this movie is to add it to someone existing Wing Commander collection.
Rating:  Summary: B-A-D Review: I wish I could give it ZERO stars. A movie with no plot. Just an UGLY actor riding a space ship shooting everybody! Funny eh?
Rating:  Summary: This movie was unfairly underrated! Please see it! Review: Wing Commander by Chris Roberts was pummeled by the critics. But we all know how critics don't often reflect the opinions of all people. Unfortunately they do influence popular opinion.Wing Commander is a very good first effort by Director Chris Roberts. Built on a modest budget of 27 Million, the movie attempts to take a glimpse of the early stages of an intergallactic war between the human Confederation and the fierce Kilrathi empire. The movie has a sort of old WW2 war movie look. I believe that this was criticised because it didn't seem to make sense. but one must remember, this is science FICTION. If you grant Roberts artistic license and keep an open mind you will enjoy the movie. The best way to enjoy this movie is to look at the big picture. Don't get caught up in the details saying "that wouldn't happen in space" or "that's not scientificaly sound." Just enjoy it! this movie is WORLDS better than Independence Day, Starship Troopers and Star Trek insurrection. And it was made on only a fraction of the budget the latter movies were. VAGMAN GG
Rating:  Summary: Just another wartime fleet action set in space? Review: "Wing Commander" is the type of movie that should include the following warning: "If you don't appreciate wartime combat drama, historical war movies, or sci-fi/fantasy action, then don't even try to like this movie!" Too many people who don't like such genres go to watch these types of movies in which they don't understand much of what is being shown. Then they start badmouthing it, tsk tsk. Please, judge the movie based on its premise and don't try to fit it into something it isn't. Only the true afficionados know enough about the genre to talk about it's details, don't you think?
Like all true war stories, Wing Commander has the quality of having "long periods of boredom interrupted by moments of sheer terror" (this is really how war veterans describe combat). However, much of the "slow and boring" scenes involve setting the cultural and personal background of the characters, discussions of strategy and logistics, vignettes in the barracks life of fighter pilots, tedious waiting while hiding from the enemy, etc. This might seem pretty humdrum to most civilians but I'm sure real-life airmen and submarine jocks in the Armed Forces will relate to that. In this case, director Chris Roberts has captured that essence of warfare, although I liked the way he managed to fit in a lot of emotional scenes showing the group's camaraderie and some romance. The action scenes are both fast and furious, as well as suspenseful and stealthy, with many technical references to electronic warfare, space navigation, space-combat maneuvers, especially engineering and weaponry. Who else but a techie and a hard-core combat gamer would wallow in such "trivia"? (He he he, I did, and I loved every second!) I liked the way the production crew paid attention to the uniform insignia, vehicle decals, head-up display info, and other minutiae of a military unit heading into harm's way. The acting is above-average as the main characters unveal the plot to prevent the malevolent Kilrathis from destroying Earth's defenses. If you're a World War II enthusiast, watch this movie! It's just like watching the films "The Battle of Midway" or "U-571," especially with Jurgen Prochnow there of "Das Boot" fame. It has so many references to aircraft carrier and submarine tactics, plus a few piratical "board and storm" actions, that you could be watching a Horatio Hornblower movie (oops, am I mixing time lines here?). So if you don't like military sci-fi action combat dramas, watch something else. If like such stuff, put this gem into your collection and watch it several times! That's the only way you'll learn exactly how the Terran fleet managed to upstage the Kilrathis. And yes, I really hope there's a sequel....
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: Funny that some people are not smart enough to understand this movie. I watch this movie over and over again, and I never get tired of it. To me it is probably much more realistic than any trek or star wars movie. Gee, going faster than light is not possible but going through wormholes could very well be possible. I think the ships are what they will probably be like 500 years from now, if we ever decide to really explore space. The fighters need not be fancy but effective. Welcome to the real world. I would recommend this movie to anyone with the capability of understanding even the simple things.